
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social relationships offer the opportunity to provide support and resources to others. Feeling needed and useful to others has been understudied during adolescence, despite being shown to predict health and well-being during adulthood. The current study examined this underappreciated way in which family and peer relationships may shape psychological well-being during adolescence.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of high school students across the United States completed an on-line questionnaire during school hours in the fall of 2020. The sample consisted of 1301 adolescents averaging 15.94 (SD = 1.24) years in age in the ninth through twelfth grades, with 48.4% identifying as female, 47.3% as male, and 3.2% reporting either other gender identities or preferring not to answer (1%). Participants identified as Hispanic or Latino (40.2%), European American (19.8%), African American (14.7%), Multiethnic (9.2%), Asian American (7%), Other Ethnicities (7.8%), and 1.3% did not report their ethnicity.
    RESULTS: Feeling needed and useful was predicted by both helping and receiving support from others, strongly predicted better psychological well-being, and mediated associations of helping and receiving support with well-being. Males reported feeling more needed by their family as compared to females, and both reported higher levels of being useful to their family than those with other gender identifications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Like adults, adolescents have a need to contribute and feel needed in their social worlds. Studies of close relationships should incorporate the ways in which youth provide resources and support to others in their lives as well as the sense of feeling needed and useful derived from those activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During conversation, people often endeavor to convey information in an understandable way (finding common ground) while also sharing novel or surprising information (exploring new ground). Here, we test how friends and strangers balance these two strategies to connect with each other. Using fMRI hyperscanning, we measure a preference for common ground as convergence over time and exploring new ground as divergence over time by tracking dyads\' neural and linguistic trajectories over the course of semi-structured intimacy-building conversations. In our study, 60 dyads (30 friend dyads) engaged in a real-time conversation with discrete prompts and demarcated turns. Our analyses reveal that friends diverge neurally and linguistically: their neural patterns become more dissimilar over time and they explore more diverse topics. In contrast, strangers converge: neural patterns and language become more similar over time. The more a conversation between strangers resembles the exploratory conversations of friends, the more they enjoy it. Our results highlight exploring new ground as a strategy for a successful conversation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Researchers have focused on identifying factors that may mitigate the negative consequences associated with cyberbullying victimization. A significant factor that has received considerable attention is perceived social support from parents and friends and its potential to reduce the risk of cyberbullying victimization and the associated negative mental health issues. However, the buffering effects of perceived social support from parents and friends on the longitudinal relationships among cyberbullying victimization, depression, subjective health complaints, and self-harm have been less explored, particularly in cross-cultural contexts. To address this gap, the present study examined the role of perceived social support from parents and friends in buffering against depression, subjective health complaints, and self-harm, measured one year later, associated with cyberbullying victimization among 463 Chinese (49% female) and 445 American (52% female) eighth graders (ages 13-15). They completed self-report questionnaires on cyberbullying victimization, perceived social support from parents and friends, and mental health (i.e., depression, subjective health complaints, self-harm). One year later, they completed the same mental health questionnaires. The findings revealed no differences in reports of perceived support from parents, but greater reports of social support from friends for American adolescents when compared to Chinese adolescents. High levels of perceived social support from parents were associated with a stronger negative relationship between cyberbullying victimization, depression, subjective health complaints, and self-harm for both Chinese and American adolescents, with these effects being more pronounced for Chinese adolescents, while opposite patterns were found for American adolescents and perceived social support from friends. These results are discussed in the context of cultural values and how these values shape the role of adults in adolescents\' lives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood maltreatment (CM) is thought to be associated with altered responses to social stimuli and interpersonal signals. However, limited evidence exists that CM is linked to larger comfortable interpersonal distance (CID) - the physical distance humans prefer towards others during social interactions. However, no previous study has investigated this association in a comprehensive sample, yielding sufficient statistical power. Moreover, preliminary findings are limited to the European region. Finally, it is unclear how CM affects CID towards different interaction partners, and whether CID is linked to social functioning and attachment. To address these outstanding issues, adults (N = 2986) from diverse cultures and socio-economic strata completed a reaction time task measuring CID towards an approaching stranger and friend. Higher CM was linked to a larger CID towards both friends and strangers. Moreover, insecure attachment and less social support were associated with larger CID. These findings demonstrate for the first time that CM affects CID across countries and cultures, highlighting the robustness of this association.