
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessing the economic value of livestock such as cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens and fish can offer information about their financial performance and economic importance at farm, national and global scale. Such information is needed for decision-making surrounding livestock finance, investment and strategic development. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the key livestock valuation methods and associated data requirements. The study was conducted using a literature review. Five key livestock valuation methods were identified and described: historical costs, net current market value, replacement costs, net present value and cost of production. The findings of this study may be of interest to livestock scientists, veterinarians, policy-makers and other stakeholders who aim to assess the economic value of livestock herds. The Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme relied on the outcomes of this study to identify methods for the estimation of the economic value of livestock at the global scale and for its Ethiopia and Indonesia case studies.
    L\'estimation de la valeur économique des animaux d\'élevage (bovins, caprins, ovins, porcins, poulets et poissons d\'élevage) peut apporter un éclairage sur leurs performances financières et leur intérêt économique à l\'échelle d\'une exploitation, d\'un pays ou du monde. Ces informations sont indispensables pour étayer les décisions de financement, d\'investissement et de développement stratégique des élevages. L\'étude présentée par l\'autrice vise à donner une vue d\'ensemble des principales méthodes d\'estimation de la valeur des animaux d\'élevage et des exigences qui leur sont associées en termes de données. L\'étude repose sur un examen de la littérature sur le sujet. Cinq méthodes principales d\'estimation de la valeur des animaux d\'élevage y sont répertoriées et décrites : coûts historiques, valeur marchande courante nette, coûts de remplacement, valeur actuelle nette et coûts de production. Les résultats de cette étude pourraient intéresser les spécialistes de l\'élevage, les vétérinaires, les décideurs politiques et d\'autres parties prenantes qui cherchent à évaluer la valeur économique des cheptels. Le programme \" Impact mondial des maladies animales \" s\'est appuyé sur les résultats de cette étude pour retenir les méthodes d\'estimation de la valeur économique des animaux d\'élevage appliquées à l\'échelle mondiale ainsi que dans les études de cas conduites en Ethiopie et en Indonésie.
    Evaluar el valor económico del ganado, como vacas, cabras, ovejas, cerdos, pollos y peces, puede ofrecer información sobre su desempeño financiero y su importancia económica tanto a nivel de la explotación como a escala nacional y mundial. Esta información es necesaria para la toma de decisiones en materia de financiación, inversión y desarrollo estratégico de la ganadería. El objetivo de este estudio era ofrecer una visión general de los principales métodos de valoración del ganado y de las necesidades de datos conexas. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica y se distinguieron y describieron cinco métodos fundamentales de valoración de la ganadería: costes históricos, valor actual de mercado neto, costes de reposición, valor actual neto y costes de producción. Las conclusiones de este estudio pueden ser de interés para científicos que trabajan en el ámbito de la ganadería, veterinarios, responsables de la toma de decisiones y otras partes interesadas en la evaluación del valor económico del ganado. El programa sobre el Impacto Global de las Enfermedades Animales se basó en los resultados de este estudio para definir métodos de estimación del valor económico del ganado a escala mundial y para sus estudios de caso de Etiopía e Indonesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Occipital nerve blocks are essential in diagnosing and treating headache disorders such as migraine, cervicogenic headache, occipital neuralgia, and cluster headache. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential compression points of the greater occipital nerve (GON), third occipital nerve (TON), and lesser occipital nerve (LON) which are targeted to block in occipital nerve blocks and to develop a method to detect these points easily.
    METHODS: To identify potential compression points of the GON, TON, and LON, we dissected 43, 41, and 26 cadavers, respectively. A rigid, transparent tool divided into 1 × 1 cm sections was placed on the external occipital protuberance to measure the determined points. The cadaveric head was viewed from above, vertically, and the coordinates corresponding to each point were noted separately.
    RESULTS: Six, four, and one potential entrapment points were detected for the GON, TON, and LON, respectively. The distances of the point where the GON arose from the lower border of the obliquus capitis inferior muscle and the emerging point of the TON from the C2-C3 vertebrae to the posterior midline were statistically significant in terms of the sides (p = 0.040). Similarly, there was a statistical significance between genders for the distance of the point where the LON arose from the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the posterior midline (p = 0.002).
