protein biophysics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic cells have developed intricate mechanisms for biomolecule transport, particularly in stressful conditions. This interdisciplinary study delves into unconventional protein secretion (UPS) pathways activated during starvation, facilitating the export of proteins bypassing most of the components of the classical secretory machinery. Specifically, we focus on the underexplored mechanisms of the GRASP\'s role in UPS, particularly in biogenesis and cargo recruitment for the vesicular-like compartment for UPS. Our results show that liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) plays a key role in the coacervation of Grh1, the GRASP yeast homologue, under starvation-like conditions. This association seems a precursor to the Compartment for Unconventional Protein Secretion (CUPS) biogenesis. Grh1\'s self-association is regulated by electrostatic, hydrophobic, and hydrogen-bonding interactions. Importantly, our study demonstrates that phase-separated states of Grh1 can recruit UPS cargo under starvation-like situations. Additionally, we explore how the coacervate liquid-to-solid transition could impact cells\' ability to return to normal post-stress states. Our findings offer insights into intracellular protein dynamics and cell adaptive responses to stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last two decades, our existing notion that most foldable proteins have a unique native state has been challenged by the discovery of metamorphic proteins, which reversibly interconvert between multiple, sometimes highly dissimilar, native states. As the number of known metamorphic proteins increases, several computational and experimental strategies have emerged for gaining insights about their refolding processes and identifying unknown metamorphic proteins amongst the known proteome. In this review, we describe the current advances in biophysically and functionally ascertaining the structural interconversions of metamorphic proteins and how coevolution can be harnessed to identify novel metamorphic proteins from sequence information. We also discuss the challenges and ongoing efforts in using artificial intelligence-based protein structure prediction methods to discover metamorphic proteins and predict their corresponding three-dimensional structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological systems can gain complexity over time. While some of these transitions are likely driven by natural selection, the extent to which they occur without providing an adaptive benefit is unknown. At the molecular level, one example is heteromeric complexes replacing homomeric ones following gene duplication. Here, we build a biophysical model and simulate the evolution of homodimers and heterodimers following gene duplication using distributions of mutational effects inferred from available protein structures. We keep the specific activity of each dimer identical, so their concentrations drift neutrally without new functions. We show that for more than 60% of tested dimer structures, the relative concentration of the heteromer increases over time due to mutational biases that favor the heterodimer. However, allowing mutational effects on synthesis rates and differences in the specific activity of homo- and heterodimers can limit or reverse the observed bias toward heterodimers. Our results show that the accumulation of more complex protein quaternary structures is likely under neutral evolution, and that natural selection would be needed to reverse this tendency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracellular phase separation of proteins into biomolecular condensates is increasingly recognized as a process with a key role in cellular compartmentalization and regulation. Different hypotheses about the parameters that determine the tendency of proteins to form condensates have been proposed, with some of them probed experimentally through the use of constructs generated by sequence alterations. To broaden the scope of these observations, we established an in silico strategy for understanding on a global level the associations between protein sequence and phase behavior and further constructed machine-learning models for predicting protein liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). Our analysis highlighted that LLPS-prone proteins are more disordered, less hydrophobic, and of lower Shannon entropy than sequences in the Protein Data Bank or the Swiss-Prot database and that they show a fine balance in their relative content of polar and hydrophobic residues. To further learn in a hypothesis-free manner the sequence features underpinning LLPS, we trained a neural network-based language model and found that a classifier constructed on such embeddings learned the underlying principles of phase behavior at a comparable accuracy to a classifier that used knowledge-based features. By combining knowledge-based features with unsupervised embeddings, we generated an integrated model that distinguished LLPS-prone sequences both from structured proteins and from unstructured proteins with a lower LLPS propensity and further identified such sequences from the human proteome at a high accuracy. These results provide a platform rooted in molecular principles for understanding protein phase behavior. The predictor, termed DeePhase, is accessible from






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    S100 proteins assume a diversity of oligomeric states including large order self-assemblies, with an impact on protein structure and function. Previous work has uncovered that S100 proteins, including S100B, are prone to undergo β-aggregation under destabilizing conditions. This propensity is encoded in aggregation-prone regions (APR) mainly located in segments at the homodimer interface, and which are therefore mostly shielded from the solvent and from deleterious interactions, under native conditions. As in other systems, this characteristic may be used to develop peptides with pharmacological potential that selectively induce the aggregation of S100B through homotypic interactions with its APRs, resulting in functional inhibition through a loss of function. Here we report initial studies towards this goal. We applied the TANGO algorithm to identify specific APR segments in S100B helix IV and used this information to