plasma protein binding

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Levonorgestrel implant is a highly effective hormonal contraceptive, but its efficacy may be compromised when used with cytochrome enzyme inducers such as efavirenz. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate methods of mitigating the drug interaction. Methods: Using a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for levonorgestrel that we developed within the Simcyp® program, we evaluated a higher dose of levonorgestrel implant, a lower dose of efavirenz, and the combination of both, as possible methods to mitigate the interaction. In addition, we investigated the impact on levonorgestrel total and unbound concentrations of other events likely to be associated with efavirenz coadministration: changes in plasma protein binding of levonorgestrel (as with displacement) and high variability of efavirenz exposure (as with genetic polymorphism of its metabolism). The range of fraction unbound tested was 0.6% to 2.6%, and the range of efavirenz exposure ranged from the equivalent of 200 mg to 4800 mg doses. Results: Levonorgestrel plasma concentrations at any given time with a standard 150 mg implant dose are predicted to be approximately 68% of those of control when given with efavirenz 600 mg and 72% of control with efavirenz 400 mg. With double-dose levonorgestrel, the predictions are 136% and 145% of control, respectively. A decrease in levonorgestrel plasma protein binding is predicted to primarily decrease total levonorgestrel plasma concentrations, whereas higher efavirenz exposure is predicted to decrease total and unbound concentrations. Conclusions: Simulations suggest that doubling the dose of levonorgestrel, particularly in combination with 400 mg daily efavirenz, may mitigate the drug interaction. Changes in levonorgestrel plasma protein binding and efavirenz genetic polymorphism may help explain differences between model predictions and clinical data but need to be studied further.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although research on the mechanism and control of pain and inflammation in fish has increased in recent years, the use of analgesic drugs is limited due to the lack of pharmacological information about analgesic drugs. Tolfenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and can be used in fish due to its low side effect profile and superior pharmacokinetic properties.
    OBJECTIVE: The pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and plasma protein binding of tolfenamic acid were investigated following single intravascular (IV), intramuscular (IM) and oral administration of 2 mg/kg in rainbow trout at 13 ± 0.5°C.
    METHODS: The experiment was carried out on a total of 234 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Tolfenamic acid was administered to fish via IV, IM and oral route at a dose of 2 mg/kg. Blood samples were taken at 13 different sampling times until the 72 h after drug administration. The plasma concentrations of tolfenamic acid were quantified using high pressure liquid chromatography-ultraviolet (UV) and pharmacokinetic parameters were assessed using non-compartmental analysis.
    RESULTS: The elimination half-life (t1/2ʎz) of tolfenamic acid for IV, IM and oral routes was 3.47, 6.75 and 9.19 h, respectively. For the IV route, the volume of distribution at a steady state and total body clearance of tolfenamic acid were 0.09 L/kg and 0.03 L/h/kg, respectively. The peak plasma concentration and bioavailability for IM and oral administration were 8.82 and 1.24 µg/mL, and 78.45% and 21.48%, respectively. The mean plasma protein binding ratio of tolfenamic acid in rainbow trout was 99.48% and was not concentration dependent.
    CONCLUSIONS: While IM route, which exhibits both the high plasma concentration and bioavailability, can be used in rainbow trout, oral route is not recommended due to low plasma concentration and bioavailability. However, there is a need to demonstrate the pharmacodynamic activity of tolfenamic acid in rainbow trout.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cannabidiol is highly bound to plasma proteins. Changes in its protein binding can lead to altered unbound plasma concentrations and result in alteration of pharmacological activity of cannabidiol-containing medications. This research has assessed non-linearity of cannabidiol plasma protein binding and the potential effect of tizoxanide on the binding.
    METHODS: Cannabidiol protein binding was evaluated by ultrafiltration technique. Human plasma was spiked with cannabidiol stock solution to produce samples of various concentrations. For interaction study potential interactant tizoxanide was added in each sample. All samples were processed through Amicon Micropartition system and analyzed by HPLC.
    RESULTS: The study has detected cannabidiol binding to borosilicate glass (9%) and polyethylene plastics (15%). In the interaction study the mean protein unbound fraction of cannabidiol was 0.05 (5%), indicating no binding interaction between cannabidiol and tizoxanide since cannabidiol unbound fraction without tizoxanide was also 5%. The cannabidiol fraction unbound was more than 2-fold greater at high concentrations compared to low concentrations.
