
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cluster headache (CH) is a significant health concern due to its major socioeconomic consequences and most patients being refractory to conventional strategies. For treatment resistant CH, occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) is considered an effective treatment option. Whereas most patients do not adjust the amplitude of the ONS system, a subset changes the amplitude on a regular basis using their remote control, and are therefore referred to as \'voltage tuners\'. Anxiety and self-control are thought to be central themes to this behavior. Research on this voltage tuning behavior could provide new insights in the use of ONS as acute attack treatment. To date, voltage tuning has not been assessed for CH. Hence this is a unique study aiming to investigate the occurrence and efficacy of voltage tuning in patients with CH and ONS.
    METHODS: For this analysis, patients with CH who received ONS from 2020-2024, at our university medical center, were included. All patients underwent bilateral ONS implantation. Data on attack frequency, intensity and duration were collected retrospectively. Outcomes on the response, frequency, moment during the day, duration, rationale, sensation, average increase in amplitude, and efficacy of voltage tuning were collected with prospective interviews.
    RESULTS: Thirty-three patients (M = 20) (42 ± 12.7 years) were included in the current analysis. At 1y follow-up, an overall response rate of 70% (23/33) was found for ONS. In total, 48% (18/33) of patients were defined as voltage tuners. Voltage tuning was performed with an average increase in amplitude of 92 (20-360)%, a frequency of 1-20 times/month and duration of 20 minutes-48 hours. Sensations of voltage tuning were described as \"tingling\" and/or \"pinching\". The rationale for voltage tuning in patients varied from prevention and ceasing to lowering the intensity and enhance control of CH attack.
    CONCLUSIONS: Outcomes show that voltage tuning may cease and/or terminate CH attacks and therefore raise interests in the use of ONS as acute attack treatment for patients with resistant CH treated with ONS. Future research on the occurrence and potential of voltage tuning will provide valuable insights for achieving optimal efficacy of ONS and quality of life in patients with CH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is sufficient evidence that women with atrial fibrillation (AF) have a greater symptom burden than men with AF and are more likely to experience recurrence after catheter ablation. However, the mechanisms underlying these sex differences are unclear.
    METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 125 consecutive patients, including 40 non-AF patients and 85 AF patients, who underwent high-density voltage mapping during sinus rhythm and AF patients who underwent first ablation.
    RESULTS: Overall, 37 (44%) female patients with AF and 24 (60%) female non-AF patients with a mean age of 61.7 ± 11.6 years and 53.6 ± 16.7 years, respectively, were enrolled in this study. The results showed that the atrial voltage of female AF patients was significantly lower than that of male AF patients (1.11 ± 0.58 mV vs. 1.53 ± 0.65 mV; P = 0.003), while there were no significant sex differences in non-AF patients (3.02 ± 0.86 mV vs. 3.21 ± 0.84 mV; P = 0.498). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that female sex (- 0.29, 95% confidence interval [CI] - 0.64 to - 0.13, P = 0.004) and AF type (- 0.32, 95% CI - 0.69 to - 0.13, P = 0.004) were the only factors independently associated with voltage. Compared with men, women in the paroxysmal AF group had a 3.5-fold greater incidence of recurrence (adjusted hazard ratio 4.49; 95% CI 1.101-18.332, P = 0.036). Both globally and regionally, the results showed that sex-related differences in voltage values occurred prominently in paroxysmal AF patients but not in nonparoxysmal AF patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sex-related differences in atrial substrates and arrhythmia-free survival were found in paroxysmal AF patients, suggesting the existence of sex-related pathophysiological factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Connexin hemichannels (HCs) expressed at the plasma membrane of mammalian cells are of paramount importance for intercellular communication. In physiological conditions, HCs can form gap junction (GJ) channels, providing a direct diffusive path between neighbouring cells. In addition, unpaired HCs provide conduits for the exchange of solutes between the cytoplasm and the extracellular milieu, including messenger molecules involved in paracrine signalling. The synergistic action of membrane potential and Ca2+ ions controls the gating of the large and relatively unselective pore of connexin HCs. The four orders of magnitude difference in gating sensitivity to the extracellular ([Ca2+]e) and the cytosolic ([Ca2+]c) Ca2+ concentrations suggests that at least two different Ca2+ sensors may exist. While [Ca2+]e acts as a spatial modulator of the HC opening, which is most likely dependent on the cell layer, compartment, and organ, [Ca2+]c triggers HC opening and the release of extracellular bursts of messenger molecules. Such molecules include ATP, cAMP, glutamate, NAD+, glutathione, D-serine, and prostaglandins. Lost or abnormal HC regulation by Ca2+ has been associated with several diseases, including deafness, keratitis ichthyosis, palmoplantar keratoderma, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, oculodentodigital dysplasia, and congenital cataracts. The fact that both an increased and a