Visual Pathways

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The retinal fovea in human and nonhuman primates is essential for high acuity and color vision. Within the fovea lies specialized circuitry in which signals from a single cone photoreceptor are largely conveyed to one ON and one OFF type midget bipolar cell (MBC), which in turn connect to a single ON or OFF midget ganglion cell (MGC), respectively. Restoring foveal vision requires not only photoreceptor replacement but also appropriate reconnection with surviving ON and OFF MBCs and MGCs. However, our current understanding of the effects of cone loss on the remaining foveal midget pathway is limited. We thus used serial block-face electron microscopy to determine the degree of plasticity and potential remodeling of this pathway in adult Macaca fascicularis several months after acute photoreceptor loss upon photocoagulation. We reconstructed MBC structure and connectivity within and adjacent to the region of cone loss. We found that MBC dendrites within the scotoma retracted and failed to reach surviving cones to form new connections. However, both surviving cones and ON and OFF MBC dendrites at the scotoma border exhibited remodeling, suggesting that these neurons can demonstrate plasticity and rewiring at maturity. At six months postlesion, disconnected OFF MBCs clearly lost output ribbon synapses with their postsynaptic partners, whereas the majority of ON MBCs maintained their axonal ribbon numbers, suggesting differential timing or extent in ON and OFF midget circuit remodeling after cone loss. Our findings raise rewiring considerations for cell replacement approaches in the restoration of foveal vision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that the primate amygdala forms projections to many areas of the ipsilateral cortex, but the extent to which it forms connections with the contralateral visual cortex remains less understood. Based on retrograde tracer injections in marmoset monkeys, we report that the amygdala forms widespread projections to the ipsilateral extrastriate cortex, including V1 and areas in both the dorsal (MT, V4T, V3a, 19M, and PG/PFG) and the ventral (VLP and TEO) streams. In addition, contralateral projections were found to target each of the extrastriate areas, but not V1. In both hemispheres, the tracer-labeled neurons were exclusively located in the basolateral nuclear complex. The number of labeled neurons in the contralateral amygdala was small relative to the ipsilateral connection (1.2% to 5.8%). The percentage of contralateral connections increased progressively with hierarchical level. An injection in the corpus callosum demonstrated that at least some of the amygdalo-cortical connections cross through this fiber tract, in addition to the previously documented path through the anterior commissure. Our results expand knowledge of the amygdalofugal projections to the extrastriate cortex, while also revealing pathways through which visual stimuli conveying affective content can directly influence early stages of neural processing in the contralateral visual field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to describe the cortical connectivity of a sector located in the ventral bank of the superior temporal sulcus in the macaque (intermediate area TEa and TEm [TEa/m]), which appears to represent the major source of output of the ventral visual stream outside the temporal lobe. The retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin was injected in the intermediate TEa/m in four macaque monkeys. The results showed that 58-78% of labeled cells were located within ventral visual stream areas other than the TE complex. Outside the ventral visual stream, there were connections with the memory-related medial temporal area 36 and the parahippocampal cortex, orbitofrontal areas involved in encoding subjective values of stimuli for action selection, and eye- or hand-movement related parietal (LIP, AIP, and SII), prefrontal (12r, 45A, and 45B) areas, and a hand-related dysgranular insula field. Altogether these data provide a solid substrate for the engagement of the ventral visual stream in large scale cortical networks for skeletomotor or oculomotor control. Accordingly, the role of the ventral visual stream could go beyond pure perceptual processes and could be also finalized to the neural mechanisms underlying the control of voluntary motor behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The early identification of individuals with radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) who are at an elevated risk of progressing to multiple sclerosis (MS) is essential for making informed treatment decisions. This study aimed to evaluate the predictive potential of multifocal Visual Evoked Potentials (mfVEP) measures in individuals with RIS with respect to their conversion to MS. A prospective observational cohort study was conducted, involving 21 individuals with RIS recruited from a MS center. Baseline assessments, including mfVEP, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and clinical examinations, were performed, and participants were longitudinally followed for up to 24 months. The primary outcome measures were the conversion to MS. Over a clinical follow-up period of 24 months, five individuals (5/21) with RIS progressed to MS. MfVEP amplitude responses (interocular and monocular probability analysis) demonstrated abnormal cluster visual field defects in 47.6% of RIS eyes at baseline, whereas multifocal VEP latency analysis showed significant delays in 38.4%. A reduction in interocular amplitude [OR = 0.036, (95% CI 0.003-0.503); P = 0.014], monocular amplitude [OR = 0.083, (95% CI 0.007-0.982); P = 0.048], and a prolonged interocular latency [OR = 0.095, (95% CI 0.009-0.972); P = 0.047] were associated with a higher relative risk of clinical conversion at the 2-year follow-up. Multifocal VEP may serve as a novel and independent risk factor for predicting the conversion to MS in individuals with Radiologically Isolated Syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Recovery of vision after acute optic neuritis (AON) is critical to improving the quality of life of people with demyelinating diseases. The objective of the study was to prospectively assess the changes in visual acuity, retinal layer thickness, and cortical visual network in patients with AON to identify the predictors of permanent visual disability.
