side scatter

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In keeping with the rule of \"form follows function\", morphological aspects of a cell can reflect its role. Here, it is shown that the cellular granularity of a lymphocyte, represented by its intrinsic side scatter (SSC), is a potent indicator of its cell state and function. The granularity of a lymphocyte increases from naïve to terminal effector state. High-throughput cell-sorting yields a SSChigh population that can mediate immediate effector functions, and a highly prolific SSClow population that can give rise to the replenishment of the memory pool. CAR-T cells derived from the younger SSClow population possess desirable attributes for immunotherapy, manifested by increased naïve-like cells and stem cell memory (TSCM )-like cells together with a balanced CD4/CD8 ratio, as well as enhanced target-killing in vitro and in vivo. Altogether, lymphocyte segregation based on biophysical properties is an effective approach for label-free selection of cells that share collective functions and can have important applications for cell-based immunotherapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is not straightforward when objective data, such as blast excess and abnormal cytogenetics, are lacking. Expert laboratories use flow cytometry (FCM) to help diagnose MDS. However, most of FCM protocols for MDS are complex, requiring a high level of expertise and high cost. We have reported a FCM mini-panel consisting of four FCM parameters (so-called Ogata score), which is simple to conduct and inexpensive. In this paper, to refine this mini-panel, we have introduced a new FCM parameter, which quantifies CD33 expression on CD34+ cells (called Granulocyte/CD34 cell CD33 ratio). Bone marrow cells from MDS without blast excess (low-grade MDS) and controls were stained with CD34, CD45, and CD33 and analyzed for five parameters (\"Granulocyte/CD34 cell CD33 ratio\" plus four parameters in the Ogata score). By a multivariate logistic regression model, only three parameters, including \"Granulocyte/CD34 cell CD33 ratio\" had statistically significant power for diagnosing low-grade MDS. Based on the results, we constructed a new scoring system, which showed approximately 50% sensitivity and more than 95% specificity in diagnosing low-grade MDS. Our revised mini-panel is suitable for screening samples suspected for MDS and provides a basis for further improvement in diagnostic FCM protocols for MDS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is important to understand the ecology and physiology of microbes in activated sludge of wastewater treatment plants. Recently, molecular based approaches such as 16S rRNA genes and environmental genomics have illuminated black boxes in nutrient removal process and expanded our knowledge. However, most microbes responsible for the removal of phosphate and nitrogen such as Accumulibacter and Nitrospira remain uncultured. This is because optimum methodologies to concentrate these uncultured microbes and to obtain pure cultures have not been established. Here, we report a novel approach for physical enrichment of uncultured Accumulibacter and Nitrospira from microbial communities in activated sludge by a cell sorting system. Two scattering signatures representing forward scatter and side scatter of this system allowed morphological characterization of microbial particles in activated sludge. The distribution and size of microbial particles consisting of single cells, microcolonies, and aggregates depended on the levels of scattering signatures. Next generation sequencer and principal component analysis revealed each microbial population fractionated according to the levels of scattering signatures, resulting that uncultured Accumulibacter and Nitrospira could be sorted as single cells or microcolonies. Finally, quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis determined optimum fractions to collect sufficiently these target microbes from activated sludge. Consequently, this method would be very useful as an enrichment technique prior to isolation, genomic analysis, and physiological investigation of uncultured bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to their special physicochemical properties, iron nanoparticles offer new promising possibilities for biomedical applications. For bench to bedside translation of super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), safety issues have to be comprehensively clarified. To understand concentration-dependent nanoparticle-mediated toxicity, the exact quantification of intracellular SPIONs by reliable methods is of great importance. In the present study, we compared three different SPION quantification methods (ultraviolet spectrophotometry, magnetic particle spectroscopy, atomic adsorption spectroscopy) and discussed the shortcomings and advantages of each method. Moreover, we used those results to evaluate the possibility to use flow cytometric technique to determine the cellular SPION content. For this purpose, we correlated the side scatter data received from flow cytometry with the actual cellular SPION amount. We showed that flow cytometry provides a rapid and reliable method to assess the cellular SPION content. Our data also demonstrate that internalization of iron oxide nanoparticles in human umbilical vein endothelial cells is strongly dependent to the SPION type and results in a dose-dependent increase of toxicity. Thus, treatment with lauric acid-coated SPIONs (SEON(LA)) resulted in a significant increase in the intensity of side scatter and toxicity, whereas SEON(LA) with an additional protein corona formed by bovine serum albumin (SEON(LA-BSA)) and commercially available Rienso(®) particles showed only a minimal increase in both side scatter intensity and cellular toxicity. The increase in side scatter was in accordance with the measurements for SPION content by the atomic adsorption spectroscopy reference method. In summary, our data show that flow cytometry analysis can be used for estimation of uptake of SPIONs by mammalian cells and provides a fast tool for scientists to evaluate the safety of nanoparticle products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular aggregation is a physiological response of lymphocytes to various extracellular stimuli. Currently, lymphocytes aggregation is only evaluated qualitatively or by semiquantitative methods. In this study, we assessed the capacity of flow cytometry to measure lymphocytes aggregation in a quantitative, accurate, and reproducible manner, and examined the significance of aggregation responses in various lymphoproliferative diseases.
