
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \'landscape of fear\' concept offers valuable insights into wildlife behaviour, yet its practical integration into habitat management for conservation remains underexplored. In this study, conducted in the subtropical monsoon grasslands of Bardia National Park, Nepal, we aimed to bridge this gap through a multi-year, landscape-scale experimental investigation in Bardia National Park, Nepal. The park has the highest density of tigers (with an estimated density of ~7 individuals per 100 km2) in Nepal, allowing us to understand the effect of habitat management on predation risk and resource availability especially for three cervid species: chital (Axis axis), swamp deer (Rucervus duvaucelii) and hog deer (Axis porcinus). We used plots with varying mowing frequency (0-4 times per year), size (ranging from small: 49 m2 to large: 3600 m2) and artificial fertilisation type (none, phosphorus, nitrogen) to assess the trade-offs between probable predation risk and resources for these cervid species, which constitute primary prey for tigers in Nepal. Our results showed distinct responses of these deer to perceived predation risk within grassland habitats. Notably, these deer exhibited heightened use of larger plots, indicative of a perceived sense of safety, as evidenced by the higher occurrence of pellet groups in the larger plots (mean = 0.1 pellet groups m-2 in 3600 m2 plots vs. 0.07 in 400 m2 and 0.05 in 49 m2 plots). Furthermore, the level of use by the deer was significantly higher in larger plots that received mowing and fertilisation treatments compared to smaller plots subjected to similar treatments. Of particular interest is the observation that chital and swamp deer exhibited greater utilisation of the centre (core) areas within the larger plots (mean = 0.21 pellet groups m-2 at the centre vs. 0.13 at the edge) despite the edge (periphery) also provided attractive resources to these deer. In contrast, hog deer did not display any discernible reaction to the experimental treatments, suggesting potential species-specific variations in response to perceived predation risk arising from management interventions. Our findings emphasise the importance of a sense of security as a primary determinant of habitat selection for medium-sized deer within managed grassland environments. These insights carry practical implications for park managers, providing a nuanced understanding of integrating the \'landscape of fear\' into habitat management strategies. This study emphasises that the \'landscape of fear\' concept can and should be integrated into habitat management to maintain delicate predator-prey dynamics within ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the protein quality of small mammalian prey and its body organs by analyzing amino acid (AA) composition and digestibility of wild adult rats and their body organs (skin/fur, bone, muscle, intestine, liver, kidney, spleen, brain, heart, and lung) utilizing an in vitro digestion method. The average dry matter (DM) digestibility of whole rats was 89.9%. The digestibility of total AA (TAA), total indispensable AA (TIAA), and total dispensable AA (TDAA) in whole rats was 85.6, 87.0, and 87.6%, respectively. Differences in DM digestibility were observed among rat organs, ranging from 59.0% in bone to 99.8% in muscle (P < 0.001). Highly digestible organs generally exhibited AA digestibility exceeding 90%, except for cysteine (Cys) in the intestine and kidney (83.8% and 88.9%, respectively). The digestibility of AAs in skin/fur ranged from 19.7% for Cys to 81.0% for glycine (Gly). In bone, the digestibility spanned from 56.9% for Gly to 81.1% for tyrosine (Tyr). Additionally, examining the digestible indispensable AA score (DIAAS) gives us an idea of the protein quality of small mammalian prey and their body organs. Our results complement information on AA supply and digestion during prey ingestion by felids.
    As obligate carnivores, free-ranging felids consume prey and rely on nutrients from animal organs. Studies in adult carnivores such as domestic cats have demonstrated the importance of the dietary amino acid profile. Therefore, this research used rats as a small prey model to analyze the amino acid composition and digestibility of whole prey and its body organs through in vitro digestion methods. Our results add information on amino acid supply and digestion during natural food intake in felids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Assessing the historical dynamics of key food web components is crucial to understand how climate change impacts the structure of Arctic marine ecosystems. Most retrospective stable isotopic studies to date assessed potential ecosystem shifts in the Arctic using vertebrate top predators and filter-feeding invertebrates as proxies. However, due to long life histories and specific ecologies, ecosystem shifts are not always detectable when using these taxa. Moreover, there are currently no retrospective stable isotopic studies on various other ecological and taxonomic groups of Arctic biota. To test whether climate-driven shifts in marine ecosystems are reflected in the ecology of short-living mesopredators, ontogenetic changes in stable isotope signatures in chitinous hard body structures were analysed in two abundant squids (Gonatus fabricii and Todarodes sagittatus) from the low latitude Arctic and adjacent waters, collected between 1844 and 2023.
