
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Antibiotics have been reported as an efficient and safe treatment option for uncomplicated acute appendicitis without an appendicolith diagnosed using computed tomography (CT). The aim of this study was to assess the association of a CT-diagnosed appendicolith and its characteristics with appendicitis severity.
    METHODS: A large prospective patient cohort with suspected acute appendicitis enrolled between April 2017 and November 2018 was retrospectively reviewed. The initial analysis evaluated the association of a CT-diagnosed appendicolith with complicated acute appendicitis; then, based on the availability of CT images, a subset of patients was analysed for the correlation of appendicolith characteristics with appendicitis severity. The final appendicitis assessment (uncomplicated or complicated-including perforation, gangrene, an abscess, or a tumour) was determined for all patients.
    RESULTS: Out of 3512 eligible patients, 3085 patients with appendicitis were selected and 380 patients with an appendicolith and with a CT image available for reassessment were included. Out of the 3085 patients with CT-diagnosed acute appendicitis, 1101 (35.7%) patients presented with both acute appendicitis and an appendicolith and, out of these, 519 (47.1%) had complicated acute appendicitis. In the patients without an appendicolith (1984 patients), 426 (21.5%) had complicated appendicitis (P < 0.001). Re-evaluation of CT images for 380 patients showed that a larger appendicolith diameter (OR = 1.15 (95% c.i. 1.06 to 1.25); P < 0.001), appendicolith location at the base of the appendix (55.1% versus 44.9%; P = 0.008), and heterogeneous appendiceal wall enhancement around the appendicolith (68.4% versus 31.6%; P < 0.001) were associated with an increased risk of complicated acute appendicitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of an appendicolith in patients with acute appendicitis is correlated with the risk of complicated appendicitis. This risk is further increased by a larger appendicolith diameter or appendicolith location at the base of the appendix.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biliary stone disease is a highly prevalent condition and a leading cause of hospitalization worldwide. Hepatolithiasis with associated strictures has high residual and recurrence rates after traditional multisession percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopic lithotripsy (PTCSL).
    OBJECTIVE: To study one-step PTCSL using the percutaneous transhepatic one-step biliary fistulation (PTOBF) technique guided by three-dimensional (3D) visualization.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective, single-center study analyzing, 140 patients who, between October 2016 and October 2023, underwent one-step PTCSL for hepatolithiasis. The patients were divided into two groups: The 3D-PTOBF group and the PTOBF group. Stone clearance on choledochoscopy, complications, and long-term clearance and recurrence rates were assessed.
    RESULTS: Age, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, Child-Pugh class, and stone location were similar between the 2 groups, but there was a significant difference in bile duct strictures, with biliary strictures more common in the 3D-PTOBF group (P = 0.001). The median follow-up time was 55.0 (55.0, 512.0) days. The immediate stone clearance ratio (88.6% vs 27.1%, P = 0.000) and stricture resolution ratio (97.1% vs 78.6%, P = 0.001) in the 3D-PTOBF group were significantly greater than those in the PTOBF group. Postoperative complication (8.6% vs 41.4%, P = 0.000) and stone recurrence rates (7.1% vs 38.6%, P = 0.000) were significantly lower in the 3D-PTOBF group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional visualization helps make one-step PTCSL a safe, effective, and promising treatment for patients with complicated primary hepatolithiasis. The perioperative and long-term outcomes are satisfactory for patients with complicated primary hepatolithiasis. This minimally invasive method has the potential to be used as a substitute for hepatobiliary surgery.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    A 6-year-old intact female domestic dwarf rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was referred because of a chronic obstructive rhinitis not resolving despite antibiotic treatments. Computed tomography examination revealed 2 sub-obstructive structures of mineral density in the right nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Neoplasia and rhinolithiasis were the main differential diagnoses. A dorsal rhinostomy was performed and 1 mineralized lesion was removed. Infrared spectrophotometric and histological examinations of the lesion and nasal mucosa were consistent with a 100% calcium carbonate rhinolith with bacterial colonization and chronic lymphocytic rhinitis. Clinical signs improved during the first 4 wk following surgery. However, despite inhaled anti-inflammatory treatment, the rabbit\'s condition deteriorated when the rhinostomy site closed, and she died 7 wk after surgery. Rhinolith and lymphocytic rhinitis should be considered as differential diagnoses for upper respiratory tract signs in rabbits resistant to antimicrobial treatment. Key clinical message: Rhinolithiasis and chronic lymphocytic rhinitis should be included in the differential diagnoses of rabbits presenting with chronic obstructive upper respiratory tract signs characterized by purulent nasal discharge and failure of treatment despite adequate antimicrobial therapy, especially with unilateral signs. Computed tomography and rhinoscopy with biopsies are suggested to explore those possibilities.
