enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-antibiotic era requires the use of alternative pesticides against bacterial infections. One potential application field is agriculture, where pesticides are routinely applied in combinations. In this study we tested the interference of antibacterial effects of two alternative antimicrobials with basically different mode of actions if applied together in vitro by using the Enterohemorrhagic E. coli strain Sakai as a modelorganism, one strain of a pathotype that is frequently associated with meat and plant derived infections. TiO2 is a photocatalytically active nanomaterial, which can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), exerting destructive effects on macromolecules, while the vb_EcoS_bov25_1D bacteriophage has a specific lytic action. Both, bacteriophages and Sakai were sensitive against ROS if tested separately, during that PFUs of bacteriophages dropped from 5 × 105 to 0 in 4 h, while in case of Sakai CFUs decreased with 5 and 2 logs of magnitude in the presence of 0,05 % and 0,025 % of TiO2 respectively. In Sakai by the sixth minute of ROS exposition the expressions of superoxide dismutases and catalases were boosted, as revealed by whole transcriptomic analyses, but the elevated levels rclC and bshA support some roles of these genes under this stress situation. Combined application of phages and TiO2 under UV-A exposure have revealed that beside the inner enzymatic defence mechanisms presenting phage particles served as shields and spoiled the antimicrobial effect of TiO2 (0,0125 %). As a consequence, phages became sacrificed as during exposition a 3-log drop (5 × 105→5 × 102) in their PFUs was revealed. Survived bacteriophages however in the system remained active and under the subsequent dark phase the 3-log drop in the PFU was compensated in 24 h. Our results show that joint application of the two alternative antimicrobial agents TiO2 and a bacteriophage can have two consequences depending on the circumstances they were used. From one side they complement each other\'s effects in that TiO2 can exert its effect on UV-A or sunlight exposed areas, whereas the bacteriophage on non-exposed surfaces. On the other hand, they also can spoil each others effect as phages can bind generated ROS and by that protect target bacteria, but bacteria themselves can serve as shields and by that protect phages from the destroying effect of ROS, phages however can exert their antibacterial effects on bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Outbreaks of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), Salmonella enterica, and Listeria monocytogenes linked to fresh produce consumption pose significant food safety concerns. These pathogens can contaminate pre-harvest produce through various routes, including contaminated water. Soil physicochemical properties and flooding can influence pathogen survival in soils. We investigated survival of EHEC, S. enterica, and L. monocytogenes in soil extracts designed to represent soils with stagnant water. We hypothesized pathogen survival would be influenced by soil extract nutrient levels and the presence of native microbes. A chemical analysis revealed higher levels of total nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon in high-nutrient soil extracts compared to low-nutrient extracts. Pathogen survival was enhanced in high-nutrient, sterile soil extracts, while the presence of native microbes reduced pathogen numbers. A microbiome analysis showed greater diversity in low-nutrient soil extracts, with distinct microbial compositions between extract types. Our findings highlight the importance of soil nutrient composition and microbial dynamics in influencing pathogen behavior. Given key soil parameters, a long short-term memory model (LSTM) effectively predicted pathogen survival. Integrating these factors can aid in developing predictive models for pathogen persistence in agricultural systems. Overall, our study contributes to understanding the complex interplay in agricultural ecosystems, facilitating informed decision-making for crop production and food safety enhancement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The pathogenic microorganisms that cause intestinal diseases can significantly jeopardize people\'s health. Currently, there are no authorized treatments or vaccinations available to combat the germs responsible for intestinal disease.
    METHODS: Using immunoinformatics, we developed a potent multi-epitope Combination (combo) vaccine versus Salmonella and enterohemorrhagic E. coli. The B and T cell epitopes were identified by performing a conservancy assessment, population coverage analysis, physicochemical attributes assessment, and secondary and tertiary structure assessment of the chosen antigenic polypeptide. The selection process for vaccine development included using several bioinformatics tools and approaches to finally choose two linear B-cell epitopes, five CTL epitopes, and two HTL epitopes.
    RESULTS: The vaccine had strong immunogenicity, cytokine production, immunological properties, non-toxicity, non-allergenicity, stability, and potential efficacy against infections. Disulfide bonding, codon modification, and computational cloning were also used to enhance the stability and efficacy of expression in the host E. coli. The vaccine\'s structure has a strong affinity for the TLR4 ligand and is very durable, as shown by molecular docking and molecular modeling. The results of the immunological simulation demonstrated that both B and T cells had a heightened response to the vaccination component.
