umbrella sampling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the past few decades, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) research has been crucial for gaining insights into various physiological, pathological, and therapeutic aspects mediated by the direct interactions between the GAG molecules and diverse proteins. The structural and functional heterogeneities of GAGs as well as their ability to bind specific proteins are determined by the sugar composition of the GAG, the size of the GAG chains, and the degree and pattern of sulfation. A deep understanding of the interactions in protein-GAG complexes is essential to explain their biological functions. In this study, the umbrella sampling (US) approach is used to pull away a GAG ligand from the binding site and then pull it back in. We analyze the binding interactions between GAGs of three types (heparin, desulfated heparan sulfate, and chondroitin sulfate) with three different proteins (basic fibroblast growth factor, acidic fibroblast growth factor, and cathepsin K). The main focus of our study was to evaluate whether the US approach is able to reproduce experimentally obtained structures, and how useful it can be for getting a deeper understanding of GAG properties, especially protein recognition specificity and multipose binding. We found that the binding free energy landscape in the proximity of the GAG native binding pose is complex and implies the co-existence of several binding poses. The sliding of a GAG chain along a protein surface could be a potential mechanism of GAG particular sequence recognition by proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theoretical predictions of the solubilizing capacity of micelles and vesicles present in intestinal fluid are important for the development of new delivery techniques and bioavailability improvement. A balance between accuracy and computational cost is a key factor for an extensive study of numerous compounds in diverse environments. In this study, we aimed to determine an optimal molecular dynamics (MD) protocol to evaluate small-molecule interactions with micelles composed of bile salts and phospholipids. MD simulations were used to produce free energy profiles for three drug molecules (danazol, probucol, and prednisolone) and one surfactant molecule (sodium caprate) as a function of the distance from the colloid center of mass. To address the challenges associated with such tasks, we compared different simulation setups, including freely assembled colloids versus pre-organized spherical micelles, full free energy profiles versus only a few points of interest, and a coarse-grained model versus an all-atom model. Our findings demonstrate that combining these techniques is advantageous for achieving optimal performance and accuracy when evaluating the solubilization capacity of micelles. All-atom (AA) and coarse-grained (CG) umbrella sampling (US) simulations and point-wise free energy (FE) calculations were compared to their efficiency to computationally analyze the solubilization of active pharmaceutical ingredients in intestinal fluid colloids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calmodulin (CaM) is a key signaling protein that triggers several cellular and physiological processes inside the cell. Upon binding with calcium ion, CaM undergoes large scale conformational transition from a closed state to an open state that facilitates its interaction with various target protein and regulates their activity. This work explores the origin of the energetic and structural variation of the wild type and mutated CaM and explores the molecular origin for the structural differences between them. We first calculated the sequential calcium binding energy to CaM using the PDLD/S-LRA/β approach. This study  shows a very good correlation with experimental calcium binding energies. Next we calculated the calcium binding energies to the wild type CaM and several mutated CaM systems which were reported experimentally. On the structural aspect, it has been reported experimentally that certain mutation (Q41L-K75I) in calcium bound CaM leads to complete conformational transition from an open to a closed state. By using equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation, free energy calculation and contact frequency map analysis, we have shown that the formation of a cluster of long-range hydrophobic contacts, initiated by the Q41L-K75I CaM variant is the driving force behind its closing motion. This study unravels the energetics and structural aspects behind calcium ion induced conformational changes in wild type CaM and its variant.