
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coordination of neuronal and glial migration is essential to the formation of most nervous systems, requiring a complex interplay of cell-intrinsic responses and intercellular guidance cues. During the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm), the IgCAM Fasciclin 2 (Fas2) serves several distinct functions to regulate these processes. As the ENS forms, a population of 300 neurons (EP cells) undergoes sequential phases of migration along well-defined muscle pathways on the visceral mesoderm to form a branching Enteric Plexus, closely followed by a trailing wave of proliferating glial cells that enwrap the neurons. Initially, both the neurons and glial cells express a GPI-linked form of Fas2 (GPI-Fas2), which helps maintain cell-cell contact among the pre-migratory neurons and later promotes glial ensheathment. The neurons then switch isoforms, predominantly expressing a combination of transmembrane isoforms lacking an intracellular PEST domain (TM-Fas2 PEST-), while their muscle band pathways on the midgut transiently express transmembrane isoforms containing this domain (TM-Fas2 PEST+). Using intracellular injection protocols to manipulate Fas2 expression in cultured embryos, we found that TM-Fas2 promotes the directed migration and outgrowth of individual neurons in the developing ENS. Concurrently, TM-Fas2 expression by the underlying muscle bands is also required as a substrate cue to support normal migration, while glial expression of GPI-Fas2 helps support their ensheathment of the migratory neurons. These results demonstrate how a specific IgCAM can play multiple roles that help coordinate neuronal and glial migration in the developing nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The IgCAM coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR) is essential for embryonic heart development and electrical conduction in the mature heart. However, it is not well-understood how CAR exerts these effects at the cellular level. To address this question, we analyzed the spontaneous beating of cultured embryonic hearts and cardiomyocytes from wild type and CAR knockout (KO) embryos. Surprisingly, in the absence of the CAR, cultured cardiomyocytes showed increased frequencies of beating and calcium cycling. Increased beatings of heart organ cultures were also induced by the application of reagents that bind to the extracellular region of the CAR, such as the adenovirus fiber knob. However, the calcium cycling machinery, including calcium extrusion via SERCA2 and NCX, was not disrupted in CAR KO cells. In contrast, CAR KO cardiomyocytes displayed size increases but decreased in the total numbers of membrane-localized Cx43 clusters. This was accompanied by improved cell-cell coupling between CAR KO cells, as demonstrated by increased intercellular dye diffusion. Our data indicate that the CAR may modulate the localization and oligomerization of Cx43 at the plasma membrane, which could in turn influence electrical propagation between cardiomyocytes via gap junctions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During nervous system development, neurons send out axons, which must navigate large distances to reach synaptic targets. Axons grow out sequentially. The early outgrowing axons, pioneers, must integrate information from various guidance cues in their environment to determine the correct direction of outgrowth. Later outgrowing follower axons can at least in part navigate by adhering to pioneer axons. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the right side of the largest longitudinal axon tract, the ventral nerve cord, is pioneered by the AVG axon. How the AVG axon navigates is only partially understood. In this study, we describe the role of two members of the IgCAM family, wrk-1 and rig-5, in AVG axon navigation. While wrk-1 and rig-5 single mutants do not show AVG navigation defects, both mutants have highly penetrant pioneer and follower navigation defects in a nid-1 mutant background. Both mutations increase the fraction of follower axons following the misguided pioneer axon. We found that wrk-1 and rig-5 act in different genetic pathways, suggesting that we identified two pioneer-independent guidance pathways used by follower axons. We assessed general locomotion, mechanosensory responsiveness, and habituation to determine whether axonal navigation defects impact nervous system function. In rig-5 nid-1 double mutants, we found no significant defects in free movement behavior; however, a subpopulation of animals shows minor changes in response duration habituation after mechanosensory stimulation. These results suggest that guidance defects of axons in the motor circuit do not necessarily lead to major movement or behavioral defects but impact more complex behavioral modulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impaired social interaction, language delay and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. With increasing prevalence, ASD is currently estimated to affect 0.5-2.0% of the global population. However, its etiology remains unclear due to high genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Copy number variations (CNVs) are implicated in several forms