
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction. Employment decision-making is essential for understanding workforce trends. Current occupational therapy workforce research describes distribution disparities of occupational therapists within geographic locations, services such as acute care or community health, and private or public sectors. New graduates of occupational therapy programs are critical to meeting the demand and distribution disparities of occupational therapy services in British Columbia. However, recent employment decision-making of new occupational therapy graduates has not been well studied. Purpose. This study aimed to examine factors that influence newly graduated occupational therapists\' employment decisions. Methods. This descriptive study sampled 122 occupational therapists who were registered in one province and graduated from a Canadian occupational therapy program between 2017 and 2022. Data was collected through an online survey about intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, and past fieldwork experiences that affected participants\' employment decision-making. Descriptive data analysis was used to organize participants\' responses. Findings. Results identified that work-life balance and mentorship were the highest rated factors that influenced participants\' current and first employment respectively. Participants agreed that the variety and number of placements they had as students were more influential to their employment decisions than the length of the fieldwork education. Conclusion. This study identified the intrinsic and extrinsic factors in employment choices that may influence recruitment, retention, and workplace planning of new graduates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of Black women with hypertension in the United States have smartphones or tablets and use social media, and many use wearable activity trackers and health or wellness apps, digital tools that can be used to support lifestyle changes and medication adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: SMS text messages through mobile phones are a common means of interpersonal communication. SMS text message surveys are gaining traction in health care and research due to their feasibility and patient acceptability. However, challenges arise in implementing SMS text message surveys, especially when targeting marginalized populations, because of barriers to accessing phones and data as well as communication difficulties. In primary care, traditional surveys (paper-based and online) often face low response rates that are particularly pronounced among disadvantaged groups due to financial limitations, language barriers, and time constraints.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the potential of SMS text message-based patient recruitment and surveys within general practices situated in lower socioeconomic areas. This study was nested within the Reducing Alcohol-Harm in General Practice project that aimed to reduce alcohol-related harm through screening in Australian general practice.
    METHODS: This study follows a 2-step SMS text message data collection process. An initial SMS text message with an online survey link was sent to patients, followed by subsequent surveys every 3 months for consenting participants. Interviews were conducted with the local primary health network organization staff, the participating practice staff, and the clinicians. The qualitative data were analyzed using constructs from the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research.
    RESULTS: Out of 6 general practices, 4 were able to send SMS text messages to their patients. The initial SMS text message was sent to 8333 patients and 702 responses (8.2%) were received, most of which were not from a low-income group. This low initial response was in contrast to the improved response rate to the ongoing 3-month SMS text message surveys (55/107, 51.4% at 3 months; 29/67, 43.3% at 6 months; and 44/102, 43.1% at 9 months). We interviewed 4 general practitioners, 4 nurses, and 4 administrative staff from 5 of the different practices. Qualitative data uncovered barriers to engaging marginalized groups including limited smartphone access, limited financial capacity (telephone, internet, and Wi-Fi credit), language barriers, literacy issues, mental health conditions, and physical limitations such as manual dexterity and vision issues. Practice managers and clinicians suggested strategies to overcome these barriers, including using paper-based surveys in trusted spaces, offering assistance during survey completion, and offering honoraria to support participation.
    CONCLUSIONS: While SMS text message surveys for primary care research may be useful for the broader population, additional efforts are required to ensure the representation and involvement of marginalized groups. More intensive methods such as in-person data collection may be more appropriate to capture the voice of low-income groups in primary care research.
    UNASSIGNED: RR2-10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0037.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted various containment strategies, such as work-from-home policies and reduced social contact, which significantly altered people\'s sleep routines. While previous studies have highlighted the negative impacts of these restrictions on sleep, they often lack a comprehensive perspective that considers other factors, such as seasonal variations and physical activity (PA), which can also influence sleep.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to longitudinally examine the detailed changes in sleep patterns among working adults during the COVID-19 pandemic using a combination of repeated questionnaires and high-resolution passive measurements from wearable sensors. We investigate the association between sleep and 5 sets of variables: (1) demographics; (2) sleep-related habits; (3) PA behaviors; and external factors, including (4) pandemic-specific constraints and (5) seasonal variations during the study period.