    CONCLUSIONS: a). At high concentrations cannabidiol plasma protein binding is non-linear. The non-linearity can affect elimination and medicinal effect of cannabidiol drugs. b). Borosilicate and polyethylene containers should be avoided in formulation, packing and administration of cannabidiol-containing medicines to guarantee correct doses. c). Cannabidiol medications can be co-administered with tizoxanide without caution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red blood cells (RBCs) constitute ∼50% of the bloodstream and represent an important target for environmental pollutants and bacterial/viral infections, which can result in their rupture. In addition, diseases such as sickle cell anaemia and paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria can also result in the rupture of RBCs, which can be potentially life-threatening. With regard to the release of cytosolic metalloproteins from RBCs into the blood-organ system, the biochemical fate of haemoglobin is rather well understood, while comparatively little is known about another highly abundant Zn-metalloprotein, carbonic anhydrase (CA I). To gain insight into the interaction of CA I with human blood plasma constituents, we have employed a metallomics tool comprised of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled online with an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES), which allows to simultaneously observe all Cu, Fe, and Zn-metalloproteins. After the addition of CA I to human blood plasma incubated at 37°C, the SEC-ICP-AES analysis using phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) after 5 min, 1 h, and 2 h revealed that CA I eluted after all endogenous Zn-metalloproteins in the 30 kDa range. Matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry analysis of the collected Zn-peak confirmed that CA I eluted from the column intact. Our in vitro results suggest that CA I released from RBCs to plasma remains free and may be actively involved in health-relevant adverse processes that unfold at the bloodstream-endothelial interface, including atherosclerosis and vision loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A sensitive and selective LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for the quantitation of a novel Gαi2 inhibitor, GT-14, in rat plasma using a SCIEX 6500+ triple QUAD LC-MS system equipped with an ExionLC UHPLC unit. GT-14 (m/z 265.2 → 134.1) and griseofulvin (Internal Standard, IS) (m/z 353.1 → 285.1) were detected in a positive mode by electrospray ionization (ESI) using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The assay was linear in the concentration range of 0.78-1000 ng/mL in rat plasma. Both accuracy and precision values were within the acceptance criteria of ±15 %, as established by FDA guidance. The matrix effect was negligible from plasma, with signal percentages of 98.5-106.9 %. The mean recovery was 104.5 %, indicating complete extraction of GT-14 from plasma. GT-14 was found to be stable under different experimental conditions. The validated method was successfully applied to evaluate plasma protein binding and in vivo pharmacokinetics of GT-14 in rats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transthyretin binders have previously been used to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of small-molecule drug conjugates and could, thus, be utilized for radiopharmaceuticals as an alternative to the widely explored \"albumin binder concept\". In this study, a novel PSMA ligand modified with a transthyretin-binding entity (TB-01) was synthesized and labeled with lutetium-177 to obtain [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-TB-01. A high and specific uptake of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-TB-01 was found in PSMA-positive PC-3 PIP cells (69 ± 3% after 4 h incubation), while uptake in PSMA-negative PC-3 flu cells was negligible (<1%). In vitro binding studies showed a 174-fold stronger affinity of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-TB-01 to transthyretin than to human serum albumin. Biodistribution studies in PC-3 PIP/flu tumor-bearing mice confirmed the enhanced blood retention of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-TB-01 (16 ± 1% IA/g at 1 h p.i.), which translated to a high tumor uptake (69 ± 13% IA/g at 4 h p.i.) with only slow wash-out over time (31 ± 8% IA/g at 96 h p.i.), while accumulation in the PC-3 flu tumor and non-targeted normal tissue was reasonably low. Further optimization of the radioligand design would be necessary to fine-tune the biodistribution and enable its use for therapeutic purposes. This study was the first of this kind and could motivate the use of the \"transthyretin binder concept\" for the development of future radiopharmaceuticals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    σ1 receptors play a crucial role in various neurological and neurodegenerative diseases including pain, psychosis, Alzheimer\'s disease, and depression. Spirocyclic piperidines represent a promising class of potent σ1 receptor ligands. The relationship between structural modifications and σ1 receptor affinity and selectivity over σ2 receptors led to the 2-fluoroethyl derivative fluspidine (2, Ki = 0.59 nM). Enantiomerically pure (S)-configured fluspidine ((S)-2) was prepared by the enantioselective reduction of the α,β-unsaturated ester 23 with NaBH4 and the enantiomerically pure co-catalyst (S,S)-24. The pharmacokinetic properties of both fluspidine enantiomers (R)-2 and (S)-2 were analyzed in vitro. