
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most host-parasite associations are explained by phylogenetically conservative capabilities for host utilization, and therefore parasite switches between distantly related hosts are rare. Here we report the first evidence of a parasitic spillover of the burrowing sea anemone Edwardsiella carnea from the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi to two scyphozoan hosts: the native Mediterranean barrel jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo and the invasive Indo-Pacific nomad jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica, collected from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Edwardsiella carnea planulae found in these jellyfish were identified using molecular analyses of the mitochondrial 16S and nuclear 18S rRNA genes. Overall, 93 planulae were found on tentacles, oral arms, and inside of the gastrovascular canals of the scyphomedusae, whereas no infection was observed in co-occurring ctenophores. DNA metabarcoding approach indicated seasonal presence of Edwardsiella sp. in the Eastern Mediterranean mesozooplankton, coinciding with jellyfish blooms in the region. Our findings suggest a non-specific parasitic relationship between Edwardsiella carnea and various gelatinous hosts based on shared functionality rather than evolutionary history, potentially driven by shifts in host availability due to jellyfish blooms. This spillover raises questions about the ecological impacts of parasitism on native and invasive scyphozoan hosts and the potential role of Edwardsiella in controlling their populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) infects one third of the world\'s population with significant illness, mainly among immunocompromised individuals and pregnant women. Treatment options for toxoplasmosis are limited which signifies the need for novel, potent, and safe therapeutic options. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the ethanolic extract of Zingiber officinale (Z. officinale) in treating mice infected with the RH T. gondii strain.
    METHODS: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to identify components of ethanolic extract of Z. officinale. A total of 80 mice were randomly allocated into four experimental groups that contained 20 mice each. The first group was left uninfected (uninfected control), while three groups were infected with T. gondii RH virulent strain tachyzoites at 2500 tachyzoites/mouse. One infected group was left untreated (infected, untreated), whereas the other two groups were treated orally with either spiramycin (positive control) or Z. officinale ethanolic extract at doses of 200 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg, respectively for 5 days, starting the day of infection. Ten mice from each group were used to assess mice survival in different groups, whereas the other ten mice in each group were sacrificed on the 5th day post-infectin (dpi) to estimate the treatment efficacy by quantifying liver parasite load, liver function, nitric oxide (NO) production, and levels of antioxidant enzymes. Additionally, histopathological studies were performed to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Z. officinale treatment on toxoplasmosis-induced pathological alterations in liver, brain, and spleen.
    RESULTS: Treatment with Z. officinale ethanolic extract extended the survival of mice till 9th dpi compared to 7th dpi in infected untreated mice. Higher percentage of mice survived in Z. officinale-treated group compared to spiramycin-treatment group at different time points. Liver parasite loads were significantly lower in Z. officinale extract-treated mice and spiramycin-treated mice compared to infected untreated mice which correlated with significantly lower levels of serum liver enzymes (ALT, AST) and nitric oxide (NO), as well as significantly higher catalase (CAT) antioxidant enzyme activity. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of tachyzoites from the peritoneal fluid revealed marked damage in tachyzoites from Z. officinale-treated group compared to that from infected untreated mice. Moreover, treatment with Z. officinale ethanolic extract alleviated infection-induced pathological alterations and restored normal tissue morphology of liver, brain, and spleen.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that Z. officinale treatment reduced parasite burden and reversed histopathological and biochemical alterations in acute murine toxoplasmosis. These findings support the potential utility of Z. officinale as a future effective natural therapeutic for toxoplasmosis. Further studies are needed to determine the effective active ingredient in Z. officinale extract that can be further optimized for treatment of toxoplasmosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most organisms are at risk of being consumed by a predator or getting infected by a parasite at some point in their life. Theoretical constructs such as the landscape of fear (perception of risk) and nonconsumptive effects (NCEs, costly responses sans predation or infection) have been proposed to describe and quantify antipredator and antiparasite responses. How prey/host species identify and respond to these risks determines their survival, reproductive success and, ultimately, fitness. Most studies to date have focused on either predator-prey or parasite-host interactions, yet habitats and ecosystems contain both parasitic and/or predatory species that represent a complex and heterogenous mosaic of risk factors. Here, we experimentally investigated the behavioral responses of a cactophilic fruit fly, Drosophila nigrospiracula, exposed to a range of species that include parasites (ectoparasitic mite), predators (jumping spiders), as well as harmless heterospecifics (nonparasitic mites, ants, and weevils). We demonstrate that D. nigrospiracula can differentiate between threat and non-threat species, increase erratic movements and decrease velocity in the presence of parasites, but decrease erratic movements and time spent grooming in