silk gland

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Juvenile hormone (JH) is an indispensable insect hormone that is critical in regulating insect development and physiology. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant modification of RNA that regulates RNA fate in eukaryotic organisms. However, the relationship between m6A and JH remains largely unknown. Here, we found that the application of a Juvenile hormone analog (JHA) extended the larval period of Bombyx mori and increased the weight and thickness of the cocoon. Interestingly, global transcriptional patterns revealed that m6A-related genes are specifically regulated by JHA in the posterior silk gland (PSG) that synthesizes the major component of cocoon silk. By transcriptome and m6A sequencing data conjointly, we discovered that JHA significantly regulated the m6A modification in the PSG of B. mori and many m6A-containing genes are related to nucleic acid binding, nucleus, and nucleobase-containing compound metabolism. Notably, 547 genes were significantly regulated by JHA at both the m6A modification and expression levels, especially 16 silk-associated genes, including sericin2, seroin1, Serine protease inhibitors 4 (BmSPI4), Serine protease inhibitors 5 (BmSPI5), and LIM domain-binding protein 2 (Ldb). Among them, 11 silk associated genes were significantly affected by METTL3 knockdown, validating that these genes are targets of m6A modification. Furthermore, we confirm that JHA directly regulates the expression of BmSPI4 and BmSPI5 through m6A modification of CDS regions. These results demonstrate the essential role of m6A methylation regulated by JH in PSG, and elucidate a novel mechanism by which JH affects silk gland development via m6A methylation. This study uncovers that m6A modification is a critical factor mediating the effect of JH in insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants produce various pigments that not only appear as attractive colors but also provide valuable resources in applications in daily life and scientific research. Biosynthesis pathways for these natural plant pigments are well studied, and most have multiple enzymes that vary among plant species. However, adapting these pathways to animals remains a challenge. Here, we describe successful biosynthesis of betalains, water-soluble pigments found only in a single plant order, Caryophyllales, in transgenic silkworms by coexpressing three betalain synthesis genes, cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP76AD1, DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase, and betanidin 5-O-glucosyltransferase. Betalains can be synthesized in various tissues under the control of the ubiquitous IE1 promoter but accumulate mainly in the hemolymph with yields as high as 274 μg/ml. Additionally, transformed larvae and pupae show a strong red color easily distinguishable from wild-type animals. In experiments in which expression is controlled by the promoter of silk gland-specific gene, fibroin heavy-chain, betalains are found predominantly in the silk glands and can be secreted into cocoons through spinning. Betalains in transformed cocoons are easily recovered from cocoon shells in water with average yields reaching 14.4 μg/mg. These data provide evidence that insects can synthesize natural plant pigments through a complex, multiple enzyme-mediated synthesis pathway. Such pigments also can serve as dominant visible markers in insect transgenesis applications. This study provides an approach to producing valuable plant-derived compounds by using genetically engineered silkworms as a bioreactor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, is an economically important insect that synthesizes large amounts of silk proteins in its silk gland to make cocoons. In recent years, germline transformation strategies advanced the bioengineering of the silk gland as an ideal bioreactor for mass production of recombinant proteins. However, the yield of exogenous proteins varied largely due to the random insertion and gene drift caused by canonical transposon-based transformation, calling for site-specific and stable expression systems. In the current study, we established a targeted in-fusion expression system by using the transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-mediated targeted insertion to target genomic locus of sericin, one of the major silk proteins. We successfully generated chimeric Sericin1-EGFP (Ser-2A-EGFP) transformant, producing up to 3.1% (w/w) of EGFP protein in the cocoon shell. With this strategy, we further expressed the medically important human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) and the protein yield in both middle silk glands, and cocoon shells reached to more than 15-fold higher than the canonical piggyBac-based transgenesis. This natural Sericin1 expression system provides a new strategy for producing recombinant proteins by using the silkworm silk gland as the bioreactor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sericin, as the main component of silkworm cocoon silk, surrounds and protects the silk fibroin. Sericin is a natural macromolecular protein complex encoded by the genes Ser1, Ser2, and Ser3. At present, there are no available antibodies against sericin that may be used to identify and locate it