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    New psychoactive substances (NPS) targeting cannabinoid receptor 1 pose a significant threat to society as recreational abusive drugs that have pronounced physiological side effects. These greater adverse effects compared to classical cannabinoids have been linked to the higher downstream β-arrestin signaling. Thus, understanding the mechanism of differential signaling will reveal important structure-activity relationship essential for identifying and potentially regulating NPS molecules. In this study, we simulate the slow (un)binding process of NPS MDMB-Fubinaca and classical cannabinoid HU-210 from CB1 using multi-ensemble simulation to decipher the effects of ligand binding dynamics on downstream signaling. The transition-based reweighing method is used for the estimation of transition rates and underlying thermodynamics of (un)binding processes of ligands with nanomolar affinities. Our analyses reveal major interaction differences with transmembrane TM7 between NPS and classical cannabinoids. A variational autoencoder-based approach, neural relational inference (NRI), is applied to assess the allosteric effects on intracellular regions attributable to variations in binding pocket interactions. NRI analysis indicate a heightened level of allosteric control of NPxxY motif for NPS-bound receptors, which contributes to the higher probability of formation of a crucial triad interaction (Y7.53-Y5.58-T3.46) necessary for stronger β-arrestin signaling. Hence, in this work, MD simulation, data-driven statistical methods, and deep learning point out the structural basis for the heightened physiological side effects associated with NPS, contributing to efforts aimed at mitigating their public health impact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a powerful computational tool used in biomolecular studies to investigate the dynamics, energetics, and interactions of a wide range of biological systems at the atomic level. GROMACS is a widely used free and open-source biomolecular MD simulation software recognized for its efficiency, accuracy, and extensive range of simulation options. However, the complexity of setting up, running, and analyzing MD simulations for diverse systems often poses a significant challenge, requiring considerable time, effort, and expertise. Here, we introduce CHAPERONg, a tool that automates the GROMACS MD simulation pipelines for protein and protein-ligand systems. CHAPERONg also integrates seamlessly with GROMACS modules and third-party tools to provide comprehensive analyses of MD simulation trajectories, offering up to 20 post-simulation processing and trajectory analyses. It also streamlines and automates established pipelines for conducting and analyzing biased MD simulations via the steered MD-umbrella sampling workflow. Thus, CHAPERONg makes MD simulations more accessible to beginner GROMACS users whilst empowering experts to focus on data interpretation and other less programmable aspects of MD simulation workflows. CHAPERONg is written in Bash and Python, and the source code is freely available at Detailed documentation and tutorials are available online at dedicated web pages accessible via






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Permeation through biomembranes is ubiquitous for drugs to reach their active sites. Asymmetry of the cell plasma membrane (PM) has been described as having an important role in this process. Here we describe the interaction of a homologous series of 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl (NBD)-labeled amphiphiles (NBD-Cn, n = 4 to 16) with lipid bilayers of different compositions (1-palmitoyl, 2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC):cholesterol (1:1) and palmitoylated sphingomyelin (SpM):cholesterol (6:4)), including an asymmetric bilayer. Both unrestrained and umbrella sampling (US) simulations (at varying distances to the bilayer center) were carried out. The free energy profile of NBD-Cn at different depths in the membrane was obtained from the US simulations. The behavior of the amphiphiles during the permeation process was described regarding their orientation, chain elongation, and H-bonding to lipid and water molecules. Permeability coefficients were also calculated for the different amphiphiles of the series, using the inhomogeneous solubility-diffusion model (ISDM). Quantitative agreement with values obtained from kinetic modeling of the permeation process could not be obtained. However, for the longer, and more hydrophobic amphiphiles, the variation trend along the homologous series was qualitatively better matched by the ISDM when the equilibrium location of each amphiphile was taken as reference (ΔG = 0), compared to the usual choice of bulk water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zearalenone (ZEN) is one of the most prevalent estrogenic mycotoxins, is produced mainly by the Fusarium family of fungi, and poses a risk to the health of animals. Zearalenone hydrolase (ZHD) is an important enzyme capable of degrading ZEN into a non-toxic compound. Although previous research has investigated the catalytic mechanism of ZHD, information on its dynamic interaction with ZEN remains unknown. This study aimed to develop a pipeline for identifying the allosteric pathway of ZHD. Using an identity analysis, we identified hub genes whose sequences can generalize a set of sequences in a protein