
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Questions on voluntary association memberships have been used extensively in social scientific research for decades. Researchers generally assume that these respondent self-reports are accurate, but their measurement has never been assessed. Respondent characteristics are known to influence the accuracy of other self-report variables such as self-reported health, voting, or test scores. In this article, we investigate whether measurement error occurs in self-reports of voluntary association memberships. We use the 2004 General Social Survey (GSS) questions on voluntary associations, which include a novel resource: the actual organization names listed by respondents. We find that this widely used voluntary association classification scheme contains significant amounts of measurement error overall, especially within certain categories. Using a multilevel logistic regression, we predict accuracy of response nested within respondents and interviewers. We find that certain respondent characteristics, including some used in research on voluntary associations, influence respondent accuracy. Inaccurate and/or incorrect measurement will affect the statistics and conclusions drawn from the data on voluntary associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Worldwide, asthma, back pain, and migraine are major public health problems due to their high prevalence, effect on the quality of life, and huge economic costs. The association of asthma with an increased risk of these types of pain has been suggested; however, no conclusive results have been obtained to date. The aims of our study were (1) to describe and compare the prevalence of three types of pain localization, namely migraine or frequent headaches (MFH), chronic neck pain (CNP), and chronic low back pain (CLBP), in adults with and without asthma in Spain during the years 2014 and 2020 and (2) to identify which variables were associated with the presence of these types of pain in adults with asthma. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study and a case-control study were conducted. The 2014 and 2020 European Health Interview Surveys for Spain were used as the data source. (3) Results: A total of 2463 individuals were interviewed and had self-reported asthma. In this group, the prevalence of pain was high, with CLBP (30.9%) being the most common, followed by CNP (26.7%) and MFH (13.3%). All types of pain remained stable from 2014 to 2020. In both surveys, the women with asthma reported a remarkably higher prevalence of all the types of pain analyzed than the men with asthma. After matching by age and sex, the prevalence of all pain types was significantly higher in the patients with asthma than in the matched individuals without asthma. Multivariable adjustment showed that asthma increased the likelihood of CNP by 1.45 times (OR 1.45; 95% CI 1.19-1.76), that of CLBP by 1.37 times (OR 1.37; 95% CI 1.11-1.64), and that of MFH by 1.19 times (OR 1.19; 95% CI 1.02-1.51). The three types of pain analyzed were associated with the female sex and worse self-rated health. (4) Conclusions: Among the men and women with asthma, the prevalence of all the pain types was high and remained stable over time. The prevalence was higher and the severity was greater among the women with asthma than among the men with asthma. The prevalence of any pain was significantly higher in people with asthma than in the sex-age-matched individuals without asthma. Multivariable analysis showed that the variables associated with the reporting of the three types of pain in people with asthma were female sex, worse self-reported health, and self-reported mental illness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Measurement Approaches to Partnership Success (MAPS) study team effectively used a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach to recruit 55 long-standing CBPR partnerships to participate in an online questionnaire to assess factors associated with partnership success. Our recruitment was guided by interconnected values of collaboration, transparency, and relationship-building to maintain fidelity to CBPR principles throughout the process. We operationalized these values into a series of strategies to recruit partnerships and sustain their involvement, including establishing primary points of contact, offering incentives for completion, personalizing recruitment materials, and practicing flexibility in our approach. We aim to inform public health researchers on the strategies that enabled our team to achieve 100% of our study recruitment goal, with the intent that our recommendations can be applied by others to enhance their recruitment efforts and reach their data collection goals for future public health research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We sought to quantify the proportion of contacts reported by persons with COVID-19 through a short message service (SMS)-linked survey in comparison to the proportion of contacts reported during a follow-up phone-interview. We also sought to assess improvement in contact tracing timeliness associated with sending SMS-linked surveys.
    UNASSIGNED: During December 4-15, 2020, persons identified as COVID-19 cases whose data was entered into Marin County\'s contact tracing database on even days received a SMS-linked survey and persons whose data was entered on odd days did not; all were called for case investigation and contact tracing. Chi-square test and Fisher\'s exact test were used to compare demographic data. Chi-square test was used to contrast categorical outcomes, and Wilcoxon\'s rank-sum test was used for continuous outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Among 350 SMS-linked survey recipients, 85 (24%) responded and 4 (1%) reported contacts using the survey; an additional 303 contacts were reported during phone interviews. Without phone interviews, 99% of reported contacts would have been missed. There was no meaningful difference between study arms in the proportion of contacts notified within 48 h.
    UNASSIGNED: This SMS-linked survey had low participation and was not useful for identifying contacts. Phone interviews remained crucial for COVID-19 contact tracing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiology does not routinely solicit feedback on radiology reports. The aim of the study is to report the feasibility and initial results of a multi-institutional quality improvement project implementing patient and provider feedback for radiology reports.
