phylogenetic study

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the complete plastome sequence of Nigella sativa (black seed), was analyzed for the first time. The plastome spans approximately 154,120 bp, comprising four sections: the Large Single-Copy (LSC) (85,538 bp), the Small Single-Copy (SSC) (17,984 bp), and two Inverted Repeat (IR) regions (25,299 bp). A comparative study of N. sativa\'s plastome with ten other species from various genera in the Ranunculaceae family reveals substantial structural variations. The contraction of the inverted repeat region in N. sativa influences the boundaries of single-copy regions, resulting in a shorter plastome size than other species. When comparing the plastome of N. sativa with those of its related species, significant divergence is observed, particularly except for N. damascena. Among these, the plastome of A. glaucifolium displays the highest average pairwise sequence divergence (0.2851) with N. sativa, followed by A. raddeana (0.2290) and A. coerulea (0.1222). Furthermore, the study identified 12 distinct hotspot regions characterized by elevated Pi values (> 0.1). These regions include trnH-GUG-psbA, matK-trnQ-UUG, psbK-trnR-UCU, atpF-atpI, rpoB-psbD, ycf3-ndhJ, ndhC-cemA, petA-psaJ, trnN-GUU-ndhF, trnV-GAC-rps12, ycf2-trnI-CAU, and ndhA-ycf1. Approximately, 24 tandem and 48 palindromic and forward repeats were detected in N. sativa plastome. The analysis revealed 32 microsatellites with the majority being mononucleotide repeats. In the N. sativa plastome, phenylalanine had the highest number of codons (1982 codons), while alanine was the least common amino acid with 260 codons. A phylogenetic tree, constructed using protein-coding genes, revealed a distinct monophyletic clade comprising N. sativa and N. damascene, closely aligned with the Cimicifugeae tribe and exhibiting robust support. This plastome provides valuable genetic information for precise species identification, phylogenetic resolution, and evolutionary studies of N. sativa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gene sequence data for apple mosaic virus (ApMV) in NCBI GenBank were analyzed to determine the phylogeny and population structure of the virus at a global level. The phylogenies of the movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, encoded by RNA3, were shown to be identical and consisted of three lineages but did not closely correlate with those of P1 and P2, suggesting the presence of recombinant isolates. Recombination Detection Program (RDP v.4.56) detected significant recombination signal in the P1 region of K75R1 (KY883318) and Apple (HE574162) and the P2 region of Apple (HE574163) and CITH GD (MN822138). Observation on several diversity parameters suggested that the isolates in group 3 had higher divergence among them, compared to isolates in groups 1 and 2. The neutrality tests assigned positive values to P1, indicating that only this region experiencing balanced or contracting selection. Comparisons of the three phylogroups demonstrated high Fixation index (FST) values and confirmed genetic separation and the lack of gene flow among them. Additionally, ±500 bp of partial MP + \'intergenic region\' + partial CP coding regions of two Turkish isolates from apple and seven from hazelnut were sequenced and determined that their phylogenetic positions fell within group 1 and 3, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Picobirnavirus (PBV) is an enteropathogen virus causing diarrhea as an opportunistic virus in its vertebrate host. There is no information about human or animal PBVs in Iran. The aim of the present study was the investigation of the epidemiology of bovine PBV in the broad geographical area of Iran. Four hundred and eighty-five stool samples of up to 1 month old diarrheic calves were collected from 14 provinces and were tested with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Five samples were positive in PAGE assay (1.00%) and all of them were amplified using GI specific primers in RT-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis of one of the amplicons (strain Nazaktabar-14) revealed a low relationship to bovine PBV sequences and more identity to PBV isolates from other hosts. The structural alignment of the deduced amino acids of the partially sequenced RdRp gene of the Nazaktabar-14 strain showed high conservation. Sequences obtained from other amplicons showed a high mutation rate and further analysis of one of them showed that, despite the potential of forming deleterious mutations, most of the point mutations occurred in the RdRp gene of PBVs may be a silent mutation. There is little information about the molecular epidemiology of bovine PBVs. This study was the first report on the occurrence of PBVs in Iran and the first study on the molecular epidemiology of bovine PBV in the Middle East, revealing its low frequency as a diarrhea causative agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cordyceps species are notable medicinal fungi in China, which are pathogenic on insects and exhibit high biodiversity in tropical and subtropical regions. Recently, three new Cordyceps species, Cordycepschangchunensis and Cordycepsjingyuetanensis growing on pupae of Lepidoptera and Cordycepschangbaiensis growing on larvae of Lepidoptera, were found in Jilin Province, China and are described, based on morphological and ecological characteristics. These three new species are similar to the Cordycepsmilitaris