Adaptation, Biological

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this narrative review, we present the hypothesis that key mutations in two genes, occurring 15 and 10 million years ago (MYA), were individually and then collectively adaptive for ancestral humans during periods of starvation, but are maladaptive in modern civilization (i.e., \"thrifty genes\"), with the consequence that these genes not only increase our risk today for obesity, but also for alcoholism. Both mutations occurred when ancestral apes were experiencing loss of fruit availability during periods of profound climate change or environmental upheaval. The silencing of uricase (urate oxidase) activity 15 MYA enhanced survival by increasing the ability for fructose present in dwindling fruit to be stored as fat, a consequence of enhanced uric acid production during fructose metabolism that stimulated lipogenesis and blocked fatty acid oxidation. Likewise, a mutation in class IV alcohol dehydrogenase ~10 MYA resulted in a remarkable 40-fold increase in the capacity to oxidize ethanol (EtOH), which allowed our ancestors to ingest fallen, fermenting fruit. In turn, the EtOH ingested could activate aldose reductase that stimulates the conversion of glucose to fructose, while uric acid produced during EtOH metabolism could further enhance fructose production and metabolism. By aiding survival, these mutations would have allowed our ancestors to generate more fat, primarily from fructose, to survive changing habitats due to the Middle Miocene disruption and also during the late-Miocene aridification of East Africa. Unfortunately, the enhanced ability to metabolize and utilize EtOH may now be acting to increase our risk for alcoholism, which may be yet another consequence of once-adaptive thrifty genes.







  • 文章类型: Editorial
    August Krogh\'s 1929 principle is referenced as the cornerstone of comparative physiology (CP). However, there are diverse views as to what type of research falls under the CP approach. This study had three aims: 1) determine how CP is defined through an online survey (OS) of physiologists and a systematic review (SR), 2) put forth an updated definition of CP by summarizing OS and SR results, and 3) outline the numerous CP research approaches. Professional physiology societies (n = 54) were invited to share the OS with their members, and a SR was conducted, which yielded 197 and 70 definitions, respectively. The three most common words in descending order in the OS definitions were \"different,\" \"animals,\" and \"species\" and in the SR definitions, \"animals,\" \"species,\" and \"organisms.\" The three most prevalent themes from the OS and SR definitions were comparing/differences/diversity across species (78% and 51%, respectively), response to the environment/ecology (28% and 43%, respectively), and included evolution or adaptation (24% and 60%, respectively). Ten research approaches were identified, which include broad comparison (i.e., many species generalization), specific comparison (e.g., 2 species; for traits that are different, exaggerated, extreme, missing, or not induced), or comparison while considering evolution (i.e., evolutionary physiology), ecology (i.e., ecophysiology), or human physiology/medicine. Only 5% and 33% of OS and SR definitions described or mentioned Krogh\'s principle. In conclusion, CP can best be defined as a compilation of research approaches that utilize different types of comparisons to elucidate physiological mechanisms and not simply comparing physiologies as the name implies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Black Bengal goat (BBG) is the most widely recognized legacy goat breed in Bangladesh. The breed is black in color yet likewise earthy, white, or dim colors additionally found. The breed has medium body size with grown-up weight 25-30 kg, little horns, short legs, and tight body structure. The BBG is one of the most compliant, all around adjusted, early maturing, prolific, productive, and tropical disease-resistant goat types of the world that produces incredible quality meat, milk, and skin. The breed is versatile in hot, moist, cruel, climatic conditions and flourishes well on a cacophonous dietary regimen from uncultivable decrepit grounds, residences, riversides, banks, sloping, and hilly territories where crop culture or dairy nourishing is inconceivable. In Bangladesh, the BBG is one of the main red meat-producing small ruminants which shares remarkable local interest during Eid-Ul-Adha, Eid-Ul-Fitr, wedding ceremony, birthday festival, circumcision, memorial programs, and other social celebrations with no social, cultural, and religious limitations. Being little in size, the BBG has been an amazing asset to advance supportable vocations for the negligible, little, and landless ranchers who rely upon free regular grazing lands for raising domesticated animals. Regardless of incredibly exceptional components and features, the production of BBG has not yet been popularized widely since meager consideration has been paid for improving their efficiency. Development of cutting edge hereditary, dietary, and health as well as disease control procedure and utilization of modern management frameworks may procure considerable changes in improving the overall performance of the BBG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the origins and early stages of diversification is one of the most elusive tasks in adaptive radiation research. Classical approaches, which aim to infer past processes from present-day patterns of biological diversity, are fraught with difficulties and assumptions. An alternative approach has been to study young clades of relatively few species, which may represent the putative early stages of adaptive radiation. However, it is difficult to predict whether those groups will ever reach the ecological and morphological disparity observed in the sorts of clades usually referred to as adaptive radiations, thereby making their utility in informing the early stages of such radiations uncertain. Caribbean Anolis lizards are a textbook example of an adaptive radiation; anoles have diversified independently on each of the 4 islands in the Greater Antilles, producing replicated radiations of phenotypically diverse species. However, the underlying processes that drove these radiations occurred 30-65 million years ago and so are unobservable, rendering major questions about how these radiations came to be difficult to tackle. What did the ancestral species of the anole radiation look like? How did new species arise? What processes drove adaptive diversification? Here, we review what we have learned about the cryptic early stages of adaptive radiation from studies of Anolis lizards, and how these studies have attempted to bridge the process-pattern divide of adaptive radiation research. Despite decades of research, however, fundamental questions linking eco-evolutionary processes to macroevolutionary patterns in anoles remain difficult to answer.






