total soluble solids

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eggplant is the most important fruit vegetable crop in many countries, including Ethiopia. In spite of this, its production is hindered by low nutrient availability in soil and suboptimal intra-row spacing. In order to address these issues, a field investigation took place in the Wolaita zone during 2022/23 growing season to evaluate the effects of various concentrations of blended NPSB fertilizer and intra-row spacing on the growth, yield, and quality of eggplants. Five various blended NPSB fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1) and three intra-row spacing distances (30, 40, and 50 cm) were used in the investigation, which was designed as a randomized complete block with three replicates. Based on an analysis of variance, it was discovered that the main effects of NPSB fertilizer rates and intra-row spacing significantly (p < 0.01) affected many of parameters, including dry matter content, total soluble solids, fruit number, fruit length, and days to 50 % flowering. Additionally, the interaction effect between NPSB fertilizer and intra-row spacing significantly (p < 0.05) impacted the number of days to first fruit harvest, plant height, leaf area, branch number, leaf number, fruit diameter, fresh fruit yield, marketable fresh fruit yield, unmarketable fresh fruit yield, and total fresh fruit yield. According to the current investigation, the highest marketable fresh fruit yield (121.04 t ha-1) was obtained by 150 kg ha-1 NPSB with 40 cm intra-row spacing. These findings suggest that 150 kg ha-1 of blended NPSB fertilizer with 40 cm distance between plant spacing is optimal for eggplant cultivation in the study area and analogous agro-ecological settings. This optimized approach can effectively support eggplant growers in maximizing both yield and quality outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the physiological performance and fruit quality responses of the highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivar Legacy to high temperatures (HTs) were evaluated in a field experiment. Three-year-old V. corymbosum plants were exposed to two temperature treatments between fruit load set and harvest during the 2022/2023 season: (i) ambient temperature (AT) and (ii) high temperature (HT) (5 °C ± 1 °C above ambient temperature). A chamber covered with transparent polyethylene (100 µm thick) was used to apply the HT treatment. In our study, the diurnal temperature was maintained with a difference of 5.03 °C ± 0.12 °C between the AT and HT treatments. Our findings indicated that HT significantly decreased CO2 assimilation (Pn) by 45% and stomatal conductance (gs) by 35.2% compared to the AT treatment. By contrast, the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) showed higher levels (about 6%) in HT plants than in AT plants. Fruit quality analyses revealed that the fruit weight and equatorial diameter decreased by 39% and 13%, respectively, in the HT treatment compared to the AT treatment. By contrast, the firmness and total soluble solids (TSS) were higher in the HT treatment than in the AT treatment. Meanwhile, the titratable acidity showed no changes between temperature treatments. In our study, Pn reduction could be associated with stomatal and non-stomatal limitations under HT treatment. Although these findings improve our understanding of the impact of HTs on fruit growth and quality in V. corymbosum, further biochemical and molecular studies are need.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to assess the post-harvest dynamics of seedless conical and mini-conical pepper cultivars in terms of fruit weight loss, dry matter content, and soluble solid content. The above parameters were demonstrated to be effective commercial pepper shelf-life indicators. The commercial quality of pepper fruit intended for export was evaluated weekly under simulated fruit storage conditions for over 28 d. Results revealed that fruit weight loss, dry matter content, and soluble solid content were affected by cultivar type and storage duration. Additionally, a strong correlation between these variables was observed confirming their linear relationship which was more profound between dry matter and total soluble solid content. Daily changes during storage were similar in both seedless conical and mini-conical peppers, while the fruit weight loss daily rate was greater than that of dry matter. Water loss was identified to be the main factor causing reduced fruit quality. Solid content reduction occurred predominately during the initial storage period. Notably, fruit with lower dry matter content at harvest tended to maintain their commercial quality for a longer time due to their ability to resist water loss without any visible signs of deterioration, which is beneficial during prolonged storage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The quality of date palm is highly influenced by postharvest techniques, storage, and processing effects. Fruits stored at room temperature result in dehydration, whereas higher temperatures accelerate the enzymatic browning of fruit. This study aimed to enhance postharvest quality of date palms through improved harvesting and storage techniques. The fruits of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Dhakki) were harvested at khalal (mature, firm), rutab (fully ripe), or tamar (dry) stages