
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the causative agent of a contagious disease affecting wild and domestic swine. The function of B169L protein, as a potential integral structural membrane protein, remains to be experimentally characterized. Using state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools, we confirm here earlier predictions indicating the presence of an integral membrane helical hairpin, and further suggest anchoring of this protein to the ER membrane, with both terminal ends facing the lumen of the organelle. Our evolutionary analysis confirmed the importance of purifying selection in the preservation of the identified domains during the evolution of B169L in nature. Also, we address the possible function of this hairpin transmembrane domain (HTMD) as a class IIA viroporin. Expression of GFP fusion proteins in the absence of a signal peptide supported B169L insertion into the ER as a Type III membrane protein and the formation of oligomers therein. Overlapping peptides that spanned the B169L HTMD were reconstituted into ER-like membranes and the adopted structures analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. Consistent with the predictions, B169L transmembrane sequences adopted α-helical conformations in lipid bilayers. Moreover, single vesicle permeability assays demonstrated the assembly of lytic pores in ER-like membranes by B169L transmembrane helices, a capacity confirmed by ion-channel activity measurements in planar bilayers. Emphasizing the relevance of these observations, pore-forming activities were not observed in the case of transmembrane helices derived from EP84R, another ASFV protein predicted to anchor to membranes through a α-helical HTMD. Overall, our results support predictions of viroporin-like function for the B169L HTMD.IMPORTANCEAfrican swine fever (ASF), a devastating disease affecting domestic swine, is widely spread in Eurasia, producing significant economic problems in the pork industry. Approaches to prevent/cure the disease are mainly restricted to the limited information concerning the role of most of the genes encoded by the large (160-170 kba) virus genome. In this report, we present the experimental data on the functional characterization of the African swine fever virus (ASFV) gene B169L. Data presented here indicates that the B169L gene encodes for an essential membrane-associated protein with a viroporin function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium (K+) plays crucial roles in both plant development and immunity. However, the function of K+ in plant-virus interactions remains largely unknown. Here, we utilized Barley yellow striate mosaic virus (BYSMV), an insect-transmitted plant cytorhabdovirus, to investigate the interplay between viral infection and plant K+ homeostasis. The BYSMV accessory P9 protein exhibits viroporin activity by enhancing membrane permeability in Escherichia coli. Additionally, P9 increases K+ uptake in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells, which is disrupted by a point mutation of glycine 14 to threonine (P9G14T). Furthermore, BYSMV P9 forms oligomers and targets to both the viral envelope and the plant membrane. Based on the recombinant BYSMV-GFP (BYGFP) virus, a P9-deleted mutant (BYGFPΔP9) was rescued and demonstrated infectivity within individual plant cells of Nicotiana benthamiana and insect vectors. However, BYGFPΔP9 failed to infect barley plants after transmission by insect vectors. Furthermore, infection of barley plants was severely impaired for BYGFP-P9G14T lacking P9 K+ channel activity. In vitro assays demonstrate that K+ facilitates virion disassembly and the release of genome RNA for viral mRNA transcription. Altogether, our results show that the K+ channel activity of viroporins is conserved in plant cytorhabdoviruses and plays crucial roles in insect-mediated virus transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potyviridae, the largest family of plant RNA viruses, includes many important pathogens that significantly reduce the yields of many crops worldwide. In this study, we report that the 6-kilodalton peptide 1 (6K1), one of the least characterized potyviral proteins, is an endoplasmic reticulum-localized protein. AI-assisted structure modeling and biochemical assays suggest that 6K1 forms pentamers with a central hydrophobic tunnel, can increase the cell membrane permeability of Escherichia coli and Nicotiana benthamiana, and can conduct potassium in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An infectivity assay showed that viral proliferation is inhibited by mutations that affect 6K1 multimerization. Moreover, the 6K1 or its homologous 7K proteins from other viruses of the Potyviridae family also have the ability to increase cell membrane permeability and transmembrane potassium conductance. Taken together, these data reveal that 6K1 and its homologous 7K proteins function as viroporins in viral infected cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The envelope (E) proteins of coronaviruses (CoVs) form cation-conducting channels that are associated with the pathogenicity of these viruses. To date, high-resolution structural information about these viroporins is limited to the SARS-CoV E protein. To broaden our structural knowledge of other members of this family of viroporins, we now investigate the conformation of the E protein of the human coronavirus (hCoV), NL63. Using two- and three-dimensional magic-angle-spinning NMR, we have measured 13 C and 15 N chemical shifts of the transmembrane domain of E (ETM), which yielded backbone (ϕ, ψ) torsion angles. We further measured the water accessibility of NL63 ETM at neutral