  • 文章类型: Biography






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Birds and mammals have evolved many thermal adaptations that are relevant to the bioinspired design of temperature control systems and energy management in buildings. Similar to many buildings, endothermic animals generate internal metabolic heat, are well insulated, regulate their temperature within set limits, modify microclimate and adjust thermal exchange with their environment. We review the major components of animal thermoregulation in endothermic birds and mammals that are pertinent to building engineering, in a world where climate is changing and reduction in energy use is needed. In animals, adjustment of insulation together with physiological and behavioural responses to changing environmental conditions fine-tune spatial and temporal regulation of body temperature, while also minimizing energy expenditure. These biological adaptations are characteristically flexible, allowing animals to alter their body temperatures to hourly, daily, or annual demands for energy. They exemplify how buildings could become more thermally reactive to meteorological fluctuations, capitalising on dynamic thermal materials and system properties. Based on this synthesis, we suggest that heat transfer modelling could be used to simulate these flexible biomimetic features and assess their success in reducing energy costs while maintaining thermal comfort for given building types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Diurnal birds of prey (raptors) are considered the group of animals with highest visual acuity (VA). The purpose of this work is to review all the information recently published about the visual system of this group of animals.
    METHODS: A bibliographic search was performed in PubMed. The algorithm used was (raptor OR falcon OR kestrel OR hawk OR eagle) AND (vision OR «visual acuity» OR eye OR macula OR retina OR fovea OR «nictitating membrane» OR «chromatic vision» OR ultraviolet). The search was restricted to the «Title» and «Abstract» fields, and to non-human species, without time restriction.
    RESULTS: The proposed algorithm located 97 articles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Birds of prey are endowed with the highest VA of the animal kingdom. However most of the works study one individual or a small group of individuals, and the methodology is heterogeneous. The most studied bird is the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), with an estimated VA of 140 cycles/degree. Some eagles are endowed with similar VA. The tubular shape of the eye, the large pupil, and a high density of photoreceptors make this extraordinary VA possible. In some species, histology and optic coherence tomography demonstrate the presence of 2foveas. The nasal fovea (deep fovea) has higher VA. Nevertheless, the exact function of each fovea is unknown. The vitreous contained in the deep fovea could behave as a third lens, adding some magnification to the optic system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most, if not all, organisms possess the ability to alter their phenotype in direct response to changes in their environment, a phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity. Selection can break this environmental sensitivity, however, and cause a formerly environmentally induced trait to evolve to become fixed through a process called genetic assimilation. Essentially, genetic assimilation can be viewed as the evolution of environmental robustness in what was formerly an environmentally sensitive trait. Because genetic assimilation has long been suggested to play a key role in the origins of phenotypic novelty and possibly even new species, identifying and characterizing the proximate mechanisms that underlie genetic assimilation may advance our basic understanding of how novel traits and species evolve.
    This review begins by discussing how the evolution of phenotypic plasticity, followed by genetic assimilation, might promote the origins of new traits and possibly fuel speciation and adaptive radiation. The evidence implicating genetic assimilation in evolutionary innovation and diversification is then briefly considered. Next, the potential causes of phenotypic plasticity generally and genetic assimilation specifically are examined at the genetic, molecular and physiological levels and approaches that can improve our understanding of these mechanisms are described. The review concludes by outlining major challenges for future work.
    Identifying and characterizing the proximate mechanisms involved in phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation promises to help advance our basic understanding of evolutionary innovation and diversification.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related species, the main workhorses of wine fermentation, have been exposed to stressful conditions for millennia, potentially resulting in adaptive differentiation. As a result, wine yeasts have recently attracted considerable interest for studying the evolutionary effects of domestication. The widespread use of whole-genome sequencing during the last decade has provided new insights into the biodiversity, population structure, phylogeography and evolutionary history of wine yeasts. Comparisons between S. cerevisiae isolates from various origins have indicated that a variety of mechanisms, including heterozygosity, nucleotide and structural variations, introgressions, horizontal gene transfer and hybridization, contribute to the genetic and phenotypic diversity of S. cerevisiae. This review will summarize the current knowledge on the diversity and evolutionary history of wine yeasts, focusing on the domestication fingerprints identified in these strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight is probably the most detrimental environmental factor affecting the viability of entomopathogenic fungi applied to solar-exposed sites (e.g., leaves) for pest control. Most entomopathogenic fungi are sensitive to UV radiation, but there is great inter- and intraspecies variability in susceptibility to UV. This variability may reflect natural adaptations of isolates to their different environmental conditions. Selecting strains with outstanding natural tolerance to UV is considered as an important step to identify promising biological control agents. However, reports on tolerance among the isolates used to date must be analyzed carefully due to considerable variations in the methods used to garner the data. The current review presents tables listing many studies in which different methods were applied to check natural and enhanced tolerance to UV stress of numerous entomopathogenic fungi, including several well-known isolates of these fungi. The assessment of UV tolerance is usually conducted with conidia using dose-response methods, wherein the UV dose is calculated simply by multiplying the total irradiance by the period (time) of exposure. Although irradiation from lamps seldom presents an environmentally realistic spectral distribution, laboratory tests circumvent the uncontrollable circumstances associated with field assays. Most attempts to increase field persistence of microbial agents have included formulating conidia with UV protectants; however, in many cases, field efficacy of formulated fungi is still not fully adequate for dependable pest control.





