material decomposition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Photon counting CT (PCCT) provides spectral measurements for material decomposition. However, the image noise (at a fixed dose) depends on the source spectrum. Our study investigates the potential benefits from spectral optimization using fast kV switching and filtration to reduce noise in material decomposition.
    UNASSIGNED: The effect of the input spectra on noise performance in both two-basis material decomposition and three-basis material decomposition was compared using Cramer-Rao lower bound analysis in the projection domain and in a digital phantom study in the image domain. The fluences of different spectra were normalized using the CT dose index to maintain constant dose levels. Four detector response models based on Si or CdTe were included in the analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: For single kV scans, kV selection can be optimized based on the imaging task and object size. Furthermore, our results suggest that noise in material decomposition can be substantially reduced with fast kV switching. For two-material decomposition, fast kV switching reduces the standard deviation (SD) by ∼ 10 % . For three-material decomposition, greater noise reduction in material images was found with fast kV switching (26.2% for calcium and 25.8% for iodine, in terms of SD), which suggests that challenging tasks benefit more from the richer spectral information provided by fast kV switching.
    UNASSIGNED: The performance of PCCT in material decomposition can be improved by optimizing source spectrum settings. Task-specific tube voltages can be selected for single kV scans. Also, our results demonstrate that utilizing fast kV switching can substantially reduce the noise in material decomposition for both two- and three-material decompositions, and a fixed Gd filter can further enhance such improvements for two-material decomposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronary artery calcification is a significant predictor of cardiovascular disease, with current detection methods like Agatston scoring having limitations in sensitivity. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel CAC quantification method using dual-energy material decomposition, particularly its ability to detect low-density calcium and microcalcifications. A simulation study was conducted comparing the dual-energy material decomposition technique against the established Agatston scoring method and the newer volume fraction calcium mass technique. Detection accuracy and calcium mass measurement were the primary evaluation metrics. The dual-energy material decomposition technique demonstrated fewer false negatives than both Agatston scoring and volume fraction calcium mass, indicating higher sensitivity. In low-density phantom measurements, material decomposition resulted in only 7.41% false-negative (CAC = 0) measurements compared to 83.95% for Agatston scoring. For high-density phantoms, false negatives were removed (0.0%) compared to 20.99% in Agatston scoring. The dual-energy material decomposition technique presents a more sensitive and reliable method for CAC quantification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to elucidate whether gadolinium contrast in clinically relevant doses can be used with photon-counting computed tomography (PCCT) as an alternative contrast agent in clinical applications.
    METHODS: A CTDI phantom with 3D printed rods filled with different concentrations of gadolinium and iodine contrast was scanned in a PCCT and an energy-integrated computed tomography (EICT). Attenuation values at different monoenergetic steps were extracted for each contrast concentration.
    RESULTS: For PCCT, gadolinium reached an attenuation >100 HU (103 HU) at 40 keV with a concentration 5 mmol/L whereas the same level was reached at 50 keV (118 HU) for 10 mmol/L and 90 keV (114 HU) for 25 mmol/L. For iodine, the same level of attenuation was reached at 100 keV (106 HU) with a concentration 8.75 mg I/mL. For EICT the lowest gadolinium contrast concentration needed to reach >100 HU (108 HU) was 10 mmol/L at 50 keV. For 25 mmol/L 100 HU was reached at 100 keV. For iodine contrast 108 HU was reached at 110 keV for 8.75 mg I/mL.
