obstetric anaesthesia

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intra-operative pain during Caesarean delivery (PDCD) is the leading cause of successful litigation against obstetric anaesthesiologists. PDCD may require conversion to general anaesthesia (GA). The aim of this analysis is to assess our incidence of PDCD and associated GA conversion.
    METHODS: Data were collected from electronic patient records. Data included baseline demographics, incidence of PDCD and rates of GA conversion, proportion of PDCD cases attributable to failed epidural (EA) or spinal anaesthesia (SA), and level of sensory and motor blockade in cases of PDCD. Results were audited against current standards set by the Royal College of Anaesthetists \'rates of PDCD should be <5% for category 4, <15% for categories 2-3, and <20 % for category 1 CD \' and that \'rates of conversion to GA due to neuraxial complications should be <1% for category 4, <5% for categories 2-3 and <15% for category 1 patients\'.
    RESULTS: During the 12-month study period, 2,429 patients underwent CD, of whom 52 (2.1%) experienced PDCD. The incidence of PDCD was 3.1% (41/1,309) for category 1-3 patients, while 1% (11/1,120) of category 4 patients experienced PDS. Of the 52 patients with PDCD, 17 patients required GA (33%). SA was used in 24/52 (47%) cases and EA in 28/52 (53%) cases. The median level of sensory block in patients with PDCD was located at the T4 dermatome, the median level of motor block was Bromage level 2.
    CONCLUSIONS: PDCD occurred in 2.1% of CD, one-third required conversion to GA. Most patients experiencing PDCD met current motor and sensory blockade criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In particular, the application of regional anaesthesia techniques in existing medicine can be characterized as experiencing regular changes in recent decades. It is useful for obtaining accurate and efficient pain management solutions, from the basic spinal and epidural blocks to the novel ultrasound nerve blocks and constant catheter procedures. These advancements do enhance not only the value of the perioperative period but also the patient\'s rated optimization as enhancing satisfaction, better precision, and the safety of nerve block placement. The use of ultrasound technology makes it even easier to determine the proper positioning of the needle and to monitor nerve block placement. Moreover, the duration and efficiency of regional anaesthesia are being enhanced by state-of-the-art approaches, which come in the form of liposomal bupivacaine, and better recovery plans and protocols, which shorten recovery time and decrease the number of hospital days. As these methods develop further, more improvements in the safety, efficacy, and applicability of regional anaesthesia in contemporary medicine are anticipated through continued research and innovation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Having epidural analgesia in labour has been associated with a later diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in the offspring, resulting in concerns about childhood wellbeing. Neurodevelopmental changes are inconsistently reported in the literature, creating challenges in the interpretation of these findings. Here we explore the limitations of the current evidence base, and why findings differ between studies, concluding that the current body of evidence does not support a causal association between use of epidural analgesia in labour and autism spectrum disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We conducted a prospective observational service evaluation across the United Kingdom on the use of total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) for obstetric surgery between November 2022 and June 2023. The primary aim was to describe the incidence of TIVA for obstetric surgery within participating units, with secondary aims to describe maternal and neonatal postoperative recovery indicators. Of 184 maternity units in the United Kingdom, 30 (16%) contributed data to the service evaluation. There were 104 patients who underwent caesarean delivery under TIVA and 19 patients had TIVA for other reasons. Infusions of propofol and remifentanil were used in 100% and 84% of cases, respectively. Fifty-nine out of 103 live neonates (57%) required some form of respiratory support. Of the neonates with recorded data, 73% and 17% had Apgar scores < 7 at 1 and 5 min respectively. No neonates were recorded to have Apgar scores < 7 at 10 min. Further prospective research is required to investigate the impact of obstetric TIVA on maternal and neonatal outcomes and inform best practice recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies report conflicting results regarding the relationship between labour epidural analgesia (LEA) in mothers and neurodevelopmental disorders in their offspring. We evaluated behavioural and neuropsychological test scores in children of mothers who used LEA.
