network theory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Mindfulness has been associated with improved psychological well-being and health, although outcomes from mindfulness-based interventions are mixed. One challenge is a limited understanding about which specific processes are core to mindfulness. Network analysis offers a method to characterize the core processes of mindfulness.
    UNASSIGNED: This study used network analysis to identify which processes are central to mindfulness (have the strongest connectivity with other mindfulness processes) as measured by the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire- Short Form, analyzed at the item-level. Data were obtained from baseline of a randomized clinical trial of smartphone app-based mindfulness training for smoking cessation.
    UNASSIGNED: The most central processes in the mindfulness network included, \"I think some of my emotions are bad or inappropriate and I shouldn\'t feel them,\" an aspect of Nonjudgment/acceptance; as well as \"I can easily put my beliefs, opinions, and expectations into words,\" and \"It\'s hard for me to find the words to describe what I\'m thinking,\" aspects of Describing.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings help to clarify which processes are to mindfulness, contributing to a better understanding of the definition of mindfulness, and suggest factors that may be promising to target in mindfulness-based interventions. Future research should examine if mindfulness-based interventions may be improved by targeting these core mindfulness processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Stress-induced Exhaustion Disorder (ED) is associated with work absenteeism and adverse health outcomes. Currently, little is known regarding how the symptoms of ED are interrelated and whether the patterns of symptoms influence treatment outcomes. To this end, the current study applied network analyses on ED patients participating in a multimodal intervention.
    METHODS: The first aim of the study was to explore the internal relationships between exhaustion symptoms and identify symptoms that were more closely related than others. A second aim was to examine whether the baseline symptom network of non-responders to treatment was more closely connected than the baseline symptom networks of responders, by comparing the sum of all absolute partial correlations in the respective groups\' symptom network. This comparison was made based on the hypothesis that a more closely connected symptom network before treatment could indicate poorer treatment outcomes. Network models were constructed based on self-rated ED symptoms in a large sample of patients (n = 915) participating in a 24-week multimodal treatment program with a 12-month follow-up.
    RESULTS: The internal relations between self-rated exhaustion symptoms were stable over time despite markedly decreased symptom levels throughout participation in treatment. Symptoms of limited mental stamina and negative emotional reactions to demands were consistently found to be the most closely related to other ED symptoms. Meanwhile, sleep quality and irritability were weakly related to other exhaustion symptoms. The symptom network for the full sample became significantly more closely connected from baseline to the end of treatment and 12-month follow-up. The symptom network of non-responders to treatment was not found to be more closely connected than the symptom network of responders at baseline.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the current study suggest symptoms of limited mental stamina and negative emotional reactions to demands are central ED symptoms throughout treatment, while symptoms of irritability and sleep quality seem to have a weak relation to other symptoms of ED. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of ED.
    BACKGROUND: The clinical trial was registered on 2017-12-02 (Identifier: NCT03360136).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) presents a significant clinical challenge, with ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) being a critical complication arising from life-saving mechanical ventilation. Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of VILI can inform therapeutic strategies to mitigate lung damage and improve outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Histological sections from initially healthy mice and pulmonary lavage-injured mice subjected to a second hit of VILI were segmented with Ilastik to define regions of lung injury. A scale-free network approach was applied to assess the correlation between injury regions, with regions of injury represented as \'nodes\' in the network and \'edges\' quantifying the degree of correlation between nodes. A simulated time series analysis was conducted to emulate the temporal sequence of injury events.
    UNASSIGNED: Automated segmentation identified different lung regions in good agreement with manual scoring, achieving a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of 85% across \'injury\' pixels. Overall accuracy across \'injury\', \'air\', and \'other\' pixels was 81%. The size of injured regions followed a power-law distribution, suggesting a \'rich-get-richer\' phenomenon in the distribution of lung injury. Network analysis revealed a scale-free distribution of injury correlations, highlighting hubs of injury that could serve as focal points for therapeutic intervention. Simulated time series analysis further supported the concept of secondary injury events following an initial insult, with patterns resembling those observed in seismological studies of aftershocks.
    UNASSIGNED: The size distribution of injured regions underscores the spatially heterogeneous nature of acute and ventilator-induced lung injury. The application of network theory demonstrates the emergence of injury \'hubs\' that are consistent with a \'rich-get-richer\' dynamic. Simulated time series analysis demonstrates that the progression of injury events in the lung could follow spatiotemporal patterns similar to the progression of aftershocks in seismology, providing new insights into the mechanisms of injury distribution and propagation. Both phenomena suggest a potential for interventions targeting these injury \'hubs\' to reduce the impact of VILI in ARDS management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigate whether it is possible to distinguish chaotic time series from random time series using network theory. In this perspective, we selected four methods to generate graphs from time series: the natural, the horizontal, the limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph, and the phase space reconstruction method. These methods claim that the distinction of chaos from randomness is possible by studying the degree distribution of the generated graphs. We evaluated these methods by computing the results for chaotic time series from the 2D Torus Automorphisms, the chaotic Lorenz system, and a random sequence derived from the normal distribution. Although the results confirm previous studies, we found that the distinction of chaos from randomness is not generally possible in the context of the above methodologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although the importance of context in implementation science is not disputed, knowledge about the actual impact of external context variables on implementation processes remains rather fragmented. Current frameworks, models, and studies merely describe macro-level barriers and facilitators, without acknowledging their dynamic character and how they impact and steer implementation. Including organizational theories in implementation frameworks could be a way of tackling this problem. In this study, we therefore investigate how organizational theories can contribute to our understanding of the ways in which external context variables shape implementation processes. We use the implementation process of goal-oriented primary care in Belgium as a case.
