
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperature seasonality plays a pivotal role in shaping the thermal biology of ectotherms. However, we still have a limited understanding of how ectotherms maintain thermal balance in the face of varying temperatures, especially in fossorial species. Due to thermal buffering underground, thermal ecology theory predicts relaxed selection pressure over thermoregulation in fossorial ectotherms. As a result, fossorial ectotherms typically show low thermoregulatory precision and low evidence of thermotactic behaviours in laboratory thermal gradients. Here, we evaluated how temperature selection (T sel) and associated behaviours differed between seasons in a fossorial amphibian, the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum). By comparing thermoregulatory parameters between the active and overwintering seasons, we show that A. maculatum engages in active behavioural thermoregulation despite being fossorial. In both seasons, T sel was consistently offset higher than acclimatization temperatures. Thermoregulation differed between seasons, with salamanders having higher T sel and showing greater evidence of thermophilic behaviours in the active compared with the overwintering season. Additionally, our work lends support to experimental assumptions commonly made but seldom tested in thermal biology studies. Ultimately, our study demonstrates that the combination of careful behavioural and thermal biology measurements is a necessary step to better understand the mechanisms that underlie body temperature control in amphibians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the metamorphosis of anuran amphibians, the tail resorption process is a necessary and crucial change. One subject that has received relatively little or no attention is the expression patterns of proteins and metabolites in the different tail portions during metamorphosis, especially in highland amphibians. The mechanisms of tail resorption in three portions (the tip, middle and root) of the tail were investigated in N. pleskei G43 tadpole based on two omics (proteomic and metabolomic). Integrin αVβ3 was found to be high expressed in the distal portion of the tail, which could improve the sensitiveness to thyroid hormones in the distal portion of the tail. Muscle regression displayed a spatial pattern with stronger regression in distal and weaker one in proximal portion. Probably, this stronger regression was mainly performed by the proteases of proteasome from the active translation by ribosomes. The suicide model and murder model coexisted in the tail resorption. Meanwhile, fatty acids, amino acids, pyrimidine, and purine which derived from the breakdown of tissues can be used as building blocks or energy source for successful metamorphosis. Our data improved a better comprehension of the tail resorption mechanisms underlying the metamorphism of N. pleskei tadpole through identifying important participating proteins and metabolites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphibian populations are declining globally due to climate change. However, the impacts on the geographic distribution of amphibians on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), a global biodiversity hotspot with 112 species of amphibians that is sensitive to global climate change, remains unclear. In this study, MaxEnt and barycentre shift analyses were performed to reveal the impact of climate change on the potential future habitats of amphibians on the QTP using the BCC-CSM2-MR global climate model of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects Phase 6 (CMIP6) climate pattern with three shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP). In contrast to the widespread decline in the amphibian population, the future scenarios projected an increase in most amphibian habitats on the QTP, accompanied by migration to higher elevations or latitudes under three climatic projections (SSP 1-2.6, 3-7.0, and 5-8.5). Average annual precipitation was the most crucial environmental variable impacting the future distribution of amphibians. The findings indicate that amphibians would flourish under climate change on the QTP, which is of great significance for the protection of amphibians and biodiversity on the QTP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) is a rhabdovirus that primarily infects cyprinid finfishes and causes a disease notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health. Amphibians, which are sympatric with cyprinids in freshwater ecosystems, are considered non-permissive hosts of rhabdoviruses. The potential host range expansion of SVCV in an atypical host species was evaluated by testing the susceptibility of amphibians native to the Pacific Northwest. Larval long-toed salamanders Ambystoma macrodactylum and Pacific tree frog Pseudacris regilla tadpoles were exposed to SVCV strains from genotypes Ia, Ib, Ic, or Id by either intraperitoneal injection, immersion, or cohabitation with virus-infected koi Cyprinus rubrofuscus. Cumulative mortality was 100% for salamanders injected with SVCV, 98-100% for tadpoles exposed to virus via immersion, and 0-100% for tadpoles cohabited with SVCV-infected koi. Many of the animals that died exhibited clinical signs of disease and SVCV RNA was found by in situ hybridization in tissue sections of immersion-exposed tadpoles, particularly in the cells of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. SVCV was also detected by plaque assay and RT-qPCR testing in both amphibian species regardless of the virus exposure method, and viable virus was detected up to 28 days after initial exposure. Recovery of infectious virus from naïve tadpoles cohabited with SVCV-infected koi further demonstrated that SVCV transmission can occur between classes of ectothermic vertebrates. Collectively, these results indicated that SVCV, a fish rhabdovirus, can be transmitted to and cause lethal disease in two amphibian species. Therefore, members of all five of the major vertebrate groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians) appear to be vulnerable to rhabdovirus infections. Future research studying potential spillover and spillback infections of aquatic rhabdoviruses between foreign and domestic amphibian and fish species will provide insights into the stressors driving novel interclass virus transmission events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dermaseptins are one of the main families of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) derived from the skin secretions of Hylidae frogs. Among them, dermaseptin S4 (DS4) is characterized by its broad-spectrum of activity against bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. In this study, the physicochemical properties of the native peptide DS4 (1-28) and two derivatives [DS4 (1-28)a and DS4 (1-26)a] isolated from the skin of the frog Phyllomedusa sauvagii were investigated and their antimicrobial properties against two marine pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio anguillarum) were examined.
