
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast cancer is a leading cause of mortality among women globally, necessitating precise classification of breast ultrasound images for early diagnosis and treatment. Traditional methods using CNN architectures such as VGG, ResNet, and DenseNet, though somewhat effective, often struggle with class imbalances and subtle texture variations, leading to reduced accuracy for minority classes such as malignant tumors. To address these issues, we propose a methodology that leverages EfficientNet-B7, a scalable CNN architecture, combined with advanced data augmentation techniques to enhance minority class representation and improve model robustness. Our approach involves fine-tuning EfficientNet-B7 on the BUSI dataset, implementing RandomHorizontalFlip, RandomRotation, and ColorJitter to balance the dataset and improve model robustness. The training process includes early stopping to prevent overfitting and optimize performance metrics. Additionally, we integrate Explainable AI (XAI) techniques, such as Grad-CAM, to enhance the interpretability and transparency of the model\'s predictions, providing visual and quantitative insights into the features and regions of ultrasound images influencing classification outcomes. Our model achieves a classification accuracy of 99.14%, significantly outperforming existing CNN-based approaches in breast ultrasound image classification. The incorporation of XAI techniques enhances our understanding of the model\'s decision-making process, thereby increasing its reliability and facilitating clinical adoption. This comprehensive framework offers a robust and interpretable tool for the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, advancing the capabilities of automated diagnostic systems and supporting clinical decision-making processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain tumors are a leading cause of death globally, with numerous types varying in malignancy, and only 12% of adults diagnosed with brain cancer survive beyond five years. This research introduces a hyperparametric convolutional neural network (CNN) model to identify brain tumors, with significant practical implications. By fine-tuning the hyperparameters of the CNN model, we optimize feature extraction and systematically reduce model complexity, thereby enhancing the accuracy of brain tumor diagnosis. The critical hyperparameters include batch size, layer counts, learning rate, activation functions, pooling strategies, padding, and filter size. The hyperparameter-tuned CNN model was trained on three different brain MRI datasets available at Kaggle, producing outstanding performance scores, with an average value of 97% for accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Our optimized model is effective, as demonstrated by our methodical comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches. Our hyperparameter modifications enhanced the model performance and strengthened its capacity for generalization, giving medical practitioners a more accurate and effective tool for making crucial judgments regarding brain tumor diagnosis. Our model is a significant step in the right direction toward trustworthy and accurate medical diagnosis, with practical implications for improving patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Accurate occupation classification is essential in various fields, including policy development and epidemiological studies. This study aims to develop an occupation classification model based on DistilKoBERT.
    UNASSIGNED: This study used data from the 5th and 6th Korean Working Conditions Surveys conducted in 2017 and 2020, respectively. A total of 99,665 survey participants, who were nationally representative of Korean workers, were included. We used natural language responses regarding their job responsibilities and occupational codes based on the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations (7th version, 3-digit codes). The dataset was randomly split into training and test datasets in a ratio of 7:3. The occupation classification model based on DistilKoBERT was fine-tuned using the training dataset, and the model was evaluated using the test dataset. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score were calculated as evaluation metrics.
    UNASSIGNED: The final model, which classified 28,996 survey participants in the test dataset into 142 occupational codes, exhibited an accuracy of 84.44%. For the evaluation metrics, the precision, recall, and F1 score of the model, calculated by weighting based on the sample size, were 0.83, 0.84, and 0.83, respectively. The model demonstrated high precision in the classification of service and sales workers yet exhibited low precision in the classification of managers. In addition, it displayed high precision in classifying occupations prominently represented in the training dataset.
    UNASSIGNED: This study developed an occupation classification system based on DistilKoBERT, which demonstrated reasonable performance. Despite further efforts to enhance the classification accuracy, this automated occupation classification model holds promise for advancing epidemiological studies in the fields of occupational safety and health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological membranes consist of a lipid bilayer in which integral membrane proteins are embedded. Based on the compositional complexity of the lipid species found in membranes, and on their specific and selective interactions with membrane proteins, we recently suggested that membrane bilayers can be best described as \"finely-tuned molecular machines.\" We now discuss one such set of lipid-protein interactions by describing a negative feedback mechanism operating in the de novo sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway, which occurs in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, and describe the atomic interactions between the first enzyme in the pathway, namely serine palmitoyl transferase, and the product of the fourth enzyme in the pathway, ceramide. We explore how hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions formed between Asn13 and Phe63 in the serine palmitoyl transferase complex and ceramide can influence the ceramide content of the endoplasmic reticulum. This example of finely-tuned biochemical interactions raises intriguing mechanistic questions about how sphingolipids and their biosynthetic enzymes could have evolved, particularly in light of their metabolic co-dependence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Clinical note section identification helps locate relevant information and could be beneficial for downstream tasks such as named entity recognition. However, the traditional supervised methods suffer from transferability issues. This study proposes a new framework for using large language models (LLMs) for section identification to overcome the limitations.