design and synthesize S100B-derived APR peptides. We then combined fluorescence spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, biolayer interferometry, and aggregation kinetics and determined that the synthetic peptides have strong aggregation propensity, interact with S100B, and may promote co-aggregation reactions. In this framework, we discuss the considerable potential of such APR-derived peptides to act pharmacologically over S100B in numerous physiological and pathological conditions, for instance as modifiers of the S100B interactome or as promoters of S100B inactivation by selective aggregation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to preserve structure and function, proteins tend to preferentially conserve amino acids at particular sites along the sequence. Because mutations can affect structure and function, the question arises whether the preference of a protein site for a particular amino acid varies between protein homologs, and to what extent that variation depends on sequence divergence. Answering these questions can help in the development of models of sequence evolution, as well as provide insights on the dependence of the fitness effects of mutations on the genetic background of sequences, a phenomenon known as epistasis. Here, I comment on recent computational work providing a systematic analysis of the extent to which the amino acid preferences of proteins depend on the background mutations of protein homologs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microfluidics has the potential to transform experimental approaches across the life sciences. In this review, we discuss recent advances enabled by the development and application of microfluidic approaches to protein biophysics. We focus on areas where key fundamental features of microfluidics open up new possibilities and present advantages beyond low volumes and short time-scale analysis, conventionally provided by microfluidics. We discuss the two most commonly used forms of microfluidic technology, single-phase laminar flow and multiphase microfluidics. We explore how the understanding and control of the characteristic physical features of the microfluidic regime, the integration of microfluidics with orthogonal systems and the generation of well-defined microenvironments can be used to develop novel devices and methods in protein biophysics for sample manipulation, functional and structural studies, detection and material processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    What happens inside an enzyme\'s active site to allow slow and difficult chemical reactions to occur so rapidly? This question has occupied biochemists\' attention for a long time. Computer models of increasing sophistication have predicted an important role for electrostatic interactions in enzymatic reactions, yet this hypothesis has proved vexingly difficult to test experimentally. Recent experiments utilizing the vibrational Stark effect make it possible to measure the electric field a substrate molecule experiences when bound inside its enzyme\'s active site. These experiments have provided compelling evidence supporting a major electrostatic contribution to enzymatic catalysis. Here, we review these results and develop a simple model for electrostatic catalysis that enables us to incorporate disparate concepts introduced by many investigators to describe how enzymes work into a more unified framework stressing the importance of electric fields at the active site.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Protein variability can now be studied by measuring high-resolution tolerance-to-substitution maps and fitness landscapes in saturated mutational libraries. But these rich and expensive datasets are typically interpreted coarsely, restricting detailed analyses to positions of extremely high or low variability or dubbed important beforehand based on existing knowledge about active sites, interaction surfaces, (de)stabilizing mutations, etc.
    RESULTS: Our new webserver PsychoProt (freely available without registration at or at ) helps to detect, quantify, and sequence/structure map the biophysical and biochemical traits that shape amino acid preferences throughout a protein as determined by deep-sequencing of saturated mutational libraries or from large alignments of naturally occurring variants.
    CONCLUSIONS: We exemplify how PsychoProt helps to (i) unveil protein structure-function relationships from experiments and from alignments that are consistent with structures according to coevolution analysis, (ii) recall global information about structural and functional features and identify hitherto unknown constraints to variation in alignments, and (iii) point at different sources of variation among related experimental datasets or between experimental and alignment-based data. Remarkably, metabolic costs of the amino acids pose strong constraints to variability at protein surfaces in nature but not in the laboratory. This and other differences call for caution when extrapolating results from in vitro experiments to natural scenarios in, for example, studies of protein evolution.
    CONCLUSIONS: We show through examples how PsychoProt can be a useful tool for the broad communities of structural biology and molecular evolution, particularly for studies about protein modeling, evolution and design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular imaging holds considerable promise for elucidating biological processes in normal physiology as well as disease states, but requires noninvasive methods for identifying analytes at sub-micromolar concentrations. Particularly useful are genetically encoded, single-protein reporters that harness the power of molecular biology to visualize specific molecular processes, but such reporters have been conspicuously lacking for in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Herein, we report TEM-1 β-lactamase (bla) as a single-protein reporter for hyperpolarized (HP) (129) Xe NMR, with significant saturation contrast at 0.1 μm. Xenon chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) interactions with the primary allosteric site in bla give rise to a unique saturation peak at 255 ppm, well removed (≈60 ppm downfield) from the (129) Xe-H2 O peak. Useful saturation contrast was also observed for bla expressed in bacterial cells and mammalian cells.





