RNA Folding

RNA 折叠
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a distinct category of non-coding RNAs, exert multifaceted regulatory functions in a variety of organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. The inventory of identified miRNAs stands at approximately 60,000 among all species, and 1,926 in Homo sapiens manifest miRNA expression.
    METHODS: Their theranostic role has been explored by researchers over the last few decades, positioning them as prominent therapeutic targets as our understanding of RNA targeting advances. However, the limited availability of experimentally determined miRNA structures has constrained drug discovery efforts relying on virtual screening or computational methods, including machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    RESULTS: To address this lacuna, miRVim has been developed, providing a repository of human miRNA structures derived from both two-dimensional (MXFold2, CentroidFold, and RNAFold) and three-dimensional (RNAComposer and 3dRNA) structure prediction algorithms, in addition to experimentally available structures from the RCSB PDB repository. miRVim contains 13,971 predicted secondary structures and 17,045 predicted three-dimensional structures, filling the gap of unavailability of miRNA structure data bank. This database aims to facilitate computational data analysis for drug discovery, opening new avenues for advancing technologies, such as machine learning-based predictions in the field of RNA biology.
    CONCLUSIONS: The publicly accessible structures provided by miRVim, available at https://mirna.in/miRVim, offer a valuable resource for the research community, advancing the field of miRNA-related computational analysis and drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA\'s diversity of structures and functions impacts all life forms since primordia. We use calorimetric force spectroscopy to investigate RNA folding landscapes in previously unexplored low-temperature conditions. We find that Watson-Crick RNA hairpins, the most basic secondary structure elements, undergo a glass-like transition below [Formula: see text]C where the heat capacity abruptly changes and the RNA folds into a diversity of misfolded structures. We hypothesize that an altered RNA biochemistry, determined by sequence-independent ribose-water interactions, outweighs sequence-dependent base pairing. The ubiquitous ribose-water interactions lead to universal RNA phase transitions below TG, such as maximum stability at [Formula: see text]C where water density is maximum, and cold denaturation at [Formula: see text]C. RNA cold biochemistry may have a profound impact on RNA function and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vital organismal processes, including development, differentiation and adaptation, involve altered gene expression. Although expression is frequently controlled at the transcriptional stage, various regulation mechanisms operate at downstream levels. Here, we leverage the photoreceptor NmPAL to optogenetically induce RNA refolding and the translation of bacterial mRNAs. Blue-light-triggered NmPAL binding disrupts a cis-repressed mRNA state, thereby relieves obstruction of translation initiation, and upregulates gene expression. Iterative probing and optimization of the circuit, dubbed riboptoregulator, enhanced induction to 30-fold. Given action at the mRNA level, the riboptoregulator can differentially regulate individual structural genes within polycistronic operons. Moreover, it is orthogonal to and can be wed with other gene-regulatory circuits for nuanced and more stringent gene-expression control. We thus advance the pAurora2 circuit that combines transcriptional and translational mechanisms to optogenetically increase bacterial gene expression by >1000-fold. The riboptoregulator strategy stands to upgrade numerous regulatory circuits and widely applies to expression control in microbial biotechnology, synthetic biology and materials science.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engineering metabolism to efficiently produce chemicals from multi-step pathways requires optimizing multi-gene expression programs to achieve enzyme balance. CRISPR-Cas transcriptional control systems are emerging as important tools for programming multi-gene expression, but poor predictability of guide RNA folding can disrupt expression control. Here, we correlate efficacy of modified guide RNAs (scRNAs) for CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) in E. coli with a computational kinetic parameter describing scRNA folding rate into the active structure (rS = 0.8). This parameter also enables forward design of scRNAs, allowing us to design a system of three synthetic CRISPRa promoters that can orthogonally activate (>35-fold) expression of chosen outputs. Through combinatorial activation tuning, we profile a three-dimensional design space expressing two different biosynthetic pathways, demonstrating variable production of pteridine and human milk oligosaccharide products. This RNA design approach aids combinatorial