single-molecule FRET

单分子 FRET
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Receptor-ligand interactions at cell interfaces initiate signaling cascades essential for cellular communication and effector functions. Specifically, T cell receptor (TCR) interactions with pathogen-derived peptides presented by the major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) molecules on antigen-presenting cells are crucial for T cell activation. The binding duration, or dwell time, of TCR-pMHC interactions correlates with downstream signaling efficacy, with strong agonists exhibiting longer lifetimes compared to weak agonists. Traditional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) methods quantify 3D affinity but lack cellular context and fail to account for factors like membrane fluctuations. In the recent years, single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) has been applied to measure 2D binding kinetics of TCR-pMHC interactions in a cellular context. Here, we introduce a rigorous mathematical model based on survival analysis to determine exponentially distributed receptor-ligand interaction lifetimes, verified through simulated data. Additionally, we developed a comprehensive analysis pipeline to extract interaction lifetimes from raw microscopy images, demonstrating the model\'s accuracy and robustness across multiple TCR-pMHC pairs. Our new software suite automates data processing to enhance throughput and reduce bias. This methodology provides a refined tool for investigating T cell activation mechanisms, offering insights into immune response modulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the structure of biomolecules is vital for deciphering their roles in biological systems. Single-molecule techniques have emerged as alternatives to conventional ensemble structure analysis methods for uncovering new biology in molecular dynamics and interaction studies, yet only limited structural information could be obtained experimentally. Here, we address this challenge by introducing iMAX FRET, a one-pot method that allows ab initio 3D profiling of individual molecules using two-color FRET measurements. Through the stochastic exchange of fluorescent weak binders, iMAX FRET simultaneously assesses multiple distances on a biomolecule within a few minutes, which can then be used to reconstruct the coordinates of up to four points in each molecule, allowing structure-based inference. We demonstrate the 3D reconstruction of DNA nanostructures, protein quaternary structures, and conformational changes in proteins. With iMAX FRET, we provide a powerful approach to advance the understanding of biomolecular structure by expanding conventional FRET analysis to three dimensions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria utilize various strategies to prevent internal dehydration during hypertonic stress. A common approach to countering the effects of the stress is to import compatible solutes such as glycine betaine, leading to simultaneous passive water fluxes following the osmotic gradient. OpuA from Lactococcus lactis is a type I ABC-importer that uses two substrate-binding domains (SBDs) to capture extracellular glycine betaine and deliver the substrate to the transmembrane domains for subsequent transport. OpuA senses osmotic stress via changes in the internal ionic strength and is furthermore regulated by the 2nd messenger cyclic-di-AMP. We now show, by means of solution-based single-molecule FRET and analysis with multi-parameter photon-by-photon hidden Markov modeling, that the SBDs transiently interact in an ionic strength-dependent manner. The smFRET data are in accordance with the apparent cooperativity in transport and supported by new cryo-EM data of OpuA. We propose that the physical interactions between SBDs and cooperativity in substrate delivery are part of the transport mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA polymerase θ (Polθ) plays a central role in a DNA double-strand break repair pathway termed theta-mediated end joining (TMEJ). TMEJ functions by pairing short-sequence \"microhomologies\" (MHs) in single-stranded DNA at each end of a break and subsequently initiating DNA synthesis. It is not known how the Polθ helicase domain (HD) and polymerase domain (PD) operate to bring together MHs and facilitate repair. To resolve these transient processes in real time, we utilized in vitro single-molecule FRET approaches and biochemical analyses. We find that the Polθ-HD mediates the initial capture of two ssDNA strands, bringing them in close proximity. The Polθ-PD binds and stabilizes pre-annealed MHs to form a synaptic complex (SC) and initiate repair synthesis. Individual synthesis reactions show that Polθ is inherently non-processive, accounting for complex mutational patterns during TMEJ. Binding of Polθ-PD to stem-loop-forming sequences can substantially limit synapsis, depending on the available dNTPs and sequence context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most abundant N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification on mRNAs is installed non-stoichiometrically across transcripts, with 5\' untranslated regions (5\' UTRs) being the least conductive. 5\' UTRs are essential for translation initiation, yet the molecular mechanisms orchestrated by m6A remain poorly understood. Here, we combined structural, biochemical, and single-molecule approaches and show that at the most common position, a single m6A does not affect translation yields, the kinetics of translation initiation complex assembly, or start codon recognition both under permissive growth and following exposure to oxidative stress. Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of the late preinitiation complex reveal that m6A purine ring established stacking interactions with an arginine side chain of the initiation factor eIF2α, although with only a marginal energy contribution, as estimated computationally. These findings provide molecular insights into m6A interactions with the initiation complex and suggest that the subtle stabilization is unlikely to affect the translation dynamics under homeostatic conditions or stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) envelope (Env) glycoprotein mediate cell entry and facilitate immune evasion. Single-molecule FRET using peptides for Env labeling revealed structural dynamics of Env, but peptide use risks potential effects on structural integrity/dynamics. While incorporating noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs) into Env by amber stop-codon suppression, followed by click chemistry, offers a minimally invasive approach, this has proved to be technically challenging for HIV-1. Here, we develope an intact amber-free HIV-1 system that overcomes hurdles of preexisting viral amber codons. We achieved dual-ncAA incorporation into Env on amber-free virions, enabling single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) studies of click-labeled Env that validated the previous peptide-based labeling approaches by confirming the intrinsic propensity of Env to dynamically sample multiple conformational states. Amber-free click-labeled