    METHODS: We recruited working adults in Finland for a 1-year study (June 2021-June 2022) conducted during the late stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. We collected multisensor data from fitness trackers worn by participants, as well as work and sleep-related measures through monthly questionnaires. Additionally, we used the Stringency Index for Finland at various points in time to estimate the degree of pandemic-related lockdown restrictions during the study period. We applied linear mixed models to examine changes in sleep patterns during this late stage of the pandemic and their association with the 5 sets of variables.
    RESULTS: The sleep patterns of 27,350 nights from 112 working adults were analyzed. Stricter pandemic measures were associated with an increase in total sleep time (TST) (β=.003, 95% CI 0.001-0.005; P<.001) and a delay in midsleep (MS) (β=.02, 95% CI 0.02-0.03; P<.001). Individuals who tend to snooze exhibited greater variability in both TST (β=.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.27; P=.006) and MS (β=.17, 95% CI 0.03-0.31; P=.01). Occupational differences in sleep pattern were observed, with service staff experiencing longer TST (β=.37, 95% CI 0.14-0.61; P=.004) and lower variability in TST (β=-.15, 95% CI -0.27 to -0.05; P<.001). Engaging in PA later in the day was associated with longer TST (β=.03, 95% CI 0.02-0.04; P<.001) and less variability in TST (β=-.01, 95% CI -0.02 to 0.00; P=.02). Higher intradaily variability in rest activity rhythm was associated with shorter TST (β=-.26, 95% CI -0.29 to -0.23; P<.001), earlier MS (β=-.29, 95% CI -0.33 to -0.26; P<.001), and reduced variability in TST (β=-.16, 95% CI -0.23 to -0.09; P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provided a comprehensive view of the factors affecting sleep patterns during the late stage of the pandemic. As we navigate the future of work after the pandemic, understanding how work arrangements, lifestyle choices, and sleep quality interact will be crucial for optimizing well-being and performance in the workforce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of a four-item questionnaire using a face rating scale to measure dental trait anxiety (DTA), dental trait fear (DTF), dental state anxiety (DSA), and dental state fear (DSF).
    METHODS: Participants were consecutively selected from patients undergoing scaling (S-group; n = 47) and implant placement (I-group; n = 25). The S-group completed the questionnaire both before initial and second scaling, whereas the I-group responded on the pre-surgery day (Pre-day), the day of implant placement (Imp-day), and the day of suture removal (Post-day).
    RESULTS: The reliability in the S-group was evaluated using the test-retest method, showing a weighted kappa value of DTA, 0.61; DTF, 0.46; DSA, 0.67; DSF, 0.52. Criterion-related validity, assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory\'s trait anxiety and state anxiety, revealed positive correlations between trait anxiety and DTA/DTF (DTA, ρ = 0.30; DTF, ρ = 0.27, ρ: correlation coefficient) and between state anxiety and all four items (DTA, ρ = 0.41; DTF, ρ = 0.32; DSA, ρ = 0.25; DSF, ρ = 0.25). Known-group validity was assessed using the initial data and Imp-day data from the S-group and I-group, respectively, revealing significantly higher DSA and DSF scores in the I-group than in the S-group. Responsiveness was gauged using I-group data, showing significantly lower DSA and DSF scores on post-day compared to other days.
    CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed questionnaire has acceptable reliability and validity for clinical use, suggesting its usefulness for research on dental anxiety and fear and for providing patient-specific dental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many home-based interventions have been demonstrated to reduce unintentional and intentional injuries in young children aged 0-4 years, but an understanding of their inclusion in federally-funded home visiting programmes in the USA is needed.
    METHODS: The study team administered a survey to key informants at each of the 21 home visiting models approved for United States Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program funding being implemented in 2023. Respondents were based across the United States and in other developed countries. The survey collected information about the content used by models to address unintentional injury, parental health/wellbeing, and child abuse/neglect in children aged 0-4 years.