    METHODS: We studied a prospective cohort of 88 consecutive patients with AON with 6-month follow-up using high and low-contrast (2.5%) visual acuity, color vision, retinal thickness from optical coherence tomography, latencies and amplitudes of multifocal visual evoked potentials, mean deviation of visual fields, and diffusion-based structural (n = 53) and functional (n = 19) brain MRI to analyze the cortical visual network. The primary outcome was 2.5% low-contrast vision, and data were analyzed with mixed-effects and multivariate regression models.
    RESULTS: We found that after 6 months, low-contrast vision and quality of vision remained moderately impaired. The thickness of the ganglion cell layer at baseline was a predictor of low-contrast vision 6 months later (ß = 0.49 [CI 0.11-0.88], p = 0.012). The structural cortical visual network at baseline predicted low-contrast vision, the best predictors being the betweenness of the right parahippocampal cortex (ß = -036 [CI -0.66 to 0.06], p = 0.021), the node strength of the right V3 (ß = 1.72 [CI 0.29-3.15], p = 0.02), and the clustering coefficient of the left intraparietal sulcus (ß = 57.8 [CI 12.3-103.4], p = 0.015). The functional cortical visual network at baseline also predicted low-contrast vision, the best predictors being the betweenness of the left ventral occipital cortex (ß = 8.6 [CI: 4.03-13.3], p = 0.009), the node strength of the right intraparietal sulcus (ß = -2.79 [CI: -5.1-0.4], p = 0.03), and the clustering coefficient of the left superior parietal lobule (ß = 501.5 [CI 50.8-952.2], p = 0.03).
    CONCLUSIONS: The assessment of the visual pathway at baseline predicts permanent vision disability after AON, indicating that damage is produced early after disease onset and that it can be used for defining vision impairment and guiding therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mammalian retina is considered an autonomous circuit, yet work dating back to Ramon y Cajal indicates that it receives inputs from the brain. How such inputs affect retinal processing has remained unknown. We confirmed brain-to-retina projections of histaminergic neurons from the mouse hypothalamus. Histamine application ex vivo altered the activity of various retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), including direction-selective RGCs that gained responses to high motion velocities. These results were reproduced in vivo with optic tract recordings where histaminergic retinopetal axons were activated chemogenetically. Such changes could improve vision of fast-moving objects (e.g., while running), which fits with the known increased activity of histaminergic neurons during arousal. An antihistamine drug reduced optomotor responses to high-speed moving stimuli in freely moving mice. In humans, the same antihistamine nonuniformly modulated visual sensitivity across the visual field, indicating an evolutionary conserved function of the histaminergic system. Our findings expose a previously unappreciated role for brain-to-retina projections in modulating retinal function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neural pathways that start human color vision begin in the complex synaptic network of the foveal retina where signals originating in long (L), middle (M), and short (S) wavelength-sensitive cone photoreceptor types are compared through antagonistic interactions, referred to as opponency. In nonhuman primates, two cone opponent pathways are well established: an L vs. M cone circuit linked to the midget ganglion cell type, often called the red-green pathway, and an S vs. L + M cone circuit linked to the small bistratified ganglion cell type, often called the blue-yellow pathway. These pathways have been taken to correspond in human vision to cardinal directions in a trichromatic color space, providing the parallel inputs to higher-level color processing. Yet linking cone opponency in the nonhuman primate retina to color mechanisms in human vision has proven particularly difficult. Here, we apply connectomic reconstruction to the human foveal retina to trace parallel excitatory synaptic outputs from the S-ON (or \"blue-cone\") bipolar cell to the small bistratified cell and two