optimization of metabolic pathways and may accelerate routine design of effective multi-gene regulation programs in bacterial hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human mitochondrial genome encodes crucial oxidative phosphorylation system proteins, pivotal for aerobic energy transduction. They are translated from nine monocistronic and two bicistronic transcripts whose native structures remain unexplored, posing a gap in understanding mitochondrial gene expression. In this work, we devised the mitochondrial dimethyl sulfate mutational profiling with sequencing (mitoDMS-MaPseq) method and applied detection of RNA folding ensembles using expectation-maximization (DREEM) clustering to unravel the native mitochondrial messenger RNA (mt-mRNA) structurome in wild-type (WT) and leucine-rich pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein (LRPPRC)-deficient cells. Our findings elucidate LRPPRC\'s role as a holdase contributing to maintaining mt-mRNA folding and efficient translation. mt-mRNA structural insights in WT mitochondria, coupled with metabolic labeling, unveil potential mRNA-programmed translational pausing and a distinct programmed ribosomal frameshifting mechanism. Our data define a critical layer of mitochondrial gene expression regulation. These mt-mRNA folding maps provide a reference for studying mt-mRNA structures in diverse physiological and pathological contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CRISPR-Cas12a binds and processes a single pre-crRNA during maturation, providing a simple tool for genome editing applications. Here, we constructed a kinetic and thermodynamic framework for pre-crRNA processing by Cas12a in vitro, and we measured the contributions of distinct regions of the pre-crRNA to this reaction. We find that the pre-crRNA binds rapidly and extraordinarily tightly to Cas12a (Kd = 0.6 pM), such that pre-crRNA binding is fully rate limiting for processing and therefore determines the specificity of Cas12a for different pre-crRNAs. The guide sequence contributes 10-fold to the binding affinity of the pre-crRNA, while deletion of an upstream sequence has no significant effect. After processing, the mature crRNA remains very tightly bound to Cas12a with a comparable affinity. Strikingly, the affinity contribution of the guide region increases to 600-fold after processing, suggesting that additional contacts are formed and may pre-order the crRNA for efficient DNA target recognition. Using a direct competition assay, we find that pre-crRNA binding specificity is robust to changes in the guide sequence, addition of a 3\' extension, and secondary structure within the guide region. However, stable secondary structure in the guide region can strongly inhibit DNA targeting, indicating that care should be taken in crRNA design. Together our results provide a quantitative framework for pre-crRNA binding and processing by Cas12a and suggest strategies for optimizing crRNA design in genome editing applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ConspectusCreating a living system from nonliving matter is a great challenge in chemistry and biophysics. The early history of life can provide inspiration from the idea of the prebiotic \"RNA World\" established by ribozymes, in which all genetic and catalytic activities were executed by RNA. Such a system could be much simpler than the interdependent central dogma characterizing life today. At the same time, cooperative systems require a mechanism such as cellular compartmentalization in order to survive and evolve. Minimal cells might therefore consist of simple vesicles enclosing a prebiotic RNA metabolism.The internal volume of a vesicle is a distinctive environment due to its closed boundary, which alters diffusion and available volume for macromolecules and changes effective molecular concentrations, among other considerations. These physical effects are mechanistically distinct from chemical interactions, such as electrostatic repulsion, that might also occur between the membrane boundary and encapsulated contents. Both indirect and direct interactions between the membrane and RNA can give rise to nonintuitive, \"emergent\" behaviors in the model protocell system. We have been examining how encapsulation inside membrane vesicles would affect the folding and activity of entrapped RNA.Using biophysical techniques such as FRET, we characterized ribozyme folding and activity inside vesicles. Encapsulation inside model protocells generally promoted RNA folding, consistent with an excluded volume effect, independently of chemical interactions. This energetic stabilization translated into increased ribozyme activity in two different systems that were studied (hairpin ribozyme and self-aminoacylating RNAs). A particularly intriguing finding was that encapsulation could rescue the activity of mutant ribozymes, suggesting that encapsulation could affect not only folding and activity but also evolution. To study this further, we developed a high-throughput sequencing assay to measure the aminoacylation kinetics of many