of syndromic ASD and have been demonstrated to contribute toward ASD development by altering gene dosage and expression. Increasing evidence points toward the p-arm of chromosome 3 (chromosome 3p) as an ASD risk locus. Deletions occurring at chromosome 3p result in 3p-deletion syndrome (Del3p), a rare genetic disorder characterized by developmental delay, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphisms and often, ASD or ASD-associated behaviors. Therefore, we hypothesize that overlapping molecular mechanisms underlie the pathogenesis of Del3p and ASD. To investigate which genes encoded in chromosome 3p could contribute toward Del3p and ASD, we performed a comprehensive literature review and collated reports investigating the phenotypes of individuals with chromosome 3p CNVs. We observe that high frequencies of CNVs occur in the 3p26.3 region, the terminal cytoband of chromosome 3p. This suggests that CNVs disrupting genes encoded within the 3p26.3 region are likely to contribute toward the neurodevelopmental phenotypes observed in individuals affected by Del3p. The 3p26.3 region contains three consecutive genes encoding closely related neuronal immunoglobulin cell adhesion molecules (IgCAMs): Close Homolog of L1 (CHL1), Contactin-6 (CNTN6), and Contactin-4 (CNTN4). CNVs disrupting these neuronal IgCAMs may contribute toward ASD phenotypes as they have been associated with key roles in neurodevelopment. CHL1, CNTN6, and CNTN4 have been observed to promote neurogenesis and neuronal survival, and regulate neuritogenesis and synaptic function. Furthermore, there is evidence that these neuronal IgCAMs possess overlapping interactomes and participate in common signaling pathways regulating axon guidance. Notably, mouse models deficient for these neuronal IgCAMs do not display strong deficits in axonal migration or behavioral phenotypes, which is in contrast to the pronounced defects in neuritogenesis and axon guidance observed in vitro. This suggests that when CHL1, CNTN6, or CNTN4 function is disrupted by CNVs, other neuronal IgCAMs may suppress behavioral phenotypes by compensating for the loss of function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ig-like cell adhesion molecule (IgCAM) BT-IgSF (brain- and testis-specific Ig superfamily protein) plays a major role in male fertility in mice. However, the molecular mechanism by which BT-IgSF supports fertility is unclear. Here, we found that it is localized in Sertoli cells at the blood-testis barrier (BTB) and at the apical ectoplasmic specialization. The absence of BT-IgSF in Sertoli cells in both global and conditional mouse mutants (i.e. AMHCre and Rosa26CreERT2 lines) resulted in male infertility, atrophic testes with vacuolation, azoospermia, and spermatogenesis arrest. Although transcripts of junctional proteins such as connexin43, ZO-1, occludin, and claudin11 were up-regulated in the absence of BT-IgSF, the functional integrity of the BTB was impaired, as revealed by injection of a BTB-impermeable component into the testes under in vivo conditions. Disruption of the BTB coincided with mislocalization of connexin43, which was present throughout the seminiferous epithelium and not restricted to the BTB as in wild-type tissues, suggesting impaired cell-cell communication in the BT-IgSF-KO mice. Because EM images revealed a normal BTB structure between Sertoli cells in the BT-IgSF-KO mice, we conclude that infertility in these mice is most likely caused by a functionally impaired BTB. In summary, our results indicate that BT-IgSF is expressed at the BTB and is required for male fertility by supporting the functional integrity of the BTB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neural IgCAM family of cell adhesion molecules, which includes NCAM and related molecules, has evolved via gene duplication and alternative splicing to allow for a wide range of isoforms with distinct functions and homophilic binding properties. A search for neural IgCAMs in ascidians (Ciona intestinalis, Ciona savignyi, and Phallusia mammillata) has identified a novel set of truncated family members that, unlike the known members, lack fibronectin III domains and consist of only repeated Ig domains. Within the tunicates this form appears to be unique to the ascidians, and it was designated ACAM, for Ascidian Cell Adhesion Molecule. In C. intestinalis ACAM is expressed in the developing neural plate and neural tube, with strongest expression in the anterior sensory vesicle precursor. Unlike the two other conventional neural IgCAMs in C. intestinalis, which are expressed maternally and throughout the morula and blastula stages, ACAM expression initiates at the gastrula stage. Moreover, C. intestinalis ACAM is a target of the homeodomain transcription factor OTX, which plays an essential role in the development of the anterior central nervous system. Morpholino (MO) knockdown shows that ACAM is required for neural tube closure. In MO-injected embryos neural tube closure was normal caudally, but the anterior neuropore remained open. A similar phenotype was seen with overexpression of a secreted version of ACAM. The presence of ACAM in ascidians highlights the diversity of this gene family in morphogenesis and neurodevelopment.