    Extracellular triggers such as anti-CD19 antibodies or phorbol ester were utilized to induce lymphoid cells aggregation in a concentration dependent manner. Aggregation was quantified by flow cytometry based on the forward or side scatter (SSC), or by dark-field SSC of aggregates measured by ImageStreamX. Accuracy, reproducibility, and limitations of the methodology were evaluated. Aggregation responses were measured in various types of lymphoproliferative diseases, and correlated with immunophenotyping and IGHV mutational status in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
    Lymphoid aggregates provoked by extracellular stimuli elevate the forward and SSC signals relatively to the number of cells in each event. Aggregation responses vary among different types of lymphoproliferative diseases. Moreover, elevated levels of CD19-induced aggregation are associated with aberrant chronic lymphocytic leukemia characteristics, but not with IGHV mutational status of the disease
    We have demonstrated that flow cytometry can provide accurate and reproducible measurement of both primary as well as T and B cell lines aggregation in response to extracellular stimuli. The use of quantitative evaluation of activation driven or other cellular aggregation may provide an analytical tool to elucidate biochemical and molecular mechanisms associated with lymphoproliferative diseases. © 2015 International Clinical Cytometry Society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cdc42 GTPase has important roles in regulating intracellular actin reorganization. The current methods to monitor actin changes are typically complex and point by point.
    The effects of Cdc42 inhibitors on the side scatter changes were tested in a newly developed continuous assay using the flow cytometer. Staining with fluorescently labeled phalloidin was used for comparison.
    Cdc42-specific inhibitors caused dose-dependent changes of both the right-angle side scatter and the phalloidin-stained actin.
    The right-angle light scatter change can be used as a method to circumvent phalloidin staining and be an early convenient step in screening Cdc42 inhibitors. © 2015 International Clinical Cytometry Society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Depolarization of mitochondrial inner transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) is a key biochemical manifestation of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway in anucleate platelets. Little is known, however, about the relationship between ΔΨm depolarization and downstream morphological manifestations of platelet apoptosis, cell shrinkage and microparticle (MP) formation.
    OBJECTIVE: To elucidate this relationship in human platelets.
    METHODS: Using flow cytometry, we analyzed ΔΨm depolarization, platelet shrinkage and MP formation in platelets treated with BH3-mimetic ABT-737 and calcium ionophore A23187, well-known inducers of intrinsic platelet apoptosis.
