replicative lifespan

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between aging and RNA biogenesis and trafficking is attracting growing interest, yet the precise mechanisms are unknown. The THO complex is crucial for mRNA cotranscriptional maturation and export. Herein, we report that the THO complex is closely linked to the regulation of lifespan. Deficiencies in Hpr1 and Tho2, components of the THO complex, reduced replicative lifespan (RLS) and are linked to a novel Sir2-independent RLS control pathway. Although transcript sequestration in hpr1Δ or tho2Δ mutants was countered by exosome component Rrp6, loss of this failed to mitigate RLS defects in hpr1Δ. However, RLS impairment in hpr1Δ or tho2Δ was counteracted by the additional expression of Nrd1-specific mutants that interacted with Rrp6. This effect relied on the interaction of Nrd1, a transcriptional regulator of aging-related genes, including ribosome biogenesis or RNA metabolism genes, with RNA polymerase II. Nrd1 overexpression reduced RLS in a Tho2-dependent pathway. Intriguingly, Tho2 deletion mirrored Nrd1 overexpression effects by inducing arbitrary Nrd1 chromatin binding. Furthermore, our genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis revealed an increase in the recruitment of Nrd1 to translation-associated genes, known to be related to aging, upon Tho2 loss. Taken together, these findings underscore the importance of Tho2-mediated Nrd1 escorting in the regulation of lifespan pathway through transcriptional regulation of aging-related genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Random mutagenesis, including when it leads to loss of gene function, is a key mechanism enabling microorganisms\' long-term adaptation to new environments. However, loss-of-function mutations are often deleterious, triggering, in turn, cellular stress and complex homeostatic stress responses, called \"allostasis,\" to promote cell survival. Here, we characterize the differential impacts of 65 nonlethal, deleterious single-gene deletions on Escherichia coli growth in three different growth environments. Further assessments of select mutants, namely, those bearing single adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase subunit deletions, reveal that mutants display reorganized transcriptome profiles that reflect both the environment and the specific gene deletion. We also find that ATP synthase α-subunit deleted (ΔatpA) cells exhibit elevated metabolic rates while having slower growth compared to wild-type (wt) E. coli cells. At the single-cell level, compared to wt cells, individual ΔatpA cells display near normal proliferation profiles but enter a postreplicative state earlier and exhibit a distinct senescence phenotype. These results highlight the complex interplay between genomic diversity, adaptation, and stress response and uncover an \"aging cost\" to individual bacterial cells for maintaining population-level resilience to environmental and genetic stress; they also suggest potential bacteriostatic antibiotic targets and -as select human genetic diseases display highly similar phenotypes, - a bacterial origin of some human diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microfluidic devices in combination with fluorescent microscopy offer high-resolution and high-content platforms to study single-cell morphology, behavior and dynamic process in replicative aging of budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, a huge mass of recorded images makes the data processing labor-intensive and time-consuming to determine yeast replicative lifespan (RLS), a primary criterion in yeast aging. To address this limitation and pursue label-free RLS assays, electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) that can be easily functionalized through microelectrodes in microfluidic devices, was introduced to monitor cell growth and division of budding yeast. Herein, a microfluidic device integrated with EIS biosensor was proposed to perform in-situ impedance measurement of yeast proliferation in single-cell resolution so as to identify the momentary events of daughter dissection from its mother. Single yeast cells were reliably immobilized at the bottleneck-like traps for continuous culturing, during which daughter cells were effectively detached from their mother cells by hydraulic shear forces. Time-lapse impedance measurement was performed every 2 min to monitor the cellular process including budding, division and dissection. By using the K-means clustering algorithm to analyze a self-defined parameter \"Dissection Indicator,\" to our knowledge for the first time, the momentary event of a daughter removing from its mother cell was accurately extracted from EIS signals. Thus, the identification of daughter dissection events based on impedance sensing technology has been validated. With further development, this microfluidic device integrated with electrical impedance biosensor holds promising applications in high-throughput, real-time and label-free analysis of budding yeast aging and RLS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    YPK9/YOR291W of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a vacuolar membrane protein. Previous research has suggested that Ypk9p is similar to the yeast P5-type ATPase Spf1p and that it plays a role in the sequestration of heavy metals. In addition, bioinformatics analysis has suggested that Ypk9p is a homolog of human ATP13A2, which encodes a protein of the subfamily of P5 ATPases. However, no specific function of Ypk9p has been described to date. In this study, we found, for the first time, that YPK9 is involved in the oxidative stress response and modulation of the replicative lifespan (RLS). We found that YPK9 deficiency confers sensitivity to the oxidative stress inducer hydrogen peroxide accompanied by increased intracellular ROS levels, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, abnormal mitochondrial function, and increased incidence of early apoptosis in budding yeast. More importantly, YPK9 deficiency can lead to a shortened RLS. In addition, we found that overexpression of the catalase-encoding gene CTA1 can reverse the phenotypic abnormalities of the ypk9Δ yeast strain. Collectively, these findings highlight the involvement of Ypk9p in the oxidative stress response and modulation of RLS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitochondrion is an ancient endosymbiotic organelle that performs many essential functions in eukaryotic cells.1-3 Mitochondrial impairment often results in physiological defects or diseases.2-8 Since most mitochondrial genes have been copied into the nuclear genome during evolution,9 the regulatory and interaction mechanisms between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes are very complex. Multiple mechanisms, including antioxidant, DNA