
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Insulinomas are rare neoplasms of the endocrine pancreas. Minimally invasive treatment options for insulinomas have gained prominence, replacing surgical resection due to its associated morbidity and mortality. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has emerged as a relevant treatment option. We present a case of a female patient with neuroglycopenic symptoms and severe hypoglycemic crises. The abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a small nodular lesion in the pancreatic body. Laparotomy was performed, followed by RFA using a 15-mm active-tipped needle. No complications transpired, and no hypoglycemic episodes were observed during 12 months of follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Insulinomas represent <10% of pancreatic tumors. It is a functional neuroendocrine tumor that can cause recurrent and severe episodes of loss of consciousness due to hypoglycemia. Surgical removal is the only curative treatment. The selection of the optimal surgical technique must be individualized for each patient. Currently, there are emerging innovations in less invasive techniques that reduce morbidity. We present the case of a 23-year-old woman who underwent enucleation of an insulinoma localized at the tip of the pancreatic tail after laparoscopic surgery, with a focus on vascular and splenic preservation. The tumor was safely identified during surgery and enucleated without injury to the spleen and adjacent vascular structures or postoperative complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgery is the main treatment for insulinoma, and precise preoperative localization is important to determine the extent of resection and to rule out multiple lesions. The selective arterial calcium injection (SACI) test is instrumental in the localization of insulinoma. Here we report a patient in whom the exact location of pancreatic insulinoma could not be determined by the conventional SACI test, and thus surgery was replaced with oral diazoxide. The hyperselective SACI test subsequently localized the lesion accurately, allowing surgical resection of the pancreatic body and tail while preserving the pancreatic head. We recommend the use of the hyperselective SACI test when the conventional SACI test fails to accurately determine the location of insulinoma lesions within the pancreas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are those associated with specific symptoms related to the hormonal secretion of the NENs. Although less than 25 % of NENs are functional at diagnosis,1 the associated syndromes significantly increase the patient burden of disease. Management of hormonal NEN symptoms may involve tumor resection or other reduction strategies (e.g., chemotherapy, embolotherapy, etc), but also specific therapies directed at decreasing hormonal synthesis, secretion, or end-organ effects. In this review, we focus on specific symptomatic management of many of the NEN syndromes, which may be pursued in addition to management primarily directed at tumor bulk and growth. A continued focus on symptom management related to the hormonal secretions of NENs, in the context of other efforts to reduce tumor bulk and growth, could significantly improve patient wellbeing.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hyperinsulinism due to focal or diffuse pancreatic lesions causing recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia is rare in mid-childhood. There is no consensus on the gold-standard imaging method to diagnose focal insulin-producing lesions beyond infancy. A 14-year-old boy with a complex medical history and refractory epilepsy, presented with blood glucose (BG) of 52 mg/dL (2.9 mmol/L) (normal reference range: 70-100 mg/dL [3.9-5.6 mmol/L]) and increased seizure frequency. He failed a fast within 4 hours, with BG of 48 mg/dL (2.7 mmol/L) and insulin level of 4.6 µIU/mL (24.6 pmol/L) (diagnostic at the time of hypoglycemia >1.25 μU/mL [8.7 pmol/L]). Conventional imaging studies showed no pancreatic lesion. Fluorine-18-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (18F-DOPA-PET/MRI) scan premedicated with carbidopa demonstrated intense focal 18F-DOPA uptake in the distal pancreatic tail. He underwent distal pancreatectomy. Histopathology showed focal pancreatic islet cell hyperplasia, with more than 90% of the neuroendocrine islet cells being positive for chromogranin and synaptophysin, with no loss of p57 staining. Genetic studies were negative for mutations in ABCC8, KCNJ11, GCK, or GLUD1 genes, multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 1, and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. BG normalized after surgery. Seizure frequency improved. This case highlights the utility of 18F-DOPA PET/MRI imaging in diagnosing focal hyperinsulinism beyond infancy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hypoglycaemic unawareness (HU) is more frequently described in relation to diabetics in the literature. We have noted that there is also an increasing reporting of HU in insulinoma cases. We report a hospital presentation for an incidental finding of hypoglycaemic unawareness in a gentleman in his fifties who was eventually diagnosed with insulinoma following biochemical studies, radiologic evaluation and histologic evaluation of an excised lesion between the pancreas and the spleen. We have reviewed existing literature evidence regarding the possible aetiologies and management options for this occurrence. More research studies to identify the epidemiology of this association and the determination of a protocol for increased detection of patients with insulinoma who display HU will need to be done.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A gastrointestinal bleed (GIB) in the setting of metastatic insulinoma is a rare phenomenon. It appears that cases of metastatic insulinoma causing GIB are rare, often influenced by the tumor\'s location. Our case involves an 82-year-old male with dementia and a history of recurrent hypoglycemia, presenting with an episode of altered mental status. The patient exhibited hypoglycemia alongside a melena episode and anemia. Diagnostic criteria, including Whipple\'s triad, confirmed endogenous insulin production. Computed tomography (CT) showed a left paraaortic/retroperitoneal mass. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) visualized an extrinsic mass at the gastric body, which caused an ulcerated surface that was treated with clipping and hemostasis. The patient\'s recurrent hypoglycemic episodes were treated with glucose, while his GIB was managed with hemostasis and clipping. However, the patient was not a surgical candidate, and further medical treatment was ceased by the family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic masses are extremely rare in pediatric patients, with limited data available. This lack of data makes the diagnosis and management of these tumors in children extremely challenging. Therefore, we aimed to describe the presentations, clinical course, and outcomes of children with pancreatic tumors at our center. A retrospective analysis was performed of all pediatric patients diagnosed with pancreatic masses between 2003 and 2022 in an academic freestanding children\'s hospital. Data including demographics, clinical presentation, workup, management, and subsequent morbidity and mortality were collected and aggregated. Furthermore, we reviewed cases of pancreatic tumor resections in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program - Pediatric (NSQIP-P) database to identify common adverse outcomes and measures for quality improvement. In total, 17 patients were identified at our institution. Diagnoses included solid pseudopapillary (n = 9), gastrinoma (n = 1), rhabdomyosarcoma (n = 2), pancreatoblastoma (n = 2), and insulinoma (n = 1). Two patients did not have a histopathologic diagnosis and were excluded from subsequent analysis. Overall, 12 patients underwent surgical intervention, with the most common procedures being pancreaticoduodenectomy and distal pancreatectomy, and all 12 were known to be alive at last contact. There were 3 deaths, all due to complications related to metastatic disease. Furthermore, 30-day postoperative outcomes in the NSQIP-P dataset for pancreatic surgeries in pediatric patients are excellent, with negligible morbidity and no mortalities after the index surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Children with pancreatic tumors amenable to surgical resection appear to have adequate long-term survival. Short-term outcomes at diagnosis are excellent and mainly appear to be influenced by the presence of metastatic disease at initial presentation.
