
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most deep-ocean life relies on organic carbon from the surface ocean. While settling primary production rapidly attenuates in the water column, pulses of organic material can be quickly transported to depth in the form of food falls. One example of fresh material that can reach great depths across the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea is the pelagic macroalgae Sargassum. However, little is known about the deep-ocean organisms able to use this food source. Here, we encountered the isopod Bathyopsurus nybelini at depths 5002-6288 m in the Puerto Rico Trench and Mid-Cayman Spreading Center using the Deep Submergence Vehicle Alvin. In most of the 32 observations, the isopods carried fronds of Sargassum. Through an integrative suite of morphological, DNA sequencing, and microbiological approaches, we show that this species is adapted to feed on Sargassum by using a specialized swimming stroke, having serrated and grinding mouthparts, and containing a gut microbiome that provides a dietary contribution through the degradation of macroalgal polysaccharides and fixing nitrogen. The isopod\'s physiological, morphological, and ecological adaptations demonstrate that vertical deposition of Sargassum is a direct trophic link between the surface and deep ocean and that some deep-sea organisms are poised to use this material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Groundwater harbours unique species adapted to perpetual darkness. Groundwater fauna plays a crucial role in global ecosystem services, but contamination poses a threat to this keystone ecosystem. Diclofenac is a common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of particular concern, due to its presence in both surface and groundwater. We assess the environmental risk of diclofenac in European groundwaters using different scenarios, analyzing Measured Environmental Concentrations (MECs) of diclofenac and estimating the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNECs) through two approaches: considering the sensitivity of the groundwater crustacean Proasellus lusitanicus (Isopoda: Asellidae), and using surface water species as proxies. Our results show that scenarios based on surrogate species predict that groundwater ecosystems are at risk due to diclofenac contamination. On the other hand, the MECs of diclofenac were consistently lower than the PNEC of P. lusitanicus, suggesting that the current MECs do not pose a significant threat to this groundwater-adapted species. However, risk scenarios differ considering the sensitivity of other groundwater species, emphasizing the importance of considering multiple species\' sensitivities in risk assessment. Therefore, we recommend establishing an environmental quality standard for diclofenac in groundwater at 5 ng/L, a value that accounts the need for precautionary measures to safeguard groundwater ecosystems, essential for preserving their unique biota and services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cave environments, stable conditions devoid of light-dark cycles and temperature fluctuations sustain circadian clock mechanisms across various species. However, species adapted to these conditions may exhibit disruption of circadian rhythm in locomotor activity. This study examines potential rhythm loss due to convergent evolution in five semi-aquatic troglobitic isopod species (Crustacea: Styloniscidae), focusing on its impact on locomotor activity. The hypothesis posits that these species display aperiodic locomotor activity patterns. Isopods were subjected to three treatments: constant red light (DD), constant light (LL), and light-dark cycles (LD 12:12), totaling 1656 h. Circadian rhythm analysis employed the Sokolove and Bushell periodogram chi-square test, Hurst coefficient calculation, intermediate stability (IS), and activity differences for each species. Predominantly, all species exhibited an infradian rhythm under DD and LL. There was synchronization of the locomotor rhythm in LD, likely as a result of masking. Three species displayed diurnal activity, while two exhibited nocturnal activity. The Hurst coefficient indicated rhythmic persistence, with LD showing higher variability. LD conditions demonstrated higher IS values, suggesting synchronized rhythms across species. Significant individual variations were observed within species across the three conditions. Contrary to the hypothesis, all species exhibited synchronization under light-dark conditions. Analyzing circadian activity provides insights into organism adaptation to non-cyclical environments, emphasizing the importance of exploring underlying mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All species of the isopod family Cymothoidae are obligate fish parasites, extracting nourishment through hematophagy and tissue consumption. To elucidate the detrimental effects of this parasitic relationship upon the host fish, we examined body length, weight of body, gonad, liver and stomach contents, and condition factor of Japanese scad Decapterus maruadsi infected with the buccal cavity parasite Ceratothoa carinata in different seasons. During the host fish\'s breeding season in July, the wet weight and condition factor of male and female host fish ages 1 and 2 were conspicuously diminished. No impacts were detected in September, after the breeding season. We found no impact of the parasite on the stomach content weight or signs of prey fish in the stomachs. Thus, parasite infection with C. carinata potentially diminishes the reproductive success of the host fish by negatively impacting the host\'s physiological condition, particularly during the breeding season.