    Rhinolithiase au carbonate de calcium associée à une rhinite lymphoïde chronique chez un lapin de compagnie (Oryctolagus cuniculus)Une lapine naine domestique (Oryctolagus cuniculus) intacte, âgée de 6 ans, a été référée en raison d’une rhinite obstructive chronique non résolue malgré des traitement antibiotiques. L’examen tomodensitométrique a révélé 2 structures sous-obstructives de densité minérale dans la cavité nasale droite et le nasopharynx. La néoplasie et la rhinolithiase étaient les principaux diagnostics différentiels. Une rhinostomie dorsale a été réalisée et 1 lésion minéralisée a été retirée. Les examens par spectrophotométrie infrarouge et histologiques de la lésion et de la muqueuse nasale étaient compatibles avec un rhinolithe à 100 % en carbonate de calcium avec colonisation bactérienne et rhinite lymphocytaire chronique. Les signes cliniques se sont améliorés au cours des 4 premières semaines suivant l’intervention chirurgicale. Cependant, malgré un traitement anti-inflammatoire inhalé, l’état de la lapine s’est détérioré lors de la fermeture du site de rhinostomie et elle est décédée 7 semaines après l’opération. Le rhinolithe et la rhinite lymphocytaire doivent être envisagés comme diagnostic différentiel des signes des voies respiratoires supérieures chez les lapins résistants au traitement antimicrobien.Message clinique clé :La rhinolithiase et la rhinite lymphocytaire chronique doivent être incluses dans les diagnostics différentiels des lapins présentant des signes obstructifs chroniques des voies respiratoires supérieures caractérisés par un écoulement nasal purulent et un échec du traitement malgré un traitement antimicrobien adéquat, en particulier avec des signes unilatéraux. La tomodensitométrie et la rhinoscopie avec biopsies sont suggérées pour explorer ces possibilités.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kidney stones are becoming increasingly common, affecting up to 10% of adults. A small percentage are of monogenic origin, such as Dent\'s disease (DD). DD is a syndrome that causes low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, and nephrocalcinosis. It is X-linked, and most patients have mutations in the CLCN5 gene. We performed a review of the literature and evaluated the case series (n = 6) of a single center in Spain, reviewing the natural evolution of kidney stones, clinical implications, laboratory analyses, radiological development, and treatment. All patients had a genetically confirmed diagnosis, with the CLCN5 mutation being the most frequent (66%). All patients had proteinuria and albuminuria, while only two and three presented hypercalciuria and phosphate abnormalities, respectively. Only one patient did not develop lithiasis, with most (60%) requiring extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy or surgery during follow-up. Most of the patients are under nephrological follow-up, and two have either received a renal transplant or are awaiting one. The management of these patients is similar to that with lithiasis of non-monogenic origin, with the difference that early genetic diagnosis can help avoid unnecessary treatments, genetic counseling can be provided, and some monogenic kidney stones may benefit from targeted treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Yucatan stands out as the state with the highest prevalence of urolithiasis in Mexico, placing significant demands on healthcare services, such as consultation and surgical intervention. Staghorn calculi are related to recurrent urinary tract infections, and their management is always surgical. The stone-free rate is a parameter used to measure the success of surgery, with residual stones considered those persisting four weeks after surgical management. There are understudied prognostic factors that can predict the success of achieving stone-free status, taking into account the number of stones, their location, and the anatomical variations of the patient\'s collecting system. The study aims to determine the prognostic factors for residual lithiasis in patients with staghorn calculi treated with percutaneous nephrolithotomy at the High Specialty Regional Hospital of the Yucatan Peninsula.