additional ganglion cell types: a large bistratified ganglion cell and a subpopulation of ON-midget ganglion cells, whose synaptic connections suggest a significant and unique role in color vision. These two ganglion cell types are postsynaptic to both S-ON and L vs. M opponent midget bipolar cells and thus define excitatory pathways in the foveal retina that merge the cardinal red-green and blue-yellow circuits, with the potential for trichromatic cone opponency at the first stage of human vision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Jean-Martin Charcot, often lauded for his seminal contributions, is seldom critiqued for his blunders. One such blunder was his double-semidecussation scheme for the retinocortical visual pathways, proposed in 1875 to explain, on neuroanatomic grounds, cases of hysteria that manifest hysterical amblyopia accompanied with ipsilateral hemianaesthesia. Charcot\'s scheme was inconsistent with the older, broadly correct scheme of Prussian ophthalmologist Albrecht von Gräfe. Charcot failed to perform clinicopathologic correlation studies. His analysis relied on a series of mistaken conclusions he made in conjunction with Swiss-French ophthalmologist Edmund Landolt: (1) only an optic tract lesion could produce a homonymous hemianopsia; (2) cerebral lesions, if they ever produced homonymous hemianopsia, did so by secondary effects (e.g. pressure) on the optic tracts; and (3) damage to the cortical projections from the lateral geniculate produces a crossed amblyopia. Challenges to Charcot\'s theory came from within France by 1880. By 1882, Charcot recognized that his scheme was erroneous, and he approved a thesis by his pupil Charles Féré that reverted to Gräfe\'s scheme with an ill-conceived modification to accommodate Charcot\'s concept of hysterical cerebral amblyopia. A critique by American neurologist Moses Starr in 1884 argued for Gräfe\'s scheme and refuted Charcot\'s erroneous scheme and its subsequent derivatives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protocadherin 19 (Pcdh19) is a homophilic cell adhesion molecule and is involved in a variety of neuronal functions. Here, we tested whether Pcdh19 has a regulatory role in axon guidance using the developing Xenopus retinotectal system. We performed targeted microinjections of a translation blocking antisense morpholino oligonucleotide to knock down the expression of Pcdh19 selectively in the central nervous system. Knocking down Pcdh19 expression resulted in navigational errors of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons specifically at the optic chiasm. Instead of projecting to the contralateral optic tectum, RGC axons in the Pcdh19-depleted embryo misprojected ipsilaterally. Although incorrectly delivered into the ipsilateral brain hemisphere, these axons correctly reached the optic tectum. These data suggest that Pcdh19 has a critical role in preventing mixing of RGC axons originating from the opposite eyes at the optic chiasm, highlighting the importance of cell adhesion in bundling of RGC axons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A core challenge for the brain is to process information across various timescales. This could be achieved by a hierarchical organization of temporal processing through intrinsic mechanisms (e.g., recurrent coupling or adaptation), but recent evidence from spike recordings of the rodent visual system seems to conflict with this hypothesis. Here, we used an optimized information-theoretic and classical autocorrelation analysis to show that information- and correlation timescales of spiking activity increase along the anatomical hierarchy of the mouse visual system under visual stimulation, while information-theoretic predictability decreases. Moreover, intrinsic timescales for spontaneous activity displayed a similar hierarchy, whereas the hierarchy of predictability was stimulus-dependent. We could reproduce these observations in a basic recurrent network model with correlated sensory input. Our findings suggest that the rodent visual system employs intrinsic mechanisms to achieve longer integration for higher cortical areas, while simultaneously reducing predictability for an efficient neural code.





