
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cortical arealization arises during neurodevelopment from the confluence of molecular gradients representing patterned expression of morphogens and transcription factors. However, whether similar gradients are maintained in the adult brain remains unknown. Here, we uncover three axes of topographic variation in gene expression in the adult human brain that specifically capture previously identified rostral-caudal, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes of early developmental patterning. The interaction of these spatiomolecular gradients i) accurately reconstructs the position of brain tissue samples, ii) delineates known functional territories, and iii) can model the topographical variation of diverse cortical features. The spatiomolecular gradients are distinct from canonical cortical axes differentiating the primary sensory cortex from the association cortex, but radiate in parallel with the axes traversed by local field potentials along the cortex. We replicate all three molecular gradients in three independent human datasets as well as two nonhuman primate datasets and find that each gradient shows a distinct developmental trajectory across the lifespan. The gradients are composed of several well-known transcription factors (e.g., PAX6 and SIX3), and a small set of genes shared across gradients are strongly enriched for multiple diseases. Together, these results provide insight into the developmental sculpting of functionally distinct brain regions, governed by three robust transcriptomic axes embedded within brain parenchyma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell Bio conferences-organized jointly by the American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)-showcase a diverse global community of the brightest researchers in Cell Biology and in emerging interdisciplinary topics, including bioelectricity. In this report, we briefly overview the Cell Bio 2023 subgroup meeting \"Bioelectricity in Development, Regeneration, and Cancers.\" This subgroup meeting featured 12 talks (7 Principal Investigators and 5 junior scientists) exploring the role of bioelectricity in endogenous and diseased states in model systems ranging from cells in culture to single-cell organisms such as yeast all the way to mammalian systems (including tools and technology developed for exploring bioelectricity and electrotaxis in cells and tissues). The subgroup meeting concluded with a discussion on the current challenges and opportunities for the field of bioelectricity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Plant growth is a plastic phenomenon controlled both by endogenous genetic programs and by environmental cues. The embryonic stem, the hypocotyl, is an ideal model system for the quantitative study of growth due to its relatively simple geometry and cellular organization, and to its essentially unidirectional growth pattern. The hypocotyl of Arabidopsis thaliana has been studied particularly well at the molecular-genetic level and at the cellular level, and it is the model of choice for analysis of the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS), a growth reaction that allows plants to compete with neighboring plants for light. During SAS, hypocotyl growth is controlled primarily by the growth hormone auxin, which stimulates cell expansion without the involvement of cell division.
    UNASSIGNED: We assessed hypocotyl growth at cellular resolution in Arabidopsis mutants defective in auxin transport and biosynthesis and we designed a mathematical auxin transport model based on known polar and non-polar auxin transporters (ABCB1, ABCB19, and PINs) and on factors that control auxin homeostasis in the hypocotyl. In addition, we introduced into the model biophysical properties of the cell types based on precise cell wall measurements.
    UNASSIGNED: Our model can generate the observed cellular growth patterns based on auxin distribution along the hypocotyl resulting from production in the cotyledons, transport along the hypocotyl, and general turnover of auxin. These principles, which resemble the features of mathematical models of animal morphogen gradients, allow to generate robust shallow auxin gradients as they are expected to exist in tissues that exhibit quantitative auxin-driven tissue growth, as opposed to the sharp auxin maxima generated by patterning mechanisms in plant development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dpp/BMP acts as a morphogen to provide positional information in the Drosophila wing disc. Key cell-surface molecules to control Dpp morphogen gradient formation and signaling are heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). In the wing disc, two HSPGs, the glypicans Division abnormally delayed (Dally) and Dally-like (Dlp) have been suggested to act redundantly to control these processes through direct interaction of their heparan sulfate (HS) chains with Dpp. Based on this assumption, a number of models on how glypicans control Dpp gradient formation and signaling have been proposed, including facilitating or hindering Dpp spreading, stabilizing Dpp on the cell surface, or recycling Dpp. However, how distinct HSPGs act remains largely unknown. Here, we generate genome-engineering platforms for the two glypicans and find that only Dally is critical for Dpp gradient formation and signaling through interaction of its core protein with Dpp. We also find that this interaction is not sufficient and that the HS chains of Dally are essential for these functions largely without interacting with Dpp. We provide evidence that the HS chains of Dally are not essential for spreading or recycling of Dpp but for stabilizing Dpp on the cell surface by antagonizing receptor-mediated Dpp internalization. These results provide new insights into how distinct HSPGs control morphogen gradient formation and signaling during development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During development, morphogens pattern tissues by instructing cell fate across long distances. Directly visualizing morphogen transport in situ has been inaccessible, so the molecular mechanisms ensuring successful morphogen delivery remain unclear. To tackle this longstanding problem, we developed a mouse model for compromised sonic hedgehog (SHH) morphogen delivery and discovered that endocytic recycling promotes SHH loading into signaling filopodia called cytonemes. We optimized methods to preserve in vivo cytonemes for advanced microscopy and show endogenous SHH localized to cytonemes in developing mouse neural tubes. Depletion of SHH from neural tube cytonemes alters neuronal cell fates and compromises neurodevelopment. Mutation of the filopodial motor myosin 10 (MYO10) reduces cytoneme length and density, which corrupts neuronal signaling activity of both SHH and WNT. Combined, these results demonstrate that cytoneme-based signal transport provides essential contributions to morphogen dispersion during mammalian tissue development and suggest MYO10 is