reciprocal inhibition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Slow and fast movements are controlled by distinct sets of spinal V2a neurons with matching properties and connections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evaluating reciprocal inhibition of the thigh muscles is important to investigate the neural circuits of locomotor behaviors. However, measurements of reciprocal inhibition of thigh muscles using spinal reflex, such as H-reflex, have never been systematically established owing to methodological limitations. The present study aimed to clarify the existence of reciprocal inhibition in the thigh muscles using transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS). Twenty able-bodied male individuals were enrolled. We evoked spinal reflex from the biceps femoris muscle (BF) by tSCS on the lumber posterior root. We examined whether the tSCS-evoked BF reflex was reciprocally inhibited by the following conditionings: (1) single-pulse electrical stimulation on the femoral nerve innervating the rectus femoris muscle (RF) at various inter-stimulus intervals in the resting condition; (2) voluntary contraction of the RF; and (3) vibration stimulus on the RF. The BF reflex was significantly inhibited when the conditioning electrical stimulation was delivered at 10 and 20 ms prior to tSCS, during voluntary contraction of the RF, and during vibration on the RF. These data suggested a piece of evidence of the existence of reciprocal inhibition from the RF to the BF muscle in humans and highlighted the utility of methods for evaluating reciprocal inhibition of the thigh muscles using tSCS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurodevelopmental condition that results from an injury to a developing brain. Children with CP fail to execute precise, well-coordinated movements, and excessive muscular co-contraction or co-activation is a prominent attribute of CP. The normal reciprocal relationship between agonists and antagonists during voluntary movements is altered in patients with CP. H-reflex, which is often regarded as the electrical equivalent of the spinal stretch reflex, can be used to examine the overall reflex arc, including the Ia sensory afferent strength and the spinal motoneuron excitability state. Furthermore, neuromodulatory influence of vibration on H-reflex has been found, which has been increasingly investigated to ascertain its potential use as an intervention in patients with increased spinal reflex excitability. Our goal was to identify the brain mechanism underlying the motor deficits by studying Soleus H-reflex changes during voluntary movement (dorsiflexion) and also to determine the role of vibration in H-reflex modulation in children with spastic CP. Methods Soleus H-reflex was recorded in 12 children with spastic CP (10-16 years) and 15 age-matched controls. Recordings were obtained at rest, during dorsiflexion, and during vibratory stimulation for each subject. H-responses (Hmax amplitudes and Hmax-to-Mmax ratio) were compared among the controls and the cases (CP), for the experiments performed, by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The recruitment curves depicting the distribution of mean H-response amplitudes with stimulus intensity increment, for dorsiflexion and vibration were compared among controls and cases by the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. p-value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results Hmax amplitudes and the Hmax-to-Mmax ratio increased (15 % and 12.2 % increment, respectively) from the resting values in the children with CP (p<0.05), while controls exhibited a decrease (reduction of 62% and 57 %, respectively) during dorsiflexion (p<0.05). Vibratory stimulation produced a decreasing trend in H-response measures in both the groups. There was about 15 % and 16 % reduction respectively among children with CP while that of 24 % and 21 % respectively among the controls. The differences in the recruitment curves (distribution of average H-response amplitudes with stimulation intensity) recorded during dorsiflexion and vibration experiments among controls compared with those with CP were found to be statistically significant by the two-sample KS test (p<0.0001). Conclusion The failure of H-reflex suppression during voluntary antagonist muscle activation suggests the presence of impaired reciprocal inhibition in spastic CP. The relatively modest H-response reduction caused by vibratory stimulation in children with CP provides limited evidence of vibratory regulation of the H-reflex in CP. More research into the mechanisms driving motor abnormalities in children with CP is needed, which could aid in therapy planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Isometric training and pre-activation are proven to enhance acceleration performance. However, traditional strength training exercises do not mirror the acceleration-specific activation patterns of the gluteal muscles, characterized by ipsilateral hip extension during contralateral hip flexion. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine gluteal muscle activity of acceleration-specific exercises compared to traditional strength training exercises.
    METHODS: In a cross-sectional study design, the peak electromyographic activity of two acceleration-specific exercises was investigated and compared to two traditional strength training exercises each for the gluteus maximus and medius. Twenty-four participants from various athletic backgrounds (13 males, 11 females, 26 years, 178 cm, 77 kg) performed four gluteus maximus [half-kneeling glute squeeze (HKGS), resisted knee split (RKS), hip thrust (HT), split squat (SS)] and four gluteus medius [resisted prone hip abduction (RPHA), isometric clam (IC), side-plank with leg abduction (SP), resisted side-stepping (RSS)] exercises in a randomized order.
    RESULTS: The RKS (p = 0.011, d = 0.96) and the HKGS (p = 0.064, d = 0.68) elicited higher peak gluteus maximus activity than the SS with large and moderate effects, respectively. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found between the HT, RKS and HKGS. The RPHA elicited significantly higher gluteus medius activity with a large effect compared to RSS (p < 0.001, d = 1.41) and a moderate effect relative to the SP (p = 0.002, d = 0.78).
