health care decision-making

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: ChatGPT (OpenAI) is a powerful tool for a wide range of tasks, from entertainment and creativity to health care queries. There are potential risks and benefits associated with this technology. In the discourse concerning the deployment of ChatGPT and similar large language models, it is sensible to recommend their use primarily for tasks a human user can execute accurately. As we transition into the subsequent phase of ChatGPT deployment, establishing realistic performance expectations and understanding users\' perceptions of risk associated with its use are crucial in determining the successful integration of this artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to explore how perceived workload, satisfaction, performance expectancy, and risk-benefit perception influence users\' trust in ChatGPT.
    METHODS: A semistructured, web-based survey was conducted with 607 adults in the United States who actively use ChatGPT. The survey questions were adapted from constructs used in various models and theories such as the technology acceptance model, the theory of planned behavior, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, and research on trust and security in digital environments. To test our hypotheses and structural model, we used the partial least squares structural equation modeling method, a widely used approach for multivariate analysis.
    RESULTS: A total of 607 people responded to our survey. A significant portion of the participants held at least a high school diploma (n=204, 33.6%), and the majority had a bachelor\'s degree (n=262, 43.1%). The primary motivations for participants to use ChatGPT were for acquiring information (n=219, 36.1%), amusement (n=203, 33.4%), and addressing problems (n=135, 22.2%). Some participants used it for health-related inquiries (n=44, 7.2%), while a few others (n=6, 1%) used it for miscellaneous activities such as brainstorming, grammar verification, and blog content creation. Our model explained 64.6% of the variance in trust. Our analysis indicated a significant relationship between (1) workload and satisfaction, (2) trust and satisfaction, (3) performance expectations and trust, and (4) risk-benefit perception and trust.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings underscore the importance of ensuring user-friendly design and functionality in AI-based applications to reduce workload and enhance user satisfaction, thereby increasing user trust. Future research should further explore the relationship between risk-benefit perception and trust in the context of AI chatbots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in children is a leading cause of emergency department (ED) visits, resulting in substantial health care costs and stress for families and caregivers. The majority of pediatric AGE cases are caused by viral infections and can be managed at home using strategies to prevent dehydration. To increase knowledge of, and support health decision-making for, pediatric AGE, we developed a knowledge translation (KT) tool (fully automated web-based whiteboard animation video).
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the potential effectiveness of the web-based KT tool in terms of knowledge, health care decision-making, use of resources, and perceived benefit and value.
    METHODS: A convenience sample of parents was recruited between December 18, 2020, and August 10, 2021. Parents were recruited in the ED of a pediatric tertiary care hospital and followed for up to 14 days after the ED visit. The eligibility criteria included parent or legal guardian of a child aged <16 years presenting to the ED with an acute episode of diarrhea or vomiting, ability to communicate in English, and agreeable to follow-up via email. Parents were randomized to receive the web-based KT tool (intervention) about AGE or a sham video (control) during their ED visit. The primary outcome was knowledge assessed before the intervention (baseline), immediately after the intervention, and at follow-up 4 to 14 days after ED discharge. Other outcomes included decision regret, health care use, and KT tool usability and satisfaction. The intervention group participants were invited to participate in a semistructured interview to gather additional feedback about the KT tool.
    RESULTS: A total of 103 parents (intervention: n=51, 49.5%, and control: n=52, 50.5%) completed the baseline and postintervention assessments. Of these 103 parents, 78 (75.7%; intervention: n=36, 46%, and control: n=42, 54%) completed the follow-up questionnaire. Knowledge scores after the intervention (mean 8.5, SD 2.6 vs mean 6.3, SD 1.7; P<.001) and at follow-up (mean 9.1, SD 2.7 vs mean 6.8, SD 1.6; P<.001) were significantly higher in the intervention group. After the intervention, parents in the intervention group reported greater confidence in knowledge than those in the control group. No significant difference in decision regret was found at any time point. Parents rated the KT tool higher than the sham video across 5 items assessing usability and satisfaction.
    CONCLUSIONS: The web-based KT tool improved parental knowledge about AGE and confidence in their knowledge, which are important precursors to behavior change. Further research is needed into understanding what information and delivery format as well as other factors influence parents\' decision-making regarding their child\'s health.
    BACKGROUND: NCT03234777;
    UNASSIGNED: RR2-10.1186/s40814-018-0318-0.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Involving patients and citizens in health care decision-making is considered increasingly important in Germany. Participatory structures have been implemented, especially in rehabilitative care. However, it is unknown whether and to what extent German patients and citizens want to participate in decisions that exceed their own medical treatment.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to survey participation preferences and associated factors of health service users in decisions regarding rehabilitative care at micro, meso and macro levels.
    METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 3872 former rehabilitants. We collected participation preferences using the Control Preference Scale or an adapted form. Possible influencing factors were examined using logistic regression models.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 5.7% (n = 217). At all decision-making levels, joint decision-making was preferred. At the macro level, preferences for actively participating were the highest. Preferences were significantly interrelated between decision-making levels. At the micro level, an orthopaedic indication significantly decreased the desire for participation compared to psychosomatic indications (odds ratio = 0.44, p = .019).
    CONCLUSIONS: Participants wanted to be equally involved in decision-making as experts. Higher preferences for active participation at the macro level might be due to dissatisfaction with the current health care organisation and lack of trust in politicians. Compared to the general public, our study sample was older (73.3% between 50 and 69 years) and more often chronically ill-factors associated with increased participation preferences in the literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to the identified preferences, participation opportunities in the German health care system are rare. Further research on participation preferences and structures that enable meaningful involvement are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood stunting remains a global public health concern. Little has been documented on the effect of women\'s decision-making autonomy on child growth in settings where decision-making at the household and community levels is largely dominated by men. To assess the relationship between maternal autonomy and child growth, we analysed data from a cross-sectional study of 422 mothers and their youngest child aged 6-24 months in the Bawku West District of Ghana. The dimensions of women\'s autonomy measured were decision-making power, freedom of mobility and financial autonomy. We then compared how each dimension was associated with the likelihood of stunting and wasting. The important predictors of child growth and dietary intake as measured by the mean length-for-age Z-score (LAZ) and minimum acceptable (MAD) diet, respectively, were determined using multivariable regression models. The overall composite index of women autonomy (CIWA) showed that 52⋅8 % of women were of high autonomy and half of them had higher autonomy regarding their own and their children\'s health. After adjusting (multiple regression analysis) for potential confounders, the mean LAZ of children born to women of high autonomy was significantly higher than LAZ of children born to women of low autonomy (β = 0⋅132; 95 % CI 0⋅19, 0⋅95; P = 0⋅004). Similarly, high women\'s autonomy was a significant independent predictor of meeting MAD (AOR = 1⋅59; CI 1⋅09, 2⋅34). Of all, the dimensions of women\'s autonomy measured in this study, health care autonomy better predicted child growth and dietary intake. Based on the findings, nutrition policies and interventions that enhance women\'s decision-making autonomy could have a positive impact on child growth outcomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health care coverage decisions may employ many different considerations, which are brought together across two phases. The assessment phase examines the available scientific evidence, such as the cost-effectiveness, of the technology. The appraisal then contextualises this evidence to arrive at an (advised) coverage decision, but little is known about how this is done.In the Netherlands, the appraisal is set up to achieve a societal weighing and is the primary place where need- and solidarity-related (\'necessity\') argumentations are used. To elucidate how the Dutch appraisal committee \'constructs necessity\', we analysed observations and recordings of two appraisal committee meetings at the National Health Care Institute, the corresponding documents (five), and interviews with committee members and policy makers (13 interviewees in 12 interviews), with attention to specific necessity argumentations.The Dutch appraisal committee constructs necessity in four phases: (1) allowing explicit criteria to steer the process; (2) allowing patient (representative) contributions to challenge the process; (3) bringing new argumentations in from outside and weaving them together; and (4) formulating recommendations to societal stakeholders. We argue that in these ways, the appraisal committee achieves societal weighing rationality, as the committee actively uses argumentations from society and embeds the decision outcome in society.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decision-makers increasingly request rapid answers to clinical or public health questions. To save time, personnel, and financial resources, rapid reviews streamline the methodological steps of the systematic review process. We aimed to explore the validity of a rapid review approach that combines a substantially abbreviated literature search with a single-reviewer screening of abstracts and full texts using three case studies.
    We used a convenience sample of three ongoing Cochrane reviews as reference standards. Two reviews addressed oncological topics and one addressed a public health topic. For each of the three topics, three reviewers screened the literature independently. Our primary outcome was the change in conclusions between the rapid reviews and the respective Cochrane reviews. In case the rapid approach missed studies, we recalculated the meta-analyses for the main outcomes and asked Cochrane review authors if the new body of evidence would change their original conclusion compared with the reference standards. Additionally, we assessed the sensitivity of the rapid review approach compared with the results of the original Cochrane reviews.