    A HIPAA-compliant, institutional review board-waived quality improvement effort at two institutions obtaining patient and provider feedback for radiology reports was implemented from January 2018 to May 2020.
    A two-question survey (quantitative review and open text box feedback) was embedded into the electronic health records for patients and providers. Text-based feedback was evaluated, and patterns of feedback were categorized: thoroughness of reports, error in reports, timeliness of reports, access to reports, desire for patient summary, and desire for key images. We performed the χ2 test for categorical variables. P < .05 was considered significant.
    Of 367 responses, patients provided 219 of 367 (60%), and providers provided 148 of 367 (40%) of the feedback. A higher proportion of patients reported satisfaction with reports (76% versus 65%, P = .023) and provided more feedback compared with providers (71% versus 50%, P < .0001). Both patients and providers commented on the thoroughness of reports (12% of patients versus 9% of providers) and errors in reports (8% of patients and 9% of providers). Patients disproportionately commented on timeliness of reports (11%) and access to the reports (6%) compared with providers (3% each). In addition, 7% of patients expressed a desire for patient summaries.
    Report-specific patient and provider feedback demonstrate the feasibility of embedding surveys into electronic medical records. Up to 9% of the feedback addressed an error in reports.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Numerous measures have been developed for the assessment of interprofessional attitudes, including the Interprofessional Attitudes Scale (IPAS). The purpose of this study was to assess, and contribute to, the validity evidence for the IPAS. The IPAS was used in a three-year longitudinal study to collect data from first year health professionals. Three forms of assessment were conducted to accrue validity evidence for the IPAS: Exploratory Factor Analysis, Item Analysis, and analysis using Item Response Theory. Data was collected from 337 participants over three years. Separately, and cumulatively, the Exploratory Factor Analysis, Item Analysis and analysis using Item Response Theory identified issues with the content, response process, internal structure, and consequential validity of the IPAS. The outcomes of the present study call into question the use of the IPAS, and other measures, for the assessment of interprofessional attitudes. The present study contributes several pieces of evidence to the validity of the IPAS and the reevaluation of the use of attitude assessment in interprofessional education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: For many years, the concept of safety culture has attracted researchers from all over the world, and more particularly in the area of healthcare services. The purpose of this paper is to measure safety culture dimensions in order to improve and promote healthcare in Algeria.
    METHODS: The used approach consists of getting a better understanding of healthcare safety culture (HSC) by measuring the perception of healthcare professionals in order to guide promotion actions. For this, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire was used in a pilot hospital setting where it was distributed on a number of 114 health professionals chosen by stratified random sampling.
    RESULTS: The results showed that the identified priority areas for HSC improvement help in establishing a trust culture and a non-punitive environment based on the system and not on the individual.
    CONCLUSIONS: Safety is recognized as a key aspect of service quality, thus measuring the HSC can help establish an improvement plan. In Algerian health facilities, this study is considered the first to examine perceptions in this particular area. The current results provide a baseline of strengths and opportunities for healthcare safety improvement, allowing the managers of this type of facilities to take steps that are more effective.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    People\'s reports of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are used in many fields of biomedical and social science. When these states have been studied over time, researchers have often observed an unpredicted and puzzling decrease with repeated assessment. When noted, this pattern has been called an \"attenuation effect,\" suggesting that the effect is due to bias in later reports. However, the pattern could also be consistent with an initial elevation bias. We present systematic, experimental investigations of this effect in four field studies (study 1: n = 870; study 2: n = 246; study 3: n = 870; study 4: n = 141). Findings show clear support for an initial elevation bias rather than a later decline. This bias is larger for reports of internal states than for behaviors and for negative mental states and physical symptoms than for positive states. We encourage increased awareness and investigation of this initial elevation bias in all research using subjective reports.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A lot of information used in aging research relies on self-reports. Surveys or questionnaires are used to assess quality of life, attitudes toward aging, experiences of aging, subjective well-being, symptomatology, health behaviors, financial information, medication adherence, etc. Growing evidence suggests that older and younger respondents are differentially affected by questionnaire features and the cognitive tasks that question answering pose. This research has shown that age-related changes in cognitive and communicative functioning can lead to age-related differences in self-reports that are erroneously interpreted as real age differences in attitudes and behaviors. The current review highlights how the processes underlying respondents\' self-report change as a function of respondents\' age; it updates our previous reviews of this literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate determinants of the public\'s perceptions of disease threat, in 2015 we conducted a randomized survey experiment in the Netherlands. Adults who read a mock news article describing average +or extreme outcomes from a hypothetical influenza pandemic were more influenced by average than by extreme case information. Presenting both types of information simultaneously appeared counterproductive.