group, but are distinctly distinguishable from the known species. Cordycepschangchunensis, characterised by its small and light yellow to orange stromata which is occasionally forked, covered with white mycelium at the base of stipe, globose to ovoid perithecia, is macroscopically similar to Cordycepsmilitaris. Cordycepschangbaiensis is clearly discriminated from other Cordyceps species by its white to orange and branched stromata, clavate to cylindrical fertile apical portion, immersed and globose to ovoid perithecia. Moreover, unbranched, clavate and orange to light red stromata, almond-shaped to ovoid and immersed perithecia separate Cordycepsjingyuetanensis from other Cordyceps species. nrITS, nrLSU and EF-1α sequences were undertaken and phylogenetic trees, based on Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analysis showed that the three new species clustered with Cordycepsmilitaris, but formed individual clades, as well as confirmed the results of our morphological study.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Species of infraorder Gryllidea, or crickets, are useful invertebrate models for studying developmental biology and neuroscience. They have also attracted attention as alternative protein sources for human food and animal feed. Mitochondrial genomic information on related invertebrates, such as katydids, and locusts, has recently become available in attempt to clarify the controversial classification schemes, although robust phylogenetic relationships with emphasis on crickets remain elusive. Here, we report newly sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes of crickets to study their phylogeny, genomic rearrangements, and adaptive evolution. First, we conducted de novo assembly of mitochondrial genomes from eight cricket species and annotated protein-coding genes and transfer and ribosomal RNAs using automatic annotations and manual curation. Next, by combining newly described protein-coding genes with public data of the complete Gryllidea genomes and gene annotations, we performed phylogenetic analysis and found gene order rearrangements in several branches. We further analyzed genetic signatures of selection in ant-loving crickets (Myrmecophilidae), which are small wingless crickets that inhabit ant nests. Three distinct approaches revealed two positively selected sites in the cox1 gene in these crickets. Protein 3D structural analyses suggested that these selected sites could influence the interaction of respiratory complex proteins, conferring benefits to ant-loving crickets with a unique ecological niche and morphology. These findings enhance our understanding of the genetic basis of cricket evolution without relying on estimates based on a limited number of molecular markers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been rapidly spreading globally since December 2019, triggering a pandemic, soon after its emergence. While Iran was among the first countries confronted with rapid spread of virus in February 2020, no real-time SARS-CoV-2 whole-genome tracking in early phase of outbreak was performed in the country. To address this issue, we provided 50 whole-genome sequences of viral isolates ascertained from different geographical locations in Iran during March-July 2020. The corresponding analysis on origins, transmission dynamics and genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 virus, represented at least two introductions of the virus into the country, constructing two major clusters defined as B.4 and B.1*. The first entry of the virus might have occurred around very late 2019/early 2020, as suggested by the time to the most recent common ancestor, followed by a rapid community transmission that led to dominancy of B.4 lineage in early epidemic till the end of June. Gradually, reduction in dominancy of B.4 occurred possibly as a result of other entries of the virus, followed by surge of B.1* lineages, as of mid-May. Remarkably, variation tracking of the virus indicated the increase in frequency of D614G mutation, along with B.1* lineages, which showed continuity till October 2020. The increase in frequency of D614G mutation and B.1* lineages from mid-May onwards predicts a rapid viral transmission that may push the country into a critical health situation followed by a considerable change in composition of viral lineages circulating in the country.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Snails of the genus Galba are the intermediate hosts of Fasciola species, the etiological agents of liver fluke disease, fascioliasis. A genetically different but morphologically very similar species in the genus, G. schirazensis, is sympatrically distributed with G. truncatula in some regions of the world. We aimed to investigate the occurrence of G. schirazensis in Kerman province, Iran and to characterize genetically G. schirazensis specimens from southeast Iran.
    UNASSIGNED: Field-collected snails from four localities in Jiroft, Bam and Faryab, Kerman province, southeastern Iran were studied. Hydrological variables including temperature and pH were recorded for each habitat. Each specimen was identified using morphological as well as conchological characteristics. Genetic characterization was performed using PCR-sequencing followed by phylogenetic analyses on nuclear ITS2 as well as mitochondrial cox1 gene fragments. MaxEnt software was used to predict the most appropriate ecological niches for the targeted species.