    RESULTS: We detected a temporal increase in diet and habitat-use generalism (= opportunistic choice rather than specialization), trophic position and niche width in G. fabricii from the low latitude Arctic waters. These shifts in trophic ecology matched with the Atlantification of the Arctic ecosystems, which includes increased generalization of food webs and higher primary production, and the influx of boreal species from the North Atlantic as a result of climate change. The Atlantification is especially marked since the late 1990s/early 2000s. The temporal patterns we found in G. fabricii\'s trophic ecology were largely unreported in previous Arctic retrospective isotopic ecology studies. Accordingly, T. sagittatus that occur nowadays in the high latitude North Atlantic have a more generalist diet than in the XIXth century.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that abundant opportunistic mesopredators with short life cycles (such as squids) are good candidates for retrospective ecology studies in the marine ecosystems, and to identify ecosystem shifts driven by climate change. Enhanced generalization of Arctic food webs is reflected in increased diet generalism and niche width in squids, while increased abundance of boreal piscivorous fishes is reflected in squids\' increased trophic position. These findings support opportunism and adaptability in squids, which renders them as potential winners of short-term shifts in Arctic ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou (Brevoort 1856), a commercially important fish species endemic to the North Pacific Ocean, attained national second-level protected animal status in China in 2021. Despite this recognition, knowledge about the trophic ecology of this fish remains limited. This study investigated the diet diversity of fluviatile Masu salmon in the Mijiang River, China, utilizing the gastrointestinal tract environmental DNA (GITeDNA) metabarcoding and morphological identification. The results revealed a diverse prey composition, ranging from terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates to small fishes. The fluviatile Masu salmon in general consumed noteworthily more aquatic prey than terrestrial prey. There were much more prey taxa and a higher diet diversity detected by GITeDNA metabarcoding than by morphological identification. GITeDNA metabarcoding showed that larger and older Masu salmon consumed significantly more terrestrial insects than aquatic prey species did, with 7366 verses 5012 sequences in the group of ≥20 cm, 9098 verses 4743 sequences in the group of ≥100 g and 11,540 verses 729 sequences in the group of age 3+. GITeDNA metabarcoding also showed size- and age-related diet diversity, indicating that the dietary niche breadth and trophic diversity of larger and older Masu salmon increased with food resources expanding to more terrestrial prey. Terrestrial invertebrates of riparian habitats play a vital role in the diet of fluviatile Masu salmon, especially larger individuals, highlighting their importance in connecting aquatic and terrestrial food webs. Conservation plans should prioritize the protection and restoration of riparian habitats. This study advocates the combined use of GITeDNA metabarcoding and morphological observation for a comprehensive understanding of fish diet diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Killer whales are apex predators with temporally and spatially varying distributions throughout the world\'s oceans. Their ecology and behaviour are poorly understood in most regions due to limited research, often because of logistical challenges. Here, we used a passive acoustic monitoring device to investigate the seasonal acoustic occurrence and diel vocalizing behaviour of killer whales around the remote sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands (PEIs), Southern Ocean. Killer whales showed diel vocalizing patterns that varied seasonally in relation to their prey abundance and social activities. Killer whale calls were intermittently detected year-round with a high number of hours containing calls in October to December, and a secondary peak in February to May, corresponding to seal prey abundance. Random forest modelling identified wind speed as the primary predictor of the occurrence of killer whale calls (with a negative correlation) while sea surface height, chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature were moderately important. We provide the first acoustic evidence that killer whale occurrence around the PEIs might coincide with variability in environmental conditions and prey abundance. Our results provide the first indication of diel vocalizing pattern of killer whales in the Southern Ocean. This knowledge is important for understanding killer whale ecology and adaptation to the changing oceans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European conger, Conger conger, is a benthic marine fish species with a geographical distribution extending through the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Despite being extensively distributed and widely appreciated by Spanish consumers, studies regarding parasite presence in this fish are scarce. In the present work, a hundred and eight specimens from the Mediterranean coast of northeastern Spain (Catalan waters) were surveyed for the presence of nematode parasites. Several species were morphologically identified: third-stage larvae of Anisakis type I (sensu Berland, 1961) (n = 