Adaptation, Biological

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractAdaptive radiations highlight the mechanisms by which species and traits diversify and the extent to which these patterns are predictable. We used 1,110 high-speed videos of suction feeding to study functional and morphological diversification in 300 cichlid species from three African Great Lake radiations of varying ages (Victoria, Malawi, and Tanganyika) and an older, spatially dispersed continental radiation in the Neotropics. Among African radiations, standing diversity was reflective of time. Morphological and functional variance in Lake Victoria, the youngest radiation, was a subset of that within Lake Malawi, which itself was nested within the older Tanganyikan radiation. However, functional diversity in Neotropical cichlids was often lower than that in Lake Tanganyika, despite being much older. These two radiations broadly overlapped, but each diversified into novel trait spaces not found in the youngest lake radiations. Evolutionary rates across radiations were inversely related to age, suggesting extremely rapid trait evolution at early stages, particularly in lake radiations. Despite this support for early bursts, other patterns of trait diversity were inconsistent with expectations of adaptive radiations. This work suggests that cichlid functional evolution has played out in strikingly similar fashion in different radiations, with contingencies eventually resulting in lineage-specific novelties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, frequent acute temperature changes have posed a serious threat to the physiology and survival of fish. This study utilized RNA-Seq technology to analyze the transcriptional dynamics in the muscle tissues of Acrossocheilus wenchowensis under various acute temperature conditions (16◦C, 20◦C, 24◦C, 28◦C and 32◦C). Through comprehensive analysis, we identified 11509 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), a gene set (profiles 19) that was significantly up-regulated with increasing temperature, and two weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) modules that were significantly correlated with acute temperature changes. Furthermore, we identified 28 transcription factors that are pivotal in oxidative stress and energy metabolism under acute temperature changes. Our results showed that, compared to the control group (24°C), KEGG functional enrichment analysis revealed significant enrichment of DEGs in the cell cycle, DNA replication, and p53 signaling pathway, with an overall trend of suppressed expression. This indicates that maintaining cell stability and reducing cell damage is an effective adaptive mechanism for A. wenchowensis to cope with acute temperature changes. Through STEM analysis and the black WGCNA module associated with high-temperature stress, we identified significant up-regulation of pathways and hub genes related to energy metabolism including oxidative phosphorylation, TCA cycle, purine metabolism, and glutathione metabolism, as well as the central roles of signal transduction pathways such as MAPK signaling pathway and AMPK signaling pathway, which synergistically regulate energy production. Under acute low-temperature stress, the turquoise WGCNA module highlighted significant up-regulation of hub genes associated with Ribosomal and Spliceosomal pathways related to protein synthesis and processing, as well as activation of calcium signaling pathways, which plays an important role in maintaining cellular function during low-temperature adaptation. These findings provide a critical theoretical and molecular basis for the adaptation of eurythermal fish to rapid temperature changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extraordinary diversification of beetles on Earth is a textbook example of adaptive evolution. Yet, the tempo and drivers of this super-radiation remain largely unclear. Here, we address this problem by investigating macroevolutionary dynamics in darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), one of the most ecomorphologically diverse beetle families (with over 30,000 species). Using multiple genomic datasets and analytical approaches, we resolve the long-standing inconsistency over deep relationships in the family. In conjunction with a landmark-based dataset of body shape morphology, we show that the evolutionary history of darkling beetles is marked by ancient rapid radiations, frequent ecological transitions, and rapid bursts of morphological diversification. On a global scale, our analyses uncovered a significant pulse of phenotypic diversification proximal to the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K/Pg) mass extinction and convergence of body shape associated with recurrent ecological specializations. On a regional scale, two major Australasian radiations, the Adeliini and the Heleine clade, exhibited contrasting patterns of ecomorphological diversification, representing phylogenetic niche conservatism versus adaptive radiation. Our findings align with the Simpsonian model of adaptive evolution across the macroevolutionary landscape and highlight a significant role of ecological opportunity in driving the immense ecomorphological diversity in a hyperdiverse beetle group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monkeypox, caused by the monkeypox virus (MPXV), was historically confined to West and Central Africa but has now spread globally. Recombination and selection play crucial roles in the evolutionary adaptation of MPXV; however, the evolution of MPXV and its relationship with the recent, ground-breaking monkeypox epidemic remains poorly understood. To gain insights into the evolutionary dynamics of MPXV, comprehensive in silico recombination and selection analyses