
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nurses play an important role in the prevention and management of delirium episodes. However, some studies have reported that not all interventions recommended are applied due to time and resource constraints, resulting in patients receiving less care than required because other patients and/or interventions are prioritised. The concept of prioritization is part of the broader concept of decision-making as the ability to choose between two or more alternatives to ensure patient safety. Understanding the reasons influencing the prioritization process in patients at risk or with delirium may inform interventions to prevent and/or minimise the unfinished nursing care.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons that inform the prioritisation process among nurses when they are challenged to make decisions for patients at risk and with delirium.
    METHODS: A descriptive qualitative study performed according to the COnsolidated criteria for Reporting guidelines, in 2021. An intentional sample of nurses working full-time with older patients in medical, geriatric, and post-acute care facilities affiliated with the National Health System was involved. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and narratives thematic analysed.
    RESULTS: A total of 56 nurses (55.4% in internal medicine, 26.8% in geriatrics and 17.8% in post-acute/intermediate care) participated with an average age of 31.6 years. The reasons informing the prioritisation process while providing preventive or managerial interventions towards a patient at risk of or with delirium are set at three levels: (1) unit level, as reasons belong to the inadequacy of the \'Environment\', the \'Human Resources\', and the \'Organisation and Work Processes\', (2) nurse\'s level, as issues in \'Competencies\' and \'Attitudes\' possessed, and (3) patient level, due to the \'Multidimensional Frailty\'.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses caring for patients at risk of and with delirium face several challenges in providing care. To prioritise preventive and managerial interventions, it is essential to implement multilevel and multifaced organizational and educational strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This cross-sectional study investigated the reasons behind academic cheating in a cohort of nursing students in Saudi Arabia. The study involved 482 nursing students from two government universities in Riyadh. We used a newly developed self-reported questionnaire called the Reasons for Cheating Scale (RCS) to collect data. The highest-scoring reasons for academic cheating in the study population included the desire to obtain high grades, encouragement from friends to cheat, and the perception that exams were too difficult. Male students scored significantly higher than female students for reasons such as not understanding the course material, unclear test questions and instructions, pressure from families to excel, difficulty of the course material, and ignorance of effective study methods (P < 0.05). Age also had a role, as students aged 15-20 years had significantly higher scores for the item \"Exams are too hard\", whereas those aged ≥25 years had higher scores for \"Difficulty of the course material\" (P < 0.05). Additionally, students in the preparatory year had significantly higher scores than those in other years for reasons such as difficult exams, unclear test questions and instructions, fear of failing, difficulty of the course material, and the desire to please their families (P < 0.05). Overall, the desire to obtain high grades emerged as the main reason for academic cheating in our cohort of nursing students in Saudi Arabia. The findings suggest that sociodemographic characteristics, including sex, age, and academic year, should be considered when addressing the issue of cheating among nursing students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research on cannabis use motives has focused on youth. Little is known about motives among working adults, including how work may play a role. This study aimed to describe cannabis use motives and their connection to work, and identify the personal and work correlates of work-related motives among a sample of workers.
    METHODS: A national, cross-sectional sample of Canadian workers were queried about their cannabis use. Workers reporting past-year cannabis use (n = 589) were asked their motives for using cannabis and whether each motive was related to work or helped them manage at work (i.e., work-related). Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to estimate the associations of personal and work characteristics with work-related cannabis use motives (no work-related motives, < 50% of motives work-related, ≥ 50% of motives work-related).