pH versus acidic pH in the presence of Ca2+ ions. These data show that NL63 ETM adopts a regular α-helical conformation that is unaffected by pH and the N-terminal ectodomain. Interestingly, the water accessibility of NL63 ETM increases only modestly at acidic pH in the presence of Ca2+ compared to neutral pH, in contrast to SARS ETM, which becomes much more hydrated at acidic pH. This difference suggests a structural basis for the weaker channel conductance of α-CoV compared to β-CoV E proteins. The weaker E channel activity may in turn contribute to the reduced virulence of hCoV-NL63 compared to SARS-CoV viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The carboxy-terminal tail of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) envelope protein (E) contains a PDZ-binding motif (PBM) which is crucial for coronavirus pathogenicity. During SARS-CoV-2 infection, the viral E protein is expressed within the Golgi apparatus membrane of host cells with its PBM facing the cytoplasm. In this work, we study the molecular mechanisms controlling the presentation of the PBM to host PDZ (PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1) domain-containing proteins. We show that at the level of the Golgi apparatus, the PDZ-binding motif of the E protein is not detected by E C-terminal specific antibodies nor by the PDZ domain-containing protein-binding partner. Four alanine substitutions upstream of the PBM in the central region of the E protein tail is sufficient to generate immunodetection by anti-E antibodies and trigger robust recruitment of the PDZ domain-containing protein into the Golgi organelle. Overall, this work suggests that the presentation of the PBM to the cytoplasm is under conformational regulation mediated by the central region of the E protein tail and that PBM presentation probably does not occur at the surface of Golgi cisternae but likely at post-Golgi stages of the viral cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Dengue virus M protein is a 75 amino acid polypeptide with two helical transmembranes (TM). The TM domain oligomerizes to form an ion channel, facilitating viral release from the host cells. The M protein has a critical role in the virus entry and life cycle, making it a potent drug target. The oligomerization of the monomeric protein was studied using ab initio modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in an implicit membrane environment. The representative structures obtained showed pentamer as the most stable oligomeric state, resembling an ion channel. Glutamic acid, threonine, serine, tryptophan, alanine, isoleucine form the pore-lining residues of the pentameric channel, conferring an overall negative charge to the channel with approximate length of 51.9 Å. Residue interaction analysis (RIN) for M protein shows that Ala94, Leu95, Ser112, Glu124, and Phe155 are the central hub residues representing the physicochemical interactions between domains. The virtual screening with 165 different ion channel inhibitors from the ion channel library shows monovalent ion channel blockers, namely lumacaftor, glipizide, gliquidone, glisoxepide, and azelnidipine to be the inhibitors with high docking scores. Understanding the three-dimensional structure of M protein will help design therapeutics and vaccines for Dengue infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SARS-CoV-2 envelope (E) protein forms a five-helix bundle in lipid bilayers whose cation-conducting activity is associated with the inflammatory response and respiratory distress symptoms of COVID-19. E channel activity is inhibited by the drug 5-(N,N-hexamethylene) amiloride (HMA). However, the binding site of HMA in E has not been determined. Here we use solid-state NMR to measure distances between HMA and the E transmembrane domain (ETM) in lipid bilayers. 13 C, 15 N-labeled HMA is combined with fluorinated or 13 C-labeled ETM. Conversely, fluorinated HMA is combined with 13 C, 15 N-labeled ETM. These orthogonal isotopic labeling patterns allow us to conduct dipolar recoupling NMR experiments to determine the HMA binding stoichiometry to ETM as well as HMA-protein distances. We find that HMA binds ETM with a stoichiometry of one drug per pentamer. Unexpectedly, the bound HMA is not centrally located within the channel pore, but lies on the lipid-facing surface in the middle of the TM domain. This result suggests that HMA may inhibit the E channel activity by interfering with the gating function of an aromatic network. These distance data are obtained under much lower drug concentrations than in previous chemical shift perturbation data, which showed the largest perturbation for N-terminal residues. This difference suggests that HMA has higher affinity for the protein-lipid interface than the channel pore. These results give insight into the inhibition mechanism of HMA for SARS-CoV-2 E.