wandering behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Critical wandering occurs when an individual living with dementia leaves a location and is unaware of place or time. Critical wandering incidents are expected to increase with the growing prevalence of persons living with dementia worldwide. We investigated the association between demographic, psychopathological, and environmental factors and a history of critical wandering among Medic-Alert subscribers, both with and without dementia.
    METHODS: Our retrospective study included data of 25,785 Canadian Medic-Alert subscribers who were aged 40 years or older. We used multivariable logistic regression analysis to examine the associations between a history of critical wandering and dementia status as psychopathological independent variable, controlled by demographic (age, ethnic background, sex at birth, Canadian languages spoken) and environmental (living arrangement, population density) factors.
    RESULTS: The overall study sample comprised of mainly older adults (77.4%). Medic-Alert subscribers who were older, male sex at birth, living with dementia, of a minority ethnic group and who did not have proficiency in an official Canadian language had a higher likelihood of a history of critical wandering. Residing in an urban environment, in an institution or with a family member, were environmental factors associated with a higher likelihood of a history of critical wandering.
    CONCLUSIONS: People living with dementia experience a higher likelihood of a history of critical wandering compared to those without dementia. Medic-Alert and similar organizations can develop algorithms based on the associated factors that can be used to flag risks of critical wandering. This can inform preventative strategies at the individual and community levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With the population aging, the number of people living with dementia is expected to rise, which, in turn, is expected to lead to an increase in the prevalence of missing incidents due to critical wandering. However, the estimated prevalence of missing incidents due to dementia is inconclusive in some jurisdictions and overlooked in others.
    OBJECTIVE: The aims of the study were to examine (1) the demographic, psychopathological, and environmental antecedents to missing incidents due to critical wandering among older adult MedicAlert Foundation Canada (hereinafter MedicAlert) subscribers; and (2) the characteristics and outcomes of the missing incidents.
    METHODS: This study used a retrospective descriptive design. The sample included 434 older adult MedicAlert subscribers involved in 560 missing incidents between January 2015 and July 2021.
    RESULTS: The sample was overrepresented by White older adults (329/425, 77.4%). MedicAlert subscribers reported missing were mostly female older adults (230/431, 53.4%), living in urban areas with at least 1 family member (277/433, 63.8%). Most of the MedicAlert subscribers (345/434, 79.5%) self-reported living with dementia. MedicAlert subscribers went missing most frequently from their private homes in the community (96/143, 67.1%), traveling on foot (248/270, 91.9%) and public transport (12/270, 4.4%), during the afternoon (262/560, 46.8%) and evening (174/560, 31.1%). Most were located by first responders (232/486, 47.7%) or Good Samaritans (224/486, 46.1%). Of the 560 missing incidents, 126 (22.5%) were repeated missing incidents. The mean time between missing incidents was 11 (SD 10.8) months. Finally, the majority of MedicAlert subscribers were returned home safely (453/500, 90.6%); and reports of harm, injuries (46/500, 9.2%), and death (1/500, 0.2%) were very low.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the prevalence of missing incidents from 1 database source. The low frequency of missing incidents may not represent populations that are not White. Despite the low number of missing incidents, the 0.2% (1/500) of cases resulting in injuries or death are devastating experiences that may be mitigated through prevention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wandering is a symptom of dementia that can have devastating consequences on the lives of persons living with dementia and their families and caregivers. Increasingly, caregivers are turning towards electronic tracking devices to help manage wandering. Ethical questions have been raised regarding these location-based technologies and although qualitative research has been conducted to gain better insight into various stakeholders\' views on the topic, developers of these technologies have been largely excluded. No qualitative research has focused on developers\' perceptions of ethics related to electronic tracking devices. To address this, we performed a qualitative semi-structured interview study based on grounded theory. We interviewed 15 developers of electronic tracking devices to better understand how they perceive ethical issues surrounding the design, development, and use of these devices within dementia care. Our results reveal that developers are strongly motivated by moral considerations and believe that including stakeholders throughout the development process is critical for success. Developers felt a strong sense of moral obligation towards topics within their control and a weaker sense of moral obligation towards topics outside their control. This leads to a perceived moral boundary between development and use, where some moral responsibility is shifted to end-users.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of using a GPS tracker to mitigate the risks associated with wandering for people with dementia and those caring for them and further evaluate the impact of trackers in delaying 24-hour care and the potential for reducing the involvement of support services, such as the police, in locating patients.