decreased Ca2+ sensitivity has been linked to pathological conditions suggests that Ca2+ in healthy cells finely tunes the normal HC function. Overall, further investigation is needed to clarify the structural and chemical modifications of connexin HCs during [Ca2+]e and [Ca2+]c variations. A molecular model that accounts for changes in both Ca2+ and the transmembrane voltage will undoubtedly enhance our interpretation of the experimental results and pave the way for developing therapeutic compounds targeting specific HC dysfunctions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The implementation of the head-only electrical stunning procedure in poultry processing has been aimed at enhancing eating, ethical, and religious quality. However, inconsistencies in voltage and frequency standardization, along with variations in previous research outcomes, have led to numerous cases of both under-stunned and over-stunned birds. Thus, this study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the effects of varying voltages and frequencies during electrical water bath stunning on carcass quality, meat attributes, and textural properties in broiler chickens. A cohort of 240 healthy female broilers (Cobb 500, 42-days-old, 2 kg ± 0.1 kg) was meticulously selected from a commercial farm. The birds underwent exposure to different stunning voltages (2.5, 10.5, 30, and 40 V) and frequencies (50 and 300 Hz). Subsequent analyses were conducted on meat samples to assess physicochemical properties, carcass quality, and textural attributes. The findings revealed a higher incidence of petechial hemorrhage (P < 0.05) in birds stunned at 10.5 V compared to other voltage. Notably, no broken bones were recorded in birds subjected to high voltages (30 and 40 V). Low frequency (50 Hz) significantly increased the occurrence of petechial hemorrhage and simultaneously resulted in pectoralis major muscle with decreased redness (a*). Birds subjected to the 10.5 V stunning treatment exhibited a lower cooking loss percentage. Significant interactions between voltage and ageing (V × A) were observed. Birds stunned at 30 V and aged for 7 d displayed highest drip loss compared to a one-day ageing period across different voltage levels. This interaction also impacted pH values, with birds subjected to 10.5 V showing significantly lower (P < 0.05) pH at d 7 of ageing. The meat hardness was influenced by the V × A interaction, wherein birds stunned at 10.5 V exhibited lower hardness after one day of ageing compared to other voltage levels. Red wing tips, lightness (L*), adhesiveness, and resilience were also significantly impacted (P < 0.05) by the interaction between frequency and voltage. A notable 3-way interaction was observed for gumminess and chewiness (F × V × A), where the 2-way interaction between frequency and voltage (F × V) affected both parameters differently at various ageing periods. Additionally, there was a significant interaction (P < 0.05) between frequency and voltage influencing shear strength and yellowness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological membrane potentials, or voltages, are a central facet of cellular life. Optical methods to visualize cellular membrane voltages with fluorescent indicators are an attractive complement to traditional electrode-based approaches, since imaging methods can be high throughput, less invasive, and provide more spatial resolution than electrodes. Recently developed fluorescent indicators for voltage largely report changes in membrane voltage by monitoring voltage-dependent fluctuations in fluorescence intensity. However, it would be useful to be able to not only monitor changes but also measure values of membrane potentials. This study discloses a fluorescent indicator which can address both. We describe the synthesis of a sulfonated tetramethyl carborhodamine fluorophore. When this carborhodamine is conjugated with an electron-rich, methoxy (-OMe) containing phenylenevinylene molecular wire, the resulting molecule, CRhOMe, is a voltage-sensitive fluorophore with red/far-red fluorescence. Using CRhOMe, changes in cellular membrane potential can be read out using fluorescence intensity or lifetime. In fluorescence intensity mode, CRhOMe tracks fast-spiking neuronal action potentials (APs) with greater signal-to-noise than state-of-the-art BeRST 1 (another voltage-sensitive fluorophore). CRhOMe can also measure values of membrane potential. The fluorescence lifetime of CRhOMe follows a single exponential decay, substantially improving the quantification of membrane potential values using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). The combination of red-shifted excitation and emission, mono-exponential decay, and high voltage sensitivity enable fast FLIM recording of APs in cardiomyocytes. The ability to both monitor and measure membrane potentials with red light using CRhOMe makes it an important approach for studying biological voltages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RFT) effectively alleviates idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN); however, postoperative facial numbness poses a significant challenge. This issue arises due to the close proximity of high-temperature thermocoagulation, which not only ablates pain-related nociceptive fibers but also affects tactile fibers. Intraoperative sensory stimulation voltage (SV), which reflects the distance between the RFT cannula and the target nerve, potentially possesses the ability to prevent tactile fiber injury. This study aimed to investigate the influence of SV on postoperative facial numbness and provide valuable insights to mitigate its occurrence.
    METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed on 72 ITN patients with maxillary division (V2) pain who underwent RFT between 2020 and 2022. Among them, 13 patients with SV ≤ 0.2 V constituted the low SV group. Subsequently, a matched-cohort analysis was conducted on the remaining 59 patients. The patients paired with the low SV patients were subsequently enrolled in the high SV group, adhering to a 1:1 match ratio. The primary outcome was the facial numbness scale assessment at 3 days, 3 months and 6 months post-surgery. The pain intensity and medication burden served as the secondary outcomes.
    RESULTS: We successfully matched a cohort consisting of 12 patients in the low SV group and 12 patients in the high SV group. Each patient experienced various degrees of facial numbness at 3 days post-RFT. Notably, the low SV group exhibited a higher incidence of moderate numbness (66.7% vs. 16.67%, P = 0.036), whereas the high SV group had more cases of mild numbness at the 6-month follow-up (25% vs. 83.3%, P = 0.012). Both groups demonstrated significant decreases in pain intensity and medication burden compared to before the operation.
    CONCLUSIONS: SV proved to be a reliable parameter for mitigating the degree of postoperative facial numbness in RFT treatment for ITN. A relatively high sensory SV ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 V during the RFT procedure results in less facial numbness in the treatment of ITN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New molecular approaches to disrupting bacterial infections are needed. The bacterial cell membrane is an essential structure with diverse potential lipid and protein targets for antimicrobials. While rapid lysis of the bacterial cell membrane kills bacteria, lytic compounds are generally toxic to whole animals. In contrast, compounds that subtly damage the bacterial cell membrane could disable a microbe, facilitating pathogen clearance by the immune system with limited compound toxicity. A previously described small molecule, D66, terminates Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) infection of macrophages and reduces tissue colonization in mice. The compound dissipates bacterial inner membrane voltage without rapid cell lysis under broth conditions that permeabilize the outer membrane or disable efflux pumps. In standard media, the cell envelope protects Gram-negative bacteria from D66. We evaluated the activity of D66 in Gram-positive bacteria because their distinct envelope structure, specifically the absence of an outer membrane, could facilitate mechanism of action studies. We observed that D66 inhibited Gram-positive bacterial cell growth, rapidly increased Staphylococcus aureus membrane fluidity, and disrupted membrane voltage while barrier function remained intact. The compound also prevented planktonic staphylococcus from forming biofilms and a disturbed three-dimensional structure in 1-day-old biofilms. D66 furthermore reduced the survival of staphylococcal persister cells and of intracellular S. aureus. These data indicate that staphylococcal cells in multiple growth states germane to infection are susceptible to changes in lipid packing and membrane conductivity. Thus, agents that subtly damage bacterial cell membranes could have utility in preventing or treating disease.IMPORTANCEAn underutilized potential antibacterial target is the cell membrane, which supports or associates with approximately half of bacterial proteins and has a phospholipid makeup distinct from mammalian cell membranes. Previously, an experimental small molecule, D66, was shown to subtly damage Gram-negative bacterial cell membranes and to disrupt infection of mammalian cells. Here, we show that D66 increases the fluidity of Gram-positive bacterial cell membranes, dissipates membrane voltage, and inhibits the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus in several infection-relevant growth states. Thus, compounds that cause membrane damage without lysing cells could be useful for mitigating infections caused by S. aureus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrasound guided peripheral nerve block (USgPNB) refers to anaesthetic techniques to deposit local anesthetic next to nerves, permitting painful surgery without necessitating general anesthesia. Needle tip position prior to local anesthetic deposition is a key determinant of block success and safety. Nerve puncture and intra-neural injection