    RESULTS: Use for relaxation (59.3%), enjoyment (47.2%), social reasons (35.3%), coping (35.1%), medical reasons (30.9%), and sleep (29.9%) were the most common motives. Almost 40% of respondents reported one or more of their cannabis use motives were work-related, with coping (19.9%) and relaxation (16.3%) most commonly reported as work-related. Younger age, poorer general health, greater job stress, having a supervisory role, and hazardous work were associated with increased odds of reporting at least some cannabis use motives to be work-related, while work schedule and greater frequency of alcohol use were associated with reduced odds of motives being primarily work-related.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cannabis use motives among workers are diverse and frequently associated with work. Greater attention to the role of work in motivating cannabis use is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obstetric fistula continues to be a menace in Nigeria and other low- and middle-income countries. The national policy for its elimination makes surgical repair free in dedicated national centres. However, the majority of the clients present late for repair. The aim of the study was to explore the reasons for this delay in seeking treatment. It was a qualitative (exploratory) study carried out at the National Obstetric Fistula Centre (NOFIC), Abakaliki, Nigeria among obstetric fistula patients who presented for treatment with a duration of leakage of over six months. A consecutive sampling technique was used for patient recruitment. Data was collected from twenty patients using in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis of the responses and recurring patterns was done, with themes illustrated using the word cloud. The mean age of the participants was 37.1 years (range = 21-75 years) while the mean duration of leakage was 64.3 months (range = 8-564 months). Reasons for delay in accessing treatment of obstetric fistula were lack of awareness of the availability of free treatment in a specialized centre, delay in referral from index health care facilities, wrong information from health care workers, failed repairs at other health facilities, secondary delay due to transportation challenges, cultural beliefs and other issues peculiar to the patients. The commonest reason for the delay in accessing treatment for obstetric fistula is a lack of awareness on the part of patients, the public, and health workers. We recommend improved campaigns, advocacy, and community mobilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patient-centered research has emerged as critically important for understanding the impact of treatments on key stakeholders. The subjective experience of quality of life (QOL) is increasingly recognized as fundamental to delineating treatment goals. The present study utilized content analysis of qualitative data and quantitative analysis to highlight important domains of disease burden and underlying reasons for their importance, and to characterize goals for new treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
    The study sample reflected the perspectives of DMD patients and caregivers representing ambulatory, transitional, and non-ambulatory stages of disability progression (n = 20 per category). Open-ended interviews were content-analyzed and non-parametric statistical tests were used to compare ambulation groups. As patients progressed in disability, the noted DMD burdens reflected some differences in functional areas. While daily functioning and sports/recreation remained the most important priority areas across ambulation groups, \"health\" became less prominent as the disability progressed from ambulatory to transitional to non-ambulatory phases of disability; whereas relationships became more prominent as one progressed to the non-ambulatory phase from the ambulatory or transitional phases (Kruskall Wallis H = 12.24 and 5.28, p = 0.002 and 0.02, respectively). When asked why their burdens were important to them and how it impacted their or their child\'s life, self-esteem/confidence was most important for ambulatory patients, and became less prominent for patients in the transitional and non-ambulatory phases of disability (Kruskall Wallis H = 9.46, p = 0.009). In contrast, independence was less important for ambulatory patients, and became increasing prominent for patients in the transitional and non-ambulatory phases of disability (Kruskall Wallis H = 7.35, p = 0.025). Emotional functioning was most prominent for all ambulation groups on their best and worst days. Goals for new DMD treatments focused on functional goals, general QOL goals, and concerns about safety, ease of use, and effectiveness.
    This study provides useful information about treatment goals for DMD from the perspective of patients and their caregivers. It highlights some consistent values across the disability trajectory, as well as introducing an evolution of priorities as the person with DMD becomes more disabled. Results provide a roadmap for patient-centered DMD drug development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Self-medication is an important public health problem, with varied prevalence across the world. The high prevalence of self-medication in India is one of the important factors contributing to the development of antimicrobial resistance. Self-medication without medical guidance can lead to inappropriate, incorrect, or undue therapy, missed diagnosis, delays in appropriate treatment, pathogen resistance, and increased morbidity. The growing trend of self-medication can be attributed to various factors like the urge for self-care, sympathy toward sick family members, inaccessible health services and nonavailability of drugs, time and financial constraints, ignorance, misbeliefs, extensive advertisement and availability of drugs in places other than drug shops. Methodology The present community-based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban field practice area of a tertiary health care center (UHTC) in Central India. Individuals above 18 years of age and present at home at the time of the house-to-house survey comprised the study participants. A total of 400 participants were enrolled in the study. Data were collected using a predesigned and pretested questionnaire by the face-to-face interview technique. Results The prevalence of self-medication in the area was 60 % (240). The most widely used drugs for self-medication were analgesics (159; 66.25%) and antipyretics (142; 59.16%). Common ailments for which self-medication was used frequently were fever, body aches, common cold, and cough. It was observed that female participants were twice more likely to self-medicate as compared to male participants (Odds Ratio (OR): 2.04; Prevalence (p) = 0.014, Confidence Interval (CI) 95% = 1.15-3.62). Additionally, those having education above the high school level had more chances of self-medicating than those educated less than high school (OR: 1.25; p≤0.014, CI 95%=1.05-1.50). The commonest reasons for resorting to self-medication as per the findings of the present study are that it saves time and the condition was not serious enough to warrant a physician\'s consultation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This bottom-up study applied a corpus-driven approach to extract the major lexicalization models of English intransitive verbs (EIVs) through an analysis of their meanings under the Ideal Motion Event Category inspired by Talmy. A 710-photo specialized multimodal corpus of EIVs was constructed for this purpose. Data analysis showed that the major lexicalization models of EIVs include [Motion + Patient], [Motion + Manner], [Motion + Path], [Motion + Result], [Motion + Location], and [Motion + Purpose]. In-depth analysis of these models identified three major possible reasons why EIVs cannot originally take direct objects: the incorporation of [Patient], the inheritance of the intransitive feature, and the internalization of the actions expressed by EIVs. By comparing Chinese learners\' most misused EIVs with their corresponding Chinese verbs, the current study provides empirical data to illustrate why transitive misusages of EIVs might occur among Chinese learners. The findings of this study will help English learners and users better apply EIVs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unfinished nursing care (UNC), as the care required by patients that delayed or not delivered, has been investigated mainly from the perspective of nurses, while little is still known from the side of patients. Some studies have involved patients to measure which elements of care are mostly unfinished (e.g., mouth care), whereas a few studies have investigated the reasons for UNC as perceived by them. Their involvement in understanding the reasons for UNC is crucial to advance the knowledge and co-develop possible strategies to prevent or minimize UNC.