    UNASSIGNED: G. schirazensis was found in 4 out of 28 locations. One ITS2 and two cox1 haplotypes were detected among G. schirazensis populations from the four localities. Habitat study showed that G. schirazensis thrives in habitats with alkaline pH. G.schirazensis from South America were clustered with specimens from Bam, Kerman, Iran; however, north Iranian isolates of G. schirazensis were strongly correlated with specimens from Jiroft and Faryab. MaxEnt model for the most appropriate ecological niches of the targeted species predicted environmental suitability for this species in western Africa as well as coastal areas in north and southwestern Africa.
    UNASSIGNED: G. schirazensis is frequently present in southern areas of Kerman Province. At least two genetically different haplotypes are present in southeastern Iran.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Newcastle disease (ND) is one of the most serious infectious and contagious viral diseases in avian species. Recently, several ND outbreaks in pigeon caused by pigeon paramyxovirus serotype-1 (PPMV-1) have been reported from Iran, but unfortunately, phylogenetic studies have been mostly conducted on partial sequence of NDV fusion (F) gene. In addition, a complete genome data of Iranian PPMV-1 strains are not available. In the present study, a PPMV-1, named Avian avulavirus 1/pigeon/Iran/UT-EGV/2018, isolated from an infected pigeon, was subjected to whole-genome sequencing. The isolate showed an MDT of 74 h, thus categorizing it as mesogenic. The phylogenetic analysis based on the F gene sequence revealed the isolate belongs to XXI.1.1 subgenotype (min 0.9 % and max 3 %). To our knowledge, our study is the first study to publish the complete genome of a PPMV-1 from Iran. According to BLAST results, the whole genome of UT-EGV had high homology with some Russian, Egyptian and Ukrainian strains (the highest was 96.55 %). Additionally, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis on five PPMV-1 that we isolated in 2014 to find that they may belong to a completely unreported subgenotype (6 % distance when compared as a group). The information obtained from this study can be useful in preventive measures, including constructing an effective vaccine against PPMV-1 in Iran.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study is aimed at characterizing the genetic and phylogenetic structure of Lakor goats as indigenous livestock from the Southwest Maluku Regency based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences.
    UNASSIGNED: The genomes of 103 follicle samples from Lakor goats, collected from Lakor Island, were analyzed. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify 1548 bp of the mitochondrial COI gene using two primer pairs (COIA and COIB). Following sequencing, genetic variation and phylogenetic relationship were established using MEGA version X software.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of multiple COI gene alignment of the total sequences identified four polymorphic nucleotides that function as genetic markers between individual animals within the Lakor goat population. These correspond to positions 228 (A-G), 519 (G-A), 900 (C-T), and 1266 (T-C). Phylogenetic signals based on the COI gene showed that Lakor goat breed is a monophyletic group or single clade with a bootstrap value of 100% by the neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum likelihood (ML) evolutionary models. This data indicated that evolutionarily, the Lakor goat breed has a very close kinship with three goat breeds from China: The Meigu goat (KM 244714.1), Chinese Tibet (Capra hircus) (KJ 940969.1), and C. hircus (KP 677510.1). Phylogenetic information based on the cladistics system classified the Lakor goat as a single clade (monophyletic group). The low-genetic diversity within populations indicates that there has been an inbreeding depression occurring at a very high frequency.
    UNASSIGNED: We conclude that the Lakor goat may be divided into a single clade or monophyletic group based on the COI gene sequence. Four nucleotides were identified that can be used as genetic markers among individual animals within the Lakor goat population, as well as C. hircus and others as derived from GenBank data. The Lakor goat population has a high level of inbreeding depression as a result of geographical isolation, which supports the formation of a monophyletic group with different genetic characteristics, and does not allow the introduction of males from other breeds. Phylogenetic signals indicated that Capra aegagrus (bezoar) is the ancestor of the native goats in Indonesia, including the Lakor goats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogenetic studies with Zika virus (ZIKV) have been conducted in Brazil. In this study, we sequenced 8 new sequences of the ZIKV envelope (E) gene from strains of cases from the Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul states in 2016. A low phylogenetic signal was observed, with more than 40% of unresolved quartets, and the Maximum Likelihood Tree grouped all sequences in the Brazilian branches within the Asian genotype. In addition, a Shannon entropy analysis was conducted, showing a high stability in the E protein through the ZIKV polyprotein. Taken together, these results suggest a high degree of conservation in the ZIKV E gene from the recent American outbreaks.