and stored at different temperatures (12, 18, or 24 °C) for 0, 15, 30, or 45 days. The analysis of the data showed that the studied attributes significantly different at various ripening stages and storage temperatures. The fruits harvested at Khalal stage proved to be the best in retaining moisture content (23.16%), total soluble solids (20.36 oBrix), fruit juice pH (4.97), ascorbic acid (24.65 mg 100 g-1), non-reducing sugars (26.84%), percent acidity (0.39%), antioxidant activity (211.0 mg 100 g-1), total phenolic (40.07 mg100g-1), flavonoids (45.8 mg 100 g-1), tannin (70.7 mg100g-1), catalase (1.82 U g-1), peroxidase (1.4 U g-1), soluble protein (38.2 mg kg-1), brightness (29.9), chroma (16.4), hue angle (34.9), color (16.8), and with minimum weight loss (8.48%) as compared to fruit harvested at Rutab and Tamar stage. Regarding the means for storage temperature, the fruits stored at 12 ± 3 °C retained the highest moisture content (23.2%), total soluble solids (13.5 oBrix), fruit juice pH (5.42), percent acidity (0.29%), ascorbic acid (24.4 mg100g-1), reducing sugars (31.1%), non-reducing sugars (26.5%), antioxidant activity (214.6 mg100g-1), total phenolic (41.6 mg100 g-1), flavonoids (44.7 mg100 g-1), tannin (71.7 mg 100 g-1), catalase (1.56 U g-1), peroxidase (1.21 U g-1), soluble protein (31.8 mg kg-1), brightness (28.8), chroma (15.3), hue angle (29.6), color (16.2),with minimum weight loss (9.91%). It was concluded that for quality fruit production of date palm cv. Dhakki could be harvested at Khalal stage and stored at a temperature of 12 ± 3 °C.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micronutrient deficiency in the soil is one of the major causes of mango fruit and yield\'s poor quality. Besides, the consumption of such a diet also causes a deficiency of micronutrients in humans. Boron deficiency adversely affects the flowering and pollen tube formation, thus decreasing mango yield and quality attributes. Soil and foliar application of B are considered a productive method to alleviate boron deficiency. A field experiment was conducted to explore the Boron most suitable method and application rate in mango under the current climatic scenario. There were nine treatments applied in three replications. The results showed that application of T8 = RD + Borax (75 g plant -1 as a basal application) + H3 BO3 (0.8% as a foliar spray) and T9 = RD + Borax (150 g plant -1 as a basal application) + H3 BO3 (0.8% as a foliar spray) significantly enhanced the nitrogen, potassium, proteins, ash, fats, fiber, and total soluble solids in mango as compared to the control. A significant decrease in sodium, total phenolics contents, antioxidant activity, and acidity as citric acid also validated the effective functioning of T8 = RD + Borax (75 g plant -1 as a basal application) + H3 BO3 (0.8% as a foliar spray) and T9 = RD + Borax (150 g plant -1 as a basal application) + H3 BO3 (0.8% as a foliar spray) as compared to control. In conclusion, T8 = RD + Borax (75 g plant -1 as a basal application) + H3 BO3 (0.8% as a foliar spray) and T9 = RD + Borax (150 g plant -1 as a basal application) + H3 BO3 (0.8% as a foliar spray) is a potent strategy to improve the quality attributes of mango under the changing climatic situation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soluble sugar is known to improve the sweetness and increase tomato sauce yield. Studies have focused on improving the content of soluble sugar in tomato fruits, usually by promoting functional genes. We studied two genes (SlINVINH1 and SlVPE5) that inhibited the accumulation of soluble sugar in tomato fruits and obtained two genes\' knocked-out lines (CRISPR-invinh1 or CRISPR-vpe5) using CRISPR/Cas9. Aggregated lines with CRISPR-invinh1 and CRISPR-vpe5 were gained by hybridization and self-pollination. Compared to wild-type lines, the glucose, fructose, and total soluble solid (TSS) contents of CRISPR-invinh1 and CRISPR-vpe5 increased significantly. Glucose, fructose, and TSS levels further improved simultaneously with CRISPR-invinh1 and CRISPR-vpe5 than with single gene knock-out lines. This indicates that these genes have a synergistic effect and will increase the soluble sugar content. Thus, the knock-out SlINVINH1 and SlVPE5 may provide a practical basis for improving the sweetness of tomato fruits and their processing quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brassinosteroids (BRs) have emerged as pleiotropic phytohormone owing to their wide function in crop growth and metabolism. Homobrassinolide (HBR) being an analogue of BRs is known to improve the growth, yield and quality parameters in many crop plants. Thus, an evaluation study was conducted for two years (2018 and 2019) to elucidate the performance of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to a novel group of phytohormone,HBR. The field experiment comprised of seven treatments with homobrassinolide 0.04% (Emulsifiable Concentrate) EC at four different concentrations (0.06, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.12 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1) and two well-known growth promoters viz., Gibberellic acid (GA), Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) along with the untreated control. Plant height and chlorophyll concentration were found significantly different in both years of experiment as well as among the different treatments. HBR at 0.12 g a.i. ha-1 was found better with maximum number of fruits (77.36 plant-1), fruit length (6.72 cm), fruit breadth (6.45 cm) and fruit weight (80.52 g) over other concentrations and treatments. Fruit yield was more pronounced in the plots treated with plant growth regulators compared to untreated control. However, significantly higher fruit yield of 91.07 t ha-1 (62.58 t ha-1 with untreated control) along with improved quality traits viz., fruit firmness (4.11 kg cm-2), ascorbic acid content (24.09 mg 100 g-1), total soluble solids (4.43°Brix) and keeping quality (12.50 days) was recorded in 0.12 g a.i. ha-1 HBR treated plots. Thus, it can be inferred that HBRapplication would be a better option to enhance growth, yield as well as quality traits in tomato.