    This is a descriptive qualitative study performed according to COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research guidelines in 2022. A purposeful sample of Italian hospitalized patients in two medical and two surgical units was involved. A face-to-face semistructured interview was used to merge reasons for UNC. Qualitative content analysis was conducted to merge subthemes and themes as factors leading to UNC according to the experience of patients.
    A total of 23 patients (12 surgical and 11 medical) were involved (12/23 male) with an age average of 66.2 years, educated mainly at secondary school, and with previous hospitalizations (20/23), and dependent on nursing care in daily activities (14/23). Reasons for UNC have been identified at four levels: (1) \'New health-care system priorities\' and \'Pre-existing frailty of health-care facilities\' were reasons identified at the health-care system level; (2) \'Lack of resources attributed to wards\', \'Ineffective ward organization\' and \'Leadership\' were identified at the unit level; (3) \'Nurses\' attitudes and behaviour\' were reported at the nurses\' level and (4) \'Increased nursing care expectations\' were pinpointed at the patient level.
    Patients can be involved in identifying UNC, but also in recognizing the underlying reasons. Engaging them in such investigations might broaden our understanding of the phenomenon and the possibility of identifying strategies to minimize and prevent UNC.
    Patients from four hospital units (two medical and two surgical) were involved in face-to-face interviews to merge the reasons perceived by them as triggering UNC. All factors (as themes and subthemes) have derived from their words, thus enhancing the evidence available from the side of the patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to identify the prevalence of medication non-adherence (MNA) and to explore the reasons that influenced MNA among diabetes patients.
    UNASSIGNED: This study used the explanatory mixed-method design. Phase one comprised of a cross-sectional study followed by phase two of a qualitative study.
    UNASSIGNED: This study took place at two public hospitals in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.
    UNASSIGNED: About 427 diabetes patients were recruited and 399 of them completed the study. The inclusion criteria were those with age more than 18 years and above, Malaysian citizen, able to understand Malay or English, and were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus for more than one year. The exclusion criteria were those with an intellectual disability and pregnant women. Phase two involved 12 participants recruited from non-adherent patients in phase one of the study.
    UNASSIGNED: About 46.6% of the patients failed to adhere to the medication. Malays (OR: 1.66, 95%CI: 1.09 to 2.51, p = 0.017), single/widow or divorced (OR: 1.79, 95%CI: 1.05 to 3.05, p = 0.031) and poor HbA1c (OR: 2.57, 95% CI: 1.61 to 4.10, p =  < 0.01) were associated with medication non-adherence. Five main categories emerged as the reasons for medication non-adherence, including perceived benefit of Complementary and Alternative medicine, attitude towards drawback of western medication, poor healthcare providers and patients\' relationship, undesirable emotional response towards medication intake, as well as restraints in daily routine and cognitive function.
    UNASSIGNED: There are many reasons for patients\' non-adherence to their anti-diabetes medication. These findings are important in identifying the factors that influenced non-adherence to recommend reliable patient-centred care strategies in improving medication non-adherence among patients with diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As comparative studies on lexical bundles between professional interpreters and trainees are pedagogically significant but rare, this experimental study initiates a comparison on the product and process of four-word lexical bundles in Chinese-English consecutive interpreting between these two groups. Frameworks regarding the structure and strategy of lexical bundles are established to analyze the product of lexical bundles produced by these two groups, and data including interpreters\' interpreting products, notes as well as retrospection and interviews are collected to analyze their process of producing lexical bundles. The results show that the types (Type) and frequencies (Token), except diversity (TTR), of lexical bundles with the \"noun and/or prepositional phrase fragments\" structure and/or the \"equivalence\" strategy from professionals are significantly higher than those from trainees. Reasons for inter-group similarities and differences in structural and strategical distributions (product) and strategy adoption (process) are also analyzed. Based on the established interpreting-tailored lexical bundle frameworks, this comparative study presents and explains similarities and differences between professionals and trainees and implies suggestions for the training and learning of interpreting.