    METHODS: We recruited forty-five wearers-carers dyads, and a GPS tracker was issued to each participant. Dyads completed pre-and post-outcome questionnaires after six months, and a use-log of experiences was maintained through monthly monitoring calls. At six months, focus groups were conducted with 14 dyads where they shared ideas and learning. Data analyses were performed on outcome questionnaires, use-log analysis, and focus groups discussion.
    RESULTS: A 24% (N = 14) attrition rate was recorded, with 76% (N = 34) of the participants completing pre- and post-outcome questionnaires, of which 41% (N = 14) attended four focus group meetings. Participants reported enhanced independence for wearers as fewer restrictions were placed on their movements, peace of mind and reduced burden for the carers with less need to involve police or social services, and delays in 24-hour care.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results supported the feasibility of routine implementation of GPS trackers in dementia care with clear guidance, monitoring and support to family carers on safe use. This could delay admission into 24-hour care as wearers and carers have a greater sense of safety and are better connected should help be required. Studies with larger sample sizes, diverse participants and health economic analysis are needed to develop the evidence base further ahead of the routine implementation of GPS trackers in health and social care services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dementia in Alzheimer\'s disease complicates the caregivers in tracking the patients. Many options are discussed in the literature. A novel technique is essential to improve the quality of life and to assist in locating the patients. The Global Position System (GPS) trackers are attached to dentures and the movements are observed through a mobile application. This technique discusses on a simple method of tracking Alzheimer\'s edentulous patients with the support of removable dentures. Denture tracking devices are a secured form of tracking patients. A GPS device in dentures assists in locating the patient\'s movement and supports the caretakers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and AD related dementias (ADRD) often experience spatial disorientation that can lead to wandering behavior, characterized by aimless or purposeless movement. Wandering behavior has been associated with falls, caregiver burden, and nursing home placement. Despite the substantial clinical consequences of wandering, there is currently no standardized approach to objectively quantify wandering behavior. In this pilot feasibility study, we used a lightweight inertial sensor to examine mobility characteristics of a small group of 12 older adults with ADRD and mild cognitive impairment in their homes. Specifically, we evaluated their compliance with wearing a sensor for a minimum of 4 days. We also examined the ability of the sensor to measure turning frequency and direction changes, given that frequent turns and direction changes during walking have been observed in patients who wander. We found that all patients were able to wear the sensor yielding quantitative turn data including number of turns over time, mean turn duration, mean peak turn speed, and mean turn angle. We found that wanderers make more frequent, quicker turns compared to non-wanderers, which is consistent with pacing or lapping behavior. This study provides preliminary evidence that continuous monitoring in patients with dementia is feasible using a wearable sensor. More studies are needed to explore if objective measures of turning behaviors collected using inertial sensors can be used to identify wandering behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wandering is a common behavioral disorder in the community-dwelling elderly. More than two-thirds of caregivers believe that wandering would cause falls. While physical restraint is a common measure to address wandering, it could trigger challenging behavior in approximately 80% of the elderly with dementia. This study aims to develop a virtual restraint using a night monitoring system (eNightLog) to provide a safe environment for the elderly and mitigate the caregiver burden. The eNightLog system consisted of remote sensors, including a near infra-red 3D time-of-flight sensor and ultrawideband sensors. An alarm system was controlled by customized software and algorithm based on the respiration rate and body posture of the elderly. The performance of the eNightLog system was evaluated in both single and double bed settings by comparing to that of a pressure mat and an infrared fence system, under simulated bed-exiting scenarios. The accuracy and precision for the three systems were 99.0%, 98.8%, 85.9% and 99.2%, 97.8%, 78.6%, respectively. With higher accuracy, precision, and a lower false alarm rate, eNightLog demonstrated its potential as an alternative to physical restraint to remedy the workload of the caregivers and the psychological impact of the elderly.