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agriculture in a water-limited environment is critically important for today and for the future. This research evaluates the impact of deficit irrigation in different planting methods on the physio-morphological traits, grain yield and WUE of maize (Zea mays L.). The experiment was carried out in 2015 and 2016, consisting of three planting methods (i.e., BBF, SNF, and DWF) and four irrigation levels (i.e., I10D: irrigation once in ten days, I40: irrigation at 40% DASM, I50: irrigation at 50% DASM, and I60: irrigation at 60% DASM). The results reveal that varying degrees of water stress due to planting methods and irrigation levels greatly influenced the maize physio-morphological traits and yield attributes. The combined effect of DWF + I50 benefited the maize in terms of higher leaf area, RWC, SPAD values, CGR, and LAD, followed by the SNF method at 60 DAS. As a result, DWF + I50 and SNF + I50 had higher 100 grain weight (30.5 to 31.8 g), cob weight (181.4 to 189.6 g cob-1) and grain yield (35.3% to 36.4%) compared to other treatments. However, the reduction in the number of irrigations (24.0%) under SNF + I50 resulted in a 34% water saving. Thus, under a water-limited situation in semi-arid tropics, the practice of the SNF method + I50 could be an alternative way to explore the physio-morphological benefits in maize.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biochemical juice attributes and color-related traits of muscadine grape genotypes have been investigated. For this study, 90 muscadine genotypes, including 21 standard cultivars, 60 breeding lines, and 9 Vitis x Muscadinia hybrids (VM), were evaluated. The biochemical properties of total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity, and TSS/Acid (T/A) ratio showed modest diversity among genotypes with a range of 10.3 °Brix, 2.1 mg tartaric acid/L, and 4.6, respectively. Nonetheless, the pH trait exhibited a tight range of 0.74 among the population with a minimum and maximum pH of 3.11 ± 0.12 and 3.85 ± 0.12. Color-related traits showed more deviation between individuals. Total anthocyanin content (TAC), luminosity index (L*), hue angle (h°), and chroma index (C*) displayed a range of 398 µg/g DW, 33.2, 352.1, and 24, respectively. The hierarchical clustering map classified the population into two large groups of colored and non-colored grapes based on L* and h°, suggesting the predominance of these two characters among the population. The colored berries genotypes clade was further divided into several sub-clades depending on C*, TAC, and TSS levels. The principal component analysis (PCA) separated the four-color characteristics into two groups with a negative correlation between them, L* and C* versus TAC and h°. Further, PCA suggested the positive influence of acidity in enhancing the different nutraceutical components. Despite the nature of anthocyanins as a member of phenolic compounds, a lack of significant correlation between TAC and nutraceutical-related traits was detected. The dissimilatory matrix analysis highlighted the muscadine individuals C11-2-2, E16-9-1, O21-13-1, and Noble as particular genotypes among the population due to enhanced color characteristics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the challenges for agriculture in the coming years will be producing more food avoiding reducing the nutritional values of fruits and vegetables, sources of nutraceutical compounds. It has been demonstrated that light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used as a supplementary light (SL) technology improve tomato yield in Mediterranean greenhouses, but few data have been reported about SL effects on fruit physio-chemical parameters. In this study, three tomato hybrid (F1) cultivars were grown for year-round production in a commercial semi-closed glasshouse in Southern Italy: red cherry type (\"Sorentyno\"), red plum type (\"Solarino\"), and yellow plum type (\"Maggino\"). From 120 to 243 days after transplant (DAT), Red/White/Blue LEDs were used as SL. The fruits harvested 180 DAT were analyzed and those obtained under LEDs had 3% more dry weight, 15% more total soluble solids, and 16% higher titratable acidity than fruits grown only under natural light. Generally, the antioxidant activity and the mineral profile of the fruits were not negatively influenced by SL. Lycopene content was unchanged and vitamin C content of \"Sorentyno\" even increased by 15% under LEDs. Overall, LEDs used as SL technology could be one of the tools used by agriculture in Mediterranean basin to produce more food maintaining high quality production.






