Turner syndrome

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG) is an uncommon condition, often classified as primary (idiopathic) or secondary to other diseases or syndromes. Its pathogenesis remains poorly understood, and its association with genetic syndromes is particularly rare. Noonan and Turner syndromes are distinct genetic disorders with characteristic phenotypes and multiple systemic involvements. This report aims to highlight the diagnostic complexities when CVG presents in the backdrop of these syndromes. A 38 years old patient was presented with chief complaints of receding hairline, dropping eyelids, cerebral deformations with deep furrows and thickened dermis. On the basis of patient\'s complaints, Noonan or turner syndrome was considered as possible diagnosis. This particular report presents a case of patient suffering from CVG having history of noonan and turner syndrome. With the detailed MRI, histology etc. CVG was finally confirmed. The novelty of this case lies in its rarity, diagnostic complexity, and the need for a multidisciplinary approach to unravel and manage the intersecting conditions. It contributes valuable insights to the existing medical literature, enhancing our understanding of the interplay between dermatological and genetic conditions. Patients with Noonan and turner syndrome exhibit clinical signs and symptoms that are strikingly similar to those of CVG, suggesting that this presents a significant diagnostic problem. An unfavorable outcome could arise from delayed or incorrect diagnosis. Because of this, it is recommended that healthcare fraternities should include uncommon illnesses like CVG as differential diagnosis. Considering CVG in differential diagnosis is crucial for early identification, accurate diagnosis, and comprehensive management. It ensures that associated systemic and genetic conditions are not overlooked and that patients receive holistic and personalized care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The unique features of the X chromosome can be crucial to complement autosomal profiling or to disentangle complex kinship problems, providing in some cases a similar or even greater power than autosomes in paternity/maternity investigations. While theoretical and informatics approaches for pairwise X-linked kinship analyses are well established for euploid individuals, these are still lacking for individuals with an X chromosome aneuploidy. To trigger the fulfilment of this gap, this research presents a mathematical framework that enables the quantification of DNA evidence in pairwise kinship analyses, involving two non-inbred individuals, one of whom with a non-mosaic X chromosome aneuploidy: Trisomy X (47, XXX), Klinefelter (47, XXY) or Turner (45, X0) syndrome. As previously developed for a regular number of chromosomes, this approach relies on the probability of related individuals sharing identical-by-descent (IBD) alleles at one specific locus and it can be applied to any set of independently transmitted markers, with no gametic association in the population. The kinship hypotheses mostly considered in forensic casework are specifically addressed in this work, but the reasoning and procedure can be applied to virtually any pairwise kinship problem under the referred assumptions. Algebraic formulae for joint genotypic probabilities cover all the possible genotypic configurations and pedigrees. Compared with the analyses assuming individuals with a regular number of chromosomes, complicating factors rely on the different possibilities for both the parental origin of the error (either maternal or paternal), and the type of error occurred (either meiotic or post-zygotic mitotic). These imply that a non-inbred female with Triple X or a male with Klinefelter syndrome may carry two IBD alleles at the same locus. Thus, and contrarily to what occurs for the standard case, IBD partitions depend not only on the kinship hypothesis under analysis but also on the genotypic configuration of the analyzed individuals. For some cases, parameters of interest can be inferred, while for others recommended values based on the available literature are provided. This work is the starting point to analyze X-chromosomal data under the scope of kinship problems, involving individuals with aneuploidies, as it will enhance the quantification of the DNA evidence not only in forensics but also in the medical genetics field. We hope it will trigger the development of approaches including other complicating factors, as a greater number of individuals, possibility of the occurrence of mutations and/or silent alleles, as well as the analysis of linked markers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 46-year-old woman with Turner syndrome (TS) (45,X/46,X,idic (X) (p11.4) mosaic) presented with a fever, unresponsiveness, hyperhidrosis, and rigidity approximately one month after episodes of confusion and suicide attempts, prompting a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed mild hypercellularity with oligoclonal bands. Brain and abdominal magnetic resonance imaging showed no abnormalities. Bizarre upper-extremity movements and spasms followed the trial administration of acyclovir, and autoimmune encephalitis was suspected. Intensive immunotherapy was initiated, and the symptoms improved. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis was diagnosed based on the presence of anti-NMDAR antibodies in her spinal fluid. This case represents a rare presentation of anti-NMDAR encephalitis in TS, which is susceptible to autoimmune disease complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turner syndrome (TS) is a genetic condition characterized by partial or complete monosomy X. A reduced life expectancy has been shown in TS, depending on an increased risk of aortic dissection, and ischemic heart disease. Studies covering the occurrence of psychiatric conditions are sparse within TS. Several case reports describe concomitant TS and neuropsychiatric abnormalities that may represent a pathogenetic link to genetics, as well as feature correlates of TS. The aim of this study was to determine the presence, and the frequency of psychiatric diagnosis in women with TS in a Swedish cohort followed during 25 years\' time. Statistics from the entire female population in Sweden of corresponding age was used as reference. Data were retrieved from clinical examinations and validated from the National Board of Health and Welfare registries for women with TS (n = 487), aged 16 to 84 years, with respect to mental health disorders. The most common diagnoses in TS were mood and anxiety disorders. There was no increase in psychiatric diagnosis within the group with time, nor correlation to specific karyotype or somatic comorbidity as congenital heart disease and hypothyroidism, hormonal treatment, or childbirth. In addition, the frequency of psychiatric diagnosis in TS was lower than in the population-based data. Further investigations are needed in the view of the fact that women with Turner syndrome should not be burdened with more severe diagnoses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turner syndrome (TS) results from the loss of one X chromosome in phenotypic females, leading to a range of complications such as short stature, cardiovascular issues, autoimmune disorders, metabolic imbalances, osteoporosis, neurocognitive deficits, hearing loss, abnormalities in endocrine functions, infertility, disruptions in bone metabolism, and neurocognitive deficits. These diverse clinical manifestations necessitate a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management. Growth hormone therapy stands out as a fundamental treatment for addressing the challenges associated with TS. Ongoing clinical and genomic advancements contribute to an evolving understanding of TS, shedding light on its complexities and potential therapeutic interventions. Despite progress, further research is crucial to identify candidate pathways and critical biomarkers that can alleviate the syndrome\'s burden. By uncovering these insights, we aim to empower individuals with TS, enhancing their overall functioning and quality of life. In this review, we have explored the prevalent co-morbidities associated with TS, drawing insights from the current literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) are chromosomal variations that result from an atypical number of X and/or Y chromosomes. Combined, SCAs affect ~1/400 live births, including individuals with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Turner syndrome (45,X and variants), Double Y syndrome (47,XYY), Trisomy X (47,XXX), and rarer tetrasomies and pentasomies. Individuals with SCAs experience a wide variety of physical health, mental health, and healthcare experiences that differ from the standard population. To understand the priorities of the SCA community we surveyed participants in two large SCA registries, the Inspiring New Science in Guiding Healthcare in Turner Syndrome (INSIGHTS) Registry and the Generating Advancements in Longitudinal Analysis in X and Y Variations (GALAXY) Registry. 303/629 (48.1% response rate) individuals from 13 sites across the United States responded to the survey, including 251 caregivers and 52 self-advocates, with a range of ages from 3 weeks to 73 years old and represented SCAs including Turner syndrome, XXX, XXY, XYY, XXYY, and combined rare tetrasomies and pentasomies. Results demonstrate the priorities for physical health and emotional/behavioral health identified by the SCA community, as well as preferred types of research. All SCA subtypes indicated intervention studies as the top priority, emphasizing the need for researchers to focus on clinical treatments in response to priorities of the SCA community.