at the protein level, hindering the study of its secretion mechanism and materials application. Therefore, the development of effective antibodies against sericin is an urgent necessity. To address this problem, we prepared polyclonal antibodies against the Ser1, Ser2 and Ser3 proteins using synthesized peptides for the first time. The specificity of the antibodies was confirmed using dot blot, immunoblotting and mass spectrometry on the hybrid bands of the middle silk gland. The immunoblotting results of anti-sericin antibodies showed that sericin has different molecular weights in different regions of the middle silk gland and strains in the 5th instar. Through immunohistochemistry, anti-sericin antibodies revealed that sericin presented different distributions in the anterior part of the middle silk gland of 872 strain at the 7th day of 5th instar. In addition, the prepared antibodies not only detected intact sericin molecules, but also detected degraded sericin that was dissolved in five different solvents. In summary, this work prepared effective sericin antibodies for silk protein synthesis and secretion research and provides a possible molecular detection method for biological products containing silkworm sericin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Silkworm is an economically important insect that synthetizes silk proteins for silk production in silk gland, and silk gland cells undergo endoreplication during larval period. Transcription factor Myc is essential for cell growth and proliferation. Although silkworm Myc gene has been identified previously, its biological functions in silkworm silk gland are still largely unknown. In this study, we examined whether enhanced Myc expression in silk gland could facilitate cell growth and silk production. Based on a transgenic approach, Myc was driven by the promoter of the fibroin heavy chain (FibH) gene to be successfully overexpressed in posterior silk gland. Enhanced Myc expression in the PSG elevated FibH expression by about 20% compared to the control, and also increased the weight and shell rate of the cocoon shell. Further investigation confirmed that Myc overexpression increased nucleus size and DNA content of the PSG cells by promoting the transcription of the genes involved in DNA replication. Therefore, we conclude that enhanced Myc expression promotes DNA replication and silk protein expression in endoreplicating silk gland cells, which subsequently raises silk yield.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acetamiprid is a new type of nicotinic insecticide that is widely used in pest control. Its environmental residues may cause silkworm cocooning disorder. In this study, silkworms that received continuous feeding of low concentration acetamiprid (0.15 mg/L) showed significantly decreased silk gland index and cocooning rate. Gene expression profiling of posterior silk glands (PSGs) revealed that the differentially expressed genes were significantly enriched in oxidative stress-related signal pathways with significant up-regulation. The contents of both H2O2 and MDA were increased, along with significantly elevated SOD and CAT activities, all of which reached maximal values at 48 h when H2O2 and MDA\'s contents were 10.46 and 7.98 nmol/mgprot, respectively, and SOD and CAT activities were 5.51 U/mgprot and 33.48 U/gprot, respectively. The transcription levels of antioxidant enzyme-related genes SOD, Mn-SOD, CuZn-SOD, CAT, TPX and GPX were all up-regulated, indicating that exposure to low concentration acetamiprid led to antioxidant response in silkworm PSG. The key genes in the FoxO/CncC/Keap1 signaling pathway that regulates antioxidant enzyme activity, FoxO, CncC, Keap1, NQO1, HO-1 and sMaf were all up-regulated during the whole process of treatment, with maximal values being reached at 72 h with 2.91, 1.46, 1.82, 2.52, 2.32 and 4.01 times of increases, respectively. These results demonstrate that exposure to low concentration acetamiprid causes oxidative stress in silkworm PSG, which may be the cause of cocooning disorder in silkworm. Our study provides a reference for the safety evaluation of environmental residues of acetamiprid on non-target insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Z chromosome of the silkworm contains a major gene that influences silk yield. This major locus on chromosome Z accounts for 35.10% of the phenotypic variance. The location and identification of the gene have been a focus of silkworm genetics research. Unfortunately, identification of this gene has been difficult. We used extreme phenotype subpopulations and selected from a backcross population, BC1 M, which was obtained using the high-yield strain 872B and the low-yield strain IS-Dazao as parents, for mapping the gene on the chromosome Z. The candidate region was narrowed down to 134 kb at the tip of the chromosome. BmAbl1 in this region correlated with silk gland development by spatiotemporal expression analysis. This gene was differentially expressed in the posterior silk glands of the high- and low-yield strains. In BmAbl1, an insertion-deletion (indel) within the 10th exonic region and an SNP within the 6th intronic region were detected and shown to be associated with cocoon shell weight in 84 Bombyx mori strains with different yields. Nucleotide diversity