family. We then utilized a neural relational inference (NRI) model to identify the allosteric pathway of the protein throughout the entire molecular dynamics simulation. The production run lasted 1 microsecond, and we analyzed residues 139-222 for the allosteric pathway using the NRI model. We found that the cap domain of the protein opened up during catalysis, resembling a hemostatic tape. We used umbrella sampling to simulate the dynamic docking phase of the ligand-protein complex and found that the protein took on a square sandwich shape. Our energy analysis, using both molecular mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann (Generalized-Born) surface area (MMPBSA) and Potential Mean Force (PMF) analysis, showed discrepancies, with scores of -8.45 kcal/mol and -1.95 kcal/mol, respectively. MMPBSA, however, obtained a similar score to that of a previous report.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Umbrella Sampling Molecular Dynamics has been used to determine transition energies for different guest molecules through hydroquinone β-clathrate nanochannels, as well as their temperature trend. This clathrate has been shown to successfully enclathrate different types of small gases with remarkable selectivity, and thus it has been proposed as a potential gas separation and storage medium. Most of these potential guest gases can be successfully modeled as single Lennard-Jones spheres. Then, to obtain a general view of diffusion probabilities for different potential guest molecules, a comparative study for different virtual guest molecules described by different Lennard-Jones parameters has been performed. A regular temperature trend has been obtained for the transition energies for the molecular model characteristic parameter range explored. Finally, to locate the transition energy values of real gases within the space of phases explored, calculations have been repeated for molecular models of different noble gases and H2. The correlation results presented allow a wide interpolation ability for determining the transition energies of potential guest molecules stored or diffusing through the nanochannels of the studied clathrate structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction of antimicrobial and amyloid peptides with cell membranes is a critical step in their activities. Peptides of the uperin family obtained from the skin secretion of Australian amphibians demonstrate antimicrobial and amyloidogenic properties. All-atomic molecular dynamics and an umbrella sampling approach were used to study the interaction of uperins with model bacterial membrane. Two stable configurations of peptides were found. In the bound state, the peptides in helical form were located right under the head group region in parallel orientation with respect to the bilayer surface. Stable transmembrane configuration was observed for wild-type uperin and its alanine mutant in both alpha-helical and extended unstructured forms. The potential of mean force characterized the process of peptide binding from water to the lipid bilayer and its insertion into the membrane, and revealed that the transition of uperins from the bound state to the transmembrane position was accompanied by the rotation of peptides and passes through the energy barrier of 4-5 kcal/mol. Uperins have a weak effect on membrane properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mannuronan C-5 epimerases catalyze epimerization of β-d-mannuronic acid to α-l-guluronic acid in alginate polymers. The seven extracellular Azotobacter vinelandii epimerases (AvAlgE1-7) are calcium-dependent, and calcium is essential for the structural integrity of their carbohydrate binding R-modules. Ca2+ is also found in the crystal structures of the A-modules, where it is suggested to play a structural role. In this study, the structure of the catalytic A-module of the A. vinelandii mannuronan C-5 epimerase AvAlgE6 is used to investigate the role of this Ca2+. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with and without calcium reveal the possible importance of the bound Ca2+ in the hydrophobic packing of β-sheets. In addition, a putative calcium binding site is found in the active site, indicating a potential direct role of this calcium in the catalysis. According to the literature, two of the residues coordinating calcium in this site are essential for the activity. MD simulations of the interaction with bound substrate indicate that the presence of a calcium ion in this binding site increases the binding strength. Further, explicit calculations of the substrate dissociation pathways with umbrella sampling simulations show and energetically higher dissociation barrier when calcium is present. The present study eludes to a putative catalytic role of calcium in the charge neutralizing first step of the enzymatic reaction. In addition to the importance for understanding these enzymes\' molecular mechanisms, this could have implications for engineering strategies of the epimerases in industrial alginate processing.