Env also enabled real-time tracking of single virion internalization and trafficking in cells. Our system thus permits in-virus bioorthogonal labeling of proteins, compatible with studies of virus entry, trafficking, and egress from cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cyclic AMP response element (CRE) binding protein (CREB) is a transcription factor that contains a 280-residue N-terminal transactivation domain and a basic leucine zipper that mediates interaction with DNA. The transactivation domain comprises three subdomains, the glutamine-rich domains Q1 and Q2 and the kinase inducible activation domain (KID). NMR chemical shifts show that the isolated subdomains are intrinsically disordered but have a propensity to populate local elements of secondary structure. The Q1 and Q2 domains exhibit a propensity for formation of short β-hairpin motifs that function as binding sites for glutamine-rich sequences. These motifs mediate intramolecular interactions between the CREB Q1 and Q2 domains as well as intermolecular interactions with the glutamine-rich Q1 domain of the TATA-box binding protein associated factor 4 (TAF4) subunit of transcription factor IID (TFIID). Using small-angle X-ray scattering, NMR, and single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer, we show that the Q1, Q2, and KID regions remain dynamically disordered in a full-length CREB transactivation domain (CREBTAD) construct. The CREBTAD polypeptide chain is largely extended although some compaction is evident in the KID and Q2 domains. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement reveals transient long-range contacts both within and between the Q1 and Q2 domains while the intervening KID domain is largely devoid of intramolecular interactions. Phosphorylation results in expansion of the KID domain, presumably making it more accessible for binding the CBP/p300 transcriptional coactivators. Our study reveals the complex nature of the interactions within the intrinsically disordered transactivation domain of CREB and provides molecular-level insights into dynamic and transient interactions mediated by the glutamine-rich domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The canonical chemokine receptor CXCR4 and atypical receptor ACKR3 both respond to CXCL12 but induce different effector responses to regulate cell migration. While CXCR4 couples to G proteins and directly promotes cell migration, ACKR3 is G protein-independent and scavenges CXCL12 to regulate extracellular chemokine levels and maintain CXCR4 responsiveness, thereby indirectly influencing migration. The receptors also have distinct activation requirements. CXCR4 only responds to wild-type CXCL12 and is sensitive to mutation of the chemokine. By contrast, ACKR3 recruits GPCR kinases (GRKs) and β-arrestins and promiscuously responds to CXCL12, CXCL12 variants, other peptides and proteins, and is relatively insensitive to mutation. To investigate the role of conformational dynamics in the distinct pharmacological behaviors of CXCR4 and ACKR3, we employed single-molecule FRET to track discrete conformational states of the receptors in real-time. The data revealed that apo-CXCR4 preferentially populates a high-FRET inactive state, while apo-ACKR3 shows little conformational preference and high transition probabilities among multiple inactive, intermediate and active conformations, consistent with its propensity for activation. Multiple active-like ACKR3 conformations are populated in response to agonists, compared to the single CXCR4 active-state. This and the markedly different conformational landscapes of the receptors suggest that activation of ACKR3 may be achieved by a broader distribution of conformational states than CXCR4. Much of the conformational heterogeneity of ACKR3 is linked to a single residue that differs between ACKR3 and CXCR4. The dynamic properties of ACKR3 may underly its inability to form productive interactions with G proteins that would drive canonical GPCR signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The two main steps of translation, peptidyl transfer, and translocation are accompanied by counterclockwise and clockwise rotations of the large and small ribosomal subunits with respect to each other. Upon peptidyl transfer, the small ribosomal subunit rotates counterclockwise relative to the large subunit, placing the ribosome into the rotated conformation. Simultaneously, tRNAs move into the hybrid conformation, and the L1 stalk moves inward toward the P-site tRNA. The conformational dynamics of pretranslocation ribosomes were extensively studied by ensemble and single-molecule methods. Different experimental modalities tracking ribosomal subunits, tRNAs, and the L1 stalk showed that pretranslocation ribosomes undergo spontaneous conformational transitions. Thus, peptidyl transfer unlocks the ribosome and decreases an energy barrier for the reverse ribosome rotation during translocation. However, the tracking of translation with ribosomes labeled at rRNA helices h44 and H101 showed a lack of spontaneous rotations in pretranslocation complexes. Therefore, reverse intersubunit rotations occur during EF-G catalyzed translocation. To reconcile these views, we used high-speed single-molecule microscopy to follow translation in real time. We showed spontaneous rotations in puromycin-released h44-H101 dye-labeled ribosomes. During elongation, the h44-H101 ribosomes undergo partial spontaneous rotations. Spontaneous rotations in h44-H101-labeled ribosomes are restricted prior to aminoacyl-tRNA binding. The pretranslocation h44-H101 ribosomes spontaneously exchanged between three different rotational states. This demonstrates that peptidyl transfer unlocks spontaneous rotations and pretranslocation ribosomes can adopt several thermally accessible conformations, thus supporting the Brownian model of translocation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The highly positively charged and intrinsically disordered H1 C-terminal domain (CTD) undergoes extensive condensation upon binding to nucleosomes, and stabilizes nucleosomes and higher-order chromatin structures but its interactions in chromatin are not well defined. Using single-molecule FRET we found that about half of the H1 CTDs in H1-nucleosome complexes exhibit well-defined FRET values indicative of distinct, static conformations, while the remainder of the population exhibits exchange between multiple defined FRET structures. Moreover, crosslinking studies indicate that the first 30 residues of the H1 CTD participate in relatively localized contacts with the first ∼25 bp of linker DNA, and that two separate regions in the CTD contribute to H1-dependent organization of linker DNA. Finally, we show that acetylation mimetics within the histone H3 tail markedly reduce the overall extent of H1 CTD condensation and significantly increase the fraction of H1 CTDs undergoing dynamic exchange between FRET states. Our results indicate the nucleosome-bound H1 CTD adopts loosely defined structures that exhibit significantly enhanced dynamics and decondensation upon epigenetic acetylation within the H3 tail.