repair, mitophagy, and mitochondrial biogenesis pathways, have been shown to monitor the quality and quantity of mitochondria.10-12 Nonetheless, it remains unclear if these pathways can be further modified to enhance mitochondrial stability. Previously, experimental evolution has been used to adapt cells to novel growth conditions. By analyzing the resulting evolved populations, insights have been gained into the underlying molecular mechanisms.13 Here, we experimentally evolved yeast cells under conditions that selected for efficient respiration while continuously assaulting the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) with ethidium bromide (EtBr). We found that the ability to maintain functional mtDNA was enhanced in most of the evolved lines when challenged with mtDNA-damaging reagents. We identified mutations of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase NDE1 in most of the evolved lines, but other pathways are also involved. Finally, we show that cells displaying enhanced mtDNA retention also exhibit a prolonged replicative lifespan. Our work reveals potential evolutionary trajectories by which cells can maintain functional mitochondria in response to mtDNA stress, as well as the physiological implications of such adaptations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is in one tandem repeat array on Chromosome XII. Two regions within each repetitive element, called intergenic spacer 1 (IGS1) and IGS2, are important for organizing the rDNA within the nucleolus. The Smc5/6 complex localizes to IGS1 and IGS2. We show that Smc5/6 has a function in the rDNA beyond its role in homologous recombination (HR) at the replication fork barrier (RFB) located in IGS1. Fob1 is required for optimal binding of Smc5/6 at IGS1 whereas the canonical silencing factor Sir2 is required for its optimal binding at IGS2, independently of Fob1. Through interdependent interactions, Smc5/6 stabilizes Sir2 and Cohibin at both IGS and its recovery at IGS2 is important for nucleolar compaction and transcriptional silencing, which in turn supports rDNA stability and lifespan.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human body experiences physiological changes under microgravity environment that phenocopy aging on Earth. These changes include early onset osteoporosis, skeletal muscle atrophy, cardiac dysfunction, and immunosenescence, and such adaptations to the space environment may pose some risk to crewed missions to Mars. To investigate the effect of microgravity on aging, many model organisms have been used such as the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and mice. Herein we report that the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae show decreased replicative lifespan (RLS) under simulated microgravity in a clinostat. The reduction of yeast lifespan is not a result of decreased tolerance to heat shock or oxidative stress and could be overcome either by deletion of FOB1 or calorie restriction, two known interventions that extend yeast RLS. Deletion of the sirtuin gene SIR2 worsens the simulated microgravity effect on RLS, and together with the fob1Δ mutant phenotype, it suggests that simulated microgravity augments the formation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles, which accumulate in yeast during aging. We also show that the chronological lifespan in minimal medium was not changed when cells were grown in the clinostat. Our data suggest that the reduction in longevity due to simulated microgravity is conserved in yeast, worms, and flies, and these findings may have potential implications for future crewed missions in space, as well as the use of microgravity as a model for human aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Senescence, a state of stable growth arrest, plays an important role in ageing and age-related diseases in vivo. Although the INK4/ARF locus is known to be essential for senescence programmes, the key regulators driving p16 and ARF transcription remain largely underexplored. Using siRNA screening for modulators of the p16/pRB and ARF/p53/p21 pathways in deeply senescent human mammary epithelial cells (DS HMECs) and fibroblasts (DS HMFs), we identified EGR2 as a novel regulator of senescence. EGR2 expression is up-regulated during senescence, and its ablation by siRNA in DS HMECs and HMFs transiently reverses the senescent phenotype. We demonstrate that EGR2 activates the ARF and p16 promoters and directly binds to both the ARF and p16 promoters. Loss of EGR2 down-regulates p16 levels and increases the pool of p16- p21- \'reversed\' cells in the population. Moreover, EGR2 overexpression is sufficient to induce senescence. Our data suggest that EGR2 is a direct transcriptional activator of the p16/pRB and ARF/p53/p21 pathways in senescence and a novel marker of senescence.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homeostasis in adult tissues relies on the replication dynamics of stem cells, their progenitors and the spatial balance between them. This spatial and kinetic coordination is crucial to the successful maintenance of tissue size and its replenishment with new cells. However, our understanding of the role of cellular replicative lifespan and spatial correlation between cells in shaping tissue integrity is still lacking. We developed a mathematical model for the stochastic spatial dynamics that underlie the rejuvenation of corneal epithelium. Our model takes into account different spatial correlations between cell replication and cell removal. We derive the tradeoffs between replicative lifespan, spatial correlation length, and tissue rejuvenation dynamics. We determine the conditions that allow homeostasis and are consistent with biological timescales, pattern formation, and mutants phenotypes. Our results can be extended to any cellular system in which spatial homeostasis is maintained through cell replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell aging is the result of deteriorating competence in maintaining cellular homeostasis and quality control. Certain cell types are able to rejuvenate through asymmetric cell division by excluding aging factors, including damaged cellular compartments and extrachromosomal rDNA circles, from entering the daughter cell. Recent findings from the budding yeast S. cerevisiae have shown that gametogenesis represents another type of cellular rejuvenation. Gametes, whether produced by an old or a young mother cell, are granted a renewed replicative lifespan through the formation of a fifth nuclear compartment that sequesters the harmful senescence factors accumulated by the mother. Here, we describe the importance and mechanism of cellular remodeling at the nuclear envelope mediated by ESCRT-III and the LEM-domain proteins, with a focus on nuclear pore biogenesis and chromatin interaction during gamete rejuvenation.