    BACKGROUND: • Pancreatic masses are a rare entity in children with limited data on their presentation, management and surgical outcomes. • Solid Pseudopapillary tumors are one of the most common pancreatic tumors in children with a fair prognosis after surgical intervention.
    BACKGROUND: • Surgical management of pediatric patients with pancreatic tumors is safe and effective in patients who do not have aggressive tumor types or metastatic disease. • Our case series provides a notable cohort of these pancreatic tumors with insight into the presentation, management and outcomes of five of these tumor types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We demonstrate robot-assisted treatment of a patient with benign pancreatic insulinoma. A 31-year-old patient suffered from attacks of weakness, numbness of the fingertips and «turbidity of consciousness» for 2 years. These symptoms occurred on an empty stomach and regressed after eating. We found pancreatic insulinoma. The patient underwent robotic enucleation of pancreatic tumor. Surgery time was 145 min. Postoperative period proceeded without complications. Hyperglycemia up to 10.5 mmol/l on the first postoperative day was followed by normalization after 4 days. The patient was discharged in 6 days after surgery. Minimally invasive robotic enucleation of insulinoma minimizes surgical trauma and provides precise resection of tumor. The key aspect of safe enucleation is localization of tumor at a distance of at least 2 mm from the pancreatic duct.
    Продемонстрирован опыт лечения пациента с инсулиномой поджелудочной железы методом робот-ассистированной энуклеации опухоли. Пациент, 31 год, в течение 2 лет отмечал приступы слабости, онемение кончиков пальцев на руках, «помутнения сознания», которые возникали натощак и купировались приемом пищи. При клинико-инструментальном обследовании обнаружена опухоль в теле-хвосте поджелудочной железы, выставлен диагноз инсулиномы. Пациенту выполнена робот-ассистированная энуклеация опухоли поджелудочной железы, длительность вмешательства составила 145 мин. Послеоперационный период протекал без осложнений. В первые послеоперационные сутки наблюдалась гипергликемия до 10,5 ммоль/л с последующей полной компенсацией гликемии до нормальных значений к 4 сут послеоперационного периода. Пациент выписан на 6-е сутки после операции. Применение робот-ассистированного мини-инвазивного доступа при выполнении энуклеации инсулином поджелудочной железы позволяет прецизионно удалить опухоль и минимизировать операционную травму. Ключевым моментом возможности безопасного выполнения энуклеации является расположение опухоли на расстоянии не менее 2 мм от протока поджелудочной железы.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This retrospective study evaluates the value of 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in the diagnosis and localization of insulinomas, whether sporadic, malignant or MEN-1 associated insulinoma.
    METHODS: The study included 43 patients, having clinical (symptomatic hypoglycemia) and/or laboratory suspicion of having insulinoma (72 h fasting test with serum insulin ≥18 pmol/L), with available pre-operative 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT and CE-CT, and diagnosed with insulinoma confirmed by post-operative histopathology. Preoperative imaging was retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists who were blinded to the final diagnosis and to the results of other imaging modalities. Histopathology of specimen was considered the reference standard, and head-to-head comparison of preoperative CE-CT and PET imaging findings. Findings were classified as true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN) for each modality. Based on these results, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of CE-CT, and 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT for the detection of insulinoma were calculated.
    RESULTS: 43 patients (N = 43 patients, L = 56 lesions), out of these, 37 patients had benign sporadic insulinoma (N = 37, L = 42), only 3 patients had malignant sporadic insulinoma (N = 2, L = 9), and 3 patients had MEN-1 syndrome associated insulinoma (N = 3, L = 5). There was no significant statistical difference in sensitivity (P = 0.3058) and PPV (P = 0.5533) for insulinoma localization in the overall cohort with 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT (87.5 %, 90.74 %) compared to CE-CT (80.36 %, 93.75 %).
    CONCLUSIONS: 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT is a non-invasive imaging modality that can identify most insulinomas. Still, it offers limited additional information when the tumor is localized by other anatomic imaging studies, so should be used as an adjunct when imaging studies fail to localize the tumor in insulinoma patients, especially when minimally invasive surgical is intended.