    METHODS: Children enrolled in the Raine Study from Western Australia and delivered vaginally from a singleton pregnancy between 1989 and 1992 were evaluated. Children exposed to LEA were compared with unexposed children. The primary outcome was the parent-reported Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) reporting total, internalising, and externalising behavioural problem scores at age 10 yr. Score differences, an increased risk of clinical deficit, and a dose-response based on the duration of LEA exposure were assessed. Secondary outcomes included language, motor function, cognition, and autistic traits.
    RESULTS: Of 2180 children, 850 (39.0%) were exposed to LEA. After adjustment for covariates, exposed children had minimally increased CBCL total scores (+1.41 points; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.09 to 2.73; P=0.037), but not internalising (+1.13 points; 95% CI -0.08 to 2.34; P=0.066) or externalising (+1.08 points; 95% CI -0.08 to 2.24; P=0.068) subscale subscores. Increased risk of clinical deficit was not observed for any CBCL score. For secondary outcomes, score differences were inconsistently observed in motor function and cognition. Increased exposure duration was not associated with worse scores in any outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although LEA exposure was associated with slightly higher total behavioural scores, there was no difference in subscores, increased risk of clinical deficits, or dose-response relationship. These results argue against LEA exposure being associated with consistent, clinically significant neurodevelopmental deficits in children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypothermia during obstetric spinal anaesthesia is a common and important problem, yet temperature monitoring is often not performed due to the lack of a suitable, cost-effective monitor. This study aimed to compare a noninvasive core temperature monitor with two readily available peripheral temperature monitors during obstetric spinal anaesthesia. We undertook a prospective observational study including elective and emergency caesarean deliveries, to determine the agreement between affordable reusable surface temperature monitors (Welch Allyn SureTemp® Plus oral thermometer and the Braun 3-in-1 No Touch infrared thermometer) and the Dräger T-core© (using dual-sensor heat flux technology), in detecting thermoregulatory changes during obstetric spinal anaesthesia. Predetermined clinically relevant limits of agreement (LOA) were set at ± 0.5 °C. We included 166 patients in our analysis. Hypothermia (heat flux temperature < 36 °C) occurred in 67% (95% CI 49 to 78%). There was poor agreement between devices. In the Bland-Altman analysis, LOA for the heat flux monitor vs. oral thermometer were 1.8 °C (CI 1.7 to 2.0 °C; bias 0.5 °C), for heat flux monitor vs. infrared thermometer LOA were 2.3 °C (CI 2.1 to 2.4 °C; bias 0.4 °C) and for infrared vs. oral thermometer, LOA were 2.0 °C (CI 1.9 to 2.2 °C; bias 0.1 °C). Error grid analysis highlighted a large amount of clinical disagreement between methods. While monitoring of core temperature during obstetric spinal anaesthesia is clinically important, agreement between monitors was below clinically acceptable limits. Future research with gold-standard temperature monitors and exploration of causes of sensor divergence is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Spanish is the second most spoken language globally with around 475 million native speakers. We aimed to validate a Spanish version of the Obstetric Quality of Recovery-10 item (ObsQoR-10) patient-reported outcome measure.
    UNASSIGNED: ObsQoR-10-Spanish was developed using EuroQoL methodology. ObsQoR-10-Spanish was assessed in 100 Spanish-speaking patients undergoing elective Caesarean or vaginal delivery. Patients <38 weeks, undergoing an intrapartum Caesarean delivery, intrauterine death, or maternal admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) were excluded. Validity was assessed by evaluating (i) convergent validity-correlation with 24-h EuroQoL and global health visual analogue scale (GHVAS) scores (0-100); (ii) discriminant validity-difference in ObsQoR-10-Spanish score for patients with GHVAS scores >70 vs <70; (iii) hypothesis testing-correlation of ObsQoR score with maternal and neonatal factors; and (iv) cross-cultural validity assessed using differential item functioning analysis. Reliability was assessed by evaluating: (i) internal consistency; (ii) split-half reliability and (iii) test-retest reliability; and (iv) floor and ceiling effects.
