
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a lack of research regarding dietary supplement (DS) use among Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Queer (GBT2Q) men and non-binary individuals, despite the higher prevalence of body image issues and societal pressure within this community. This study aimed to investigate patterns and predictors of DS use in this population, including types of DS used, sources of information, and reasons for DS use. A validated and anonymous online questionnaire was completed by 204 participants (52.5% men, 43.1% gay, mean age 29.34 + 6.77 years) across Canada, who were consuming DS at the time of the study. Analyses included descriptive statistics to characterize the sample based on gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity, and other demographic attributes, using Pearson\'s chi-square tests and multi-way cross-tabulation analyses. Additionally, regression analyses, including binary and logistic regressions, were employed to identify predictors of DS use. Data analysis concluded that vitamins/minerals (92.2%), proteins (84.3%) and carbohydrates (75.5%) were the most consumed types of supplements. Identifying as certain genders and sexualities was significantly associated with supplement preferences, such that men reported higher use of amino acids (p = 0.033) and non-vitamins/mineral antioxidants compared to individuals identifying as other genders (p = 0.006). Moreover, bisexual participants consumed amino acids (p = 0.043) and carbohydrates (p = 0.026) more frequently when compared to non-bisexual participants. The most listed reason for DS use was to improve immunity (60.3%), with health care professionals being listed as the source of information by most participants (51.0%). Findings from this study can serve as a foundation for further research in this area and can guide the formulation and implementation of adequate policies targeting this underserved population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nurses play an important role in the prevention and management of delirium episodes. However, some studies have reported that not all interventions recommended are applied due to time and resource constraints, resulting in patients receiving less care than required because other patients and/or interventions are prioritised. The concept of prioritization is part of the broader concept of decision-making as the ability to choose between two or more alternatives to ensure patient safety. Understanding the reasons influencing the prioritization process in patients at risk or with delirium may inform interventions to prevent and/or minimise the unfinished nursing care.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons that inform the prioritisation process among nurses when they are challenged to make decisions for patients at risk and with delirium.
    METHODS: A descriptive qualitative study performed according to the COnsolidated criteria for Reporting guidelines, in 2021. An intentional sample of nurses working full-time with older patients in medical, geriatric, and post-acute care facilities affiliated with the National Health System was involved. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and narratives thematic analysed.
    RESULTS: A total of 56 nurses (55.4% in internal medicine, 26.8% in geriatrics and 17.8% in post-acute/intermediate care) participated with an average age of 31.6 years. The reasons informing the prioritisation process while providing preventive or managerial interventions towards a patient at risk of or with delirium are set at three levels: (1) unit level, as reasons belong to the inadequacy of the \'Environment\', the \'Human Resources\', and the \'Organisation and Work Processes\', (2) nurse\'s level, as issues in \'Competencies\' and \'Attitudes\' possessed, and (3) patient level, due to the \'Multidimensional Frailty\'.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses caring for patients at risk of and with delirium face several challenges in providing care. To prioritise preventive and managerial interventions, it is essential to implement multilevel and multifaced organizational and educational strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioethics has dedicated itself to exploring and defending both reasons for and against certain aspects of clinical care, biomedical research and health policy, including what decisions must be made, who should make them, and how they should be made. In pediatrics, it\'s widely acknowledged that parents\' reasons may matter pragmatically; attending to parents\' reasons is important if we want to work with families. Yet the conventional view in pediatric ethics is that parents\' reasons are irrelevant to whether a decision is permissible or impermissible according to accepted ethical standards. In this paper, we explore whether parents\' reasons matter ethically and, if so, in what way and for whom. First, we clarify what we mean by \'reasons.\' Second, we provide an overview of how reasons are typically treated in medical decision-making and pediatric ethics. Third, we analyze a hypothetical pediatric case to illustrate how changing reasons can transform ethical analyses, including by contributing to where and how clinicians and ethicists draw the boundaries intrinsic to common pediatric ethical frameworks. We push back against the conventional view and argue that parents\' reasons matter ethically in several ways. We call for further research on the role of parents\' reasons in clinical ethics deliberation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to assess the prevalence and reasons for nonadherence to cotrimoxazole prophylaxis therapy. A cross-sectional study was conducted among people living with HIV attending Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. Data were collected through interviews and reviews of medical records. Binary logistic regression was employed to analyze factors associated with CPT nonadherence. Approximately two-thirds (65.5%) of the participants were non-adherent to co-trimoxazole prophylaxis therapy. The main reasons for non-adherence were side effects, pill fatigue and forgetfulness. Strategies to improve adherence to co-trimoxazole prophylaxis therapy should focus on the combined patient, clinical and medication related issues of people living with HIV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This cross-sectional study investigated the reasons behind academic cheating in a cohort of nursing students in Saudi Arabia. The study involved 482 nursing students from two government universities in Riyadh. We used a newly developed self-reported questionnaire called the Reasons for Cheating Scale (RCS) to collect data. The highest-scoring reasons for academic cheating in the study population included the desire to obtain high grades, encouragement from friends to cheat, and the perception that exams were too difficult. Male students scored significantly higher than female students for reasons such as not understanding the course material, unclear test questions and instructions, pressure from families to excel, difficulty of the course material, and ignorance of effective study methods (P < 0.05). Age also had a role, as students aged 15-20 years had significantly higher scores for the item \"Exams are too hard\", whereas those aged ≥25 years had higher scores for \"Difficulty of the course material\" (P < 0.05). Additionally, students in the preparatory year had significantly higher scores than those in other years for reasons such as difficult exams, unclear test questions and instructions, fear of failing, difficulty of the course material, and the desire to please their families (P < 0.05). Overall, the desire to obtain high grades emerged as the main reason for academic cheating in our cohort of nursing students in Saudi Arabia. The findings suggest that sociodemographic characteristics, including sex, age, and academic year, should be considered when addressing the issue of cheating among nursing students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This cross-sectional survey aimed to explore the reasons for receiving the HPV vaccination among eligible adults in Italy.
