
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing popularity of electronic cigarettes (e-cig) has raised questions about the health effects of e-cig use, or vaping. Previous studies have reported on the potential of exposure to arsenic (As) and other metal(loid)s from vaping, but little is known about the speciation of As in the inhaled aerosols, an important determinant of toxicity. Inorganic As (iAs) species AsIII and AsV are generally more hazardous than organic As species. This study aimed to investigate total and speciated As in condensed aerosols of popular commercial e-cig products and to compare them with regulatory exposure limits. High-performance liquid chromatography and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry were used for As measurements of e-cig aerosol condensates. The analysis included samples from three types of e-cig devices: MODs, PODs, and disposable pod (d-POD) devices. iAs species were identified in all 23 analyzed e-cig aerosol condensate samples, with the highest aerosol concentrations measured in MODs. The geometric mean (range) iAs concentration of 2.3 (1.2-5.1) μg/m3 observed in MOD devices in this study exceeded the recommended exposure limit of 2 μg/m3 for 15-min or shorter inhalation exposures set by the United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. These preliminary results suggest that iAs species are present in inhalable aerosols of some MOD products at levels above regulatory limits for iAs inhalation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating natural processes in arsenic (As) polluted areas and plants that have naturally chosen to grow there pose practical restoration recommendations. This study aimed to assess long-term changes in natural As dendroremediation dynamics for Quercus robur L. and Tilia cordata Mill., tree species capable of growing in areas polluted by mining activities. We examined total As and its forms, as well as B, Ca, K, Mg, Na and P, in soil and trees over 5 years. We also characterized pH and EC of soil, examined proline content in tree organs, and calculated Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and Translocation Factor (TF) for As. Initial As concentrations in soil were 37.0 mg kg⁻1 under Q. robur and 34.7 mg kg⁻1 under T. cordata, significantly decreasing after 5 years to 10.5 mg kg⁻1 and 9.51 mg kg⁻1, respectively. This corresponds to pollution reduction of up to 71.8%. A notable decrease in As(III) and dimethylarsinic acid, along with increase in other organic As forms in soil, was observed. Additionally, concentrations of essential elements in soil, as well as its pH and EC, decreased over time. Both tree species accumulated substantial amounts of As in their organs, but the dynamics of this process were species-specific. During first 4 years, T. cordata accumulated more As and exhibited higher BCF, but in the 5th year, it was clearly surpassed by Q. robur. The highest TF was calculated for Q. robur in year 3, and for T. cordata in years 2 and 3. Generally, limited aboveground movement of As was indicated: BCF >1 were calculated for years 2 and 3, while TF were consistently <1. Proline content increased significantly in all organs, correlating with As, especially in Q. robur. In contrast, Q. robur leaves mapping revealed stable macroelement distributions, but clear variations were observed for T. cordata., which may suggest specific reaction to stress. These findings suggest that both species can effectively restore As-polluted areas, though with different dynamics. The selection of species for dendrorestoration should be based on whether the goal is faster remediation with lesser overall reduction (e.g. T. cordata) or slower remediation with ultimately greater pollution reduction (e.g. Q. robur).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speciation and diversification patterns in angiosperms are frequently shaped by niche evolution. Centaurium Hill is a Mediterranean genus with ca. 25 species, of which 60% are polyploids (tetra- and hexaploids), distributed mainly in the Mediterranean Basin and in areas with temperate and arid climates of Asia, Europe, North-Central Africa and North America. The evolutionary history of this genus has been studied using morphological, biogeographical and molecular approaches, but its climatic niche characterization and its relation with genome evolution (chromosome number and ploidy level) has not been addressed yet. Thus, this study aims to identify the role of the evolution of climatic niche, ploidy level, life cycle and floral traits in the diversification of Centaurium. Climatic niche characterization involved estimating present climate preferences using quantitative data and reconstructing ancestral niches to evaluate climatic niche shifts. The evolution of climatic niche towards selective optima determined by ploidy level (three ploidy levels) and different binary traits (polyploidy, floral size, floral display, herkogamy and life cycle) was addressed under the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. Chromosome number evolution was inferred using the ChromoSSE model, testing if changes are clado- or anagenetic. Chromosome number evolution and its link with cladogenesis, life cycle and floral traits was modeled on the phylogeny. The reconstruction of the ancestral niches shows that Centaurium originated in a mild climate and diversified to both humid and cold as well as to dry and warmer climates. Niche conservatism was estimated in the climatic niche of the ancestors, while the climatic niche of the current taxa experienced