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hypertension is commonly classified into essential hypertension and secondary hypertension, although definitive classification can be challenging in some cases. Here, we discussed a patient who admitted for refractory hypertension, exhibiting various clinical manifestations including inadequate estrogen secretion, underdeveloped secondary sexual characteristics, primary amenorrhea, short stature, multiple moles, and somatic abnormalities. The patient was finally diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) based on clinical findings and chromosomal analysis. The genetic karyotype identified was 46,X,i(X)(q10).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The healthcare transition (HCT) is the process of planning, monitoring, and adjusting the clinical management from children\'s care to adult specialists. Although this practice is common for all children, it is especially crucial (and challenging) for those with chronic disorders and genetic conditions that also involve mental health issues, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. In this review, we aim to assess the current status of transition for girls and young women with Turner syndrome (TS) as a model as it is one of the most common sexual chromosomal aneuploidies. We first describe the syndrome highlighting some of the challenges regarding behavioural, neurodevelopmental, and mental health characteristics that must be addressed for a successful HCT. Finally, we emphasize the importance of genetic counselling within multidisciplinary groups for the successful implementation of HCT, especially for girls and women with TS, to facilitate their adaptation and adhesion to the transition process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Lymphedema (LD) in Turner syndrome (TS) is a commonly reported comorbidity, though its associations with karyotype and other comorbidities are poorly understood. Characteristics of patients with TS and LD, including correlation with phenotype and karyotype, are described.
    METHODS: Medical records of patients with TS seen in two pediatric institutions from 2002 to 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Demographic data (age, presentation onset, clinical features, genetics, LD presence, investigations, treatments) were collected.
    RESULTS: 393 girls with TS with mean age of 12.5 years (SD: 5.7) were identified. LD was noted in 37 % of patients (n=146). Among the 112 patients with TS and documentation of onset of LD, LD was noted within the first year of life in 78.6 % (n=88). 67.6 % (n=96) of total patients with TS and LD had non-mosaic 45, X karyotype. Frequency of webbed neck was significantly greater in girls with TS and LD compared with girls without LD (58 vs. 7 %, p<0.001). Congenital heart anomalies, hypertension, and renal anomalies were also more common in girls with LD. Nail abnormalities with presence of hypoplastic or dysplastic nails were significantly associated with LD (OR: 6.784, 95 % CI 4.235-11.046). The number of girls reporting presence of LD decreased with age.
    CONCLUSIONS: LD in TS often occurs within the first year of life, is less prevalent in older children and adolescents, and is significantly associated with 45, X karyotype, presence of webbed neck, nail changes, congenital heart anomalies, and renal anomalies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Turner syndrome (TS) is characterized by short stature and premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). The main long-term complication of POI is osteoporosis, which can be prevented by hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to compare initial bone mineral density (BMD) and progression between TS and idiopathic POI patients under HRT.
    METHODS: A single-center retrospective study was conducted between 1998 and 2018. All women had undergone at least two bone densitometry assessments at least 2 years apart.
    RESULTS: Sixty-eight TS patients and 67 idiopathic POI patients were included. Mean age at initial assessment was 27 years (IQR, 21-35.5 years) in TS patients and 31.5 years (IQR, 23-37 years) in idiopathic POI patients (P=0.1). Lumbar and femoral neck BMD were lower in the TS group than in the idiopathic POI group (respectively 0.89g/cm2 versus 0.95g/cm2, P=0.03; 0.70g/cm2 versus 0.77g/cm2, P<0.0001). Mosaic karyotype was associated with better BMD in TS patients while history of growth hormone treatment had no impact on BMD. Over time, a significant gain in vertebral BMD was observed in TS patients versus a loss of BMD in idiopathic POI patients (P=0.0009).
    CONCLUSIONS: TS patients had a lower BMD at baseline than idiopathic POI patients, at both spinal and femoral levels. Over time, on HRT, a significant gain in vertebral BMD was observed in patients with TS, compared with a loss of BMD in patients with idiopathic POI. We hypothesized that earlier initiation and longer duration of HRT played an important role in this finding. Long-term prospective follow-up to assess the incidence of fractures in TS would be useful.