    CONCLUSIONS: The comprehensive in silico analysis reveals that the proposed vaccine will likely elicit a robust immune response against pathogenic bacteria that cause intestinal diseases. Therefore, it is a promising option for further experimental testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a major food-borne pathogen that causes human disease ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening complications. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that the Western diet enhances the susceptibility to enteric infection in mice, but the effect of diet on EHEC colonization and the role of human gut microbiota remains unknown. Our research aimed to investigate the effects of a Standard versus a Western diet on EHEC colonization in the human in vitro Mucosal ARtificial COLon (M-ARCOL) and the associated changes in the gut microbiota composition and activities. After donor selection using simplified fecal batch experiments, two M-ARCOL bioreactors were inoculated with a human fecal sample (n = 4) and were run in parallel, one receiving a Standard diet, the other a Western diet and infected with EHEC O157:H7 strain EDL933. EHEC colonization was dependent on the donor and diet in the luminal samples, but was maintained in the mucosal compartment without elimination, suggesting a favorable niche for the pathogen, and may act as a reservoir. The Western diet also impacted the bacterial short-chain fatty acid and bile acid profiles, with a possible link between high butyrate concentrations and prolonged EHEC colonization. The work demonstrates the application of a complex in vitro model to provide insights into diet, microbiota, and pathogen interactions in the human gut.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interactions between microbiota and enteric pathogens can promote colonization resistance or enhance pathogenesis. The pathobiont Enterococcus faecalis increases enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) virulence by upregulating Type 3 Secretion System (T3SS) expression, effector translocation, and attaching and effacing (AE) lesion formation on enterocytes, but the mechanisms underlying this remain unknown. Using co-infection of organoids, metabolomics, supplementation experiments and bacterial genetics, here we show that co-culture of EHEC with E. faecalis increases the xanthine-hypoxanthine pathway activity and adenine biosynthesis. Adenine or E. faecalis promoted T3SS gene expression, while transcriptomics showed upregulation of adeP expression, which encodes an adenine importer. Mechanistically, adenine relieved High hemolysin activity (Hha)-dependent repression of T3SS gene expression in EHEC and promoted AE lesion formation in an AdeP-dependent manner. Microbiota-derived purines, such as adenine, support multiple beneficial host responses; however, our data show that this metabolite also increases EHEC virulence, highlighting the complexity of pathogen-microbiota-host interactions in the gut.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Compounds of natural origin are potent source of drugs with unique mechanisms of action. Among phytochemicals, trans-cinnamaldehyde (t-CA) exhibits a wide range of biological activity, thus has been used for centuries to fight bacterial and fungal infections. However, the molecular basis of these properties has not been fully covered. Considering that difficult-to-control infections are becoming a rising global problem, there is a need to elucidate the molecular potential of t-CA.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antibacterial activity of t-CA against Shiga-toxigenic E. coli strains and elucidate its mechanism of action based on the inhibition of the virulence factor expression.
    METHODS: The antimicrobial potential of t-CA was assessed with two-fold microdilution and time-kill assays. Further evaluation included bioluminescence suppression assays, quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and assessment of NAD+/NADH ratios. Morphological changes post t-CA exposure were examined using transmission electron microscopy. RNA sequencing and radiolabeling of nucleotides elucidated the metabolic alterations induced by t-CA. Toxin expression level was monitored through the application of fusion proteins, monitoring of bacteriophage development, and fluorescence microscopy studies. Lastly, the therapeutic efficacy in vivo was assessed using Galleria mellonella infection model.