    CONCLUSIONS: We believe that with the method developed, the GON, TON, and LON compression points can be easily localized and blocked in diagnosing and treating patients experiencing headaches such as migraines, cervicogenic headaches, occipital neuralgia, and cluster headache.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spiders have important ecological roles as generalist predators, are a significant source of food for many other species, and are bioindicators of environmental health. However, spiders are poorly studied. Given their importance, a comparison of spider survey methods used to determine differences in spider diversity and abundance is required to understand their limitations and biases. A new survey method to attract spiders, based on vibration from an idling diesel tractor, was tested and compared to the traditional methods of pitfall trapping and hand collection of spiders at night. Across the three survey methods, there were, in total, 2294 spiders in 34 families, 138 genera, and 226 species identified. Spider species diversity and richness were significantly greater for spiders collected at night than from the other two methods (spiders collected in pitfall traps and attracted to vibration). The collection of spiders using the night collection and vibration-based methods were very similar in terms of labor required and material costs. Of all spider species identified, 80% were captured during hand collection, 30% through pitfall trapping, and 30% from vibration-based collection. Most species of spiders caught in pitfall traps were species known to be primarily ground-dwelling, whereas both arboreal and ground-dwelling spiders were collected at night and as a result of being attracted and collected using the vibration-based method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mussels (Mytilus spp.) are abundant in the North Atlantic, sessile, and sensitive to environmental change, and suitable as sentinels of environment and climate change of costal ecosystems. We aimed to determine the baseline for the Northeast Atlantic (58-70°N) Mytilus species complex, and to show the present distribution to surveys conducted 60 years ago. Baseline was obtained by investigating a total of 509 stations in the intertidal zone, in four regions comprising the environmental gradient from head of fjord to coast, and distributed over the latitudinal gradient from 58 to 70°N. The baseline shows a range in continuous abundance of mussels from 12% to 36%, patchy abundance from 26% to 57% and no or very limited mussel abundance from 26% to 46% between the four regions. The presence of mussels in the southeast and west region was visualized to previous surveys conducted 60 years ago. The data points to similar past and present presence of mussels in both regions, yet past major mussel fields in the inner section of region southeast was not detected in this study. The baseline of Mytilus spp. in the Northeast Atlantic (58-70°N) is now available for future reference. The baseline, plotted to surveys conducted 60 years ago, points to awareness of the population situated in the southeast section of the investigated region. Continued monitoring and modeling are needed to clarify drivers of temporal and spatial variation in the mussel populations along the Northeastern Atlantic coast.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory processing disruptions are a core symptom of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurological disorders. The acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition (PPI) are common metrics used to assess disruptions in sensory processing and sensorimotor gating in clinical studies and animal models. However, often there are inconsistent findings on ASD-related PPI deficits across different studies. Here, we used a novel method for assessing changes in startle and PPI in rodents, using the Cntnap2 knock-out (KO) rat model for neurodevelopmental disorder/ASD that has consistently shown PPI disruptions in past studies. We discovered that not only sex and prepulse intensity but also the intensity of the startle stimulus profoundly impacts whether PPI deficits are evident in the Cntnap2 KO rat or not. We show that rats do not universally exhibit a PPI deficit; instead, impaired PPI is contingent on specific testing conditions. Notably, at lower startle stimulus intensities, Cntnap2 KO rats not only demonstrated intact PPI but also exhibited evidence of enhanced PPI compared with their wild-type counterparts. This finding emphasizes the importance of considering specific testing conditions when evaluating startle and PPI in the context of ASD and other neuropsychiatric conditions and might explain some of the inconsistencies between different studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective, robust, and repeatable assessments of fear responses of poultry can lead to improvements in research techniques, the validity of test results, and ultimately bird welfare. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of 2 different holding methods on broiler fear responses during the inversion test, a standardized method of assessing fear in poultry. On D15 and D34 mixed-sex broilers (N = 80) were inverted and held either by their shanks (N = 40) or feet (N = 40) at arm\'s length away from the experimenter for 30 s. The frequency of wing flapping, head movement, attempts to right, and vocalizations were observed from video recordings collected during the inversion test. Vocalizations at D15 and D34 were not different when comparing holding methods. Frequency of attempts to right and wing flapping at D15 were greater (P < 0.001) for birds held by their feet (0.90 and 16.6, respectively) than when they were held by their shanks (0.20 and 0.73, respectively). Similarly, on D34 wing flapping remained greater (P < 0.001) for birds held by their feet (23.8) compared to their shanks (8.1). Conversely, head movements were greater (P = 0.05) for birds held by their shanks (9.2) compared to their feet (6.3) on D15. Within both the shank and feet holding method, vocalizations at D15 were greater (30.7 and 35.6, respectively) compared