    METHODS: A case-control study was performed including 188 patients, aged 18 years or older, and diagnosed with staghorn calculus from January 2022 to June 2023, grouping the patients according to their stone-free rate evidence on postoperative computed tomography. Data were collected from the records of the Urology Department at a high-specialty hospital in Yucatan. The groups were analyzed, aiming to establish an association between preoperative factors and postoperative outcomes measured in terms of stone-free rate.
    RESULTS: A total of 188 patients with staghorn calculi were included, with a predominance in females (58.5%) and a mean age of 45.4 ± 11.9 years. The most common comorbidity was hypertension (29.8%), and 27.7% had a history of recurrent urinary tract infections. Regarding the Sampaio classification, B1 was the most prevalent in our population with 66 cases (35.1%), while Type A2 was the least common (13.8%). According to what was obtained through the multivariate logistic regression model, the calyceal anatomy Type A1 and A2 were associated with residual lithiasis (p= 0.016 OR: 2.994 CI: 1.223-7.331), and Grade IV was associated with a higher rate of residual lithiasis (p=0.005 CI: 1.586-13.100). A statistically significant association was found between stone burden and the presence of residual lithiasis (p=< 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Guy\'s Score Grade IV showed a higher incidence of residual lithiasis, seemingly associated with stone burden, leading to the conclusion that both factors were categorized as predictors for the development of post-surgical residual lithiasis. Regarding anatomical variations according to Sampaio, it was observed that types A1 and A2 showed a lower rate of stone-free status. Therefore, we also consider them as variables that may influence the achievement of success in endourological management. Personalized patient assessment allows for more accurate prognostic factors, enabling a more comprehensive surgical planning in the presence of staghorn calculi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether laparoscopic hepatectomy (LH) for hepatolithiasis confers better clinical benefit and lower hospital costs than open hepatectomy (OH). This study aim to evaluate the clinical and economic value of LH versus OH.
    METHODS: Patients undergoing OH or LH for primary hepatolithiasis at Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College between 2015 and 2022 were divided into OH group and LH group. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to balance the baseline data. Deviation-based cost modelling and weighted average median cost (WAMC) were used to assess and compare the economic value.
    RESULTS: A total of 853 patients were identified. After exclusions, 403 patients with primary hepatolithiasis underwent anatomical hepatectomy (OH n=143; LH n=260). PSM resulted in 2 groups of 100 patients each. Although LH required a longer median operation duration compared with OH (285.0 versus 240.0 min, respectively, P<0.001), LH patients had fewer wound infections, fewer pre-discharge overall complications (26 versus 43%, respectively, P=0.009), and shorter median postoperative hospital stays (8.0 versus 12.0 days, respectively, P<0.001). No differences were found in blood loss, major complications, stone clearance, and mortality between the two matched groups. However, the median overall hospital cost of LH was significantly higher than that of OH (CNY¥52,196.1 versus 45,349.5, respectively, P=0.007). Although LH patients had shorter median postoperative hospital stays and fewer complications than OH patients, the WAMC was still higher for the LH group than for the OH group with an increase of CNY¥9,755.2 per patient undergoing LH.
    CONCLUSIONS: The overall clinical benefit of LH for hepatolithiasis is comparable or even superior to that of OH, but with an economic disadvantage. There is a need to effectively reduce the hospital costs of LH and the gap between costs and diagnosis-related group reimbursement to promote its adoption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term hepatolithiasis describes the presence of biliary stones within the intrahepatic bile ducts, above the hilar confluence of the hepatic ducts. The disease is more prevalent in Asia, mainly owing to socioeconomic and dietary factors, as well as the prevalence of biliary parasites. In the last century, owing to migration, its global incidence has increased. The main pathophysiological mechanisms involve cholangitis, bile infection and biliary strictures, creating a self-sustaining cycle that perpetuates the disease, frequently characterised by recurrent episodes of bacterial infection referred to as syndrome of \"recurrent pyogenic cholangitis\". Furthermore, long-standing hepatolithiasis is a known risk factor for development of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Various classifications have aimed at providing useful insight of clinically relevant aspects and guidance for treatment. The management of symptomatic patients and those with complications can be complex, and relies upon a multidisciplinary team of hepatologists, endoscopists, interventional radiologists and hepatobiliary surgeons, with the main goal being to offer relief from the clinical presentations and prevent the development of more serious complications. This comprehensive review provides insight on various aspects of hepatolithiasis, with a focus on epidemiology, new evidence on pathophysiology, most important clinical aspects, different classification systems and contemporary management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study investigated the clinical application of the indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence navigation technique in bile duct identification during laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) for complex hepatolithiasis.
