tree nuts

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    India is one of the world\'s largest producers of tree nuts, yet it paradoxically remains a net importer of these commodities. This study aims to analyze the demand for imported tree nuts in India, motivated by the need to understand the factors contributing to this imbalance. The primary objective is to calculate income elasticities and own- and cross-price elasticities for five categories of imported tree nuts using the linear approximate almost ideal demand system model. Data is sourced from monthly import records from the United Nations Comtrade database covering 2014 to 2022. The tree nuts considered are almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Key findings reveal all imported tree nuts are normal goods. Cashews exhibit income elasticity (1.2), indicating a significant demand increase with rising incomes, while other nuts show income inelasticity. Cashews are price-elastic (-1.3), while other nuts are price-inelastic. Compensated cross-price elasticities indicate notable substitution effects, particularly between almonds and cashews. The study recommends enhancing domestic cashew production to meet growing demand and developing targeted marketing strategies to address competitive dynamics within the tree nut market. These strategies aim to reduce India\'s dependency on imports and promote a balanced, sustainable domestic market.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tree nut consumption has been widely associated with various health benefits, with walnuts, in particular, being linked with improved cardiovascular and neurological health. These benefits have been attributed to walnuts\' vast array of phenolic antioxidants and abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, recent studies have revealed unexpected clinical outcomes related to walnut consumption, which cannot be explained simply with the aforementioned molecular hallmarks. With the goal of discovering potential molecular sources of these unexplained clinical outcomes, an exploratory untargeted metabolomics analysis of the isolated walnut pellicle was conducted. This analysis revealed a myriad of unusual lipids, including oxylipins and endocannabinoids. These lipid classes, which are likely present in the pellicle to enhance the seeds\' defenses due to their antimicrobial properties, also have known potent bioactivities as mammalian signaling molecules and homeostatic regulators. Given the potential value of this tissue for human health, with respect to its \"bioactive\" lipid fraction, we sought to quantify the amounts of these compounds in pellicle-enriched waste by-products of mechanized walnut processing in California. An impressive repertoire of these compounds was revealed in these matrices, and in notably significant concentrations. This discovery establishes these low-value agriculture wastes promising candidates for valorization and translation into high-value, health-promoting products; as these molecules represent a potential explanation for the unexpected clinical outcomes of walnut consumption. This \"hidden quality\" of the walnut pellicle may encourage further consumption of walnuts, and walnut industries may benefit from a revaluation of abundant pellicle-enriched waste streams, leading to increased sustainability and profitability through waste upcycling.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present the case of a patient with antecedent of tree nuts allergy who developed an anaphylactic reaction after ingesting a piece chocolate. An allergy study detected sensitization to cocoa in skin tests as well as cross-reactivity with tree nuts in the SDS-PAGE immunoblotting-inhibition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    World tree nut production has increased rapidly by around 50 % in the past decade; however, nut defects cause losses. For example, we know that brown centres are a major internal discolouration defect in macadamia nuts and are linked to the storage of nut-in-shell under improper conditions at high temperature and humidity. However, key chemical changes in brown centre kernels have not been described. In this study, we compared brown centres and white kernels from: 1) samples that were \"induced\" in the laboratory by storing at high moisture concentration; and 2) samples that were dried immediately after harvest using industry best practice methods recommended by the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS). We measured the moisture concentration, sugar concentration, fatty acid concentration, peroxide value, nutrient concentration and volatile