    RESULTS: A comprehensive study of t-CA\'s bioactivity showed unique properties affecting bacterial metabolism and morphology, resulting in significant bacterial cell deformation and effective virulence inhibition. Elucidation of the underlying mechanisms indicated that t-CA activates the global regulatory system, the stringent response, manifested by its alarmone, (p)ppGpp, overproduction mediated by the RelA enzyme, thereby inhibiting bacterial proliferation. Intriguingly, t-CA effectively downregulates Shiga toxin gene expression via alarmone molecules, indicating its potential for therapeutic effect. In vivo validation demonstrated a significant improvement in larval survival rates post- t-CA treatment with 50 mg/kg (p < 0.05), akin to the efficacy observed with azithromycin, thus indicating its effectiveness against EHEC infections (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these results reveal the robust antibacterial capabilities of t-CA, warranting its further exploration as a viable anti-infective agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to identify a suitable surrogate for E. coli O157:H7 strain 19685/91 and O113:H21 strain TS18/08, by assessing their thermal resistance at temperatures of 60 °C, 65 °C, and 72 °C in strawberry nectar. The influence of the matrix and the research methodology on the decimal reduction time (D-value) was investigated. Thermal kinetics and safety assessment demonstrated that E. coli ATCC 8739 is a suitable surrogate. The study demonstrated that the presence of fruit particles in the nectar increased thermal resistance of the tested strains. Variations in D-values were observed depending on the research method employed, with D-values in glass capillaries were up to 6.6 times lower compared to larger sample volumes. Encapsulation of E. coli ATCC 8739 exhibited high efficiency of 90.25 ± 0.26% and maintained stable viable counts after 26 days of storage in strawberry nectar at 4 °C. There were no significant differences in thermal resistance between surrogates directly inoculated into strawberry nectar and those encapsulated in alginate beads. Additionally, the encapsulated strains did not migrate outside the beads. Therefore, encapsulated E. coli ATCC 8739 in alginate beads can be effectively utilized in industrial settings to validate thermal treatments as a reliable and safe method.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Escherichia coli is a gram-negative bacillus and considered to be the normal pathogen of intestinal and extraintestinal manifestations depending upon the strain. A variety of strains exist that are responsible for causing myriads of clinical presentation. E.coli O157: H7 being the most common and severe bacterial pathogen is the leading cause of bloody diarrhea. EHEC (Enterohemorrhagic E.coli) is responsible for causing severe complications like HC (Hemorrhagic colitis). Herein, we present the case of a young girl with E.coli O157:H7 infection and review the related literature. A previously healthy 37-year-old female presented with bloody diarrhea, fever, headache, and lower abdominal pain. As per history she had eaten a hamburger, denied any recent travel and absence of inflammatory bowel disease or bloody stools in family history. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs and the physical findings were unremarkable except for severe abdominal pain. Her stool was hem-occult positive. The complete blood count was within normal limits except neutrophilia and leukocytosis. An abdominal ultrasound showed thickened bowel loops consistent with colitis. First week of her hospital course, she continued to have bloody diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. Her final stool submitted to the laboratory on day 7 was consistent with a blood clot, following her developed low urine output and hematuria, with a serum creatinine of 2.1 mg/dl on day 5. Her renal symptoms were treated with fluids. She was given supportive treatment, and her platelet count and hemoglobin were stabilized. In early stages of bloody diarrhea, parental hydration plays a major role in accelerating volume expansion. Rapid stool analysis for these bacteria can alert specialists to deal with severe complications like HUS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virulence and metabolism are often interlinked to control the expression of essential colonisation factors in response to host-associated signals. Here, we identified an uncharacterised transporter of the dietary monosaccharide ʟ-arabinose that is widely encoded by the zoonotic pathogen enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), required for full competitive fitness in the mouse gut and highly expressed during human infection. Discovery of this transporter suggested that EHEC strains have an enhanced ability to scavenge ʟ-arabinose and therefore prompted us to investigate the impact of this nutrient on pathogenesis. Accordingly, we discovered that ʟ-arabinose enhances expression of the EHEC type 3 secretion system, increasing its ability to colonise host cells, and that the underlying mechanism is dependent on products of its catabolism rather than the sensing of ʟ-arabinose as a signal. Furthermore, using the murine pathogen Citrobacter rodentium, we show that ʟ-arabinose metabolism provides a fitness benefit during infection via virulence factor regulation, as opposed to supporting pathogen growth. Finally, we show that this mechanism is not restricted to ʟ-arabinose and extends to other pentose sugars with a similar metabolic fate. This work highlights the importance integrating central metabolism with virulence regulation in order to maximise competitive fitness of enteric pathogens within the host-niche.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) is considered to be the most dangerous pathotype of E. coli, as it causes severe conditions such as hemorrhagic colitis (HC) and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Antibiotic treatment of EHEC infections is generally not recommended since it may promote the production of the Shiga toxin (Stx) and lead to worsened symptoms. This study explores how exposure to the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin reorganizes the transcriptome and proteome of EHEC O157:H7 strain EDL933, with special emphasis on virulence-associated factors. As expected, exposure to ciprofloxacin caused an extensive upregulation of SOS-response- and Stx-phage proteins, including Stx. A range of other virulence-associated factors were also upregulated, including many genes encoded by the LEE-pathogenicity island, the enterohemolysin gene (ehxA), as well as several genes and proteins involved in LPS production. However, a large proportion of the genes and proteins (17 and 8%, respectively) whose expression was upregulated upon ciprofloxacin exposure (17 and 8%, respectively) are not functionally assigned. This indicates a knowledge gap in our understanding of mechanisms involved in EHECs response to antibiotic-induced stress. Altogether, the results contribute to better understanding of how exposure to ciprofloxacin influences the virulome of EHEC and generates a knowledge base for further studies on how EHEC responds to antibiotic-induced stress. A deeper understanding on how EHEC responds to antibiotics will facilitate development of novel and safer treatments for EHEC infections.