a key regulator of cytoneme function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    WNT morphogens trigger signaling pathways fundamental for embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer. WNTs are modified with palmitoleate, which is critical for binding Frizzled (FZD) receptors and activating signaling. However, it is unknown how WNTs are released and spread from cells, given their strong lipid-dependent membrane attachment. We demonstrate that secreted FZD-related proteins and WNT inhibitory factor 1 are WNT carriers, potently releasing lipidated WNTs and forming active soluble complexes. WNT release occurs by direct handoff from the membrane protein WNTLESS to the carriers. In turn, carriers donate WNTs to glypicans and FZDs involved in WNT reception and to the NOTUM hydrolase, which antagonizes WNTs by lipid moiety removal. WNT transfer from carriers to FZDs is greatly facilitated by glypicans that serve as essential co-receptors in Wnt signaling. Thus, an extracellular network of carriers dynamically controls secretion, posttranslational regulation, and delivery of WNT morphogens, with important practical implications for regenerative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are composed of a core protein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains and serve as coreceptors for many growth factors and morphogens. To understand the molecular mechanisms by which HSPGs regulate morphogen gradient formation and signaling, it is important to determine the relative contributions of the carbohydrate and protein moieties to the proteoglycan function. To address this question, we generated ΔGAG alleles for dally and dally-like protein (dlp), two Drosophila HSPGs of the glypican family, in which all GAG-attachment serine residues are substituted to alanine residues using CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis. In these alleles, the glypican core proteins are expressed from the endogenous loci with no GAG modification. Analyses of the dallyΔGAG allele defined Dally functions that do not require heparan sulfate (HS) chains and that need both core protein and HS chains. We found a new, dallyΔGAG-specific phenotype, the formation of a posterior ectopic vein, which we have never seen in the null mutants. Unlike dallyΔGAG, dlpΔGAG mutants do not show most of the dlp null mutant phenotypes, suggesting that HS chains are dispensable for these dlp functions. As an exception, HS is essentially required for Dlp\'s activity at the neuromuscular junction. Thus, Drosophila glypicans show strikingly different levels of HS dependency. The ΔGAG mutant alleles of the glypicans serve as new molecular genetic toolsets highly useful to address important biological questions, such as molecular mechanisms of morphogen gradient formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are a crucial component in the tumor microenvironment influencing cancer progression. Besides shaping the extracellular matrix, these fibroblasts provide signaling factors to facilitate tumor survival and alter tumor behavior. In gastric cancer, one crucial signaling pathway influencing invasion and metastasis is the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) signaling. The crucial PCP ligand in this context is WNT5A, which is produced by the CAFs, and gastric cancer cells react upon this signal by enhanced polarized migration. Why gastric cancer cells respond to this signal is still unclear, as their expression level for the central WNT5A receptor, ROR2, is very low. Here, we show that CAFs display long and branched filopodia that form an extensive, complex network engulfing gastric cancer cells, such as the gastric cancer cell line AGS. CAFs have a significantly higher expression level of ROR2 than normal gastric fibroblasts and AGS cells. By high-resolution imaging, we observe a direct transfer of fluorescently tagged ROR2 from CAF to AGS cells by signaling filopodia, known as cytonemes. Surprisingly, we find that the transferred ROR2 complexes can activate Wnt/JNK signaling in AGS cells. Consistently, blockage of ROR2 function in the CAFs leads to reduced paracrine Wnt/JNK signaling, cell polarization, and migration of the receiving AGS cells. Complementary, enhanced migration via paracrine ROR2 transfer was observed in a zebrafish in vivo model. These findings demonstrate a fresh role for cytoneme-mediated signaling in the tumor microenvironment. Cytonemes convey Wnt receptors from CAFs to gastric cancer cells, allowing them to respond to Wnt/PCP signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphogen gradients impart positional information to cells in a homogenous tissue field. Fgf8a, a highly conserved growth factor, has been proposed to act as a morphogen during zebrafish gastrulation. However, technical limitations have so far prevented direct visualization of the endogenous Fgf8a gradient and confirmation of its morphogenic activity. Here, we monitor Fgf8a propagation in the developing neural plate using a CRISPR/Cas9-mediated EGFP knock-in at the endogenous fgf8a locus. By combining sensitive imaging with single-molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, we demonstrate that Fgf8a, which is produced at the embryonic margin, propagates by diffusion through the extracellular space and forms a graded distribution towards the animal pole. Overlaying the Fgf8a gradient curve with expression profiles of its downstream targets determines the precise input-output relationship of Fgf8a-mediated patterning. Manipulation of the extracellular Fgf8a levels alters the signaling outcome, thus establishing Fgf8a as a bona fide morphogen during zebrafish gastrulation. Furthermore, by hindering Fgf8a diffusion, we demonstrate that extracellular diffusion of the protein from the source is crucial for it to achieve its morphogenic potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vertebrates with elongated auditory organs, mechanosensory hair cells (HCs) are organised such that complex sounds are broken down into their component frequencies along a proximal-to-distal long (tonotopic) axis. Acquisition of unique morphologies at the appropriate position along the chick cochlea, the basilar papilla, requires that nascent HCs determine their tonotopic positions during development. The complex signalling within the auditory organ between a developing HC and its local niche along the cochlea is poorly understood. Using a combination of live imaging and NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, we reveal that there is a gradient in the cellular balance between glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway in developing HCs along the tonotopic axis. Perturbing this balance by inhibiting different branches of cytosolic glucose catabolism disrupts developmental morphogen signalling and abolishes the normal tonotopic gradient in HC morphology. These findings highlight a causal link between graded morphogen signalling and metabolic reprogramming in specifying the tonotopic identity of developing HCs.





