prolonged grief

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) has been added to the ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR. The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) assesses self-rated PGD intensity as defined in ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR. The TGI-SR + is available in multiple languages, but has not been validated yet in Norwegian.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Norwegian TGI-SR + .Method: Bereaved adults (N = 307) whose child or sibling died ≥6 months ago due to a sudden or violent loss completed the TGI-SR + and measures for posttraumatic stress, depression, and precursor PGD symptoms. We examined the factor structure and internal consistency of the ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR PGD items. Convergent validity and known-groups validity was evaluated. Probable PGD cases, pair-wise agreement between diagnostic scoring rules for both PGD criteria-sets, and cut-off scores were calculated.Results: The 1-factor model for ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR PGD showed the best fit and demonstrated good internal consistency. Convergent validity was supported by strong associations between summed ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR PGD scores and summed posttraumatic stress, depression, and precursor prolonged grief scores. Known-groups validity was supported by PGD intensity being related to educational level and time since loss. The perfect pair-wise agreement was reached using the ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR PGD diagnostic scoring rules. The optimal cut-off score for detecting probable PGD cases, when summing all TGI-SR + items, was ≥73.Conclusions: The Norwegian TGI-SR + seems a valid and reliable instrument to assess ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR PGD intensity after losing a child or sibling under traumatic circumstances.
    The TGI-SR + is a self-report instrument assessing ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR prolonged grief disorder intensity.The Norwegian TGI-SR + seems to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess prolonged grief disorder intensity.Optimal cut-off for detecting probable prolonged grief disorder cases is ≥73 in this traumatically bereaved sample of parents and siblings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Research on bereavement after terrorism is limited and primarily aiming on short-term consequences.Objective: To better understand the long-term health consequences of terrorism, we studied bereaved parents and siblings eight years after the Utøya terrorist attack in Norway. We examined the participants\' symptom levels of prolonged grief (PG) and post-traumatic stress (PTS), as well as their psychosocial functioning and employment status.Method: Bereaved parents (n = 88) and siblings (n = 34) aged 19 and above (mean age  = 49.7 years, SD = 13.8 years, 59.8% female) completed the Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG), the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), and the Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) to assess PG, PTS, and functional impairment, respectively. In addition, information about employment status was obtained. The proportion of participants scoring above recommended thresholds on the ICG, IES-R, and WSAS was calculated. Differences between parents and siblings and gender differences on these measures were examined.Results: In total, 62.3% of the participants had scores on the ICG indicating a risk for prolonged grief, while 45.9% scored over cutoff on the IES. There was a high overlap between symptoms of PG and PTS. Females had significantly higher scores on both the ICG and the IES compared to males. There were no differences between parents and siblings regarding PG and PTS symptoms. One out of three showed severe functional impairment on the WSAS. Approximately 30% of all the bereaved were outside the labour force, and one third of the parents had become unable to work after the terrorist attack.Conclusion: Many bereaved parents and siblings, following the Utøya terror attack, report long-lasting health consequences with symptoms of PG and PTS and functional impairment. The results suggest a need for follow up of bereaved after a terror attack and identify family members in need of health services.
    Eight years after the Utøya terrorist attack bereaved parents and siblings still report high levels of prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress symptoms.There were no differences between parents and siblings regarding prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress symptoms.Many bereaved are still suffering functional impairments. Post-traumatic stress symptoms are found to be an important predictor for functional impairments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Working alliance is a prominent non-specific factor for treatment outcomes in face-to-face and internet-based interventions. The association between working alliance and therapy outcome appears to be time- and disorder-specific, but less is known about the change of working alliance during the intervention and the impact of working alliance in grief-specific interventions. The present study examines the association between the change of working alliance and treatment outcomes in an internet-based intervention for parents who experienced pregnancy loss.
    METHODS: 228 participants received a grief intervention based on cognitive behavioral therapy with asynchronous text-based therapist feedback. Prolonged grief and related symptoms of traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and general psychopathology were assessed with validated instruments before and after the intervention. The change of working alliance was assessed using the short version of the Working Alliance Inventory at mid-treatment (session 4) and the end of the treatment (session 10).
    RESULTS: Data for N = 146 persons was analyzed. Working alliance in total and all subscales increased significantly from sessions 4 to 10. This change in working alliance correlated significantly with a reduction in prolonged grief. Changes in subscales of working alliance also correlated with symptoms of depression and general psychopathology. Regression analysis showed that a change in working alliance predicted a reduction in prolonged grief but did not predict improvements in other grief-related symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results examine the change of working alliance during an internet-based intervention and the association with treatment outcome. A small impact of change in working alliance on treatment outcome of prolonged grief was confirmed, but not on related symptoms. Further research is needed to assess moderators of the alliance-outcome association to improve internet-based interventions.