    METHODS: Eighty patients with complex hepatolithiasis were admitted to our department between January 2022 and June 2023 and randomly divided into control and observation groups. The control group underwent conventional LCBDE, while the observation group underwent LCBDE guided by ICG fluorescence.
    RESULTS: Intraoperatively, the observation group had shorter operation and search times for the common bile duct (CBD), as well as reduced intraoperative blood loss and fewer complications, such as conversion to laparotomy and various injuries (gastroduodenal, colon, pancreatic, and vascular) than the control group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Postoperatively, the observation group had lower rates of postoperative bile leakage, abdominal infection, postoperative hemorrhage, and residual stone than the control group. Additionally, the observation group demonstrated significantly shorter times for resuming flatus, removal of the abdominal drainage tube, and hospitalization than the control group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: ICG fluorescence navigation technology effectively visualizes the bile duct, improves its identification rate, shortens the operation time, prevents biliary tract injury, and reduces the occurrence of complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Percutaneous transhepatic one-step biliary fistulation (PTOBF) is used to treat choledocholithiasis and biliary stricture. This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ultrasound-guided PTOBF combined with rigid choledochoscopy in the treatment of recurrent hepatolithiasis.
    METHODS: The clinical data of 37 consecutive patients who underwent PTOBF combined with rigid choledochoscopy for RHL from March 2020 to March 2022 at our hospital were retrospectively analyzed.
    RESULTS: A total of 68 percutaneous transhepatic punctures were performed in 37 patients, with a puncture success rate of 85.29% (58/68) and a dilatation success rate of 100.00% (58/58). The mean blood loss of operation was 9.84 ± 18.10 mL, the mean operation time was 82.05 ± 31.92 min, and the mean length of postoperative hospital stay was 5.59 ± 3.26 days. The initial stone clearance rate was 40.54% (15/37) and the final stone clearance rate was 100% (37/37). The incidence of postoperative complications was 10.81% (4/37), including 2 cases of pleural effusion, 1 case of hemorrhage, and 1 case of cholangitis, which recovered after treatment. During a mean follow-up period of 23 months (range 12 to 36 months), only 1 patient experienced stone recurrence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound-guided PTOBF combined with rigid choledochoscopy in the treatment of RHL based on skilful manipulation seems to be a safe, effective and minimally invasive method with clinical application value. Further comparative studies with large sample sizes are needed in the future to confirm the reliability of its therapeutic results.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Bladder lithiasis comprises 5% of urological lithiasis. Large bladder stones associated with vesicovaginal fistulas are rare, and the risk factors are not an isolated process. There are metabolic comorbidities associated with this pathology, including diabetes mellitus.
    METHODS: A 70-year-old Mestizo patient is presented, reporting dysuria, pollakiuria, and abdominal pain of 4 months of evolution, located in the hypogastric region, also with a sensation of a foreign body in the vaginal introitus. In her pathological history, she presented type 2 diabetes mellitus. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis was performed, reporting a tumor lesion in the abdominal wall. Therefore, surgical intervention was performed by cystolithotomy, obtaining a giant stone adhered to the vaginal wall with a size of 10 cm × 12 cm.
    CONCLUSIONS: Early detection of this pathology should be exhaustive in patients with characteristics and comorbidities associated with stone development to avoid possible complications, such as vesicovaginal fistulas.