    RESULTS: The results indicate that the peptide DS4 (1-26)a has high-antibacterial activity against the tested strains and low-hemolytic activity (<30% lysis at the highest tested concentration of 100 µg/mL) compared to the other two peptides tested. In addition, all three peptides affect the membrane and cell wall integrity of both pathogenic bacteria, causing leakage of cell contents, with DS4 (1-26)a having the most severe impact. These skills were corroborated by transmission electron microscopy and by the variation of cations in their binding sites due to the effects caused by the AMPs.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that DS4 and its derivatives, in particular the truncated and amidated peptide DS4 (1-26)a could be effective in the treatment of infections caused by these marine pathogenic bacteria. Future studies are required to validate the use of DS4  in vivo for the prevention of bacterial diseases in fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ex situ amphibian populations can experience reproductive dysfunction due to the absence of environmental cues that trigger reproductive events. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for amphibians, specifically exogenous hormone regimens, can circumvent these external signals to induce gametogenesis and gamete release. Currently, the use of the mammalian reproductive hormones gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are used in a species-specific manner to stimulate amphibian breeding. Hormones or hormone mixtures that are effective in all breeding scenarios would provide the best option for conservation practitioners and some commercial products are already in use for breeding other ectotherms. Ovaprim®, which contains salmon GnRH analogue (sGnRHa) and the dopamine antagonist domperidone (DOM), is effective in fish aquaculture and may be effective for amphibians. To test this hypothesis, we treated Fowler\'s toads (Anaxyrus fowleri) with either sGnRHa alone, a high or low dose of Ovaprim® or hCG. We then compared spermiation response, sperm quantity and quality parameters, and changes in animal mass over time within each treatment. We found administration of Ovaprim® resulted in more males producing sperm with better motility compared to administration of sGnRHa alone. In addition, the Ovaprim® and sGnRHa treatments resulted in lower response rates, lower sperm motilities, more abnormal sperm, and higher aggregations of sperm compared to the hCG treatment. Furthermore, Ovaprim®-treated males gained significant mass, suggesting an anti-diuretic effect of DOM. Together, these results show that neither Ovaprim® nor sGnRHa, at the concentrations tested, are likely suitable replacements for hCG in ex situ bufonid breeding programmes and that hormone mixtures developed for fish may have limited transferability to new world toad species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As reproduction phenologies shift with climate change, populations can experience intraspecific priority effects, wherein early hatching cohorts experience an advantage over late-hatching cohorts, resulting in altered demography. Our study objective was to identify how variation in egg hatching phenology alters intraspecific interactions in small-mouthed salamanders, Ambystoma texanum. We addressed two research questions: (Q1) How are demographic responses altered by variation in the temporal duration of hatching between cohorts, and (Q2) How does the seasonality of hatching delays affect demographic responses? We manipulated hatching phenologies of A. texanum eggs and reared larvae in outdoor mesocosms to metamorphosis. For Q1, hatching delay exhibited non-linear relationships with survival and body size, with the greatest asynchrony in cohort additions resulting in the highest mortality and largest body sizes. For Q2, hatching delay effects were stronger (i.e., survival was lower and body sizes larger) when they occurred later in the season, potentially due to temperature differences that larvae experienced. Overall, our results demonstrate that changes in intraspecific interactions due to phenological shifts can be context-dependent, depending on the strength (i.e., temporal duration) and seasonality of such processes. Identifying context-dependencies of phenological shifts will be critical for predicting changes in organismal demographics with climatic shifts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a pathogenic chytrid fungus that is particularly lethal for amphibians. Bd can extirpate amphibian populations within a few weeks and remain in water in the absence of amphibian hosts. Most efforts to determine Bd presence and quantity in the field have focused on sampling hosts, but these data do not give us a direct reflection