131), third-stage larvae of Anisakis type II (sensu Berland, 1961) (n = 18), third- and fourth-stage larvae and adults of Hysterothylacium spp. (n = 48), adults of Cucullanus sp. (n = 391), and adults of Cristitectus congeri (n = 69). Moreover, some fish and decapode species were also observed as part of the host\'s diet, with the most detected preys being Micromesistius poutassou, Sardina pilchardus, Macropipus sp., and Goneplax rhomboides. This represents the first survey of nematode parasites infecting C. conger from the northeastern Spanish Mediterranean waters. Among the parasite species detected, the presence of Anisakis species should be highlighted as the ingestion of C. conger parasitized with these larvae could potentially lead to anisakiasis in consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In addition to feeding on plants, Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex Haldeman, 1852 predate on invertebrates, including one another, which effectively drives their migration. Carnivory derives from lack of dietary protein, with Mormon crickets deprived of protein having less phenoloxidase (PO) available to combat foreign invaders, such as fungal pathogens. Because Mormon crickets commonly occur with grasshoppers that feed on the same plants, we investigated interactions between grasshoppers and Mormon crickets, and hypothesized that if Mormon crickets are predatory on grasshoppers, grasshopper abundance would influence the protein available to Mormon crickets and their immunity. In a field setting, we varied densities of Mormon crickets (0, 10, or 20 per cage) and grasshoppers Melanoplus borealis (0, 15, 30, or 45) in 68 1-m2 cages. After one month, we measured Mormon cricket dietary preferences and PO activity. As predicted, artificial diet consumption shifted away from protein as grasshopper density increased, and immunocompetence, as measured by PO activity, also increased with grasshopper availability. Although nitrogen availability in the vegetation decreased with increasing insect density, predation became an important source of protein for Mormon crickets that enhanced immunity. Grasshoppers can be an important source of dietary protein for Mormon crickets, with prey availability affecting Mormon cricket immunity to diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) is an iconic species of the Eurasian Pleistocene megafauna, which was abundant in Eurasia in the Pleistocene until its demise beginning approximately 10 000 years ago. Despite the early recovery of several specimens from well-known European archaeological sites, including its type specimen (Blumenbach 1799), no genomes of European populations were available so far, and all available genomic data originated exclusively from Siberian populations. Using coprolites of cave hyenas (Crocuta crocuta spelea) recovered from Middle Palaeolithic layers of two caves in Germany (Bockstein-Loch and Hohlenstein-Stadel), we isolated and enriched predator and prey DNA to assemble the first European woolly rhinoceros mitogenomes, in addition to cave hyena mitogenomes. Both coprolite samples produced copious sequences assigned to C. crocuta (27% and 59% mitogenome coverage, respectively) and woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis; 27% and 81% coverage, respectively). The sequences suggested considerable DNA degradation, which may limit the conclusions to be drawn; however, the mitogenomes of European woolly rhinoceros are genetically distinct from the Siberian woolly rhinoceros, and analyses of the more complete mitogenome suggest a split of the populations potentially coinciding with the earliest fossil records of woolly rhinoceros in Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We here provide the first comprehensive analysis and discussion on prey consumed by the European cave salamanders of the genus Speleomantes. Our study stems from the need to shed light on the still unknown foraging behavior adopted by Speleomantes cave salamanders. Starting from the published datasets on gut contents from all Speleomantes species (including hybrids), we here discuss additional information (i.e., species ecology, lower taxonomic level), which were systematically omitted from those data sets. We analyzed a data set consisting of 17,630 records from 49 categories of consumed prey recognized from gut contents of 2060 adults and juveniles Speleomantes. Flying prey accounted for more than 58% of the prey items, while elongated crawling prey accounted for no more than 16% of the diet within a single population. Among the total recognized prey items, only three can be surely ascribed to the group of strictly-cave species (i.e., troglobites), meaning that European cave salamanders mostly forage in surface environment, and therefore represent one of the major drivers of allochthonous organic matter in subterranean environments. Some of the consumed prey seemed to be aquatic, allowing us to hypothesize whether Speleomantes are able to catch prey from a shallow body water. Furthermore, European cave salamanders possess the ability to prey upon taxa characterized by particular anti-predator defenses, while morphological constraints seem to be the most important limit to prey consumption. For each specific case, we provide insights and propose hypotheses concerning the foraging behavior that need to be tested to properly understand the foraging behavior of this cryptic salamanders.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