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed very similar interactions of both fluspidine enantiomers with the σ1 receptor protein, with a strong ionic interaction between the protonated amino moiety of the piperidine ring and the COO- moiety of glutamate 172. The 18F-labeled radiotracers (S)-[18F]2 and (R)-[18F]2 were synthesized in automated syntheses using a TRACERlab FX FN synthesis module. High radiochemical yields and radiochemical purity were achieved. Radiometabolites were not found in the brains of mice, piglets, and rhesus monkeys. While both enantiomers revealed similar initial brain uptake, the slow washout of (R)-[18F]2 indicated a kind of irreversible binding. In the first clinical trial, (S)-[18F]2 was used to visualize σ1 receptors in the brains of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). This study revealed an increased density of σ1 receptors in cortico-striato-(para)limbic brain regions of MDD patients. The increased density of σ1 receptors correlated with the severity of the depressive symptoms. In an occupancy study with the PET tracer (S)-[18F]2, the selective binding of pridopidine at σ1 receptors in the brain of healthy volunteers and HD patients was shown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) is an acute-phase plasma protein involved in the binding and transport of many drugs, especially basic and lipophilic substances. The sialic acid groups that terminate the N-glycan chains of AAG have been reported to change in response to numerous health conditions and may have an impact on the binding of drugs to AAG. In this study, we quantified the binding between native and desialylated AAG and seven drugs from different pharmacotherapeutic groups (carvedilol, diltiazem, dipyridamole, imipramine, lidocaine, propranolol, vinblastine) using microscale thermophoresis (MST). This method was chosen due to its robustness and high sensitivity, allowing precise quantification of molecular interactions based on the thermophoretic movement of fluorescent molecules. Detailed glycan analysis of native and desialylated AAG showed over 98% reduction in sialic acid content for the enzymatically desialylated AAG. The MST results indicate that desialylation generally alters the binding affinity between AAG and drugs, leading to either an increase or decrease in Kd values, probably due to conformational changes of AAG caused by the different sialic acid content. This effect is also reflected in an increased denaturation temperature of desialylated AAG. Our findings indicate that desialylation impacts free drug concentrations differently, depending on the binding affinity of the drug with AAG relative to human serum albumin (HSA). For drugs such as dipyridamole, lidocaine, and carvedilol, which have a higher affinity for AAG, desialylation significantly changes free drug concentrations. In contrast, drugs such as propranolol, imipramine, and vinblastine, which have a strong albumin binding, show only minimal changes. It is noteworthy that the free drug concentration of dipyridamole is particularly sensitive to changes in AAG concentration and glycosylation, with a decrease of up to 15% being observed, underscoring the need for dosage adjustments in personalized medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For antimicrobial agents in particular, plasma protein binding (PPB) plays a pivotal role in deciphering key properties of drug candidates. Animal models are generally used in the preclinical development of new drugs to predict their effects in humans using translational pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD). Thus, we compared the protein binding (PB) of cefazolin as well as bacterial growth under various conditions in vitro. The PB extent of cefazolin was studied in human, bovine, and rat plasmas at different antibiotic concentrations in buffer and media containing 20-70% plasma or pure plasma using ultrafiltration (UF) and equilibrium dialysis (ED). Moreover, bacterial growth and time-kill assays were performed in Mueller Hinton Broth (MHB) containing various plasma percentages. The pattern for cefazolin binding to plasma proteins was found to be similar for both UF and ED. There was a significant decrease in cefazolin binding to bovine plasma compared to human plasma, whereas the pattern in rat plasma was more consistent with that in human plasma. Our growth curve analysis revealed considerable growth inhibition of Escherichia coli at 70% bovine or rat plasma compared with 70% human plasma or pure MHB. As expected, our experiments with cefazolin at low concentrations showed that E. coli grew slightly better in 20% human and rat plasma compared to MHB, most probably due to cefazolin binding to proteins in the plasma. Based on the example of cefazolin, our study highlights the interspecies differences of PB with potential impact on PK/PD. These findings should be considered before preclinical PK/PD data can be extrapolated to human patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cannabidiol is a major component of cannabis but without known psychoactive properties. A wide range of properties have been attributed to it, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-cancer, anti-seizure and anxiolytic. However, being a fairly new compound in its purified form, little is known about cannabidiol brain entry, especially during development. Sprague Dawley rats at four developmental ages: embryonic day E19, postnatal day P4 and P12 and non-pregnant adult females were administered intraperitoneal cannabidiol at 10 mg/kg with [3H] labelled cannabidiol. To investigate the extent of placental transfer, the drug was injected intravenously into E19 pregnant dams. Levels of [3H]-cannabidiol in blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and brain were estimated by liquid scintillation counting. Plasma protein binding of cannabidiol was identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and its bound and unbound fractions measured by ultrafiltration. Using available RNA-sequencing datasets of E19 rat brain, choroid plexus and placenta, as well as P5 and adult brain and choroid plexus, expression of 13 main cannabidiol receptors was analysed. Results showed that cannabidiol rapidly entered both the developing and adult brains. Entry into CSF was more limited. Its transfer across the placenta was substantially restricted as only about 50% of maternal blood plasma cannabidiol concentration was detected in fetal plasma. Albumin was the main, but not exclusive, cannabidiol binding protein at all ages. Several transcripts for cannabidiol receptors were expressed in age- and tissue-specific manner indicating that cannabidiol may have different functional effects in the fetal compared to adult brain.