    METHODS: A qualitative study using in-depth semi-structured interviews was conducted with actors from a variety of primary care organizations. Data was collected and analyzed with an iterative approach. We assessed the potential of four organizational theories to enrich our understanding of the impact of external context variables on implementation processes. The organizational theories assessed are as follows: institutional theory, resource dependency theory, network theory, and contingency theory. Data analysis was based on a combination of inductive and deductive thematic analysis techniques using NVivo 12.
    RESULTS: Institutional theory helps to understand mechanisms that steer and facilitate the implementation of goal-oriented care through regulatory and policy measures. For example, the Flemish government issued policy for facilitating more integrated, person-centered care by means of newly created institutions, incentives, expectations, and other regulatory factors. The three other organizational theories describe both counteracting or reinforcing mechanisms. The financial system hampers interprofessional collaboration, which is key for GOC. Networks between primary care providers and health and/or social care organizations on the one hand facilitate GOC, while on the other hand, technology to support interprofessional collaboration is lacking. Contingent variables such as the aging population and increasing workload and complexity within primary care create circumstances in which GOC is presented as a possible answer.
    CONCLUSIONS: Insights and propositions that derive from organizational theories can be utilized to expand our knowledge on how external context variables affect implementation processes. These insights can be combined with or integrated into existing implementation frameworks and models to increase their explanatory power.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Clinimetrics and network analysis are two methodological approaches that, despite different origins, share the goal of improving mental health clinical assessment beyond the limitations of classical psychometrics. Despite their common goal and comparable conceptualization of clinical assessment, the potential connection and integration between these approaches has not been explored. The aim of this review is to identify meeting points for the potential integration of clinimetrics and network theory. Methods: A literature review was conducted by examining key works in clinimetrics and network theory and comparing similar concepts from the two approaches. Results: Two main areas of theoretical and methodological convergence and complementarity between clinimetrics and network theory were identified, as follows: the characteristics of clinical indexes and the strategies to assess and organize complex clinical data. These topics encompassed sub-topics related to the influence of individual symptoms on clinical presentation, longitudinal assessment of conditions, influence of comorbidities, and standardized procedures for case formulation. Conclusions: Results provide an indication of the potential for integration for these approaches in a single, clinically oriented methodology for psychological and psychiatric illness conceptualization and assessment. Despite the literature search strategy limitations, the results provide a basis for further exploring the potential for developing an integrated methodology for clinical assessment and treatment planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From at least the early twentieth century, legal scholars have recognized that rights and other legal relations inhere between individual legal actors, forming a vast and complex social network. Yet, no legal scholar has used the mathematical machinery of network theory to formalize these relationships. Here, we propose the first such approach by modelling a rudimentary, static set of real property relations using network theory. Then, we apply our toy model to measure the level of modularity-essentially, the community structure-among aggregations of these real property relations and associated actors. In so doing, we show that even for a very basic set of relations and actors, law may employ modular structures to manage complexity. Property, torts, contracts, intellectual property, and other areas of the law arguably reduce information costs in similar, quantifiable ways by chopping up the world of interactions between parties into manageable modules that are semi-autonomous. We also posit that our network science approach to jurisprudential issues can be adapted to quantify many other important aspects of legal systems. This article is part of the theme issue \'A complexity science approach to law and governance\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The ICD-11 and DSM-5 are the leading systems for the classification of mental disorders, and their relevance for clinical work and research, as well as their impact for policy making and legal questions, has increased considerably. In recent years, other frameworks have been proposed to supplement or even replace the ICD and the DSM, raising many questions regarding clinical utility, scientific relevance, and, at the core, how best to conceptualize mental disorders.
    UNASSIGNED: As examples of the new approaches that have emerged, here we introduce the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP), the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC), systems and network approaches, process-based approaches, as well as a new approach to the classification of personality disorders.
    UNASSIGNED: We highlight main distinctions between these classification frameworks, largely related to different priorities and goals, and discuss areas of overlap and potential compatibility. Synergies among these systems may provide promising new avenues for research and clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The secretion of insulin from the pancreas relies on both gap junctions and subpopulations of beta cells with specific intrinsic properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mandible or lower jaw is the largest and hardest bone in the human facial skeleton. Fractures of the mandible are reported to be a common facial trauma in emergency medicine and gaining insights into mandibular morphology in different facial types can be helpful for trauma treatment. Furthermore, features of the mandible play an important role in forensics and anthropology for identifying gender and individuals. Thus, discovering hidden information of the mandible can benefit interdisciplinary research. Here, for the first time, a method of artificial intelligence-based nonlinear dynamics and network analysis are used for discovering dissimilar and similar radiographic features of mandibles between male and female subjects. Using a public dataset of 10 computed tomography scans of mandibles, the results suggest a difference in the distribution of spatial autocorrelation between genders, uniqueness in network topologies among individuals and shared values in recurrence quantification.