the presence of predators. Of particular importance, flies could distinguish between parasitic female mites and nonparasitic male mites of the same species, and respond accordingly. We also show that the direction of these NCEs differs when exposed to parasitic mites (i.e., risk of infection) versus spiders (i.e., risk of predation). Given the opposing effects of predation versus infection risk on fly behavior, we discuss potential trade-offs between parasite and predator avoidance behaviors. Our findings illustrate the complexity of risk assessment in a landscape of fear and the fine-tuned NCEs that arise in response. Moreover, this study is the first to examine these behavioral NCEs in a terrestrial system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Giardia duodenalis is a globally distributed intestinal parasite that commonly infects both humans and animals. G. duodenalis is a species complex, which includes eight assemblages that vary both in genetic structure and host specificity. The prevalence of mixed-assemblage G. duodenalis cysts on food, an understudied infection route for G. duodenalis, remains unknown. In the present study, a method able to detect G. duodenalis mixed-assemblage infections using next generation amplicon sequencing (NGS) of the beta-giardin gene was applied in combination with the US-FDA\'s BAM Chapter 19b protocol for detection of G. duodenalis from fresh produce to ascertain the limit of detection of G. duodenalis on leafy greens. Ready-to-eat baby Romaine lettuce was inoculated with 5 (n=5), 20 (n=10), 100 (n=10), 200 (n=10), or 1000 (n=10) G. duodenalis cysts of the assemblage B strain H3. Detection of G. duodenalis was successful in 100% of the samples seeded with 1000, 200, and 100 cysts, in 50% of the samples seeded with 20 cysts, and in none of the samples seeded with 5 cysts. We thus demonstrate robust detection of G. duodenalis on packaged leafy greens using the BAM Chapter 19B method coupled with assemblage-sensitive NGS. This protocol provides a new diagnostic tool useful for both prevalence studies and outbreak investigations involving fresh produce that may assist in better describing the role of G. duodenalis in foodborne illness and in protecting consumers from contaminated fresh produce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acari is a diverse group of arthropods that include well-known parasites of animals. Rodents, particularly, serve as common hosts of mites and ticks, transmitting pathogens to domestic animals and humans. Understanding the ecological dynamics between parasites and rodent hosts is crucial for ecosystem management. Due to limited knowledge about the life history of ectoparasites in wild mouse nests, we collected four nests of Apodemus speciosus, the most common rodent species in the wild areas of Japan, along with soil samples near the nests to study arthropod communities. Mites overwhelmingly populated the mouse nests, comprising approximately 90% of all arthropods, while both mites and collembolans were prevalent in soil. Various species identified in our study, such as those from the families Laelapidae, Pygmephoridae, Cheyletidae, Trombiculidae, Glycyphagidae, and Thyrisomidae align with known ectoparasites or species found in the nests of other rodent species, but most parasitic species were never collected in the surrounding soil except for trombiculids. The dominance of mites in mouse nests suggests selective preference for inhabiting these host environments, although the exact reasons driving this dominance remain unclear. Further investigations into the food web within mouse nests will aid in characterising faunal composition and understanding the ecological interaction among rodents, mites, and other nest symbionts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change associated with human activities alters marine ecosystems and causes imbalances and abrupt changes in sea conditions. Scarce freshwater resources for human consumption often prompt the construction of desalination plants, which discharge significant amounts of brine into the sea, potentially elevating salinity levels. Furthermore, global trade together with higher temperature and pollution can facilitate the spread of parasites. The aim of this study was to assess the potential effects of salinity, an abiotic stressor, and Scaphanocephalus sp. parasitic infection responsible for black spot disease, a biotic stressor, on Coris julis, a common fish in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Fish were sampled from an area affected by a desalination plant, one with a high rate of parasite infection and a control area, and biomarkers were analysed in the liver, gills and epithelial mucosa. Both salinity and the parasite induced increases in catalase (CAT) and glutathione s-transferase activities in the liver, while superoxide dismutase (SOD) did not show significant changes. The effects of salinity were evident to a greater extent in the gills with an increase in the activity of all enzymes, as well as in the production of reactive species. The effects of the parasite were mainly observed in the mucus with significant increases in CAT and SOD activities. Regarding immune response markers in the mucus, both stressors induced an increase in lysozyme and alkaline phosphatase activities, and in the case of the parasite, also an increase in immunoglobulins. Malondialdehyde, as an indicator of oxidative damage, remained unchanged. In conclusion, both abiotic and abiotic stress induce a stress situation in C. julis that responds by activating its antioxidant and immune defence mechanisms but does cause oxidative damage. The differential tissue response to different stressors highlights the value of analysing multiple tissues to detect early indicators of diverse impacts on marine fauna.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brazil has a high prevalence of toxoplasmosis. However, there is a gap in comparing seroprevalence for Toxoplasma gondii across different environments, particularly among pregnant residents of rural and urban areas.