were conducted based on MPXV whole genome sequence data. Three types of recombination were identified: five ancestor-sharing interspecies recombination events, six specific interspecies recombination events and four intraspecies recombination events. The results highlight the prevalent occurrence of recombination in MPXV, with 73.3% occurring in variable regions of the genome. Selection analysis was performed from three dimensions: proteins around recombination regions, proteins from recombinant ancestors and MPXV branches, and whole-genome gene analysis. Results revealed 2 and 7 proteins under positive selection in the first two dimensions, respectively. These proteins are mainly involved in infection immunity, apoptosis regulation and viral virulence. Whole-genome analysis detected 25 genes under positive selection, mainly associated with immune response and viral regulation. Understanding their evolutionary patterns will help predict and prevent cross-species transmission, zoonotic outbreaks and potential human epidemics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA viruses adapt rapidly to new host environments by generating highly diverse genome sets, so-called \"quasispecies.\" Minor genetic variants promote their rapid adaptation, allowing for the emergence of drug-resistance or immune-escape mutants. Understanding these adaptation processes is highly relevant to assessing the risk of cross-species transmission and the safety and efficacy of vaccines and antivirals. We hypothesized that genetic memory within a viral genome population facilitates rapid adaptation. To test this, we investigated the adaptation of the Morbillivirus canine distemper virus to ferrets and compared an attenuated, Vero cell-adapted virus isolate with its recombinant derivative over consecutive ferret passages. Although both viruses adapted to the new host, the reduced initial genetic diversity of the recombinant virus resulted in delayed disease onset. The non-recombinant virus gradually increased the frequencies of beneficial mutations already present at very low frequencies in the input virus. In contrast, the recombinant virus first evolved de novo mutations to compensate for the initial fitness impairments. Importantly, while both viruses evolved different sets of mutations, most mutations found in the adapted non-recombinant virus were identical to those found in a previous ferret adaptation experiment with the same isolate, indicating that mutations present at low frequency in the original virus stock serve as genetic memory. An arginine residue at position 519 in the carboxy terminus of the nucleoprotein shared by all adapted viruses was found to contribute to pathogenesis in ferrets. Our work illustrates the importance of genetic diversity for adaptation to new environments and identifies regions with functional relevance.IMPORTANCEWhen viruses encounter a new host, they can rapidly adapt to this host and cause disease. How these adaptation processes occur remains understudied. Morbilliviruses have high clinical and veterinary relevance and are attractive model systems to study these adaptation processes. The canine distemper virus is of particular interest, as it exhibits a broader host range than other morbilliviruses and frequently crosses species barriers. Here, we compared the adaptation of an attenuated virus and its recombinant derivative to that of ferrets. Pre-existing mutations present at low frequency allowed faster adaptation of the non-recombinant virus compared to the recombinant virus. We identified a common point mutation in the nucleoprotein that affected the pathogenesis of both viruses. Our study shows that genetic memory facilitates environmental adaptation and that erasing this genetic memory by genetic engineering results in delayed and different adaptation to new environments, providing an important safety aspect for the generation of live-attenuated vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cultivating productive paddy crops on salty soil to maximise production is a challenging approach to meeting the world\'s growing food demand. Thus, determining salinity tolerance rates in specific paddy cultivars is urgently needed. In this study, the salt tolerance traits of selected paddy cultivars, ADT45 and ADT39, were investigated by analysing germination, metabolites (pigments and biomolecules), and enzymatic (Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), and Peroxidase (POD) adaptation strategies as salt-stress tolerance mechanisms. This study found that salinity-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) were efficiently detoxified by the antioxidant enzymes Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), and Peroxidase (POD) in ADT45 paddy varieties, followed by ADT39. Salinity stress had a significant impact on pigments and essential biomolecules in ADT45 and ADT39 paddy cultivars, including total chlorophyll, anthocyanin, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde, and proline. ADT45 demonstrated a significant relationship between H2O2 and antioxidant enzyme levels, followed by ADT39 paddy but not IR64. Morphological, physiological, and biochemical analyses revealed that ADT45, followed by ADT39, is a potential salt-tolerant rice cultivar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abyssal (3501-6500 m) and hadal (>6500 m) fauna evolve under harsh abiotic stresses, characterized by high hydrostatic pressure, darkness and food shortage, providing unique opportunities to investigate mechanisms underlying environmental adaptation. Genomes of several hadal species have recently been reported. However, the genetic adaptation of deep sea species across a broad spectrum of ocean depths has yet to be thoroughly investigated, due to the