    RESULTS: Completed surveys were returned by all respondents (n=21). Most models reported the inclusion of some unintentional injury, parental health/well-being and child abuse/neglect content. While models on average covered four of the five child abuse/neglect topics listed, only five of the nine topics listed for unintentional injury and parental health/well-being were covered. Among the services used by models to address topics, covering content via standardised curriculum and referrals were the most frequent while less than one-quarter of models (n=5) provided families with safety equipment to address unintentional injury. Less than half of the models evaluated outcomes from their injury prevention services, and no models conducted cost-effectiveness evaluations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Home visiting programmes are a promising way to reduce injuries in children at high risk, but further development and evaluation of their injury prevention content could increase their impact in the USA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to identify alcohol-related population surveys administered in the Americas, determine which alcohol-related measures are examined and identify coverage gaps regarding alcohol-related measures.
    METHODS: As part of the Global Information System on Alcohol and Health study, a systematic search was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses criteria to identify regionally or nationally representative survey reports of the general population from 1 January 2010 to 6 August 2019. Alcohol-related measures extracted from surveys were categorized into 10 domains: alcohol consumption status; alcohol consumption; unrecorded alcohol consumption; drinking patterns; symptoms of dependence and/or harmful use; drinking during pregnancy; treatment coverage; second-hand harms; economic; and other.
    RESULTS: The systematic search identified 7417 survey reports, 94 of which were new and included in this study, with an additional 11 studies included from a previous systematic study of alcohol surveys. In total, 94 unique surveys and 161 unique survey waves were located, representing 105 unique survey questionnaires covering 30 countries. No population surveys were found for five member states; namely, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Haiti, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Saint Kitts and Nevis. All countries with population-based alcohol surveys had had a population survey probing alcohol use in the past year/month. Questions regarding heavy episodic drinking, alcohol use disorders, treatment-seeking for alcohol use, drinking during pregnancy, harms to others and the amounts spent on alcohol were asked in 26, 25, 10, 6, 22 and 11 countries, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneity in alcohol-related population surveys in the Americas from 2010 to 2019 limits their comparability throughout countries and over time. Future surveys should implement a standardized set of core questions to provide consistency in the monitoring of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The autistic population is rapidly increasing; meanwhile, autistic adults face disproportionate risks for adverse COVID-19 outcomes. Limited research indicates that autistic individuals have been accepting of initial vaccination, but research has yet to document this population\'s perceptions and acceptance of COVID-19 boosters.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to identify person-level and community characteristics associated with COVID-19 vaccination and booster acceptance among autistic adults, along with self-reported reasons for their stated preferences. Understanding this information is crucial in supporting this vulnerable population given evolving booster guidelines and the ending of the public health emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: Data are from a survey conducted in Pennsylvania from April 11 to September 12, 2022. Demographic characteristics, COVID-19 experiences, and COVID-19 vaccine decisions were compared across vaccination status groups. Chi-square analyses and 1-way ANOVA were conducted to test for significant differences. Vaccination reasons were ranked by frequency; co-occurrence was identified using phi coefficient correlation plots.
    RESULTS: Most autistic adults (193/266, 72.6%) intended to receive or received the vaccine and booster, 15% (40/266) did not receive or intend to receive any vaccine, and 12.4% (33/266) received or intended to receive the initial dose but were hesitant to accept booster doses. Reasons for vaccine acceptance or hesitancy varied by demographic factors and COVID-19 experiences. The most significant were previously contracting COVID-19, desire to access information about COVID-19, and discomfort with others not wearing a mask (all P=.001). County-level factors, including population density (P=.02) and percentage of the county that voted for President Biden (P=.001) were also significantly associated with differing vaccination acceptance levels. Reasons for accepting the initial COVID-19 vaccine differed among those who were or were not hesitant to accept a booster. Those who accepted a booster were more likely to endorse protecting others and trusting the vaccine as the basis for their acceptance, whereas those who were hesitant about the booster indicated that their initial vaccine acceptance came from encouragement from someone they trusted. Among the minority of those hesitant to any vaccination, believing that the vaccine was unsafe and would make them feel unwell were the most often reported reasons.