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accessory protein ORF3a, from SARS-CoV-2, plays a critical role in viral infection and pathogenesis. Here, we characterized ORF3a assembly, ion channel activity, subcellular localization, and interactome. At the plasma membrane, ORF3a exists mostly as monomers and dimers, which do not alter the native cell membrane conductance, suggesting that ORF3a does not function as a viroporin at the cell surface. As a membrane protein, ORF3a is synthesized at the ER and sorted via a canonical route. ORF3a overexpression induced an approximately 25% increase in cell death. By developing an APEX2-based proximity labeling assay, we uncovered proteins proximal to ORF3a, suggesting that ORF3a recruits some host proteins to weaken the cell. In addition, it exposed a set of mitochondria related proteins that triggered mitochondrial fission. Overall, this work can be an important instrument in understanding the role of ORF3a in the virus pathogenicity and searching for potential therapeutic treatments for COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The influenza A virus (IAV) M2 protein has proton channel activity, which plays a role in virus uncoating and may help to preserve the metastable conformation of the IAV hemagglutinin (HA). In contrast to the highly conserved M2 proteins of conventional IAV, the primary sequences of bat IAV H17N10 and H18N11 M2 proteins show remarkable divergence, suggesting that these proteins may differ in their biological function. We, therefore, assessed the proton channel activity of bat IAV M2 proteins and investigated its role in virus replication. Here, we show that the M2 proteins of bat IAV did not fully protect acid-sensitive HA of classical IAV from low pH-induced conformational change, indicating low proton channel activity. Interestingly, the N31S substitution not only rendered bat IAV M2 proteins sensitive to inhibition by amantadine but also preserved the metastable conformation of acid-sensitive HA to a greater extent. In contrast, the acid-stable HA of H18N11 did not rely on such support by M2 protein. When mutant M2(N31S) protein was expressed in the context of chimeric H18N11/H5N1(6:2) encoding HA and NA of avian IAV H5N1, amantadine significantly inhibited virus entry, suggesting that ion channel activity supported virus uncoating. Finally, the cytoplasmic domain of the H18N11 M2 protein mediated rapid internalization of the protein from the plasma membrane leading to low-level expression at the cell surface. However, cell surface levels of H18N11 M2 protein were significantly enhanced in cells infected with the chimeric H18N11/H5N1(6:2) virus. The potential role of the N1 sialidase in arresting M2 internalization is discussed. IMPORTANCE Bat IAV M2 proteins not only differ from the homologous proteins of classical IAV by their divergent primary sequence but are also unable to preserve the metastable conformation of acid-sensitive HA, indicating low proton channel activity. This unusual feature may help to avoid M2-mediated cytotoxic effects and inflammation in bats infected with H17N10 or H18N11. Unlike classical M2 proteins, bat IAV M2 proteins with the N31S substitution mediated increased protection of HA from acid-induced conformational change. This remarkable gain of function may help to understand how single point mutations can modulate proton channel activity. In addition, the cytoplasmic domain was found to be responsible for the low cell surface expression level of bat IAV M2 proteins. Given that the M2 cytoplasmic domain of conventional IAV is well known to participate in virus assembly at the plasma membrane, this atypical feature might have consequences for bat IAV budding and egress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) US12 gene family contributes to virus-host interactions by regulating the virus\' cell tropism and its evasion of host innate immune responses. US21, one of the 10 US12 genes (US12-US21), is a descendant of a captured cellular transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif-containing gene. It encodes a 7TMD endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident viroporin (pUS21) capable of reducing the Ca2+ content of ER stores, which, in turn, protects cells against apoptosis. Since regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis affects a broad range of cellular responses, including cell motility, we investigated whether pUS21 might also interfere with this cytobiological consequence of Ca2+ signaling. Indeed, deletion of the US21 gene impaired the ability of HCMV-infected cells to migrate, whereas expression of US21 protein stimulated cell migration and adhesion, as well as focal adhesion (FA) dynamics, in a way that depended on its ability to manipulate ER Ca2+ content. Mechanistic studies revealed pUS21-mediated cell migration to involve calpain 2 activation since its inhibition prevented the viroporin\'s effects on cell motility. Pertinently, pUS21 expression stimulated a store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) mechanism that may determine the activation of calpain 2 by promoting Ca2+ entry. Furthermore, pUS21 was observed to interact with talin-1, a calpain 2 substrate, and crucial protein component of FA complexes. A functional consequence of this interaction was confirmed by talin-1 knockdown, which abrogated the pUS21-mediated increase in cell migration. Together, these results indicate the US21-encoded viroporin to be a viral regulator of cell adhesion and migration in the context of HCMV infection. IMPORTANCE Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is an opportunistic pathogen that owes part of its success to the capture, duplication, and tuning of cellular genes to generate modern viral proteins which promote infection and persistence in the host by interfering with many cell biochemical and physiological pathways. The US21 viral protein provides an example of this evolutionary strategy: it is a cellular-derived calcium channel that manipulates intracellular calcium homeostasis to confer edges to HCMV replication. Here, we report on the characterization of a novel function of the US21 protein as a viral regulator of cell migration and adhesion through mechanisms involving its calcium channel activity. Characterization of HCMV multifunctional regulatory proteins, like US21, supports the better understanding of viral pathogenesis and may open avenues for the design of new antiviral strategies that exploit their functions.