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plastics pose a considerable challenge to aquatic ecosystems because of their increasing global usage and non-biodegradable properties. Coastal plastic debris can persist in ecosystems; however, its effects on resident organisms remain unclear. A metagenomic analysis of the isopoda Ligia, collected from clean (Nae-do, ND) and plastic-contaminated sites (Maemul-do, MD) in South Korea, was conducted to clarify the effects of microplastic contamination on the gut microbiota. Ligia gut microbiota\'s total operational taxonomic units were higher in ND than in MD. Alpha diversity did not differ significantly between the two Ligia gut microbial communities collected from ND and MD, although richness (Observed species) was lower in MD than in ND. Proteobacteria (67.47%, ND; 57.30%, MD) and Bacteroidetes (13.63%, ND; 20.76%, MD) were the most abundant phyla found at both sites. Significant different genera in Ligia from EPS-polluted sites were observed. Functional gene analysis revealed that 19 plastic degradation-related genes, including those encoding hydrogenase, esterase, and carboxylesterase, were present in the gut microbes of Ligia from MD, indicating the potential role of the Ligia gut microbiota in plastic degradation. This study provides the first comparative field evidence of the gut microbiota dynamics of plastic detritus consumers in marine ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species in the parasitic isopod family Cabiropidae are known to utilise various isopods as hosts but there are currently no records of members parasitising anthuroid hosts. We describe Anthuroniscus gen. nov. for three new cabiropid species, Anthuroniscus shimomurai sp. nov. , Anthuroniscus dentatus sp. nov. and Anthuroniscus latus sp. nov. , all of which are parasitic on anthuroid isopods. Anthuroniscus gen. nov. differs from the other 14 cabiropid genera and 10 genera treated as family incertae sedis in females having an elongate, dorsally compressed, posteriorly tapering body with six pairs of lateral bulges; and cryptoniscus larvae in the following combination of characters: (1) eyes lacking, (2) antennular article 1 with eight teeth on the posterior margin, (3) uropodal exopod and endopod rectangular rather than tapering, and endopod longer than exopod, and (4) pleotelson trapezoidal, 2× as wide as long. Anthuroniscus shimomurai sp. nov. was parasitic on Mesanthura sp. from Kaichu Doro, Uruma, Okinawa, south-western Japan; A. dentatus sp. nov. on Accalathura sp. from Irabu Island, Miyako Islands, Okinawa; and A. latus sp. nov. on Colanthura nigra from Kanagawa, central Japan. In pairwise comparisons, the three new species showed p -distances of 0.6-1.3% for the 18S rRNA gene (1440 positions); and A. shimomurai sp. nov. and A. latus sp. nov. showed a p -distance of 36.2% for the 16S rRNA gene (412 positions). In an 18S -based maximum-likelihood tree, an Anthuroniscus gen. nov. clade was the sister group to Cryptoniscoidea sp., parasitic on an ostracod species. This is the first study reporting Cabiropidae from Japan and anthuroids as hosts for Cryptoniscoidea. ZooBank:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"paradox of sex\" refers to the question of why sexual reproduction is maintained in the wild, despite how costly it is compared to asexual reproduction. Because of these costs, one might expect nature to select for asexual reproduction, yet sex seems to be continually selected for. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain this incongruence, including the niche differentiation hypothesis, the Red Queen hypothesis, and accumulation of harmful mutations in asexual species due to inefficient purifying selection. This study focuses on the accumulation of mutations in two terrestrial isopods, Trichoniscus pusillus, which has sexual diploid and parthenogenic triploid forms, and Hyloniscus riparius, an obligately sexual relative. We surveyed sex ratios of both species in an upstate New York population and obtained RNA-seq data from wild-caught individuals of both species to examine within- and between-species patterns of molecular evolution in protein-coding genes. The sex ratio and RNA-seq data together provide strong evidence that this