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intention to receive or receiving the COVID-19 vaccination and booster was higher among autistic adults than the population that received vaccines in Pennsylvania. Autistic individuals who accepted vaccines prioritized protecting others, while autistic individuals who were vaccine hesitant had safety concerns about vaccines. These findings inform public health opportunities and strategies to further increase vaccination and booster rates among generally accepting autistic adults, to better support the already strained autism services and support system landscape. Vaccination uptake could be improved by leveraging passive information diffusion to combat vaccination misinformation among those not actively seeking COVID-19 information to better alleviate safety concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the Croatian Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ-Cro) as part of the Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool 1 (SMHAT-1) validation. We assessed the reliability and applicability of the APSQ-Cro among Croatian athletes. The international sports community is increasingly focused on mental health issues in athletes, highlighting the need for early detection tools like the Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ) and SMHAT-1. We included 869 Croatian competing athletes across 54 sports who received a link to access the WEB-based questionnaire. The Croatian Olympic Board helped in distributing the questionnaires, aiming to reach as many and as diverse a group of registered competing athletes in Croatia as possible. Results showed a Cronbach\'s alpha of 0.75 for the entire questionnaire, indicating acceptable reliability. An exploratory strategy of factor analysis was used to determine the underlying structure of the APSQ-Cro. For this purpose, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test and Bartlett\'s test for sphericity were performed to ensure the suitability of the data. The KMO test ensured sampling adequacy, with a measure of 0.77 indicating suitability for factor analysis, while Bartlett\'s test confirmed significant correlations among variables (χ2 = 2779.155, df = 45, p < 0.001), validating the dataset\'s appropriateness for data reduction techniques. The factor analysis, together with the Cattell scree test and varimax rotation, resulted in a two-factor structure for the APSQ-Cro. Factor 1 included items related to internal psychological struggles, while Factor 2 included items related to external pressures from the athletic environment. These two factors explained 53% of the variability, with Cronbach\'s alphas of 0.75 and 0.88 for the respective factors. The APSQ-Cro is a valid and reliable tool for assessing distress in Croatian athletes. Croatian athletes\' sporting experience will be improved with the broad adoption of the APSQ-Cro, which can help detect early signs of psychological distress and subsequently improve mental health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For many young people, the transition from child to adult mental health services is a vulnerable time associated with treatment disengagement and illness progression. Providing service information and options to youth, appealing to them, and tailoring to their needs during this period could help overcome systematic barriers to a successful transition. We know little about how SMS text message-based interventions might be leveraged to support the motivational, informational, and behavioral needs of youth during this time. Ascertaining youth preferences for the content and functionality of an SMS text message service could inform prototype development.
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated consensus preferences among youth on important content, technology features, and engagement supports to inform a transition-focused SMS text message service.
    METHODS: A modified e-Delphi survey design was used to collect demographics, current levels of technology use, importance ratings on message content, preferred technical features, and barriers and enablers to engagement for youth in Canada aged 16-26 years who have accessed mental health services within the past 5 years. Survey items on content were categorized according to the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model. Survey items on technical features were categorized according to the persuasive system design (PSD) model. A predefined consensus rating matrix and descriptive statistics were used to characterize the sample. The high consensus threshold was 70%.
    RESULTS: A total of 100 participants, predominantly non-White (n=47, 47%), aged 20-26 years (n=59, 59%), and who had first accessed mental health services between the ages of 13 and 19 years (n=60, 60%), were selected. The majority (n=90, 90%) identified as daily SMS text message users. A high level of consensus on importance ratings was reported in 45% (9/20) of content items based on the IMB model. There were higher levels of consensus on importance ratings related to behavior domain items (3/3, 100%) than information domain items (4/9, 44%) or motivation domain items (2/8, 25%). A high level of consensus on importance ratings was reported in only 19% (4/21) of feature and functionality items based on the PSD model. Among PSD model categories, there was a high level of consensus on importance ratings in 8% (1/12) of the primary task support domain items and 100% (3/3) of the system credibility support domain items. None of the dialogue-support and social-support domain items met the high level of consensus thresholds. In total, 27% (27/100) of youth indicated that the most significant enabler for engaging with a transition-focused SMS text message intervention was the personalization of text messages.
    CONCLUSIONS: Scientists developing next-generation SMS text messaging interventions for this population need to consider how levels of consensus on different features may impact feasibility and personalization efforts. Youth can (and should) play an integral role in the development of these interventions.