    CONCLUSIONS: No K-edge potential or difference in attenuation curves between iodine and gadolinium contrast is detected on the first clinical available PCCT. Clinically relevant attenuation levels were barely achieved in this setting with gadolinium concentrations approved for human use. The results of this study suggest that, given current scanning technology, gadolinium is not a clinically useful contrast agent for computed tomography because no K-edge was detected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern photon counting detectors allow the calculation of virtual monoenergetic or material decomposed X-ray images but are not yet used for dental panoramic radiography systems. To assess the diagnostic potential and image quality of photon counting detectors in dental panoramic radiography, ethics approval from the local ethics committee was obtained for this retrospective study. Conventional CT scans of the head and neck region were segmented into bone and soft tissue. The resulting datasets were used to calculate panoramic equivalent thickness bone and soft tissue images by forward projection, using a geometry like that of conventional panoramic radiographic systems. The panoramic equivalent thickness images were utilized to generate synthetic conventional panoramic radiographs and panoramic virtual monoenergetic radiographs at various energies. The conventional, two virtual monoenergetic images at 40 keV and 60 keV, and material-separated bone and soft tissue panoramic equivalent thickness X-ray images simulated from 17 head CTs were evaluated in a reader study involving three experienced radiologists regarding their diagnostic value and image quality. Compared to conventional panoramic radiographs, the material-separated bone panoramic equivalent thickness image exhibits a higher image quality and diagnostic value in assessing the bone structure p < . 001 and details such as teeth or root canals p < . 001 . Panoramic virtual monoenergetic radiographs do not show a significant advantage over conventional panoramic radiographs. The conducted reader study shows the potential of spectral X-ray imaging for dental panoramic imaging to improve the diagnostic value and image quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accurate screening of osteoporosis is important for identifying persons at risk. The diagnosis of bone conditions using dual X-ray absorptiometry is limited to extracting areal bone mineral density (BMD) and fails to provide any structural information. Computed tomography (CT) is excellent for morphological imaging but not ideal for material quantification. Advanced photon-counting detector CT (PCD-CT) possesses high spectral sensitivity and material decomposition capabilities to simultaneously determine qualitative and quantitative information. In this study, we explored the diagnostic utility of PCD-CT to provide high-resolution 3-D imaging of bone microarchitecture and composition for the sensitive diagnosis of bone in untreated and ovariectomized rats. PCD-CT accurately decomposed the calcium content within hydroxyapatite phantoms (r = 0.99). MicroCT analysis of tibial bone revealed significant differences in the morphological parameters between the untreated and ovariectomized samples. However, differences in the structural parameters of the mandible between the treatment groups were not observed. BMD determined with microCT and calcium concentration decomposed using PCD-CT differed significantly between the treatment groups in both the tibia and mandible. Quantitative analysis with PCD-CT is sensitive in determining the distribution of calcium and water components in bone and may have utility in the screening and diagnosis of bone conditions such as osteoporosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conventional x-ray imaging and fluoroscopy have limitations in quantitation due to several challenges, including scatter, beam hardening, and overlapping tissues. Dual-energy (DE) imaging, with its capability to quantify area density of specific materials, is well-suited to address such limitations, but only if the dual-energy projections are acquired with perfect spatial and temporal alignment and corrected for scatter.
    OBJECTIVE: In this work, we propose single-shot quantitative imaging (SSQI) by combining the use of a primary modulator (PM) and dual-layer (DL) detector, which enables motion-free DE imaging with scatter correction in a single exposure.
    METHODS: The key components of our SSQI setup include a PM and DL detector, where the former enables scatter correction for the latter while the latter enables beam hardening correction for the former. The SSQI algorithm allows simultaneous recovery of two material-specific images and two scatter images using four sub-measurements from the PM encoding. The concept was first demonstrated using simulation of chest x-ray imaging for a COVID patient. For validation, we set up SSQI geometry on our tabletop system and imaged acrylic and copper slabs with known thicknesses (acrylic: 0-22.5 cm; copper: 0-0.9 mm), estimated scatter with our SSQI algorithm, and compared the material decomposition (MD) for different combinations of the two materials with ground truth. Second, we imaged an anthropomorphic chest phantom containing contrast in the coronary arteries and compared the MD with and without SSQI. Lastly, to evaluate SSQI in dynamic applications, we constructed a flow phantom that enabled dynamic imaging of iodine contrast.
    RESULTS: Our simulation study demonstrated that SSQI led to accurate scatter correction and MD, particularly for smaller focal blur and finer PM pitch. In the validation study, we found that the root mean squared error (RMSE) of SSQI estimation was 0.13 cm for acrylic and 0.04 mm for copper. For the anthropomorphic phantom, direct MD resulted in incorrect interpretation of contrast and soft tissue, while SSQI successfully distinguished them quantitatively, reducing RMSE in material-specific images by 38%-92%. For the flow phantom, SSQI was able to perform accurate dynamic quantitative imaging, separating contrast from the background.
    CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the potential of SSQI for robust quantitative x-ray imaging. The integration of SSQI is straightforward with the addition of a PM and upgrade to a DL detector, which may enable its widespread adoption, including in techniques such as radiography and dynamic imaging (i.e., real-time image guidance and cone-beam CT).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.Over the past several decades, dual-energy CT (DECT) imaging has seen significant advancements due to its ability to distinguish between materials. DECT statistical iterative reconstruction (SIR) has exhibited potential for noise reduction and enhanced accuracy. However, its slow convergence and substantial computational demands render the elapsed time for 3D DECT SIR often clinically unacceptable. The objective of this study is to accelerate 3D DECT SIR while maintaining subpercentage or near-subpercentage accuracy.Approach.We incorporate DECT SIR into a deep-learning model-based unrolling network for 3D DECT reconstruction (MB-DECTNet), which can be trained end-to-end. This deep learning-based approach is designed to learn shortcuts between initial conditions and the stationary points of iterative algorithms while preserving the unbiased estimation property of model-based algorithms. MB-DECTNet comprises multiple stacked update blocks, each containing a data consistency layer (DC) and a spatial mixer layer, with the DC layer functioning as a one-step update from any traditional iterative algorithm.Main results.The quantitative results indicate that our proposed MB-DECTNet surpasses both the traditional image-domain technique (MB-DECTNet reduces average bias by a factor of 10) and a pure deep learning method (MB-DECTNet reduces average bias by a factor of 8.8), offering the potential for accurate attenuation coefficient estimation, akin to traditional statistical algorithms, but with considerably reduced computational costs. This approach achieves 0.13% bias and 1.92% mean absolute error and reconstructs a full image of a head in less than 12 min. Additionally, we show that the MB-DECTNet output can serve as an initializer for DECT SIR, leading to further improvements in results.Significance.This study presents a model-based deep unrolling network for accurate 3D DECT reconstruction, achieving subpercentage error in estimating virtual monoenergetic images for a full head at 60 and 150 keV in 30 min, representing a 40-fold speedup compared to traditional approaches. These findings have significant implications for accelerating DECT SIR and making it more clinically feasible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spectral CT material decomposition provides quantitative information but is challenged by the instability of the inversion into basis materials. We have previously proposed the constrained One-Step Spectral CT Image Reconstruction (cOSSCIR) algorithm to stabilize the material decomposition inversion by directly estimating basis material images from spectral CT data. cOSSCIR was previously investigated on phantom data.
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the performance of cOSSCIR using head CT datasets acquired on a clinical photon-counting CT (PCCT) prototype. This is the first investigation of cOSSCIR for large-scale, anatomically complex, clinical PCCT data. The cOSSCIR decomposition is preceded by a spectrum estimation and nonlinear counts correction calibration step to address nonideal detector effects.
    METHODS: Head CT data were acquired on an early prototype clinical PCCT system using an edge-on silicon detector with eight energy bins. Calibration data of a step wedge phantom were also acquired and used to train a spectral model to account for the source spectrum and detector spectral response, and also to train a nonlinear counts correction model to account for pulse pileup effects. The cOSSCIR algorithm optimized the bone and adipose basis images directly from the photon counts data, while placing a grouped total variation (TV) constraint on the basis images. For comparison, basis images were also reconstructed by a two-step projection-domain approach of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for decomposing basis sinograms, followed by filtered backprojection (MLE + FBP) or a TV minimization algorithm (MLE + TVmin ) to reconstruct basis images. We hypothesize that the cOSSCIR approach will provide a more stable inversion into basis images compared to two-step approaches. To investigate this hypothesis, the noise standard deviation in bone and soft-tissue regions of interest (ROIs) in the reconstructed images were compared between cOSSCIR and the two-step methods for a range of regularization constraint settings.