compounds of induced and AMS samples. Our results showed that storing nut-in-shell macadamia under wet and hot conditions increased brown centres compared with samples immediately dried using the AMS regime, 10.33 % vs 1.44 %, respectively. Induced brown centres had significantly higher moisture concentrations than induced white centres. Volatile compounds including nonanoic acid, octanoic acid and 2,3 butanediol were identified and associated with brown centre formation in macadamia kernels and the initiation of lipid oxidation. Our results suggest sugar hydrolysis and the Maillard reaction are associated with brown centres both in laboratory induced samples and those formed using industry best practice drying methods. Our study suggests improper drying and storage at high temperature and high humidity are likely to result in brown centre formation. We recommend brown centre losses can be reduced by appropriate drying and storage practices.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Metabolic syndrome (MetSx) and its chronic disease consequences are major public health concerns worldwide. Between-meal snacking may be a modifiable risk factor. We hypothesized that consuming tree nuts as snacks, versus typical carbohydrate snacks, would reduce risk for MetSx in young adults. A prospective, randomized, 16-week parallel-group diet intervention trial was conducted in 84 adults aged 22-36 with BMI 24.5 to 34.9 kg/m2 and ≥1 MetSx clinical risk factor. Tree nuts snacks (TNsnack) were matched to carbohydrate snacks (CHOsnack) for energy (kcal), protein, fiber, and sodium content as part of a 7-day eucaloric menu. Difference in change between groups was tested by analysis of covariance using general linear models. Multivariable linear regression modeling assessed main effects of TNsnack treatment and interactions between TNsnack and sex on MetSx score. Age, BMI, and year of study enrollment were included variables. There was a main effect of TNsnack on reducing waist circumference in females (mean difference: -2.20 ± 0.73 cm, p = 0.004) and a trend toward reduced visceral fat (-5.27 ± 13.05 cm2, p = 0.06). TNsnack decreased blood insulin levels in males (-1.14 ± 1.41 mIU/L, p = 0.05) and multivariable modeling showed a main effect of TNsnack on insulin. Main effects of TNsnack on triglycerides and TG/HDL ratio were observed (p = 0.04 for both) with TG/HDL ratio reduced ~11%. A main effect of TNsnack (p = 0.04) and an interaction effect between TNsnack and sex (p < 0.001) on total MetSx score yielded 67% reduced MetSx score in TNsnack females and 42% reduced MetSx score in TNsnack males. To our knowledge, this is the first randomized parallel-arm study to investigate cardiometabolic responses to TNsnacks versus typical CHOsnacks among young adults at risk of MetSx. Our study suggests daily tree nut consumption reduces MetSx risk by improving waist circumference, lipid biomarkers, and/or insulin sensitivity-without requiring caloric restriction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tree nuts are nutrient dense, and their consumption has been associated with improvements in health outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: To estimate the usual tree nut intake and examine the association between tree nut consumption and cardiometabolic (CM) health outcomes in a nationally representative sample of US adults.
    UNASSIGNED: Cross-sectional data were analyzed from a sample of 18,150 adults aged ≥ 20y who provided at least one reliable 24-h dietary recall and had complete data for the variables of interest in the NHANES 2011-2018. Tree nut consumers were defined as those consuming ≥ ¼ ounce/d (7.09 g). The National Cancer Institute Method was used to estimate the usual tree nut intake among consumers. Measurement error calibrated regression models were used to assess the association between tree nut consumption and each health outcome of interest.
    UNASSIGNED: Approximately 8% of all participants (n = 1238) consumed tree nuts and had a mean ± SE usual intake of 39.5 ± 1.8 g/d. Tree nut consumers were less likely to have obesity (31% vs. 40%, P < 0.001) and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (22% vs. 30%, P < 0.001) compared with nonconsumers. Moreover, tree nut consumers had a lower mean waist circumference (WC) (97.1 ± 0.7 vs. 100.5 ± 0.3 cm, P < 0.001) and apolipoprotein B (87.5 ± 1.2 vs. 91.8 ± 0.5 mg/dL, P = 0.004) than nonconsumers. After adjusting models for demographics and lifestyle covariates, the difference in WC between average intake (33.7 g/d) and low threshold intake (7.09/g) of tree nuts was -1.42 ± 0.58 cm (P = 0.005).