of local anesthetic can cause permanent nerve injury. Currently ultrasound guidance is not sufficiently sensitive to reliably detect needle to nerve proximity. Feedback with bioimpedance data from the smart needle tip might provide the anesthetist with information as to the relationship between the needle tip and the target nerve prior to local anesthetic deposition. Bioimpedance using a smart needle integrated with a two-electrode impedance sensor has been developed to determine needle to nerve proximity during USgPNB. Having obtained all necessary ethical and regulatory approvals, in vivo data on brachial plexus, vagus, femoral and sciatic nerves were obtained from seven pig models using the smart needle bioimpedance system. The excision and histological analysis of above peripheral nerves and observation of the architecture and structure of nerves by means of histology allow the calculation of the ratios of connective tissue to neural tissue to determine the influence of this variable on absolute impedance. The ratio results give extra clinical data and explain the hetrogeneity of impedance data in the pig models and the hypothesis that connective tissue with intra-neural fat has higher impedance than neural tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ultra-high-density mapping systems allow more precise measurement of the heart chambers at corresponding conduction velocities (CVs) and voltage amplitudes (VAs). Our aim for this study was to define and compare a basic value set for unipolar CV and VA in all four heart chambers and their separate walls in healthy, juvenile porcine hearts using ultra-high-density mapping.
    METHODS: We used the Rhythmia Mapping System to create electroanatomical maps of four pig hearts in sinus rhythm. CVs and VAs were calculated for chambers and wall segments with overlapping circular areas (radius of 5 mm).
    RESULTS: We analysed 21 maps with a resolution of 1.4 points/mm2. CVs were highest in the left atrium (LA), followed by the left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), and right atrium (RA). As for VA, LV was highest, followed by RV, LA, and RA. The left chambers had a higher overall CV and VA than the right. Within the chambers, CV varied more in the right than in the left chambers, and VA varied in the ventricles but not in the atria. There was a slightly positive correlation between CVs and VAs at velocity values of <1.5 m/s.
    CONCLUSIONS: In healthy porcine hearts, the left chambers showed higher VAs and CVs than the right. CV differs mainly within the right chambers and VA differs only within the ventricles. A slightly positive linear correlation was found between slow CVs and low VAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pulsed field ablation (PFA) is a non-thermal ablative approach in which cardiomyocyte death is obtained through irreversible electroporation (IRE). Data correlating the biophysical characteristics of IRE and lesion characteristics are limited. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different procedural parameters [voltage, number of cycles (NoCs), and contact] on lesion characteristics in a vegetal and animal model for IRE.
    Two hundred and four Russet potatoes were used. Pulsed field ablation lesions were delivered on 3 cm cored potato specimens using a multi-electrode circular catheter with its dedicated IRE generator. Different voltage (from 300 to 1200 V) and NoC (from 1 to 5×) protocols were used. The impact of 0.5 and 1 mm catheter-to-specimen distances was tested. A swine animal model was then used to validate the results observed in the vegetable model. The association between voltage, the NoCs, distance, and lesion depth was assessed through linear regression. An almost perfect linear association between lesion depth and voltage was observed (R2 = 0.95; P < 0.001). A similarly linear relationship was observed between the NoCs and the lesion depth (R2 = 0.73; P < 0.001). Compared with controls at full contact, a significant dampening on lesion depth was observed at 0.5 mm distance (1000 V 2×: 2.11 ± 0.12 vs. 0.36 ± 0.04, P < 0.001; 2.63 ± 0.10 vs. 0.43 ± 0.08, P < 0.001). No lesions were observed at 1.0 mm distance.
    In a vegetal and animal model for IRE assessment, PFA lesion characteristics were found to be strongly dependent on voltage settings and the NoCs, with a quasi-linear relationship. The lack of catheter contact was associated with a dampening in lesion depth.