    RESULTS: We found that at optimal treatment conditions (90min, 37°C) both ABT-737 and A23187 induce ΔΨm depolarization in the majority (88-94%) of platelets and strongly increase intracellular free calcium. In contrast, effects of A23187 and ABT-737 on platelet shrinkage and MP formation are quite different. A23187 strongly stimulates cell shrinkage and MP formation, whereas ABT-737 only weakly induces these events (10-20% of the effect seen with A23187, P<0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that a high level of ΔΨm depolarization and intracellular free calcium does not obligatorily ensure strong platelet shrinkage and MP formation. Since ABT-737 efficiently induces clearance of platelets from the circulation, our results suggest that platelet clearance may occur in the absence of the morphological manifestations of apoptosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the role of ovarian hormones in the phenotypic shaping of peripheral T-cell pool over the reproductive lifespan of rats. For this purpose, 2-month-old prepubertally ovariectomised (Ox) rats, showing oestrogen and progesterone deficiency, and 11-month-old Ox rats, exhibiting only progesterone deficiency, were examined for thymus output, and cellularity and composition of major TCRαβ+ peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) and splenocyte subsets. Although ovariectomy increased thymic output in both 2- and 11-month-old rats, the count of both CD4+ and CD8+ PBLs and splenocytes increased only in the former. In the blood and spleen of 11-month-old Ox rats only the count of CD8+ cells increased. Although ovariectomy affected the total CD4+ count in none of the examined compartments from the 11-month-old rats, it increased CD4+FoxP3+ PBL and splenocyte relative proportions over those in the age-matched controls. The age-related differences in the cellularity and the major subset composition in Ox rats were linked to the differences in the ovarian steroid hormone levels registered in 2- and 11-month-old rats. The administration of progesterone to Ox rats during the seven days before the sacrificing confirmed contribution of this hormone deficiency to the ovariectomy-induced changes in the TCRαβ+ PBL and splenocyte pool from 11-month-old rats. The expansion of the CD8+ splenocyte subset in the 11-month-old Ox rats reflected increases in cellularity of memory and, particularly, naïve cells. This was due to greater thymic output of CD8+ cells and homeostatic proliferation than apoptosis in 11-month-old Ox rats when compared with age-matched sham-Ox control rats. The homeostatic changes within CD8+ splenocyte pool from 11-month-old Ox rats, most likely, reflected the enhanced splenic IL-7 and TGF-β mRNA expression. Overall, in adult female rats, circulating oestrogen and progesterone provide maintenance of T-cell counts, a diversity of T-cell repertoire, and the main T-cell subset composition in the periphery. Progesterone deficiency affects mainly the CD8+ lymphocyte compartment through increasing thymic CD8+ cell export and upsetting homeostatic regulation within the CD8+ splenocyte pool. These alterations were reversible through progesterone supplementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), can be described as a vascular disorder, is characterized by endothelial and platelet activation. One feature of activated cells is loss of lipid asymmetry, and membrane blebbing which cause microparticle (MP) formation. MPs increased under many pathological states and little information is available relating to their changes in AD. The purpose of this work was to characterize the time course of the endothelial-derived microparticles (EMPs) and platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs) alteration after intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of streptozotocin (STZ). Rats were injected bilaterally with ICV-STZ/Saline, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma EMPs (Annexin V(+) CD61(-)CD144(+)) and PMPs (Annexin V(+) CD61(+)CD144(-)) were analyzed with flow cytometry at 2 h, 4 h, 24 h, 4 days, 7 days, 14 days and 21 days after ICV-STZ/Saline administration. Cognitive impairment, malondialdehyde (MDA) level of hippocampus, plasma serotonin, and serum S100B were also assessed. We showed the elevation of CSF and plasma level of EMPs and PMPs, which may represent a proinflammatory and prothrombotic status. These alterations were simultaneous with the hippocampal MDA rise, plasma serotonin increment, and S100B decrement, 7 days after ICV-STZ administration and precede the onset of cognitive impairment. Understanding the profile of MP changes in CSF or plasma as biomarkers from tissues undergoing activation or damage, may be helpful in prediction or early diagnosis of AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study population comprised HNSCC patients, risk-positive controls (tabagism and alcoholism habits), and risk-negative controls (without risk factors). Significant increases in the activation status of CD4(+)and CD8(+) T-cells, and higher migration potentials of lymphocytes were observed in HNSCC patients compared with control groups. Although decreased frequency of CD19(+)-B lymphocytes was observed in HSNCC patients, a higher percentage of HLA-DR(+)CD19(+)-B lymphocytes was detected in these individuals as compared with other evaluated groups. Metastasis and tumor grading were the major pathological parameters associated with significant alterations in the expression of activation molecules on circulating CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cells. A reduced frequency of CD38-expressing CD8(+) T-cells was the most relevant biomarker associated with HNSCC aggressiveness. Performance analysis suggested a cut-off point for the CD8(+)CD38(+)/CD8(+) T-cell ratio of 7.0 for segregating patients according to tumor grading. In contrast, a higher proportion of CD8(+)CD54(+)/CD8(+) T-cells could represent a relevant biomarker associated with metastasis in HNSCC patients, and performance analysis suggested a cut-off point for the CD8(+)CD54(+)/CD8(+) T-cell ratio of 30 for segregating patients according to absence or presence of metastasis. The results obtained can increment immunological aspects of HNSCC and provide tools for the determination of cut-off scores of clinically relevant immunophenotypic prognostic biomarkers.