    RESULTS: cOSSCIR reduced the noise standard deviation in the basis images by a factor of two to six compared to that of MLE + TVmin , when both algorithms were constrained to produce images with the same TV. The cOSSCIR images demonstrated qualitatively improved spatial resolution and depiction of fine anatomical detail. The MLE + TVmin algorithm resulted in lower noise standard deviation than cOSSCIR for the virtual monoenergetic images (VMIs) at higher energy levels and constraint settings, while the cOSSCIR VMIs resulted in lower noise standard deviation at lower energy levels and overall higher qualitative spatial resolution. There were no statistically significant differences in the mean values within the bone region of images reconstructed by the studied algorithms. There were statistically significant differences in the mean values within the soft-tissue region of the reconstructed images, with cOSSCIR producing mean values closer to the expected values.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cOSSCIR algorithm, combined with our previously proposed spectral model estimation and nonlinear counts correction method, successfully estimated bone and adipose basis images from high resolution, large-scale patient data from a clinical PCCT prototype. The cOSSCIR basis images were able to depict fine anatomical details with a factor of two to six reduction in noise standard deviation compared to that of the MLE + TVmin two-step approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dual energy CT (DECT) refers to the acquisition of CT images at two energy spectra and can provide information about tissue composition beyond that obtainable by conventional CT. The attenuation of a photon beam varies depends on the atomic number and density of the attenuating material and the energy of the incoming photon beam. This differential attenuation of the beam at varying energy levels forms the basis of DECT imaging and enables separation of materials with different atomic numbers but similar CT attenuation. DECT can be used to detect and quantify materials like iodine, calcium, or uric acid. Several post-processing techniques are available to generate virtual non-contrast images, iodine maps, virtual mono-chromatic images, Mixed or weighted images and material specific images. Although initially the concept of dual energy CT was introduced in 1970, it is only over the past two decades that it has been extensively used in clinical practice owing to advances in CT hardware and post-processing capabilities. There are numerous applications of DECT in Emergency radiology including stroke imaging to differentiate intracranial hemorrhage and contrast staining, diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, characterization of incidentally detected renal and adrenal lesions, to reduce beam and metal hardening artifacts, in identification of uric acid renal stones and in the diagnosis of gout. This review article aims to provide the emergency radiologist with an overview of the physics and basic principles of dual energy CT. In addition, we discuss the types of DECT acquisition and post processing techniques including newer advances such as photon-counting CT followed by a brief discussion on the applications of DECT in Emergency radiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Thermochemical ablation (TCA) is a minimally invasive therapy under development for hepatocellular carcinoma. TCA simultaneously delivers an acid (acetic acid, AcOH) and base (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) directly into the tumor, where the acid/base chemical reaction produces an exotherm that induces local ablation. However, AcOH and NaOH are not radiopaque, making monitoring TCA delivery difficult.
    OBJECTIVE: We address the issue of image guidance for TCA by utilizing cesium hydroxide (CsOH) as a novel theranostic component of TCA that is detectable and quantifiable with dual-energy CT (DECT).
    METHODS: To quantify the minimum concentration of CsOH that can be positively identified by DECT, the limit of detection (LOD) was established in an elliptical phantom (Multi-Energy CT Quality Assurance Phantom, Kyoto Kagaku, Kyoto, Japan) with two DECT technologies: a dual-source system (SOMATOM Force, Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany) and a split-filter, single-source system (SOMATOM Edge, Siemens Healthineers). The dual-energy ratio (DER) and LOD of CsOH were determined for each system. Cesium concentration quantification accuracy was evaluated in a gelatin phantom before quantitative mapping was performed in ex vivo models.
    RESULTS: On the dual-source system, the DER and LOD were 2.94 and 1.36-mM CsOH, respectively. For the split-filter system, the DER and LOD were 1.41- and 6.11-mM CsOH, respectively. The signal on cesium maps in phantoms tracked linearly with concentration (R2  = 0.99) on both systems with an RMSE of 2.56 and 6.72 on the dual-source and split-filter system, respectively. In ex vivo models, CsOH was detected following delivery of TCA at all concentrations.
    CONCLUSIONS: DECT can be used to detect and quantify the concentration of cesium in phantom and ex vivo tissue models. When incorporated in TCA, CsOH performs as a theranostic agent for quantitative DECT image-guidance.