    CONCLUSIONS: The acceleration-specific exercises effectively activate the gluteal muscles for pre-activation and strength training purposes and might help improve horizontal acceleration due to their direct coordinative transfer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In early infancy, rats randomly alternate between the sleeping and waking states-from postnatal day 2-10 (P2-P10), sleep and wake bouts are both exponentially distributed with increasing means, while from P10-P21 sleep and wake bout means continue to increase, though there is a striking qualitative shift in the distribution of wake bouts from exponential to power law. The behavioral states of sleep and wakefulness correspond to the activity of sleep-active and wake-active neuronal brainstem populations, with reciprocal inhibition between the two ensuring that only one population is active at a time. The locus coeruleus (LC) forms a third component of this circuit that rises in prominence during the P10-P21 period, as experimental evidence shows that an as-of-yet undeciphered interaction of the LC with sleep-active and wake-active populations is responsible for the transformation of the wake bout distribution from exponential to power law. Interestingly, the LC undergoes remarkable physiological changes during the P10-P21 period-gap junctions within the LC are pruned and network-wide oscillatory synchrony declines and vanishes. In this work, we discuss a series of models of sleep-active, wake-active, and the LC populations, and we use these models to postulate the nature of the interaction between these three populations and how these interactions explain empirical observations of sleep and wake bout dynamics. We hypothesize a circuit in which there is reciprocal excitation between the LC and wake-active population with inhibition from the sleep-active population to the LC that suppresses the LC during sleep bouts. During the P2-P10 period, we argue that a noise-based switching mechanism between the sleep-active and wake-active populations provides a simple and natural way to account for exponential bout distributions, and that the locked oscillatory state of the LC prevents it from impacting bout distributions. From P10-P21, we use our models to postulate that, as the LC gradually shifts from a state of synchronized oscillations to a state of continuous firing, reciprocal excitation between the LC and the wake-active population is able to gradually transform the wake bout distribution from exponential to power law.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the participant\'s attention target during repetitive passive movement (RPM) intervention on reciprocal inhibition (RI) and joint movement function. Twenty healthy adults participated in two experiments involving four attention conditions [control (forward attention with no RPM), forward attention (during RPM), monitor attention (monitor counting task during RPM), ankle joint attention (ankle movement counting task during RPM)] during 10-min RPM interventions on the ankle joint. Counting tasks were included to ensure the participant\'s attention remained on the target during the intervention. In Experiment 1, RI was measured before, immediately after, and 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 min after the RPM intervention. In Experiment 2, we evaluated ankle joint movement function at the same time points before and after RPM intervention. The maximum ankle dorsiflexion movement (from 30° plantar flexion to 10° dorsiflexion) was measured, reflecting RI. In Experiment 1, the RI function reciprocal Ia inhibition was enhanced for 10 min after RPM under all attention conditions (excluding the control condition. D1 inhibition was enhanced for 20 min after RPM in the forward and monitor attention conditions and 30 min after RPM in the ankle joint attention condition. In Experiment 2, the joint movement function decreased under the forward and monitor attention conditions but improved under the ankle joint attention condition. This study is the first to demonstrate that the participant\'s attention target affected the intervention effect of the RI enhancement method, which has implications for improving the intervention effect of rehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching techniques can modulate specific neural mechanisms to improve the range of motion. However, the effects of modulation of these neural pathways on changes in the range of motion with static stretching remain unclear. Patterned electrical stimulation of the sensory nerve induces plastic changes in reciprocal Ia inhibition. The present study examined the effects of patterned electrical stimulation and static stretching on a range of motion and passive torque in plantarflexion muscles. The subjects were 14 young men (age 20.8 ± 1.3 years). The effects of patterned electrical stimulation (10 pulses at 100 Hz every 1.5 s) or uniform electrical stimulation (one pulse every 150 ms) to the common peroneal nerve for 20 min on reciprocal Ia inhibition of the Hoffman reflex (H-reflex) were examined. Reciprocal Ia inhibition was evaluated as short-latency suppression of the soleus H-reflex by conditioning stimulation of the common peroneal nerve. Then, the effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (patterned electrical stimulation or uniform electrical stimulation) or prolonged resting (without electrical stimulation) and static 3-min stretching on the maximal dorsiflexion angle and passive torque were investigated. The passive ankle dorsiflexion test was performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. Stretch tolerance and stiffness of the muscle-tendon unit were evaluated by the peak and slope of passive torques, respectively. Patterned electrical stimulation significantly increased reciprocal Ia inhibition of soleus H-reflex amplitude (9.7 ± 6.1%), but uniform electrical stimulation decreased it significantly (19.5 ± 8.8%). The maximal dorsiflexion angle was significantly changed by patterned electrical stimulation (4.0 ± 1.4°), uniform electrical stimulation (3.8 ± 2.3°), and stretching without electrical stimulation (2.1 ± 3.3°). The increase in stretch tolerance was significantly greater after patterned electrical stimulation and uniform electrical stimulation than after stretching without electrical stimulation. Stiffness of the muscle-tendon unit was significantly decreased by patterned electrical stimulation, uniform electrical stimulation, and stretching without electrical stimulation. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and static stretching improve stretch tolerance regardless of the degree of reciprocal Ia inhibition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of reciprocal inhibition for posterior shoulder tightness (PST), internal rotation at 90° abduction (ABIR) limitation, and subacromial impingement in elementary and junior high school baseball players.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study included 290 elementary school and junior high school baseball players who were members of an organized baseball team and attended a medical checkup in 2014. Seventeen participants were excluded because they were left-handed. We applied a sit-up exercise as a tool of reciprocal inhibition to all participants. Before and after the sit-up exercise, we evaluated the shoulder range of motion (ROM) in external rotation at 90° abduction (ABER), ABIR, and horizontal flexion (HF) in both shoulders and the prevalence of subacromial impingement in the dominant shoulder. We defined PST as a ≧15°decrease in the HF angle of the dominant shoulder in comparison to the nondominant shoulder before the sit-up exercise and divided participants into two groups (the PST group and the non-PST groups). An independent t-test was performed to compare the shoulder ROM, and a chi-squared test was performed to compare the prevalence of subacromial impingement between the two groups. A dependent t-test was performed to compare intragroup changes in the shoulder ROM. The McNemar test was performed to compare intragroup changes in the prevalence of subacromial impingement.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifty-six of 273 participants had PST in the initial examination. The initial examination revealed that the ROM of ABIR and HF in the dominant shoulder were significantly lower in the PST group than those in the non-PST group, whereas the ROM of ABER and total arc were significantly higher in the PST group. The prevalence of subacromial impingement in the PST group was significantly higher than that in the non-PST group. The sit-up exercise improved ABER, ABIR, total arc, HF, and the prevalence of subacromial impingement in both groups. However, the amount of ROM change did not differ between the two groups for any parameter with the exception of HF.
    UNASSIGNED: The presence of PST affects the prevalence of subacromial impingement but was not related to the loss of ABIR or the prevalence of pathological glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. The sit-up exercise, as reciprocal inhibition, can transiently improve the prevalence of subacromial impingement via the improvement of PST.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coordination of behavior for cooperative performances often relies on linkages mediated by sensory cues exchanged between participants. How neurophysiological responses to sensory information affect motor programs to coordinate behavior between individuals is not known. We investigated how plain-tailed wrens (Pheugopedius euophrys) use acoustic feedback to coordinate extraordinary duet performances in which females and males rapidly take turns singing. We made simultaneous neurophysiological recordings in a song control area \"HVC\" in pairs of singing wrens at a field site in Ecuador. HVC is a premotor area that integrates auditory feedback and is necessary for song production. We found that spiking activity of HVC neurons in each sex increased for production of its own syllables. In contrast, hearing sensory feedback produced by the bird\'s partner decreased HVC activity during duet singing, potentially coordinating HVC premotor activity in each bird through inhibition. When birds sang alone, HVC neurons in females but not males were inhibited by hearing the partner bird. When birds were anesthetized with urethane, which antagonizes GABAergic (γ-aminobutyric acid) transmission, HVC neurons were excited rather than inhibited, suggesting a role for GABA in the coordination of duet singing. These data suggest that HVC integrates information across partners during duets and that rapid turn taking may be mediated, in part, by inhibition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have previously established that PV+ neurons and Npas1+ neurons are distinct neuron classes in the external globus pallidus (GPe): they have different topographical, electrophysiological, circuit, and functional properties. Aside from Foxp2+ neurons, which are a unique subclass within the Npas1+ class, we lack driver lines that effectively capture other GPe neuron subclasses. In this study, we examined the utility of Kcng4-Cre, Npr3-Cre, and Npy2r-Cre mouse lines (both males and females) for the delineation of GPe neuron subtypes. By using these novel driver lines, we have provided the most exhaustive investigation of electrophysiological studies of GPe neuron subtypes to date. Corroborating our prior studies, GPe neurons can be divided into two statistically distinct clusters that map onto PV+ and Npas1+ classes. By combining optogenetics and machine learning-based tracking, we showed that optogenetic perturbation of GPe neuron subtypes generated unique behavioral structures. Our findings further highlighted the dissociable roles of GPe neurons in regulating movement and anxiety-like behavior. We concluded that Npr3+ neurons and Kcng4+ neurons are distinct subclasses of Npas1+ neurons and PV+ neurons, respectively. Finally, by examining local collateral connectivity, we inferred the circuit mechanisms involved in the motor patterns observed with optogenetic perturbations. In summary, by identifying mouse lines that allow for manipulations of GPe neuron subtypes, we created new opportunities for interrogations of cellular and circuit substrates that can be important for motor function and dysfunction.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Within the basal ganglia, the external globus pallidus (GPe) has long been recognized for its involvement in motor control. However, we lacked an understanding of precisely how movement is controlled at the GPe level as a result of its cellular complexity. In this study, by using transgenic and cell-specific approaches, we showed that genetically-defined GPe neuron subtypes have distinct roles in regulating motor patterns. In addition, the in vivo contributions of these neuron subtypes are in part shaped by the local, inhibitory connections within the GPe. In sum, we have established the foundation for future investigations of motor function and disease pathophysiology.