    UNASSIGNED: Most US adults do not consume tree nuts, yet modest consumption was associated with decreased prevalence of cardiovascular disease and CM risk factors and improvement for some health outcome measures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies in childhood. In vitro cross-sensitization between peanut and tree nuts (TN) is high, but only a subgroup of patients allergic to peanut will have a concomitant allergy to one or several TN. In this article, the authors report a case of a 12-year-old boy who experienced 1 episode of lips and mouth itching, generalized urticarial, and eyelid angioedema 20 minutes after ingestion of peanut at 4 years of age. The immunoallergological study revealed the presence of a concomitant allergy to peanut, pistachio, and cashew confirmed with medically supervised oral food challenges (OFC) in a child who had never eaten these TN. The mechanism of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity was demonstrated by positive skin prick tests (SPT) with commercial extracts, although the specific IgE (sIgE) for these foods was negative. As described in the literature, we concluded that serum peanut and TN sIgE measurements have lower sensitivity than SPT to assess IgE sensitization, and OFC is the gold standard for accurate diagnosis of food allergy. We highlight the relevance of excluding or confirming TN allergy in a peanut-allergic patient who had never ingested certain TN, and of knowing the clinical relevant cross-reactivity patterns between TN, pistachio/cashew, and walnut/pecan, that could reduce the need for OFC in clinical practice, reducing allergy rates and financial and health burdens of food allergy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a delayed, non-IgE-mediated food allergy. This syndrome was once thought to be rare, but emerging literature suggests an increasing incidence along with more foods being implicated. Also, with the introduction of guidelines on early peanut introduction, peanut-induced FPIES seems to be increasing in Australia and USA. Although most patients are diagnosed with FPIES within the first year of life, most commonly with food triggers to cow\'s milk or soy, other phenotypes exist in comparison to this classic presentation. In this case report, we present a patient with late onset of acute FPIES at age 3 to walnut.
    METHODS: We describe a case of FPIES in a 12-year-old boy who had recurrent episodes of repetitive emesis, that began at age 3, each time after consuming walnuts. Mom does not give a history of intentional feeding (or avoidance) of walnut and/ or pecans. She also described possible reactions with pine nuts and macadamia. He was assessed with an oral food challenge to walnut, which triggered an episode of acute FPIES. He developed vomiting with onset 2 h post-ingestion, pallor, lethargy, and required an emergency department visit for anti-emetic medications and oral rehydration therapy. He improved on the therapy and now avoids cashew, pistachio, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, and macadamia nuts.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report adds to the limited literature that exists on culprit food allergens in FPIES. We present an acute FPIES triggered by the ingestion of walnuts. The diagnosis, common food triggers, and natural history of FPIES are described. There remains a lack of information on the natural history of FPIES, especially towards uncommon food triggers and on FPIES that present beyond infancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agroforestry is a specific type of agroecosystem that includes trees and shrubs with the potential to yield nutrient-rich products that contribute to human health. This paper reviews the literature on the human health benefits of tree nut and berry species commonly associated with agroforestry systems of the United States, considering their potential for preventing certain diet-related diseases. Emphasis is placed on those diseases that are most closely associated with poor outcomes from COVID-19, as they are indicators of confounding health prognoses. Results indicate that tree nuts reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and walnuts (Juglans species) are particularly effective because of their unique fatty acid profile. Berries that are grown on shrubs have the potential to contribute to mitigation of hypertension, prevention of Type II diabetes, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. To optimize human health benefits, plant breeding programs can focus on the traits that enhance the naturally-occurring phytochemicals, through biofortification. Value-added processing techniques should be selected and employed to preserve the phytonutrients, so they are maintained through the point of consumption. Agroforestry systems can offer valuable human health outcomes for common diet-related diseases, in addition to providing many environmental benefits, particularly if they are purposefully designed with that goal in mind. The food system policies in the U.S. might be reoriented to prioritize these food production systems based on the health benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dried fruits and nuts contain high amounts of nutrients and phytochemicals-all of which may have anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. This narrative review summarizes the evidence for dried fruits and nuts and cancer incidence, mortality, and survival and their potential anticancer properties. The evidence for dried fruits in cancer outcomes is limited, but existing studies have suggested an inverse relationship between total dried fruit consumption and cancer risk. A higher consumption of nuts has been associated with a reduced risk of several site-specific cancers in prospective cohort studies, including cancers of the colon, lung, and pancreas, with relative risks per 5 g/day increment equal to 0.75 (95% CI 0.60, 0.94), 0.97 (95% CI 0.95, 0.98), and 0.94 (95% CI 0.89, 0.99), respectively. A daily intake of total nuts of 28 g/day has also been associated with a 21% reduction in the rate of cancer mortality. There is also some evidence that frequent nut consumption is associated with improved survival outcomes among patients with colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer; however, further studies are needed. Future research directions include the investigation of additional cancer types, including rare types of cancer. For cancer prognosis, additional studies with pre- and postdiagnosis dietary assessment are warranted.