T. pusillus population is entirely asexual and triploid, while the H. riparius population is sexual and diploid. Although all the wild T. pusillus individuals used for sequencing shared identical genotypes at nearly all SNPs, supporting a clonal origin, heterozygosity and SNP density were much higher in T. pusillus than in the sexually reproducing H. riparius. This observation suggests this parthenogenic lineage may have arisen via mating between two divergent diploid lineages. Between-species sequence comparisons showed no evidence of ineffective purifying selection in the asexual T. pusillus lineage, as measured by the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS ratios). Likewise, there was no difference between T. pusillus and H. riparius in the ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous SNPs overall (pN/pS). However, pN/pS ratios in T. pusillus were significantly higher when considering only SNPs that may have arisen via recent mutation after the transition to parthenogenesis. Thus, these recent SNPs are consistent with the hypothesis that purifying selection is less effective against new mutations in asexual lineages, but only over long time scales. This system provides a useful model for future studies on the evolutionary tradeoffs between sexual and asexual reproduction in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibition of oxidative stress and ferroptosis is currently considered to be a promising therapeutic approach for neurodegenerative diseases. Herpotrichones, a class of compounds derived from insect symbionts, have shown potential for neuroprotective activity with low toxicity. However, the specific mechanisms through which herpotrichones exert their neuroprotective effects remain to be fully elucidated. In this study, the natural [4 + 2] adducts herpotrichone A (He-A) and its new analogues were isolated from the isopod-associated fungus Herpotrichia sp. SF09 and exhibited significantly protective effects in H2O2-, 6-OHDA-, and RSL3-stimulated PC12 cells and LPS-stimulated BV-2 cells. Moreover, He-A was able to relieve ferroptotic cell death in RSL3-stimulated PC12 cells and 6-OHDA-induced zebrafish larvae. Interestingly, He-A can activate antioxidant elements and modulate the SLC7A11 pathway without capturing oxidic free radical and chelating iron. These findings highlight He-A as a novel hit that protects against ferroptosis-like neuronal damage in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Amazon prawn or Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) is widely distributed in South America, occurring in the Orinoco and Amazon rivers, and forms an important source of income for riverside families. This prawn hosts crustacean ectoparasites of the genus Probopyrus (Giard & Bonnier, 1888) (Bopyridae) that infest its gill cavity. The aim of the present study was to report new occurrences of Probopyrus in Amazon prawns caught in the Amazon River. Macrobrachium amazonicum prawns were collected between May 2017 and April 2018, and again from July 2021 to May 2022 in the regions of Ilha de Santana and Rio Mazagão, state of Amapá, Brazil. Among the 5,179 prawn specimens caught, 133 were parasitized by the ectoparasites Probopyrus pandalicola (Packard, 1879), Probopyrus bithynis (Richardson, 1904), Probopyrus floridensis (Richardson, 1904) and Probopyrus palaemoni (Lemos de Castro & Brasil Lima, 1974). These occurrences of P. floridensis and P. palaemoni in M. amazonicum were the first records of this on the northern coast of Brazil. These four ectoparasites are not limited to specific host species or genera, as observed in this study, which reports four species of Probopyrus infesting M. amazonicum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A total of 366 individuals of Lutjanus argentiventris (Peters, 1869) were collected over a 5-yr period (October 2018 to June 2022) from Acapulco Bay, Mexico. Parasite communities in Lutjanus argentiventris were quantified and analyzed to determine the main factors that generate changes in species richness and/or species composition over time. The digeneans and copepods were the best-represented parasite groups. The parasite communities were characterized by a high numerical dominance of ectoparasites, mainly isopod larvae. Species richness at the component community level (9-23 species) was similar to the reported richness in other Lutjanus spp. The parasite communities of Lutjanus argentiventris exhibited high variability in species composition, suggesting that each parasite species may respond differently to environmental changes. However, the species richness and diversity were fairly stable over time; therefore, a clear pattern of interannual variation was not observed. Variations in the community structure probably were due to factors such as host traits (e.g., feeding behavior and body size), and possible interannual differences in environmental factors amplified by the occurrence of the anomalous event of La Niña.





