knowledge base

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tower cranes are commonly employed in construction projects, despite presenting significant hazards to the workforce involved.
    METHODS: To address these safety concerns, a Knowledge-Based Decision-Support System for Safety Risk Assessment (KBDSS-SRA) has been developed. The system\'s capacity to thoroughly evaluate associated risks is illustrated through its utilization in various construction endeavors.
    RESULTS: The system accomplishes the following goals: (1) compiles essential risk factors specific to tower crane operations, (2) identifies critical safety risks that jeopardize worker well-being, (3) examines and assesses the identified safety risks, and (4) automates the labor-intensive and error-prone processes of safety risk assessment. The KBDSS-SRA assists safety management personnel in formulating well-grounded decisions and implementing effective measures to enhance the safety of tower crane operations.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is facilitated by an advanced computerized tool that underscores the paramount significance of safety risks and suggests strategies for their future mitigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The proposed smart system for Student Performance Assessment (SPA) is a system that evaluates students\' knowledge and skill attainment in a specific course by measuring their achievements of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs). The instructor defines the aspects, weights, and rating scale used by SPA to analyze each course. The system calculates the average of students\' marks in each learning outcome and compares them with the CLO targets and scores to determine the effectiveness of the teaching and learning methods used. The system uses facts and rules extracted from the course syllabus and Bloom\'s Taxonomy to build its knowledge base. This paper presents the development of the SPA inference engine, which is used to find CLO targets based on the course level. The inference engine uses efficient procedures and a prediction process to determine the correct target and score, providing a reliable and understandable methodology for reasoning about the information in the knowledge base and formulating conclusions. SPA is a highly responsive and intelligent system that can be a valuable tool for measuring students\' achievements. Its characteristics include high performance, reliability, and intelligibility, and its combination of cognitive systems and cognitive theory has led to remarkable progress in measuring student performance. Limitations include dependency on accurate course content and initial setup time, potential bias in CLO weight assignments, challenges in integrating SPA with existing institutional databases, the need for continuous updates to the knowledge base to reflect curriculum changes, and potential resistance from educators to adopt new technologies. Future improvements could involve adaptive learning integrations, enhanced user interfaces, and broader applicability across diverse educational settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Retrieving comprehensible rule-based knowledge from medical data by machine learning is a beneficial task, e.g., for automating the process of creating a decision support system. While this has recently been studied by means of exception-tolerant hierarchical knowledge bases (i.e., knowledge bases, where rule-based knowledge is represented on several levels of abstraction), privacy concerns have not been addressed extensively in this context yet. However, privacy plays an important role, especially for medical applications.
    METHODS: When parts of the original dataset can be restored from a learned knowledge base, there may be a practically and legally relevant risk of re-identification for individuals. In this paper, we study privacy issues of exception-tolerant hierarchical knowledge bases which are learned from data. We propose approaches for determining and eliminating privacy issues of the learned knowledge bases.
    RESULTS: We present results for synthetic as well as for real world datasets.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results show that our approach effectively prevents privacy breaches while only moderately decreasing the inference quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Relying on our experience on the development of data registration and management systems for clinical and biological data coming from patients with hematological malignancies, as well as on the design of strategies for data collection and analysis to support multi-center, clinical association studies, we designed a framework for the standardized collection and transformation of clinically relevant real-world data into evidence, to meet the challenges of gathering biomedical data collected during daily clinical practice in order to promote basic and clinical research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents experience in construction the National Unified Terminological System (NUTS) with an ontological structure based on international Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). UMLS has been adapted and enriched with formulations from national directories, relationships, extracted from the texts of scientific articles and electronic health records, and weight coefficients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents our experience in development an ontological model can be used in clinical decision support systems (CDSS) creating. We have used the largest international biomedical terminological metathesaurus the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) as the basis of our model. This metathesaurus has been adapted into Russian using an automated hybrid translation system with expert control. The product we have created was named as the National Unified Terminological System (NUTS). We have added more than 33 million scientific and clinical relationships between NUTS terms, extracted from the texts of scientific articles and electronic health records. We have also computed weights for each relationship, standardized their values and created symptom checker in preliminary diagnostics based on this. We expect, that the NUTS allow solving task of named entity recognition (NER) and increasing terms interoperability in different CDSS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IOM) plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient safety during neurosurgical procedures. This vital technique involves the continuous measurement of evoked potentials to provide early warnings and ensure the preservation of critical neural structures. One of the primary challenges has been the effective documentation of IOM events with semantically enriched characterizations. This study aimed to address this challenge by developing an ontology-based tool.
    METHODS: We structured the development of the IOM Documentation Ontology (IOMDO) and the associated tool into three distinct phases. The initial phase focused on the ontology\'s creation, drawing from the OBO (Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology) principles. The subsequent phase involved agile software development, a flexible approach to encapsulate the diverse requirements and swiftly produce a prototype. The last phase entailed practical evaluation within real-world documentation settings. This crucial stage enabled us to gather firsthand insights, assessing the tool\'s functionality and efficacy. The observations made during this phase formed the basis for essential adjustments to ensure the tool\'s productive utilization.