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vaping is one of the most common forms of substance use among adolescents. Social influences play a key role in the decision to use substances and frequency of use during adolescence, and vaping is no exception. Using a sample of 891 adolescents across two time points (Mage = 15.1 and Mage = 17.2) in this pre-registered study, we explored whether the frequency of vaping nicotine and the frequency of vaping marijuana at age 17 were related to concurrent reports of resistance to peer influence (RPI), perceptions of friends vaping, and perceptions of classmates vaping. Then, we investigated whether resistance to peer influence reported at age 15 was similarly related to age 17 vaping of both substances. Higher RPI at both ages 15 and 17 was associated with a higher probability of abstaining from vaping both substances but was not related to the frequency of vaping among those who vaped. Perceiving that a higher proportion of friends - but not classmates - vaped was associated with a lower probability of abstaining and a greater frequency of vaping among those who vape (for both substances). Higher RPI had an attenuating effect on the relation between perceptions of vaping among peers and an adolescent\'s own vaping behavior, but that differed by age and peer group (e.g., friends vs. classmates). Overestimation about the prevalence of classmate vaping may have played a role in the findings, but our results suggest that interventions to strengthen peer resistance across adolescence are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Latino sexual minority men (LSMM) continue to experience disparities in PrEP uptake and subsequently, HIV vulnerability. Social network norms are an underutilized solution to increase PrEP uptake. We used a peer influence model (network autocorrelation model) to examine the role of social network descriptive norms (i.e., actual behaviors) surrounding PrEP use. A total of 11 sociocentric networks of 13 friends (n = 143 LSMM) were recruited into our study from 2018 to 2019 in South Florida. Most participants were in PrEP pre-contemplation (n = 44), and almost one-third of our sample were using PrEP (n = 38). Three network autocorrelation models were estimated using an empirically informed Bayesian analysis. We found a positive association between participants\' Motivational PrEP Cascade (MPC) position and their network members\' (friends\') cascade position based on three different measures of connection even when accounting for PrEP knowledge: friendship (ρ = 0.22; 95% CIa = 0.01-0.42), emotional closeness (ρ = 0.24; 95% CI = 0.03-0.44), and frequency of interaction (ρ = 0.22; CI = 0.03-0.42). Our findings highlight that an individual\'s progress in the MPC may be influenced by their network members\' progress in the MPC, suggesting that LSMM using PrEP may serve as role models to their peers for PrEP use due to descriptive norms. Our findings further suggest that PrEP interventions for LSMM along the MPC can be implemented at the social network level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A cross-sectional study was conducted with three aims: (1) to determine the degree of compliance with physical activity recommendations among adolescents according to sex and place of residence, (2) to determine the perceived support of family and friends for physical activity among adolescents according to sex and place of residence, and (3) to analyse the influence of family and friends support on compliance with physical activity recommendations among adolescents according to sex and place of residence. A total of 694 adolescents from an inland area of Spain (14.06 ± 1.27 years) participated. Four one-day physical activity questionnaires were administered to assess physical activity and the Parental Support Scale and Peer Support to measure perceived support from family and friends regarding physical activity. Chi-square, Crammer\'s V and Student\'s tests were calculated to identify differences between variables according to sex and municipality of residence. Moreover, the initial binary logistic regression model was constructed to predict the physical activity compliance. Differences in adherence to physical activity recommendations were found according to the sex of the students (rural area: x2 = 4.192, p < 0.05; V = 0.106, p < 0.05; urban area: x2 = 8.999, p < 0.05; V = 0.167, p < 0.01). There were also sex differences in rural areas on items related to families providing transport (t = 3.878, p ≤ 0.001; d = 0.40) and doing physical activity together (t = 4.974, p ≤ 0.001; d = 0.50). It is concluded that most adolescents do not comply with physical activity recommendations. In addition, 30.4% of urban girls\' compliance was predicted by the perception that their family members saw them doing physical activity and doing it with friends.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study examines the mediating effect of psychological factors in the structural relationships between social and physical environmental factors and the amount of physical activity among undergraduate students at Universiti Sains Malaysia. The sample consisted of 422 students with a mean age of 20.2 years (SD = 1.27). The majority of the students were female (69.7%) and Malay (81.3%). Standardized scales were used to measure the total amount of physical activity and all the study variables. The final SEM had a good fit to the data: CFI = 0.968, TLI = 0.948, SRMR = 0.036, RMSEA (90%CI) = 0.046 (0.025, 0.065), RMSEA p-value = 0.609 with 11 paths relationships. Family support had a significant effect on perceived benefits and perceived barriers. The effect of friend support on physical activity was significantly mediated by perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and psychological needs satisfaction. The effect of the availability of exercise facilities on physical activity was significantly mediated by perceived benefits and psychological needs satisfaction. Furthermore, psychological needs satisfaction mediated the effect of perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-efficacy on physical activity. The study findings illustrated that the application of the social-ecological model and psychological factors is important in order to understand and promote positive physical activity behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The current study aimed to develop and validate of companions\' satisfaction questionnaire of patients hospitalized in ICUs.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a methodological study that was performed in three phases: In the first phase, the concept of companion\'s satisfaction of patients hospitalized in ICUs was defined through qualitative content analysis method. In the second phase, early items of questionnaire were generated based on findings of the first phase. In the third and final phase, validation of the questionnaire was evaluated using face, content and construct validity as well as reliability.
    UNASSIGNED: In exploratory factor analysis, three subscales including: satisfaction with nursing staff communication (5 items), satisfaction with nursing care (12 items), and satisfaction with decision making (5 items) were extracted by Eigen value above one and factor load above 0.5. Internal consistency and stability of the developed questionnaire confirmed with 0.94 and 0.95 respectively that indicated acceptable reliability.
    UNASSIGNED: The 22-item developed questionnaire is valid and reliable for measurement of levels of companion\'s satisfaction of Iranian patients hospitalized in ICUs.