challenges imposed by collecting the deep sea species. To elucidate the correlation between genetic innovation and vertical distribution, we generated a chromosome-level genome assembly of the macrourids Coryphaenoides yaquinae, which is widely distributed in the abyssal/hadal zone ranging from 3655 to 7259 m in depth. Genomic comparisons among shallow, abyssal and hadal-living species identified idiosyncratic and convergent genetic alterations underlying the extraordinary adaptations of deep-sea species including light perception, circadian regulation, hydrostatic pressure and hunger tolerance. The deep-sea fishes (Coryphaenoides Sp. and Pseudoliparis swirei) venturing into various ocean depths independently have undergone convergent amino acid substitutions in multiple proteins such as rhodopsin 1, pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 and melanocortin 4 receptor which are known or verified in zebrafish to be related with vision adaptation and energy expenditure. Convergent evolution events were also identified in heat shock protein 90 beta family member 1 and valosin-containing protein genes known to be related to hydrostatic pressure adaptation specifically in fishes found around the hadal range. The uncovering of the molecular convergence among the deep-sea species shed new light on the common genetic innovations required for deep-sea adaptation by the fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect crop pests threaten global food security. This threat is amplified through the spread of nonnative species and through adaptation of native pests to control measures. Adaptations such as pesticide resistance can result from selection on variation within a population, or through gene flow from another population. We investigate these processes in an economically important noctuid crop pest, Helicoverpa zea, which has evolved resistance to a wide range of pesticides. Its sister species Helicoverpa armigera, first detected as an invasive species in Brazil in 2013, introduced the pyrethroid-resistance gene CYP337B3 to South American H. zea via adaptive introgression. To understand whether this could contribute to pesticide resistance in North America, we sequenced 237 H. zea genomes across 10 sample sites. We report H. armigera introgression into the North American H. zea population. Two individuals sampled in Texas in 2019 carry H. armigera haplotypes in a 4 Mbp region containing CYP337B3. Next, we identify signatures of selection in the panmictic population of nonadmixed H. zea, identifying a selective sweep at a second cytochrome P450 gene: CYP333B3. We estimate that its derived allele conferred a ∼5% fitness advantage and show that this estimate explains independently observed rare nonsynonymous CYP333B3 mutations approaching fixation over a ∼20-year period. We also detect putative signatures of selection at a kinesin gene associated with Bt resistance. Overall, we document two mechanisms of rapid adaptation: the introduction of fitness-enhancing alleles through interspecific introgression, and selection on intraspecific variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation to new habitats might facilitate species\' range shifts in response to climate change. In 2005, we transplanted experimental populations of coastal dune plant Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia into 4 sites within and 1 site beyond its poleward range limit. Beyond-range transplants had high fitness but often delayed reproduction. To test for adaptation associated with experimental range expansion, we transplanted descendants from beyond- and within-range populations after 10 generations in situ into 2 sites within the range, 1 at the range edge, and 2 sites beyond the range. We expected to detect adaptation to beyond-range conditions due to substantial genetic variation within experimental populations and environmental variation among sites. However, individuals from beyond-range experimental populations were not fitter than those from within the range when planted at either beyond-range site, indicating no adaptation to the beyond-range site or beyond-range environments in general. Beyond-range descendants also did not suffer lower fitness within the range. Although reproduction was again delayed beyond the range, late reproduction was not favored more strongly beyond than within the range, and beyond-range descendants did not delay reproduction more than within-range descendants. Persistence in beyond-range environments may not require adaptation, which could allow a rapid response to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractLocal adaptation frequently evolves in patches or environments that are connected via migration. In these cases, genomic regions that are linked to a locally adapted locus experience reduced effective migration rates. Via individual-based simulations of a two-patch system, we show that this reduced effective migration results in the accumulation of conditionally deleterious mutations, but not universally deleterious mutations, adjacent to adaptive loci. When there is redundancy in the genetic basis of local adaptation (i.e., genotypic redundancy), turnover of locally adapted polymorphisms allows conditionally deleterious mutation load to be purged. The amount of mutational load that accumulates adjacent to locally adapted loci is dependent on redundancy, recombination rate, migration rate, population size, strength of selection, and the phenotypic effect size of adaptive alleles. Our results highlight the need to be cautious when interpreting patterns of local adaptation at the level of phenotype or fitness, as the genetic basis of local adaptation can be transient, and evolution may confer a degree of maladaptation to nonlocal environments.