    METHODS: The survey was conducted from July 2023 to April 2024 in Naples, Southern Italy.
    RESULTS: A total of 282 questionnaires were collected. The majority of the respondents (73.2%) was aware that HPV vaccination was recommended and this was more likely among women, healthcare workers (HCWs) or students in health sciences, and those who had acquired information from physicians. The most frequently cited reasons for vaccinating were self-protection from the infection (77.6%) and from cervical/oral/penile/anal cancer (68.9%), knowing that the vaccination was free of charge (46.2%), awareness of the severity of the HPV disease (43%), to protect their partner (42.6%), and perception of being at risk (24.2%). Being HCWs or students in health sciences, believing that HPV infection could cause a serious disease, and having a higher number of oral intercourse experiences in the last year were significant predictors of the perception of being at risk. Female and Italian respondents were more likely to receive the HPV vaccination because it was effective in preventing cancer.
    CONCLUSIONS: Targeted educational programs and health interventions should be developed to ensure enhancing knowledge and fostering positive attitudes toward the HPV vaccination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has one of the highest numbers of un and under-vaccinated children as well as number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world. This study aims to determine and compare the proportion and characteristics of zero-dose (ZD) and under-vaccinated (UV) children among refugees and IDPs in the DRC, as well as the reasons for incomplete vaccination schedules.
    METHODS: Data from a rolling vaccination coverage survey conducted from September 10, 2022, to July 03, 2023, among refugees and IDPs in 12 provinces of the DRC. ZD was defined as a child aged 12-23 months who had not received any dose of pentavalent vaccine DTP-Hib-Hep B (by card or recall) and UV as a child who had not received the third dose of pentavalent vaccine. The proportions of non and under-vaccination and the associated factors using a logistic regression model are presented for ZD and UV children. The reasons for non-vaccination of these children are described using the WHO-Immunization behavioral and social-drivers-conceptual framework and compared using Pearson\'s Chi2 test.
    RESULTS: Of 692 children aged 12 to 23 months included in the analysis, 9.3% (95% CI: 7.2-11.7%) were ZD and 40.9% (95% CI: 95%: 37.2-44.6%) UV. The Penta1/Penta3 drop-out rate was 34.9%. After adjustment, ZD children had a significant history of home or road birth. And UV children were significantly associated with mothers/caregivers being under 40, uneducated, farmers, ranchers, employed, rural residents, as well as with home or road births. Reasons linked to people\'s perceptions and feelings were cited much more often for ZD (50.0%) than for UV (38.3%). Those related to social reasons were cited much more often by ZD (40.6%) than by UV (35.7%). Reasons related to \"programmatic and practical issues\" were cited less for ZD (90.5%) than for UV (97.1%).
    CONCLUSIONS: ZD and UV children represent significant proportions in refugee and IDPs sites in the DRC. However, the proportion of ZD is less than for the entire country, while the proportion of UV is comparable, reflected in a very high drop-out rate. Similarly to studies in the general population in DRC, the reasons for ZD children were mainly linked to challenges in caregiver motivation to vaccinate, while for UV children, they were more often linked to pro-grammatic and practical problems of the health system.