    UNASSIGNED: We framed section identification as question-answering and provided the section definitions in free-text. We evaluated multiple LLMs off-the-shelf without any training. We also fine-tune our LLMs to investigate how the size and the specificity of the fine-tuning dataset impacts model performance.
    UNASSIGNED: GPT4 achieved the highest F1 score of 0.77. The best open-source model (Tulu2-70b) achieved 0.64 and is on par with GPT3.5 (ChatGPT). GPT4 is also found to obtain F1 scores greater than 0.9 for 9 out of the 27 (33%) section types and greater than 0.8 for 15 out of 27 (56%) section types. For our fine-tuned models, we found they plateaued with an increasing size of the general domain dataset. We also found that adding a reasonable amount of section identification examples is beneficial.
    UNASSIGNED: These results indicate that GPT4 is nearly production-ready for section identification, and seemingly contains both knowledge of note structure and the ability to follow complex instructions, and the best current open-source LLM is catching up.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study shows that LLMs are promising for generalizable clinical note section identification. They have the potential to be further improved by adding section identification examples to the fine-tuning dataset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Decoding human genomic sequences requires comprehensive analysis of DNA sequence functionality. Through computational and experimental approaches, researchers have studied the genotype-phenotype relationship and generate important datasets that help unravel complicated genetic blueprints. Thus, the recently developed artificial intelligence methods can be used to interpret the functions of those DNA sequences.
    METHODS: This study explores the use of deep learning, particularly pre-trained genomic models like DNA_bert_6 and human_gpt2-v1, in interpreting and representing human genome sequences. Initially, we meticulously constructed multiple datasets linking genotypes and phenotypes to fine-tune those models for precise DNA sequence classification. Additionally, we evaluate the influence of sequence length on classification results and analyze the impact of feature extraction in the hidden layers of our model using the HERV dataset. To enhance our understanding of phenotype-specific patterns recognized by the model, we perform enrichment, pathogenicity and conservation analyzes of specific motifs in the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) sequence with high average local representation weight (ALRW) scores.
    RESULTS: We have constructed multiple genotype-phenotype datasets displaying commendable classification performance in comparison with random genomic sequences, particularly in the HERV dataset, which achieved binary and multi-classification accuracies and F1 values exceeding 0.935 and 0.888, respectively. Notably, the fine-tuning of the HERV dataset not only improved our ability to identify and distinguish diverse information types within DNA sequences but also successfully identified specific motifs associated with neurological disorders and cancers in regions with high ALRW scores. Subsequent analysis of these motifs shed light on the adaptive responses of species to environmental pressures and their co-evolution with pathogens.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the potential of pre-trained genomic models in learning DNA sequence representations, particularly when utilizing the HERV dataset, and provide valuable insights for future research endeavors. This study represents an innovative strategy that combines pre-trained genomic model representations with classical methods for analyzing the functionality of genome sequences, thereby promoting cross-fertilization between genomics and artificial intelligence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fine-tuning is an important technique in transfer learning that has achieved significant success in tasks that lack training data. However, as it is difficult to extract effective features for single-source domain fine-tuning when the data distribution difference between the source and the target domain is large, we propose a transfer learning framework based on multi-source domain called adaptive multi-source domain collaborative fine-tuning (AMCF) to address this issue. AMCF utilizes multiple source domain models for collaborative fine-tuning, thereby improving the feature extraction capability of model in the target task. Specifically, AMCF employs an adaptive multi-source domain layer selection strategy to customize appropriate layer fine-tuning schemes for the target task among multiple source domain models, aiming to extract more efficient features. Furthermore, a novel multi-source domain collaborative loss function is designed to facilitate the precise extraction of target data features by each source domain model. Simultaneously, it works towards minimizing the output difference among various source domain models, thereby enhancing the adaptability of the source domain model to the target data. In order to validate the effectiveness of AMCF, it is applied to seven public visual classification datasets commonly used in transfer learning, and compared with the most widely used single-source domain fine-tuning methods. Experimental results demonstrate that, in comparison with the existing fine-tuning methods, our method not only enhances the accuracy of feature extraction in the model but also