thousands of ribozyme variants in parallel. The results revealed an unexpected tendency for encapsulation to improve the better ribozyme variants more than worse variants. During evolution, this effect would create a tilted playing field, so to speak, that would give additional fitness gains to already-high-activity variants. According to Fisher\'s Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection, the increased variance in fitness should manifest as faster evolutionary adaptation. This prediction was borne out experimentally during in vitro evolution, where we observed that the initially diverse ribozyme population converged more quickly to the most active sequences when they were encapsulated inside vesicles.The studies in this Account have expanded our understanding of emergent protocell behavior, by showing how simply entrapping an RNA inside a vesicle, which could occur spontaneously during vesicle formation, might profoundly affect the evolutionary landscape of the RNA. Because of the exponential dynamics of replication and selection, even small changes to activity and function could lead to major evolutionary consequences. By closely studying the details of minimal yet surprisingly complex protocells, we might one day trace a pathway from encapsulated RNA to a living system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the design of a single RNA sequence capable of adopting one of two ribozyme folds and catalyzing the cleavage and/or ligation of the respective substrates. The RNA is able to change its conformation in response to its environment, hence it is called chameleon ribozyme (CHR). Efficient RNA cleavage of two different substrates as well as RNA ligation by CHR is demonstrated in separate experiments and in a one pot reaction. Our study shows that sequence variants of the hairpin ribozyme intersect with the hammerhead ribozyme and that rather short RNA molecules can have comprehensive conformational flexibility, which is an important feature for the emergence of new functional folds in early evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: RNA design shows growing applications in synthetic biology and therapeutics, driven by the crucial role of RNA in various biological processes. A fundamental challenge is to find functional RNA sequences that satisfy given structural constraints, known as the inverse folding problem. Computational approaches have emerged to address this problem based on secondary structures. However, designing RNA sequences directly from 3D structures is still challenging, due to the scarcity of data, the nonunique structure-sequence mapping, and the flexibility of RNA conformation.
    RESULTS: In this study, we propose RiboDiffusion, a generative diffusion model for RNA inverse folding that can learn the conditional distribution of RNA sequences given 3D backbone structures. Our model consists of a graph neural network-based structure module and a Transformer-based sequence module, which iteratively transforms random sequences into desired sequences. By tuning the sampling weight, our model allows for a trade-off between sequence recovery and diversity to explore more candidates. We split test sets based on RNA clustering with different cut-offs for sequence or structure similarity. Our model outperforms baselines in sequence recovery, with an average relative improvement of 11% for sequence similarity splits and 16% for structure similarity splits. Moreover, RiboDiffusion performs consistently well across various RNA length categories and RNA types. We also apply in silico folding to validate whether the generated sequences can fold into the given 3D RNA backbones. Our method could be a powerful tool for RNA design that explores the vast sequence space and finds novel solutions to 3D structural constraints.
    METHODS: The source code is available at https://github.com/ml4bio/RiboDiffusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extrinsic, experimental information can be incorporated into thermodynamics-based RNA folding algorithms in the form of pseudo-energies. Evolutionary conservation of RNA secondary structure elements is detectable in alignments of phylogenetically related sequences and provides evidence for the presence of certain base pairs that can also be converted into pseudo-energy contributions. We show that the centroid base pairs computed from a consensus folding model such as RNAalifold result in a substantial improvement of the prediction accuracy for single sequences. Evidence for specific base pairs turns out to be more informative than a position-wise profile for the conservation of the pairing status. A comparison with chemical probing data, furthermore, strongly suggests that phylogenetic base pairing data are more informative than position-specific data on (un)pairedness as obtained from chemical probing experiments. In this context we demonstrate, in addition, that the conversion of signal from probing data into pseudo-energies is possible using thermodynamic structure predictions as a reference instead of known RNA structures.