of the amount of Bd in the water, which are useful for parameterizing disease models, and are not effective when hosts are absent or difficult to sample. Current methods for screening Bd presence and quantity in water are time, resource, and money intensive. Here, we developed a streamlined method for detecting Bd in water with low turbidity (e.g., water samples from laboratory experiments and relatively clear pond water from a natural lentic system). We centrifuged water samples with known amounts of Bd to form a pellet and extracted the DNA from that pellet. This method was highly effective and the resulting concentrations across all tested treatments presented a highly linear relationship with the expected values. While the experimentally derived values were lower than the inoculation doses, the values were highly correlated and a conversion factor allows us to extrapolate the actual Bd concentration. This centrifuge-based method is effective, repeatable, and would greatly expand the domain of tractable questions to be explored in the field of Bd ecology. Importantly, this method increases equity in the field, because it is time- and cost-efficient and requires few resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The environment of an organism exerts selective pressures that affect mobility, feeding, reproduction as well as predator-prey and conspecific interactions. Land use changes induced by human activities modify these selective pressures and may result in the adaptation of organisms. Amphibians are ectotherms that typically show a biphasic life cycle with an aquatic and terrestrial phase, which makes them particularly sensitive to environmental change. We studied the impact of habitat modifications on palmate newt populations in the Ile de France region across four types of habitats: urban, mixed, agricultural, and natural with at least two replicates for each habitat type. We measured the morphology of newts using callipers, quantified maximal running and swimming speed and acceleration using high-speed video recordings, and quantified the swelling of the hind limb linked to an inflammatory reaction. Our results show that in urban habitats, newts are larger and heavier and have a better body condition. Females, moreover, have a larger head in natural habitats, possibly due to diet specialisation of females during the breeding season. In mixed and agricultural habitats, newts have longer limbs and show a tendency to run faster, possibly associated with the selective pressures on movement in mixed habitats. Differences in inflammatory responses were observed between sexes but not habitat types. Overall, our results show differences in morphology and trends for differences in performance in newts living in different habitats suggesting that animals are adapting to human-induced changes in their environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among terrestrial ectotherms, hibernation is a common response to extreme cold temperatures and is associated with reduced physiological rates, including immunity. When winter wanes and temperatures increase, so too do vital rates of both ectothermic hosts and their parasites. Due to metabolic scaling, if parasite activity springs back faster than host immune functions then cold seasons and transitions between cold and warm seasons may represent periods of vulnerability for ectothermic hosts. Understanding host regulation of physiological rates at seasonal junctions is a first step toward identifying thermal mismatches between hosts and parasites. Here we show that immune gene expression is responsive to transitions into and out of the cold season in a winter-adapted amphibian, the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus), and that frogs experienced parasitism by at least two nematode species throughout the entirety of the cold season. In both splenic and skin tissues, we observed a decrease in immune gene expression going from fall to winter, observed no changes between winter and emergence from hibernation, and observed increases in immune gene expression after hibernation ended. At all timepoints, differentially expressed genes from spleens were more highly enriched for immune system processes than those from ventral skin, especially with respect to terms related to adaptive immune processes. Infection with nematode lungworms was also associated with upregulation of immune processes in the spleen. We suggest that rather than being a period of stagnation, during which physiological processes and infection potential cease, the cold season is immunologically dynamic, requiring coordinated regulation of many biological processes, and that the reemergence period may be an important time during which hosts invest in preparatory immunity.