provides precise layer fine-tuning schemes for the target task, thereby significantly improving the fine-tuning performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small-molecule drug design aims to generate compounds that target specific proteins, playing a crucial role in the early stages of drug discovery. Recently, research has emerged that utilizes the GPT model, which has achieved significant success in various fields to generate molecular compounds. However, due to the persistent challenge of small datasets in the pharmaceutical field, there has been some degradation in the performance of generating target-specific compounds. To address this issue, we propose an enhanced target-specific drug generation model, Adapt-cMolGPT, which modifies molecular representation and optimizes the fine-tuning process. In particular, we introduce a new fine-tuning method that incorporates an adapter module into a pre-trained base model and alternates weight updates by sections. We evaluated the proposed model through multiple experiments and demonstrated performance improvements compared to previous models. In the experimental results, Adapt-cMolGPT generated a greater number of novel and valid compounds compared to other models, with these generated compounds exhibiting properties similar to those of real molecular data. These results indicate that our proposed method is highly effective in designing drugs targeting specific proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our best current science seems to suggest the laws of physics and the initial conditions of our universe are fine-tuned for the possibility of life. A significant number of scientists and philosophers believe that the fine-tuning is evidence for the multiverse hypothesis. This paper will focus on a much-discussed objection to the inference from the fine-tuning to the multiverse: the charge that this line of reasoning commits the inverse gambler\'s fallacy. Despite the existence of a literature going back decades, this philosophical debate has made little contact with scientific discussion of fine-tuning and the multiverse, which mainly revolves around a specific form of the multiverse hypothesis rooted in eternal inflation combined with string theory. Because of this, potentially important implications from science to philosophy, and vice versa, have been left underexplored. In this paper, I will take a first step at joining up these two discussions, by arguing that attention to the eternal inflation + string theory conception of the multiverse supports the inverse gambler\'s fallacy charge. It does this by supporting the idea that our universe is contingently fine-tuned, thus addressing the concern that proponents of the inverse gambler\'s fallacy charge have assumed this without argument.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to support promising new applications in health informatics. However, practical data on sample size considerations for fine-tuning LLMs to perform specific tasks in biomedical and health policy contexts are lacking.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate sample size and sample selection techniques for fine-tuning LLMs to support improved named entity recognition (NER) for a custom data set of conflicts of interest disclosure statements.
    METHODS: A random sample of 200 disclosure statements was prepared for annotation. All \"PERSON\" and \"ORG\" entities were identified by each of the 2 raters, and once appropriate agreement was established, the annotators independently annotated an additional 290 disclosure statements. From the 490 annotated documents, 2500 stratified random samples in different size ranges were drawn. The 2500 training set subsamples were used to fine-tune a selection of language models across 2 model architectures (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers [BERT] and Generative Pre-trained Transformer [GPT]) for improved NER, and multiple regression was used to assess the relationship between sample size (sentences), entity density (entities per sentence [EPS]), and trained model performance (F1-score). Additionally, single-predictor threshold regression models were used to evaluate the possibility of diminishing marginal returns from increased sample size or entity density.
    RESULTS: Fine-tuned models ranged in topline NER performance from F1-score=0.79 to F1-score=0.96 across architectures. Two-predictor multiple linear regression models were statistically significant with multiple R2 ranging from 0.6057 to 0.7896 (all P<.001). EPS and the number of sentences were significant predictors of F1-scores in all cases ( P<.001), except for the GPT-2_large model, where EPS was not a significant predictor (P=.184). Model thresholds indicate points of diminishing marginal return from increased training data set sample size measured by the number of sentences, with point estimates ranging from 439 sentences for RoBERTa_large to 527 sentences for GPT-2_large. Likewise, the threshold regression models indicate a diminishing marginal return for EPS with point estimates between 1.36 and 1.38.
    CONCLUSIONS: Relatively modest sample sizes can be used to fine-tune LLMs for NER tasks applied to biomedical text, and training data entity density should representatively approximate entity density in production data. Training data quality and a model architecture\'s intended use (text generation vs text processing or classification) may be as, or more, important as training data volume and model parameter size.