transitions from their ancestors\' niche. Besides, the evolution of climatic niche towards multiple selective optima determined by the studied traits was supported, life cycle optima receiving the highest support. The reconstruction of chromosome number transitions shows that the rate of speciation process resulting from chromosomal changes (chromosomal cladogenesis) is similar to that of non-chromosomal cladogenesis. Additionally, dependent evolution of floral size, floral display and herkogamy with chromosome number variation was supported. In conclusion, polyploidization is a crucial process in the Mediterranean region that assisted speciation and diversification into new areas with different climates, entailing niche shifts and evolution of reproductive strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Peronospora is the largest genus of the oomycetes, fungus-like members of the kingdom Straminipila that also contains amoeboid (e.g., Leukarachnion) and plant-like (e.g., Laminaria) lifeforms. Peronospora species are obligate biotrophic plant pathogens, causing high economic losses in various crops and ornamentals, including Plantago species. Several species of Plantago are used as speciality crops and medicinal plants. In this study, Peronospora species parasitic on Plantago were investigated based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses using two nuclear (ITS, nrLSU) loci and one mitochondrial (cox2) locus. As a result of these investigations, 10 new species are added to the already known Peronospora species on Plantago. Interestingly, it was found that four independent species are parasitic to Plantago major, highlighting that the reliance on the host plant for pathogen determination can be misleading in Peronospora. Taking this into account, morphological and phylogenetic analyses should be conducted as a prerequisite for effective quarantine regulations and phytosanitary measures. Citation: Mu M, Choi Y-J, Kruse J, et al. 2024. Single host plant species may harbour more than one species of Peronospora - a case study on Peronospora infecting Plantago. Persoonia 52: 94-118. https://doi.org/10.3767/persoonia.2024.52.04 .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycoheterotrophic plants (MHPs) rely on their mycorrhizal fungus for carbon and nutrient supply, thus a shift in mycobionts may play a crucial role in speciation. This study aims to explore the mycorrhizal diversity of two closely related and sympatric fully MHPs, Monotropastrum humile var. humile (Mhh) and M. humile var. glaberrimum (Mhg), and determine their mycorrhizal associations. A total of 1,108,710 and 1,119,071 ectomycorrhizal fungal reads were obtained from 31 Mhh and 31 Mhg, and these were finally assigned to 227 and 202 operational taxonomic units, respectively. Results show that sympatric Mhh and Mhg are predominantly associated with different fungal genera in Russulaceae. Mhh is consistently associated with members of Russula, whereas Mhg is associated with members of Lactarius. Associating with different mycobionts and limited sharing of fungal partners might reduce the competition and contribute to their coexistence. The ectomycorrhizal fungal communities are significantly different among the five forests in both Mhh and Mhg. The distinct mycorrhizal specificity between Mhh and Mhg suggests the possibility of different mycobionts triggered ecological speciation between sympatric species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM), an increasingly prevalent activity in South America, generates mercury-contaminated tailings that are often disposed of in the environment, leading to the introduction of mercury into ecosystems and the food web, where it bioaccumulates. Therefore, studying the geochemical processes involved in the desorption and dissolution of mercury in these tailings is essential for critical risk evaluations in the short and long term. For this purpose, sequential extraction procedures (SEPs) can be useful because they help to identify the phases to which Hg is associated, although they also have limitations such as a lack of selectivity and specificity. In this work, we propose a modified four-step SEP: exchangeable mercury (F1), oxidizable mercury (F2), mercury bound to Fe oxides (F3), and strongly bound mercury (F4). To test this adapted sequential extraction method, we evaluated the Hg contamination in mercury-contaminated tailings of the Amazon basin. The results revealed a total mercury concentration of 103 ± 16 mg·kg-1 in the tailings, with a significant portion in F1 (28% of the total), where Hg was bioavailable. The large Hg concentration in F3 (36%) suggested that Fe oxides likely contribute to mercury retention. Together, the SEP results emphasize the urgent need for improved surveillance of gold mining activities and responsible tailings management practices to mitigate environmental contamination and safeguard the health of the Amazon ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The speciation of arsenic in fish has been widely investigated, but bioaccumulation and biotransformation of inorganic As in different tissues of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) are not fully understood. The present study aimed to investigate the bioaccumulation of As in Nile tilapia, as well as to evaluate the distribution of the main arsenic species (As(III), As(V), MMA, DMA, and AsB) in liver, stomach, gill, and muscle, after controlled exposures to As(III) and As(V) at concentrations of 5.0 and 10.0 mg L-1 during periods of 1 and 7 days. Total As