    UNASSIGNED: One hundred patients were approached, recruited, and completed surveys. Validity: (i) convergent validity: the ObsQoR 24-h score correlated moderately with the 24-h EuroQoL (r=-0.632) and GHVAS scores (r=0.590); (ii) discriminant validity: the ObsQoR-10-Spanish 24-h scores were higher in women who delivered vaginally compared to via Caesarean delivery, (mean [standard deviation] scores were 89 [9] vs 81 [12]; P<0.001). The 24-h ObsQoR-Spanish scores were lower in patients experiencing a poor vs a good recovery (mean [standard deviation] scores were 76 [12.3] vs 87.1 [10.6]; P=0.001); (iii) hypothesis testing: the ObsQoR-10 score correlated negatively with age (r=-0.207) and positively with 5-min (r=0.204) and 10-min (r=0.243) Apgar scores. Remaining correlations were not significant; and (iv) differential item functioning analysis suggested no potential bias among the 10 items. Reliability: (i) internal consistency was good (Cronbach alpha=0.763); (ii) split-half reliability was good (Spearman-Brown prophesy reliability estimate of 0.866); (iii) test-retest reliability was excellent with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.90; and (iv) floor and ceiling effects: six patients scored a maximum total ObsQoR-10 score.
    UNASSIGNED: The ObsQoR-10-Spanish patient-reported outcome measure is valid, reliable, and clinically feasible, and should be considered for use in Spanish-speaking women to assess quality of inpatient postpartum recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ropivacaine is present in plasma in both protein-bound and free forms. The free form is responsible for the occurrence of toxic side effects. During obstetric epidural analgesia, free ropivacaine enters the fetal circulation depending on various factors. The aim of this study was to analyse a potential association between ropivacaine concentrations in maternal and fetal plasma and hence the extent of fetal exposure to ropivacaine.
    METHODS: In this prospective monocentre study, parturients who met the following criteria were included in the study: 1. epidural administration as part of obstetric anaesthesia, and 2. subsequent intrapartum caesarean delivery, which 3. was performed after an epidural bolus administration of ropivacaine within the existing epidural analgesia. Total and free ropivacaine concentrations were analysed in maternal blood at baseline, prior to epidural bolus administration for caesarean delivery, and in maternal and fetal (umbilical venous, oxygenated) blood at delivery. The results are presented as mean ± SD or median (25/75th percentile).
    RESULTS: We screened 128 parturients who went into labour at term and requested epidural analgesia, of whom 39 were ultimately included in the study. An intrapartum caesarean delivery was performed after the epidural application of 207 (166/276) mg ropivacaine during an epidural treatment period of 577 (360/1010) min. Total and free ropivacaine concentrations were 1402 ± 357 ng/ml and 53 ± 46 ng/ml, respectively, in maternal venous blood and 457 ± 243 ng/ml and 43 ± 27 ng/ml, respectively, in fetal blood. The maternal total and free ropivacaine concentrations were significantly correlated (r = 0.873; P < 0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that determining the concentration of free ropivacaine in maternal blood may be a feasible option for estimating neonatal exposure to ropivacaine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spinal anaesthesia is widely used in obstetric anaesthesia practice but there is limited knowledge about the development of sympathetic blockade following spinal anaesthesia for caesarean birth. This study investigated the characteristics of sympathetic blockade by measuring peripheral skin temperature changes in the feet of patients given spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean birth.
    METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted involving 60 eligible parturients scheduled for elective caesarean birth with spinal anaesthesia. Skin temperature probes were attached to the dorsum of both feet, and temperature measurements were recorded every minute. The dose of spinal anaesthesia given, and other relevant patient data, were collected.
    RESULTS: All participants had successful spinal anaesthesia. Following spinal anaesthesia, a sustained rise in skin temperature of both feet was observed, indicating the presence of sympathetic blockade. The maximum rate of temperature increase occurred between 6 and 15 min after the intrathecal injection and plateaued from 22 min after the injection. Control participants did not show any changes in foot temperature.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that successful spinal anaesthesia for caesarean birth results in a consistent and reliable rise in skin temperature of the feet that is evident after six minutes from intrathecal injection. The observed temperature changes provide indirect objective evidence of bilateral sympathetic blockade. Measurement of feet skin temperatures may serve as an additional objective indicator of successful spinal anaesthesia, along with tests of lower limb motor block and sensory block height. These findings contribute to the understanding of sympathetic blockade during spinal anaesthesia.