    RESULTS: The core entities of the ontology revolve around central aspects of IOM, including measurements characterized by timestamp, type, values, and location. Concepts and terms of several ontologies were integrated into IOMDO, e.g., the Foundation Model of Anatomy (FMA), the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) and the ontology for surgical process models (OntoSPM) related to general surgical terms. The software tool developed for extending the ontology and the associated knowledge base was built with JavaFX for the user-friendly frontend and Apache Jena for the robust backend. The tool\'s evaluation involved test users who unanimously found the interface accessible and usable, even for those without extensive technical expertise.
    CONCLUSIONS: Through the establishment of a structured and standardized framework for characterizing IOM events, our ontology-based tool holds the potential to enhance the quality of documentation, benefiting patient care by improving the foundation for informed decision-making. Furthermore, researchers can leverage the semantically enriched data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for surgical practice enhancement. To optimize documentation through ontology-based approaches, it\'s crucial to address potential modeling issues that are associated with the Ontology of Adverse Events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Linking information on Japanese pharmaceutical products to global knowledge bases (KBs) would enhance international collaborative research and yield valuable insights. However, public access to mappings of Japanese pharmaceutical products that use international controlled vocabularies remains limited. This study mapped YJ codes to RxNorm ingredient classes, providing new insights by comparing Japanese and international drug-drug interaction (DDI) information using a case study methodology.
    METHODS: Tables linking YJ codes to RxNorm concepts were created using the application programming interfaces of the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes and the National Library of Medicine. A comparative analysis of Japanese and international DDI information was thus performed by linking to an international DDI KB.
    RESULTS: There was limited agreement between the Japanese and international DDI severity classifications. Cross-tabulation of Japanese and international DDIs by severity showed that 213 combinations classified as serious DDIs by an international KB were missing from the Japanese DDI information.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is desirable that efforts be undertaken to standardize international criteria for DDIs to ensure consistency in the classification of their severity.
    CONCLUSIONS: The classification of DDI severity remains highly variable. It is imperative to augment the repository of critical DDI information, which would revalidate the utility of fostering collaborations with global KBs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As global populations age and become susceptible to neurodegenerative illnesses, new therapies for Alzheimer disease (AD) are urgently needed. Existing data resources for drug discovery and repurposing fail to capture relationships central to the disease\'s etiology and response to drugs.
    OBJECTIVE: We designed the Alzheimer\'s Knowledge Base (AlzKB) to alleviate this need by providing a comprehensive knowledge representation of AD etiology and candidate therapeutics.
    METHODS: We designed the AlzKB as a large, heterogeneous graph knowledge base assembled using 22 diverse external data sources describing biological and pharmaceutical entities at different levels of organization (eg, chemicals, genes, anatomy, and diseases). AlzKB uses a Web Ontology Language 2 ontology to enforce semantic consistency and allow for ontological inference. We provide a public version of AlzKB and allow users to run and modify local versions of the knowledge base.
    RESULTS: AlzKB is freely available on the web and currently contains 118,902 entities with 1,309,527 relationships between those entities. To demonstrate its value, we used graph data science and machine learning to (1) propose new therapeutic targets based on similarities of AD to Parkinson disease and (2) repurpose existing drugs that may treat AD. For each use case, AlzKB recovers known therapeutic associations while proposing biologically plausible new ones.
    CONCLUSIONS: AlzKB is a new, publicly available knowledge resource that enables researchers to discover complex translational associations for AD drug discovery. Through 2 use cases, we show that it is a valuable tool for proposing novel therapeutic hypotheses based on public biomedical knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The rapid expansion of biomedical literature necessitates automated techniques to discern relationships between biomedical concepts from extensive free text. Such techniques facilitate the development of detailed knowledge bases and highlight research deficiencies. The LitCoin Natural Language Processing (NLP) challenge, organized by the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, aims to evaluate such potential and provides a manually annotated corpus for methodology development and benchmarking.
    METHODS: For the named entity recognition (NER) task, we utilized ensemble learning to merge predictions from three domain-specific models, namely BioBERT, PubMedBERT, and BioM-ELECTRA, devised a rule-driven detection method for cell line and taxonomy names and annotated 70 more abstracts as additional corpus. We further finetuned the T0pp model, with 11 billion parameters, to boost the performance on relation extraction and leveraged entites\' location information (eg, title, background) to enhance novelty prediction performance in relation extraction (RE).
    RESULTS: Our pioneering NLP system designed for this challenge secured first place in Phase I-NER and second place in Phase II-relation extraction and novelty prediction, outpacing over 200 teams. We tested OpenAI ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4 in a Zero-Shot setting using the same test set, revealing that our finetuned model considerably surpasses these broad-spectrum large language models.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our outcomes depict a robust NLP system excelling in NER and RE across various biomedical entities, emphasizing that task-specific models remain superior to generic large ones. Such insights are valuable for endeavors like knowledge graph development and hypothesis formulation in biomedical research.