was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). For both exposures (As(III) and As(V)), the total As levels after 7-day exposure were highest in the liver and lowest in the muscle. Overall, the Nile tilapia exposed to As(III) showed higher tissue levels of As after the treatments, compared to As(V) exposure. Speciation of arsenic present in the tissues employed liquid chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (LC-ICP-MS), revealing that the biotransformation of As included As(V) reduction to As(III), methylation to monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), and subsequent conversion to nontoxic arsenobetaine (AsB), which was the predominant arsenic form. Finally, the interactions and antagonistic effects of selenium in the bioaccumulation processes were tested by the combined exposure to As(III), the most toxic species of As, together with tetravalent selenium (Se(IV)). The results indicated a 4-6 times reduction of arsenic toxicity in the tilapia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The topographical, geological, climatic and biodiversity complexity of Mesoamerica has made it a primary research focus. The Mesoamerican highlands is a region with particularly high species richness and within-species variation. The Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer, Diglossa baritula (Wagler, 1832), is a species endemic to the Mesoamerican highlands, with three allopatric subspecies currently recognized. To characterize divergence within this species, we integrated genomics, morphology, coloration and ecological niche modeling approaches, obtained from sampling individuals across the entire geographic distribution of the species. Our results revealed a clear genomic divergence between the populations to the east versus the west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In contrast to the genomic results, morphology and coloration analyses showed intermediate levels of differentiation, indicating that population groups within D. baritula have probably been under similar selective pressures. Our morphology results indicated that the only sexually dimorphic morphological variable is the wing chord, with males having a longer wing chord than females. Finally, ecological data indicated that there are differences in ecological niche within D. baritula. Our data suggest that D. baritula could contain two or more incipient species at the intermediate phase of the speciation continuum. These results highlight the importance of the geographical barrier of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and Pleistocene climatic events in driving isolation and population divergence in D. baritula. The present investigation illustrates the speciation potential of the D. baritula complex and the capacity of Mesoamerican highlands to create cryptic biodiversity and endemism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work reveals the opportunities to obtain additional information about some biological problems through studying species that possess chromatin diminution. A brief review of the hypothesized biological significance of chromatin diminution is discussed. This article analyzes the biological role of chromatin diminution as it relates to the C-value enigma. It is proposed to consider chromatin diminution as a universal mechanism of genome reduction, reducing the frequency of recombination events in the genome, which leads to specialization and adaptation of the species to more narrow environmental conditions. A hypothesis suggesting the role of non-coding DNA in homologous recombination in eukaryotes is proposed. Cyclopskolensis Lilljeborg, 1901 (Copepoda, Crustacea) is proposed as a model species for studying the mechanisms of transformation of the chromosomes and interphase nuclei structure of somatic line cells due to chromatin diminution. Chromatin diminution in copepods is considered as a stage of irreversible differentiation of embryonic cells during ontogenesis. The process of speciation in cyclopoids with chromatin diminution is considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a powerful and sensitive tool for speciation analysis when combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS); however, the performance of this technique can be limited by the nature of pneumatic nebulizers. This study compares two commercially available pneumatic nebulizers to a newly introduced vibrating capillary nebulizer (VCN) for on-line coupling of CE with ICP-MS. The VCN is a low-cost, non-pneumatic nebulizer that is based on the design of capillary vibrating sharp-edge spray ionization. As a piezoelectrically driven nebulization source, the VCN creates an aerosol independent of gas flows and does not produce a low-pressure region at the nebulizer orifice. To compare the systems, we performed replicate analyses of sulfate in river water with each nebulizer and the same CE and ICP-MS instruments and determined the figures of merit of each setup. With the CE-VCN-ICP-MS setup, we achieved around 2-4 times lower sensitivity compared to the commercial setups. However, the VCN-based setup provided lower noise levels and better linear correlation from the analysis of calibration standards, which resulted in indistinguishable LOD and LOQ values from the in-house-built VCN-based and commercial setups for CE-ICP-MS analysis. The VCN is found to have the highest baseline stability with a standard deviation of 3500 cts s-1, corresponding to an RSD of 2.7%. High reproducibility is found with the VCN with a peak area RSD of 4.1% between 3 replicate measurements.





