
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing popularity of electronic cigarettes (e-cig) has raised questions about the health effects of e-cig use, or vaping. Previous studies have reported on the potential of exposure to arsenic (As) and other metal(loid)s from vaping, but little is known about the speciation of As in the inhaled aerosols, an important determinant of toxicity. Inorganic As (iAs) species AsIII and AsV are generally more hazardous than organic As species. This study aimed to investigate total and speciated As in condensed aerosols of popular commercial e-cig products and to compare them with regulatory exposure limits. High-performance liquid chromatography and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry were used for As measurements of e-cig aerosol condensates. The analysis included samples from three types of e-cig devices: MODs, PODs, and disposable pod (d-POD) devices. iAs species were identified in all 23 analyzed e-cig aerosol condensate samples, with the highest aerosol concentrations measured in MODs. The geometric mean (range) iAs concentration of 2.3 (1.2-5.1) μg/m3 observed in MOD devices in this study exceeded the recommended exposure limit of 2 μg/m3 for 15-min or shorter inhalation exposures set by the United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. These preliminary results suggest that iAs species are present in inhalable aerosols of some MOD products at levels above regulatory limits for iAs inhalation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the behavior of cyanide in rivers is of utmost importance as it has a direct impact on the health of people who depend on these water sources. Cyanide contamination from gold mining activities poses a significant environmental threat to river ecosystems, particularly in southern Ecuador. This study aimed to investigate the behavior of cyanide when it enters contact with other metals in these rivers. Simulations were conducted to determine the speciation of cyanide, mercury, arsenic, lead, and manganese in a study area, taking into account the water temperature and pH at four locations. The findings revealed that CN-and HCN(aq) species were present in the research area. Additionally, mercury-cyanide (Hg(CN)2(aq), Hg(CN)3-), and manganese-cyanide (MnCN+) complexes were identified 3 km downriver from the site where the mining activity is higher. These metal-cyanide complexes tend to dissociate quickly under weak acidic conditions, making them hazardous to the environment. This research is crucial, not only for the environment but also for human health, as it allows to predict toxicity risks for people supplied with this water source, emphasizing the potential harm to human health. This study highlights the importance of stringent regulations and effective monitoring practices to mitigate cyanide contamination and safeguard environmental and occupational health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vicariant species formation, divergence results primarily from periods of allopatry and restricted gene flow. Widespread species harboring differentiated, geographically distinct sublineages offer a window into what may be a common mode of species formation, whereby a species originates, spreads across the landscape, then fragments into multiple units. However, incipient lineages usually lack reproductive barriers that prevent their fusion upon secondary contact, blurring the boundaries between a single, large metapopulation-level lineage and multiple independent species. Here we explore this model of species formation in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus), a widespread terrestrial vertebrate with at least six divergent mitochondrial clades throughout its range. Using anchored hybrid enrichment data, we applied phylogenomic and population genomic approaches to investigate patterns of divergence, gene flow, and secondary contact. Genomic data broadly match most mitochondrial groups but reveal mitochondrial introgression and extensive admixture at several contact zones. While species delimitation analyses in BPP supported five lineages of P. cinereus, genealogical divergence indices (gdi) were highly sensitive to the inclusion of admixed samples and the geographic representation of candidate species, with increasing support for multiple species when removing admixed samples or limiting sampling to a single locality per group. An analysis of morphometric data revealed differences in body size and limb proportions among groups, with a reduction of forelimb length among warmer and drier localities consistent with increased fossoriality. We conclude that P. cinereus is a single species, but one with highly structured component lineages of various degrees of independence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stabilizing heavy metals (HMs) in sewage sludge is urgently needed to facilitate its recycling and reuse. Pyrolysis stands out as a promising method for not only stabilizing these metals but also producing biochar. Our research delves into the migration and transformation of specific HMs (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb) during co-pyrolysis under various conditions, including the presence and absence of microplastics (PVC and PET). We examined different concentrations of these plastics (1 %, 5 %, 10 %, and 15 %) and temperatures (300 °C, 500 °C, and 700 °C). Findings reveal that microplastics, particularly PVC, enhance the migration of Zn and Mn, leading to significant volatilization of Zn and Pb at higher temperatures, peaking at 700 °C. The increase in temperature also markedly influences HM migration, with As showcasing notable loss rates that climbed by 18.0 % and 16.3 % in systems with PET and PVC, respectively, as temperatures soared from 300 °C to 700 °C. Moreover, our speciation analysis indicates that microplastics aid in transforming certain HMs from unstable to more stable forms, suggesting their beneficial role in HM stabilization during pyrolysis. This study significantly enriches our understanding of microplastics\' impact on HM behavior in sewage sludge pyrolysis, offering new avenues for pollution control and environmental management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptic species are groups of two or more taxa that were previously classified as single nominal species. Being almost morphologically indistinguishable, cryptic species have historically been hard to detect. Only through modern morphometric, genetic, and molecular analyses has the hidden biodiversity of cryptic species complexes been revealed. Cryptic diversity is now widely acknowledged, but unlike more recognisable, charismatic species, scientists face additional challenges when studying cryptic taxa and protecting their wild populations. Demographical and ecological data are vital to facilitate and inform successful conservation actions, particularly at the individual species level, yet this information is lacking for many cryptic species due to their recent taxonomic description and lack of research attention. The first part of this article summarises cryptic speciation and diversity, and explores the numerous barriers and considerations that conservation biologists must navigate to detect, study and manage cryptic species populations effectively. The second part of the article seeks to address how we can overcome the challenges associated with efficiently and non-invasively detecting cryptic species in-situ, and filling vital knowledge gaps that are currently inhibiting applied conservation. The final section discusses future directions, and suggests that large-scale, holistic, and collaborative approaches that build upon successful existing applications will be vital for cryptic species conservation. This article also acknowledges that sufficient data to implement effective species-specific conservation will be difficult to attain for many cryptic animals, and protected area networks will be vital for their conservation in the short term.