enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli

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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Escherichia coli is a gram-negative bacillus and considered to be the normal pathogen of intestinal and extraintestinal manifestations depending upon the strain. A variety of strains exist that are responsible for causing myriads of clinical presentation. E.coli O157: H7 being the most common and severe bacterial pathogen is the leading cause of bloody diarrhea. EHEC (Enterohemorrhagic E.coli) is responsible for causing severe complications like HC (Hemorrhagic colitis). Herein, we present the case of a young girl with E.coli O157:H7 infection and review the related literature. A previously healthy 37-year-old female presented with bloody diarrhea, fever, headache, and lower abdominal pain. As per history she had eaten a hamburger, denied any recent travel and absence of inflammatory bowel disease or bloody stools in family history. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs and the physical findings were unremarkable except for severe abdominal pain. Her stool was hem-occult positive. The complete blood count was within normal limits except neutrophilia and leukocytosis. An abdominal ultrasound showed thickened bowel loops consistent with colitis. First week of her hospital course, she continued to have bloody diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. Her final stool submitted to the laboratory on day 7 was consistent with a blood clot, following her developed low urine output and hematuria, with a serum creatinine of 2.1 mg/dl on day 5. Her renal symptoms were treated with fluids. She was given supportive treatment, and her platelet count and hemoglobin were stabilized. In early stages of bloody diarrhea, parental hydration plays a major role in accelerating volume expansion. Rapid stool analysis for these bacteria can alert specialists to deal with severe complications like HUS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and Salmonella enterica have been implicated in several disease outbreaks linked to consumption of fresh vegetables. Both ruminant and non-ruminant animals carry EHEC and S. enterica in their gastrointestinal tracts and can shed the pathogens in the faecal matter both in symptomatic and asymptomatic states. Application of animal waste in soil fertility management and irrigation of crops with contaminated waste water has been recognised as an important route through which EHEC and S. enterica can contaminate fresh vegetables during primary production. The behavior of E. coli O157:H7 and S. enterica in the agricultural environment has been extensively studied in the last decades. Several microbiological detection methods have been applied. This review therefore puts together current knowledge on the behavior of E. coli O157:H7 and S. enterica in the manure-amended soil-plant ecosystem of fresh vegetable crops during cultivation under various environmental conditions. The review focuses on methodological issues involved in undertaking survival studies and makes comparative analysis of experimental results obtained from studies conducted under controlled environmental conditions integrating results obtained from field experiments. Finally, a theoretical discussion on the potential likely impact of climate change on pre-harvest safety of field-cultivated vegetables is highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Saccharomyces boulardii, a well-studied probiotic, can be effective in inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases with diverse pathophysiology, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and bacterially mediated or enterotoxin-mediated diarrhoea and inflammation.
    OBJECTIVE: To discuss the mechanisms of action involved in the intestinal anti-inflammatory action of S. boulardii.
    METHODS: Review of the literature related to the anti-inflammatory effects of this probiotic.
    RESULTS: Several mechanisms of action have been identified directed against the host and pathogenic microorganisms. S. boulardii and S. boulardii secreted-protein(s) inhibit production of proinflammatory cytokines by interfering with the global mediator of inflammation nuclear factor kappaB, and modulating the activity of the mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK1/2 and p38. S. boulardii activates expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) that protects from gut inflammation and IBD. S. boulardii also suppresses \'bacteria overgrowth\' and host cell adherence, releases a protease that cleaves C. difficile toxin A and its intestinal receptor and stimulates antibody production against toxin A. Recent results indicate that S. boulardii may interfere with IBD pathogenesis by trapping T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The multiple anti-inflammatory mechanisms exerted by S. boulardii provide molecular explanations supporting its effectiveness in intestinal inflammatory states.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The value of bovine colostrum as a biologic in medicine is documented in clinical trials and supported by relatively large databases containing case reports and anecdotal findings. The main actions include an antibacterial effect and modulation of the immune response. The ability of bovine colostrum concentrates (BCC are polyvalent bovine colostrum concentrates produced from the colostrums of several 100 cows) to neutralize lipopolysaccharides, i.e. endotoxins arising from Gram-negative bacterial pathogens and to inhibit enterogenic endotoxemia in animal models as shown in the last review to have its counterpart in patient therapy. Clinical trials with BCC provide evidence that oral application reduces the influx of LPS from the gut and this appears to be a major mechanism underlying its therapeutic effect in patients at risk for Gram-negative septic shock; data from two well-controlled clinical studies with a total of 100 surgical patients have shown that the inhibition of intestinal LPS absorption measured after the application of BCC not only reduced the LPS levels in the peripheral blood but also inflammatory parameters like IL-6 and CRP were found to be diminished. The usual daily dose of the commercially available BCC preparation, LactobinA (LC1) is 10 â 20 g daily, but higher doses can be used in the majority of patients because of the low incidence of intolerance problems. In chronic diarrhea involving severe forms of secondary immunodeficiencies, patients receiving LC1 were disease-free for about 4 weeks but the response may be lower in patients with AIDS. BCC is effective in infants with hemorrhagic diarrhea caused by infections with enterohemorrhagic E. coli and reduces the likelihood of the disease progressing to a hemolytic uremic syndrome. The safety of newer BCC products obtained from BSE-free regions seems now beyond contention. In the case of LC1, which was used as a commercial dietary foodstuff in Germany until 1992 and tested in three Phase 1 and 5 clinical studies (two trials in patients with secondary immunodeficiencies, one in surgical patients with gastrointestinal disorders, one in patients undergoing open heart surgery and one in pediatric patients with EHEC infections), there were no cases of BSE-associated disease such as the new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Side effects of clinical relevance are limited to possible intolerance to lactose and sensitivity to milk proteins as these are also present in many commonly used foodstuffs. Important synergistic actions with conventional drug therapies have been observed with BCC including a reduction in LPS plasma levels in patients with Gram-negative bacterial infections treated with bactericidal antibiotics. In healthy persons there are only small concentrations of LPS detectable in peripheral blood (normal values: 3 â 10 pg/ ml plasma, i.e. approximately 0.1 EU/ml). In contrast, elevated systemic levels with concentrations > 300 pg/ml are common in patients with severe Gram-negative sepsis and septic shock. Raised LPS levels occur mainly in patients with Gram-negative bacterial infections who have been treated with bacteriocidal antibiotics. The LPS-lowering effects of BCC are probably due to the numerous active components present in BCC which have their origin in the innate humoral and adaptive immune system of their biologic source, the cow.