    For the two oncological topics (case studies 1 and 2), the three rapid reviews each yielded the same conclusions as the Cochrane reviews. However, the authors would have had less certainty about their conclusion in case study 2. For case study 3, the public health topic, only one of the three rapid reviews led to the same conclusion as the Cochrane review. The other two rapid reviews provided insufficient information for the authors to draw conclusions. Using the rapid review approach, the sensitivity was 100% (3 of 3) for case study 1. For case study 2, the three rapid reviews identified 40% (4 of 10), 50% (5 of 10), and 60% (6 of 10) of the included studies, respectively; for case study 3, the respective numbers were 38% (8 of 21), 43% (9 of 21), and 48% (10 of 21).
    Within the limitations of these case studies, a rapid review approach that combines abbreviated literature searches with single-reviewer screening may be feasible for focused clinical questions. For complex public health topics, sensitivity seems to be insufficient.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act in 1986 was intended to bring an end to incidents of \"patient dumping.\" However, due to the conflation of various federal legislative provisions, hospitals faced with the prospect of long-term unreimbursed care of an immigrant patient, whether legally present in the United States or not, are in some cases having such patients transported to another country. These transfers are often being effectuated without patient consent. After an overview of the flaws in the legal system that have effectively encouraged such patient transfers, this essay uses a clinical case to demonstrate how physicians can collaborate with an interdisciplinary team and with family members to ensure that the best interests of immigrant patients are met. Finally, the essay calls on physicians to advocate for the development of hospital policies and practices that will protect patients from international patient dumping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among various kinds of disclosures typically required in research as well as in clinical scenarios, risk information figures prominently. A key question is, what kinds of risk information would the reasonable person want to know? I will argue, however, that the reasonable person construct is and always has been incapable of settling this very question. After parsing the nebulous if not \"contentless\" character of the reasonable person, I will explain how Western courts have actually adjudicated cases of \"negligent nondisclosure,\" that is, cases in which patient-plaintiffs allege that their informed consent rights were violated by the failure of their health providers to inform them of reasonably foreseeable risks that subsequently materialized. To support my argument, I will scrutinize the landmark decision by the United Kingdom\'s Supreme Court in Montgomery v. Lanarkshire Health Board and, in particular, Justice Brenda Hale\'s concurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to evaluate nurses\' experiences and factors related to their attitudes regarding discussions of do-not-resuscitate (DNR) and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment (LST) with patients and their families. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Taiwan. Nurses aged ≥ 20 years who were in charge of acute inpatient care were randomly recruited. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to evaluate participants\' experiences and attitudes regarding discussions of DNR and LST withdrawal for terminal patients. Logistic regression with adjustment for covariates was used to analyze factors related to participants\' attitudes toward discussions about DNR and LST withdrawal with patients and families in the future care of terminal patients. The participants were 132 nurses. They had significantly more discussions about DNR and LST withdrawal with patients\' families than with patients. Regression analysis showed that participants who had past experiences in actively initiating DNR discussions with patients or patients\' families were significantly more likely to discuss DNR with patients in the future care of terminal patients, but participants aged 40.0 to 60.0 years were significantly less likely to have DNR discussions than those aged 20.0 to 29.9 years. Experiences of actively initiated DNR or LST discussions with patients\' families were significantly more likely to discuss DNR with patients\' families, but those aged 40.0 to 60.0 years were also significantly less likely to have DNR discussions than those aged 20.0 to 29.9 years. Experience in actively initiating discussions about LST withdrawal with patients\' families, being male, and possessing an education level higher than university were significantly related to LST withdrawal discussions with terminal patients or their families in the future. In conclusion, there need to be more discussions about DNR and LST withdrawal with patients. To protect patients\' autonomy and their rights to make decisions about their DNR and LST, measures are needed to facilitate DNR and LST discussions with patients to ensure better end-of-life care.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Walking outdoors supports health and well-being, but some people living with dementia are at increased risk of getting lost and of harm while missing. Electronic monitoring can potentially play an important preventative role by enabling the person\'s location to be continuously monitored by caregivers. However, there are considerable ethical concerns arising from electronic monitoring. This paper explores these thematically, drawing attention to its implications for autonomy and liberty; privacy; dignity; the rights and needs of caregivers and families; beneficence and nonmaleficence. Following from this, key questions for consideration in social work assessment are identified. The ethical issues necessitate assessment of the person\'s unique circumstances and preferences and that of their caregivers, and careful ethical deliberation in decision-making. Social work can play an important role in facilitating inclusive assessment and decision-making, leading to consensus on intervening with electronic monitoring. The need for the ongoing review following implementation is discussed to track whether decisions need modification in light of the experience of usage. In conclusion, while legislative instruments and professional codes of ethics frame social work practice responses, there is need for a nuanced debate about ethical use of electronic monitoring and specific guidance to inform assessment, decision-making, and review.