to D34 (11.93 and 15.38, respectively) (P < 0.001). There was no holding method effect on head movements within each age. These results suggest that behaviors observed during the inversion test can be influenced by the inversion holding method and that handling should be standardized while conducting behavioral tests to assess fear in poultry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye tracking provides direct, temporally and spatially sensitive measures of eye gaze. It can capture visual attention patterns from infancy through adulthood. However, commonly used screen-based eye tracking (SET) paradigms are limited in their depiction of how individuals process information as they interact with the environment in \"real life\". Mobile eye tracking (MET) records participant-perspective gaze in the context of active behavior. Recent technological developments in MET hardware enable researchers to capture egocentric vision as early as infancy and across the lifespan. However, challenges remain in MET data collection, processing, and analysis. The present paper aims to provide an introduction and practical guide to starting researchers in the field to facilitate the use of MET in psychological research with a wide range of age groups. First, we provide a general introduction to MET. Next, we briefly review MET studies in adults and children that provide new insights into attention and its roles in cognitive and socioemotional functioning. We then discuss technical issues relating to MET data collection and provide guidelines for data quality inspection, gaze annotations, data visualization, and statistical analyses. Lastly, we conclude by discussing the future directions of MET implementation. Open-source programs for MET data quality inspection, data visualization, and analysis are shared publicly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Involving users has become a prominent principle in the development of Health Information Technologies (HIT) and has led to an uprise in agile and cocreation methods. Previous literature shows how the two can be combined in one method, but also suggest that using such a method may come with challenges, for which the solutions are unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the challenges of using a method that combines agile and cocreation, provide solutions for these challenges, and evaluate its usage.
    METHODS: The setting for this research was the Agile Cocreation of Robots for Aging (ACCRA) project. The research consisted of three phases: 1) evaluating the Agile Cocreation method to identify challenges in its usage, by analysing documents from the project (e-mails, meeting notes), 2) solving the challenges to improve the method, by designing solutions in a cocreation session; and 3) evaluating the usage of the improved version via a survey among engineers and user researchers involved in the project.
    RESULTS: We identified three main challenges and developed three solutions, which were used in the next phase of the project. First, to engage all stakeholders in cocreation, we implemented more fun and playful materials. Second, to bridge the differences between engineers and user researchers we invested in face-to-face meetings. Third, to manage knowledge in the project we intensified our meeting schedule to weekly meetings. In the quantitative evaluation of the improved cocreation method, the engineers and user researchers were positive about the agile cocreation method and about our improvements.
    CONCLUSIONS: When developing HIT, a method that combines agile and cocreation is useful because it helps to identify user needs and to translate these needs into technology. To identify the needs of these users and other stakeholders it is important to involve them as active partners in cocreation using fun and playful materials. Engineers and user researchers should bridge their differences and meet face-to-face as much as possible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The work proposed here is an automated pre and post-processor integrated to PanAir that is is a high-order aerodynamic panel method-based software for flow analysis developed in 70s but still in active use especially for preliminary aircraft design. With the integrated environment proposed in this work, manipulation of input and output data to and from PanAir is bypassed successfully that is otherwise requires manual manipulations and use of third party software. The integrated environment is validated over a Cessna 210 aircraft with a modified NLF (1)-0414 airfoil. The flow around the aircraft is analyzed using PanAir together with the integrated environment and results show that pre and post processing times reduced and ease in PanAir use is increased significantly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role and potential impact of digital screen technology in the lives of children is heavily debated. Current evidence is limited by the weakness of measures typically used to characterise screen use, predominantly proxy- or self-reports with known inaccuracy and bias. However, robust and detailed evidence is needed to provide practical trustworthy guidance to families and professionals working with families. The purpose of this paper is to support researchers to select measurement method(s) that will provide robust and detailed evidence. The paper outlines the challenges in measuring contemporary screen use by children, using a child-technology interaction model to organise considerations. A range of different methods used to measure digital screen technology use in children and adolescents (i.e., questionnaires, diaries, electronically prompted sampling, direct observation, fixed room cameras, wearable/portable cameras, audio recorders, screen-device onboard logging, remote digital trace logging and proximity logging) are described along with examples of their use and constructs typically measured as well as a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each method. A checklist and worked examples are provided to support researchers determining the best methods or combination of methods for a research project.