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We evaluated the inclusion of a cryptic species in a Japanese Amanita caesareoides population. We sampled A. caesareoides specimens under various vegetation and climate conditions, and then conducted phylogenetic analyses on sequences from seven loci. The A. caesareoides specimens showed two distinct groups, except when the ITS phylogeny was considered. These two phylogroups showed different distributions: subalpine-cool temperate and temperate-subtropical areas. Although these two phylogroups overlapped in terms of basidiospore size, the latter tended to exhibit smaller basidiospores. In addition, only the former showed mycelial growth on nutrient agar. Based on these phylo-morpho-ecophysiological characteristics, we separated the specimens labeled with the name A. caesareoides into two species. As the lectotype of A. caesareoides showed similarity to the former by DNA analysis, the latter was described as a new species, namely A. satotamagotake. Based on the geographic patterns of the two species, A. satotamagotake may have invaded the natural habit of A. caesareoides because of global warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of sex chromosomes and their turnover in speciation remains a subject of ongoing debate in the field of evolutionary biology. Fishes are the largest group of vertebrates, and they exhibit unparalleled sexual plasticity, as well as diverse sex-determining (SD) genes, sex chromosomes, and sex determination mechanisms. This diversity is hypothesized to be associated with the frequent turnover of sex chromosomes in fishes. Although it is evident that amh and amhr2 are repeatedly and independently recruited as SD genes, their relationship with the rapid turnover of sex chromosomes and the biodiversity of fishes remains unknown. We summarize the canonical models of sex chromosome turnover and highlight the vital roles of gene mutation and hybridization with empirical evidence. We revisit Haldane\'s rule and the large X-effect and propose the hypothesis that sex chromosomes accelerate speciation by multiplying genotypes via hybridization. By integrating recent findings on the turnover of SD genes, sex chromosomes, and sex determination systems in fish species, this review provides insights into the relationship between sex chromosome evolution and biodiversity in fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The release of nickel \"Ni(II)\" into aquatic environments is of great concern because of environmental and health issues. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are one of the most promising technologies for removing heavy metals from water. In this work, an octahedral Co-based MOF (Co-MOF) was synthesized with a high Ni(II) removal capacity (qmax of 1534.09 ± 45.49 mg g-1) in aqueous media. For the first time, the effect of Co-MOF alone and in co-exposure with Ni(II) on nitrifying microbial consortium was assessed using dynamic microrespirometry. A single concentration of Co-MOF had no significant effects on nitrifying microbial consortium, while the concentration of Ni(II) exerted non-competitive inhibition on the nitrifying microbial consortium with an IC50 of 1.67 ± 0.03 mg L-1. In addition, the theoretical speciation analysis showed a decrease of 40% of IC50 when the free Ni(II) concentration was considered. Co-exposure of Co-MOF and Ni(II) during the nitrifying process allowed us to conclude that Co-MOF is an effective adsorbent for Ni(II) and can be used to mitigate the inhibitory effects of nickel on nitrifying microbial consortia, which is crucial for maintaining the good operation of wastewater treatment and balance of nitrogen cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ever since Alfred Russel Wallace\'s nineteenth-century observation that related terrestrial species are often separated on opposing riverbanks, major Amazonian rivers have been recognized as key drivers of speciation. However, rivers are dynamic entities whose widths and courses may vary through time. It thus remains unknown how effective rivers are at reducing gene flow and promoting speciation over long timescales. We fit demographic models to genomic sequences to reconstruct the history of gene flow in three pairs of avian taxa fully separated by different Amazonian rivers, and whose geographic ranges do not make contact in headwater regions where rivers may cease to be barriers. Models with gene flow were best fit but still supported an initial period without any gene flow, which ranged from 187 000 to over 959 000 years, suggesting that rivers are capable of initiating speciation through long stretches of allopatric divergence. Allopatry was followed by either bursts or prolonged episodes of gene flow that retarded genomic differentiation but did not fully homogenize populations. Our results support Amazonian rivers as key barriers that promoted speciation and the build-up of species richness, but they also suggest that river barriers are often leaky, with genomic divergence accumulating slowly owing to episodes of substantial gene flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy metals mainly exist on the surface of sediment particles and are transported using particulate matter as carriers. Therefore, the particle size of sediment particles can affect the adsorption, release, and migration of heavy metals. This study aim to investigate the distribution characteristics and chemical fraction of Cd, Pb, and As contents in sediments of different particle sizes using the BCR method, and to determine the key factors affecting the distribution of heavy metals through mineralogical methods such as XRD and EDS. The results revealed that the overall content of various forms of heavy metals increases with the decrease of particle size, mainly presents in fine particles. The mineralogical analysis results indicated that fine particles predominantly contained clay minerals such as chlorite and illite and coarse particles mainly include primary minerals. Due to the mining areas in the middle-upstream, Cd, Pb and As were primarily associated with galena, sphalerite and pyrite, respectively. The distribution of heavy metals is jointly influenced by sediment particle size and sediment material composition.