    METHODS: The prevalence of IgG and IgM for T. gondii was compared among pregnant residents of the urban, peri-urban, and rural settlement areas in a municipality in southeastern Brazil. Information regarding age and area of residence was compiled from January 2015 to December 2022. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the age and area of residence as risk factors.
    RESULTS: A total of 1614 examinations were recorded, revealing 54.0% seropositivity, which was highest in the rural settlement (61.1%), followed by the peri-urban area (55.9%), and lowest in the urban area (49.2%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of IgG and presence of IgM in pregnant residents of rural, peri-urban, and urban areas highlights the significance of the results obtained for strengthening maternal health programs aimed at preventing toxoplasmosis, regardless of their residence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infection outcomes can be strongly context dependent, shifting a host-symbiont relationship along a parasitism-mutualism continuum. Numerous studies show that under stressful conditions, symbionts that are typically mutualistic can become parasitic. The reverse possibility, a parasite becoming mutualistic, has received much less study. We investigated whether the parasitic microsporidium Ordospora pajunii can become beneficial for its host Daphnia dentifera in the presence of the more virulent fungal pathogen Metschnikowia bicuspidata. We found that, even though infection with O. pajunii reduces the frequency of penetration of M. bicuspidata spores into the host body cavity, it does not improve the survival or reproduction of the host; conversely, coinfection increased the mortality of Daphnia. This shorter lifespan of coinfected hosts disrupted the life cycle of M. bicuspidata, greatly reducing its fitness. Thus, coinfection with both pathogens was detrimental to the host at the individual level but might be beneficial for the host population as a result of greatly reduced production of M. bicuspidata spores. If so, this would mean that O. pajunii outbreaks should delay or prevent M. bicuspidata outbreaks. In support of this, in an analysis of dynamics of naturally occurring outbreaks in two lakes where these pathogens co-occur, we found a time lag in occurrence between O. pajunii and M. bicuspidata, with M. bicuspidata epidemics only occurring after the collapse of O. pajunii epidemics. Thus, these results suggest that the interaction between co-occurring symbionts, and the net impact of a symbiont on a host, might be qualitatively different at different scales.IMPORTANCEUnderstanding the factors that modify infection probability and virulence is crucial for identifying the drivers of infection outbreaks and modeling disease epidemic progression, and increases our ability to control diseases and reduce the harm they cause. One factor that can strongly influence infection probability and virulence is the presence of other pathogens. However, while coexposures and coinfections are incredibly common, we still have only a limited understanding of how pathogen interactions alter infection outcomes or whether their impacts are scale dependent. We used a system of one host and two pathogens to show that sequential coinfection can have a tremendous impact on the host and the infecting pathogens and that the outcome of (co-)infection can be negative or positive depending on the focal organization level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Specimens of a caligid copepod (Siphonostomatoida) were found on the gills of the hairfin lookdown Selenebrevoortii (Gill) (Carangidae) from off Mazatlán, Sinaloa (north-western Mexico). This material represents a new species of Caligus, C.selenecola sp. nov., and is assigned to the diaphanus species group. Within this group, only C.kapuhili Lewis, 1967, C.laticaudus Shiino, 1960, C.macrurus Heller, 1865, and C.selenecola sp. nov., have been described with a reduced outer spine 1 on the second exopodal segment of leg 1. These four species can be readily separated by the relative length of the abdomen, and the presence/absence of a process on the myxal area of the female maxilliped, the sternal furca, the postantennal process, and the spiniform process on the basal antennary segment. A full description of the new species is given with some comments on Caritustolii Rangnekar, 1984.