    The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has one of the highest numbers of un and under-vaccinated children as well as number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world. This study aims to determine and compare the proportion and characteristics of zero-dose (ZD) and under-vaccinated (UV) children among refugees and IDPs in the DRC, as well as the reasons for incomplete vaccination schedules. Data from a rolling vaccination coverage survey conducted from September 10, 2022, to July 03, 2023, among refugees and IDPs in 12 provinces of the DRC. ZD was defined as a child aged 12–23 months who had not received any dose of pentavalent vaccine DTP-Hib-Hep B (by card or recall) and UV as a child who had not received the third dose of pentavalent vaccine. The proportions of non and under-vaccination, the associated factors and reasons for non-vaccination are presented for ZD and UV children. Of 692 children aged 12 to 23 months included in the analysis, 9.3% (95% CI: 7.2–11.7%) were ZD and 40.9% (95% CI: 95%: 37.2–44.6%) UV. The Penta1/Penta3 drop-out rate was 34.9%. After adjustment, ZD children had a significant history of home or road birth. And UV children were significantly associated with mothers/caregivers being under 40, uneducated, farmers, ranchers, employed, rural residents, as well as with home or road births. Reasons linked to people’s perceptions and feelings were cited much more often for ZD (50.0%) than for UV (38.3%). Those related to social reasons were cited much more often by ZD (40.6%) than by UV (35.7%). Reasons related to “programmatic and practical issues” were cited less for ZD (90.5%) than for UV (97.1%). ZD and UV children represent significant proportions in refugee and IDPs sites in the DRC. However, the proportion of ZD is less than for the entire country, while the proportion of UV is comparable, reflected in a very high drop-out rate. Similarly to studies in the general population in DRC, the reasons for ZD children were mainly linked to challenges in caregiver motivation to vaccinate, while for UV children, they were more often linked to pro-grammatic and practical problems of the health system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dietary supplement use is common among US adults. We aimed to investigate the quantity, duration, adherence, and reasons for supplement use in individuals who take supplements. Data from 2011 to 2018 from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) dataset were analyzed. Four cycles of data were combined to estimate these outcomes. Results are presented as overall group and by subgroups. All analyses were weighted to be nationally representative. The Taylor Series Linearization approach was used to generate variance estimates. A total of 12,529 participants were included. Over 70% of these individuals reported taking more than one unit of dietary supplements daily. Notably, approximately 40% had been taking supplements for more than five years and about 67% were highly adherent to at least one supplement. However, only 26.9% of these supplements were taken following a doctor\'s recommendation. The primary reasons for dietary supplements intake included improving overall health (37.2%), maintaining health (34.7%), bone health (21.4%), and diet supplementation (20.3%). Our findings indicate that most participants proactively used multiple dietary supplements focused on self-managed health and prevention, with substantial dedication to long-term use and high adherence. Healthcare professionals should play a more active role in guiding such behaviors to optimize the health outcomes of dietary supplement users across the United States.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research on cannabis use motives has focused on youth. Little is known about motives among working adults, including how work may play a role. This study aimed to describe cannabis use motives and their connection to work, and identify the personal and work correlates of work-related motives among a sample of workers.
    METHODS: A national, cross-sectional sample of Canadian workers were queried about their cannabis use. Workers reporting past-year cannabis use (n = 589) were asked their motives for using cannabis and whether each motive was related to work or helped them manage at work (i.e., work-related). Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to estimate the associations of personal and work characteristics with work-related cannabis use motives (no work-related motives, < 50% of motives work-related, ≥ 50% of motives work-related).
    RESULTS: Use for relaxation (59.3%), enjoyment (47.2%), social reasons (35.3%), coping (35.1%), medical reasons (30.9%), and sleep (29.9%) were the most common motives. Almost 40% of respondents reported one or more of their cannabis use motives were work-related, with coping (19.9%) and relaxation (16.3%) most commonly reported as work-related. Younger age, poorer general health, greater job stress, having a supervisory role, and hazardous work were associated with increased odds of reporting at least some cannabis use motives to be work-related, while work schedule and greater frequency of alcohol use were associated with reduced odds of motives being primarily work-related.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cannabis use motives among workers are diverse and frequently associated with work. Greater attention to the role of work in motivating cannabis use is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the incidence and cost of intraocular lens(IOL) waste during IOL implantation, as well as the reasons for it.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective analysis was conducted on the data of 485 patients from the IOL waste registers of a single tertiary eye hospital in China during 2016-2020. The primary outcomes were the incidence, cost, and reasons for different IOL properties. Cases were examined to ascertain IOL material, design, procedural details, and causes of waste.
    UNASSIGNED: IOL waste occurred in 485 (6.62‰) of the 73,246 IOL implantations during the study period. The total cost of IOL waste was 429, 850.26 Chinese Yuan (CNY) related to waste with an average cost of 2, 442.33 CNY per procedure during the study period. Comparisons between IOL properties showed that polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) material (39, 2.05%), three-piece design (142, 1.49%), and secondary IOL implantation (26, 2.16%) were associated with IOL wastage, and the difference was statistically significant. The causes of IOL waste were damage (107, 60.80%), patient reasons (37, 21.26%), aseptic errors (22, 12.50%), IOL quality problems (8, 4.55%), and loss (2, 1.14%).
    UNASSIGNED: The incidence of IOL waste is low, but still leads to a significant cost burden due to a large number of cataract surgeries. PMMA material, three-piece design, and secondary implantation were identified as factors increasing IOL waste. Damage emerged as the primary reason for waste, largely attributed to human error. Therefore, the development of strategies to mitigate IOL waste is imperative.