    BACKGROUND: Not applicable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prolonged Grief Disorder occurs within 7-10% of the bereaved population and is a more complicated and persistent form of grief which has been associated with suicidality, mental health disorders, sleep disturbance, poor health behaviors, and work and social impairment. EMDR is a fitting treatment option for those with Prolonged Grief, focusing on processing past memories, blocks, current triggers, future fears, and preparing the person for living life beyond the loss in line with the Adaptive Information Processing Model and grief frameworks. This paper discusses the theory, research regarding the application of EMDR with prolonged grief, and gives insight and guidance to clinicians working in this area including a case example.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    Background: In China, mental health services do not currently meet the needs of bereaved people with symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD). Internet-based grief interventions may help fill this gap, but such programmes have not yet been developed or evaluated in China. The proposed study aims to investigate the effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of an online self-help intervention programme named Healing Grief for bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief, and to explore the psychological mechanisms of potential improvements.Methods: We designed a two-arm randomised controlled trial. At least 128 participants will be randomly assigned to either an Internet-based intervention group or a waitlist-control group. The Internet-based intervention will be developed based on the dual process model, integrating techniques of psychoeducation, behavioural activation, cognitive reappraisal, and meaning reconstruction, and will be delivered via expressive writing. The intervention comprises six modules, with two sessions in each module, and requires participants to complete two sessions per week and complete the intervention in 6 weeks. The primary outcomes include effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility. The effectiveness will be assessed by measures of prolonged grief, posttraumatic stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Acceptability and feasibility will be evaluated using survey and interview on user experience characteristics. Secondary outcomes include moderators and mediators, such as dual process coping, grief rumination, mindfulness, and continuing bond, to explore the psychological mechanisms of potential improvement. Assessments will take place at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and 3-month follow-up.Conclusion: The proposed study will determine the effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of the newly developed online self-help intervention for bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief and clarify how the intervention helps with symptom improvements. Such an intervention may play an important role in easing the imbalance between the delivery and receipt of bereavement psychological services in China.
    In China, mental health services are not widely available for bereaved people.The proposed study will be the first one to develop and evaluate an Internet-based self-help grief intervention for bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief.The proposed study will determine whether and how the intervention helps to improve the mental health of bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The enduring question of whether grief can ever be pathological (and, if so, when) has been shrouding mental health and psychiatric care over the last few years. While this discussion extends beyond the confines of psychiatry to encompass contributions from diverse disciplines such as Anthropology, Sociology, and Philosophy, scrutiny has been mainly directed toward psychiatry for its purported inclination to pathologize grief-an unavoidable facet of the human experience. This critique has gained particular salience considering the formal inclusion of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) and the subsequent Text Revision 5th Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR). This study contends that the inclusion of prolonged grief disorder as a diagnostic entity may be excessively rooted in Western cultural perspectives and empirical data, neglecting the nuanced variations in the expression and interpretation of grief across different cultural contexts. The formalization of this disorder not only raises questions about its universality and validity but also poses challenges to transcultural psychiatry, due to poor representation in empirical research and increased risk of misdiagnosis. Additionally, it exacerbates the ongoing concerns related to normativism and the lack of genuine cultural relativism within the DSM. Furthermore, the passionate discussion surrounding the existence, or not, of disordered forms of grief may actually impede effective care for individuals genuinely grappling with pathological forms of grief. In light of these considerations, this study proposes that prolonged grief disorder should be approached as a diagnostic category with potential Western cultural bias until comprehensive cross-cultural studies, conducted in diverse settings, can either substantiate or refute its broader applicability. This recalibration is imperative for advancing a more inclusive and culturally sensitive understanding of grief within the field of psychiatry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mobile health (mHealth) apps have been shown to be useful to monitor and reduce mental health problems across a variety of stress-related and affective disorders, yet research on the value of apps for prolonged grief is scarce. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to elucidate bereaved parents\' experiences of using the self-help app My Grief with a focus on helpfulness, satisfaction, and usability. Data were derived from closed-ended and open-ended questions administered at the 3-month post-assessment of the intervention group (n = 67) within a randomized controlled trial testing the effects of access to the My Grief app. The sample consisted of 88 % women, with a mean age of 47 years, who predominantly lost their child to cancer (41 %), on average 4.8 years ago. Participating parents indicated that the My Grief app helped them increase their knowledge about prolonged grief and track their grief over time. The app was experienced as easy to navigate and around half of the parents used the app more than one day a week. Almost all parents were satisfied with the app and would recommend it to other parents in similar situations. The findings add to the knowledge base justifying mHealth within support systems for bereaved adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Participating in a criminal trial may increase the likelihood of developing psychopathology. In 2021, people bereaved by a plane disaster (flight MH17) had the opportunity to deliver a victim personal statement (VPS) in Dutch court.Objective: This longitudinal mixed-method study examined different aspects of 84 bereaved people\'s experiences with VPS delivery.Method: Motivations to deliver, or not deliver, an oral VPS were examined qualitatively using thematic content analysis. Whether background and loss-related variables were related to the decision to deliver a VPS was examined using binary logistic regression analyses. Between-group (delivered VPS vs. did not) and within-group (pre- vs. post-VPS) comparisons were made regarding prolonged grief disorder (PGD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression levels using t-tests and paired t-tests.Results: Bereaved people were most frequently motivated to deliver an oral VPS to describe the impact of the incident, while those who did not deliver an oral VPS commonly wanted to protect themselves from the perceived emotional burden. None of the correlates - i.e. biological sex, age, level of education, number of losses, and (closest) relationship to the deceased - were related to the decision to deliver a VPS. Lastly, significantly higher PGD, PTSD, and depression levels were reported by people who delivered a VPS than those who did not, before and after the court hearing. No significant within-group differences were found over time.Conclusions: Professionals may provide emotional support to bereaved people who want to deliver a VPS and manage their expectations if they want to deliver a VPS for the purpose of symptom reduction. Future research may benefit from examining other ways in which VPS delivery might have beneficial or detrimental effects for specific individuals. Overall, implementing VPS delivery in court on the basis of emotional restoration remains empirically unsupported, if defined as a reduction in psychopathological levels.
    We are the first to examine if statement delivery changes grief-related distress.Statement delivery did not significantly change grief-related distress.Defining emotional restoration as a decrease in psychopathology remains unsupported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Levels of prolonged grief symptoms (PGS) and post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) can be high, many years following bereavement after terror, but knowledge concerning somatic health is scarce. Terrorism is a serious public health challenge, and increased knowledge about long-term somatic symptoms and insomnia is essential for establishing follow-up interventions after terrorism bereavement.Objective: To study the prevalence of somatic symptoms and insomnia and their association with PGS, PTSS, and functional impairment among terrorism-bereaved parents and siblings.Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative study included 122 bereaved individuals from the Utøya terror attack in Norway in 2011. The sample comprised 88 parents and 34 siblings aged 19 years and above (Mage = 49.7 years, SDage = 13.8 years, 59.8% females). The participants completed questionnaires 8 years after the attack assessing somatic symptoms (Children\'s Somatic Symptoms Inventory) and insomnia (Bergen Insomnia Scale) along with measures of PGS (Inventory of Complicated Grief), PTSS (Impact of Event Scale-Revised), and functional impairment (Work and Social Adjustment Scale).Results: Fatigue was the most frequently reported somatic symptom (88% of females and 65% of males). Females reported statistically significantly more somatic symptoms than males. In total, 68% of the bereaved individuals scored above the cut-off for insomnia. There were no statistically significant gender differences for insomnia. Female gender, intrusion, and arousal were associated with somatic symptoms. Intrusion and somatic symptoms were associated with insomnia. Somatic symptoms, avoidance, and hyperarousal were associated with functional impairment.Conclusion: Many bereaved parents and siblings report somatic symptoms and insomnia eight years after the terror attack. Somatic symptoms are associated with functional impairment. Long-term follow-up and support after traumatic bereavement should focus on somatic symptoms and insomnia.
    Many bereaved individuals, especially females, reported insomnia and somatic symptoms, including fatigue, pain, and other related symptoms.Somatic symptoms, avoidance, and hyperarousal were identified as being associated with functional impairment among the bereaved.Post-traumatic stress symptoms played a more significant role than prolonged grief symptoms in explaining the reduced physical health experienced by the bereaved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of prolonged grief (PG) during the COVID-19 pandemic and to analyze associated variables. 142 family members of patients who died during the lockdown at a hospital were surveyed 6 months after the death. Prolonged grief, depression and anxiety, grief rumination, and loss-related variables were captured. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to detect the associated variables of PG symptoms. Prolonged grief was present in 44.4% of the bereaved. 76.2% of the relatives reported feeling distressed due to visitor restrictions, and the majority of them were unable to bid farewell to their family member at the time of death. Pastoral or psychological care was also lacking. Low education (p < 0.001), emotional closeness (p = 0.007), loss of a spouse (p < 0.001), inability to bid farewell after death (p = 0.024), feeling of threat due to the pandemic (p < 0.001), depression (p = 0.014), and anxiety (p = 0.028) were significantly associated with prolonged grief.