analysis of BmAbl1 and its 50 kb flanking regions indicated that BmAbl1 has experienced strong artificial selection during silkworm domestication. This study is the first to identify the genes controlling silk yield in the major QTL of the Z chromosome using forward genetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acetamiprid is a new neonicotinoid insecticide widely used in the prevention and control of pests in agriculture. However, its residues in the environment affect the cocooning of the silkworm, Bombyx mori (B. mori), a non-target insect. To investigate the mechanism of damage, B. mori larvae were fed with trace amounts of acetamiprid (0.15 mg/L). At 96 h after exposure, the larvae showed signs of poisoning and decreased body weight, resulting in reduced survival and ratio of cocoon shell. At 48 h and 96 h after exposure, the residues in the posterior silk gland (PSG), which is responsible for synthesizing silk fibroin, were 0.72 μg/mg and 1.21 μg/mg, respectively, as measured by high performance liquid chromatography, indicating that acetamiprid can accumulate in the PSG. Moreover, pathological sections and transmission electron microscopy also demonstrate the damage of the PSG by acetamiprid. Digital gene expression (DGE) and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis revealed that genes related to metabolism, stress responses and inflammation were significantly up-regulated after exposure. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the transcript levels of FMBP-1 and FTZ-F1 (transcription factors for synthesizing silk protein) were up-regulated by 2.55-and 1.56-fold, respectively, and the transcript levels of fibroin heavy chain (Fib-H), fibroin light chain (Fib-L), P25, Bmsage and Bmdimm were down-regulated by 0.75-, 0.76-, 0.65-, 0.44- and 0.40-fold, respectively. The results indicate that accumulated acetamiprid causes damage to the PSG and leads to reduced expression of genes responsible for synthesizing silk fibroin. Our data provide reference for evaluating the safety of acetamiprid residues in the environment for non-target insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As in other Hymenoptera, adult ants cannot secrete silk, unlike the larvae that spin a cocoon prior to metamorphosis. Fisher and Robertson (1999) first showed the existence of a silk gland in the head of adult Melissotarsus beccarii workers, and we confirm this with detailed histology and ultrastructural comparisons of both queens and workers. This African genus exhibits extreme morphological adaptations (legs, head shape and mandibular muscles) for tunnelling behaviour inside living trees, that underlie an obligate mutualism with scale insects. Rhopalomastix is its sister genus distributed across Asia, and we show that queens and workers also have a silk gland. This lineage of minute workers relies on silk to secure their network of tunnels against other arboreal ants. We show striking differences between these genera in the anatomy and ultrastructure of the cells that secrete silk, especially numerous vacuoles and an unexpectedly branched end apparatus in Melissotarsus. Moreover, the legs of Melissotarsus are much more specialized for tunnelling, and this includes highly expanded basitarsi. The latter house the novel \'Delage-Darchen gland\', and we document its anatomy and ultrastructure, suggesting a proteinaceous secretion to harden roofs made of silk combined with wood fragments. The restriction of the Delage-Darchen gland to Melissotarsus, combined with a modified silk gland (an almost three-fold increase in the number of secretory cells, and ultrastructural differences suggestive of higher secretory activity), are evidence of an outstanding evolutionary divergence relative to Rhopalomastix. Synthesis of silk by adults is a significant innovation among ants, but its augmented production in Melissotarsus makes them better adapted for the hazards of arboreal life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bombyx mori(Linnaeus, 1758) is an important economical insect, and the sericulture is a flourishing industry in many developing countries. Pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone pesticide, is often applied to cultivations widely in the world, and its exposure often resulted in silk yield reduction and non-cocooning. However, the effect of pyriproxyfen exposure on cocooning and gene expression level in the silk gland of B. mori has not been studied yet, and this study focused on the above issues. The result indicated that pyriproxyfen exposure can lead to silk gland injury, reduction of silk yield and cocooning rate. Furthermore, the expression levels of silk protein synthesis related genes were down regulated significantly. The same change trends were shown between PI3K/Akt and CncC/Keap1 pathway, which is the expressions of key genes can be elevated by pyriproxyfen exposure. In addition, the activity of detoxification enzymes (P450, GST and CarE) and the expression levels of detoxification genes were elevated after pyriproxyfen exposure, suggesting that detoxification enzymes may play an important role in detoxification of pyriproxyfen in silk gland. These results provided possible clues to the silk gland injury and gene transcriptional level changes in silkworm after pyriproxyfen exposure.