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dementia-related missing incidents are a highly prevalent issue worldwide. Despite being associated with potentially life-threatening consequences, very little is still known about what environmental risk factors may potentially contribute to these missing incidents. The aim of this study was to conduct a retrospective, observational analysis using a large sample of police case records of missing individuals with dementia (n = 210). Due to the influence that road network structure has on our real world navigation, we aimed to explore the relationship between road intersection density, intersection complexity, and orientation entropy to the dementia-related missing incidents. For each missing incident location, the above three variables were computed at a 1 km radius buffer zone around these locations; these values were then compared to that of a set of random locations. The results showed that higher road intersection density, intersection complexity, and orientation entropy were all significantly associated with dementia-related missing incidents. Our results suggest that these properties of road network structure emerge as significant environmental risk factors for dementia-related missing incidents, informing future prospective studies as well as safeguarding guidelines.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dementia-related missing and subsequent deaths are becoming serious problems with increases in people with dementia. However, there are no sufficient studies investigating the incidence rate, the mortality rate, and their risk factors.
    An ecological study aggregated at the Japanese prefectural level was conducted. Dementia-related missing persons cases and deaths in 2018 were extracted from the statistics of the National Police Agency in Japan. We extracted variables about older adults\' characteristics, care, and safety as candidate variables considered to be relevant to dementia-related missing persons cases and deaths. Associations of the candidate variables with the incidence and mortality rates were analyzed using the generalized linear model (family: quasi-poisson, link: log) adjusted for confounding factors (proportion of older adults and gross prefectural product).
    The incidence rate and mortality rate per 100,000 person-year was 21.72 and 0.652 in Japan, respectively. One facility increase in the number of nursing care facilities for older adults per 100,000 persons aged 65-years-old or more was associated with a 7.9% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3-12.4%) decrease in the incidence rate. One increase in the number of public health nurses per 100,000 persons was associated with a 3.2% (95% CI, 1.6-4.9%) decrease in the incidence rate. A ten percent increase in the proportion of people who live in an urban area was associated with a 20.3% (95% CI, 8.7-33.2%) increase in the incidence rate and a 12.9% (95% CI, 5.6-19.8%) decrease in the mortality rate.
    Identified associated factors may be useful for managing or predicting dementia-related missing persons cases and associated deaths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Half of US children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have attempted to elope from adult supervision at least once, elevating their risk for serious injury/death. This study aimed to assess, in a sample of children with ASD aged 4 to 18 years who had previously wandered, whether electronic tracking device (ETD) use is associated with changes in the elopement behavior and household quality of life (QOL).
    An anonymous, online questionnaire assessing elopement interventions, elopement behavior, household QOL, attitudes toward ETDs, and sociodemographics was distributed via US autism-related organizations to caregivers of children with ASD. Differences in retrospective estimates of elopement behavior and household QOL before ETD use and during ETD use were evaluated using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.
    A total of 2563 participants completed the questionnaire; 1459 participants met the inclusion criteria. For the current (n = 361) and past (n = 96) ETD users, ETD use was associated with decreased frequency and duration of elopement and decreased risk for serious injury because of elopement (all p < 0.001). ETD use was similarly associated with improvements across all 5 measures of QOL. Among the past ETD users, reasons for discontinuation included device discomfort/fit (33.3%), burden of use (27.1%), and financial cost (14.6%). Among the non-ETD users (n = 1002), common barriers to ETD use were cost (47.5%) and lack of awareness of ETD technology (18.8%).
    Electronic tracking devices represent a promising technology to help safeguard the well-being of children with ASD while reducing the emotional toll that elopement imposes on families. Cost concerns, burden of use, and lack of awareness seem to limit the widespread adoption of ETDs.





