field potential

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-frequency (>60 Hz) neuroelectric signals likely have functional roles distinct from low-frequency (<30 Hz) signals. While high-gamma activity (>60 Hz) does not simply equate to neuronal spiking, they are highly correlated, having similar information encoding. High-gamma activity is typically considered broadband and poorly phase-locked to sensory stimuli and thus is typically analyzed after transformations into absolute amplitude or spectral power. However, those analyses discard signal polarity, compromising the interpretation of neuroelectric events that are essentially dipolar. In the spectrotemporal profiles of field potentials in auditory cortex, we show high-frequency spectral peaks not phase-locked to sound onset, which follow the broadband peak of phase-locked onset responses. Isolating the signal components comprising the high-frequency peaks reveals narrow-band high-frequency oscillatory events, whose instantaneous frequency changes rapidly from >150 to 60 Hz, which may underlie broadband high-frequency spectral peaks in previous reports. The laminar amplitude distributions of the isolated activity had two peak positions, while the laminar phase patterns showed a counterphase relationship between those peaks, indicating the formation of dipoles. Our findings suggest that nonphase-locked HGA arises in part from oscillatory or recurring activity of supragranular-layer neuronal ensembles in auditory cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As research on in vitro cardiotoxicity assessment and cardiac disease modeling becomes more important, the demand for human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs) is increasing. However, it has been reported that differentiated hPSC-CMs are in a physiologically immature state compared to in vivo adult CMs. Since immaturity of hPSC-CMs can lead to poor drug response and loss of acquired heart disease modeling, various approaches have been attempted to promote maturation of CMs. Here, we confirm that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), one of the representative mechanisms of CM metabolism and cardioprotective effect also affects maturation of CMs. To upregulate PPARα expression, we treated hPSC-CMs with fenofibrate (Feno), a PPARα agonist used in clinical hyperlipidemia treatment, and demonstrated that the structure, mitochondria-mediated metabolism, and electrophysiology-based functions of hPSC-CMs were all mature. Furthermore, as a result of multi electrode array (MEA)-based cardiotoxicity evaluation between control and Feno groups according to treatment with arrhythmia-inducing drugs, drug response was similar in a dose-dependent manner. However, main parameters such as field potential duration, beat period, and spike amplitude were different between the 2 groups. Overall, these results emphasize that applying matured hPSC-CMs to the field of preclinical cardiotoxicity evaluation, which has become an essential procedure for new drug development, is necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Living heart slices have recently emerged as a powerful experimental model for fundamental cardiac research. By retaining the structure and function of the native myocardium while maintaining the simplicity of cell culture models, heart slices can be easily employed in electrophysiological, pharmacological, biochemical, and structural investigations. One single heart yields many slices (>20 slices for rodents, >100 slices for porcine or human hearts), however due to the low throughput of most assays and rapid slice degeneration within 24 h of preparation, many slices remain unused and are discarded at the end of the preparation day. Here we present a novel method to extend viability and functionality of living heart slices, enabling their use in experiments over several consecutive days following preparation. By combining hypothermic conditions with inhibition of myosin II ATPase using 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM), slices prepared from the left ventricle of porcine hearts remain viable and exhibit preserved contractile function and morphology for up to 6 days. Electrophysiological function was also confirmed over the 6 days by extracellular field potentials recordings. This simple method not only maximizes the use of slices prepared from one single heart, thus reducing the number of animals required, but also increases data reproducibility by allowing multiple electrophysiological, pharmacological, biochemical, and structural studies to be performed from the same heart.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Field potential (FP) recording is an accessible means to capture the shifts in the activity of neuron populations. However, the spatial and composite nature of these signals has largely been ignored, at least until it became technically possible to separate activities from co-activated sources in different structures or those that overlap in a volume. The pathway-specificity of mesoscopic sources has provided an anatomical reference that facilitates transcending from theoretical analysis to the exploration of real brain structures. We review computational and experimental findings that indicate how prioritizing the spatial geometry and density of sources, as opposed to the distance to the recording site, better defines the amplitudes and spatial reach of FPs. The role of geometry is enhanced by considering that zones of the active populations that act as sources or sinks of current may arrange differently with respect to each other, and have different geometry and densities. Thus, observations that seem counterintuitive in the scheme of distance-based logic alone can now be explained. For example, geometric factors explain why some structures produce FPs and others do not, why different FP motifs generated in the same structure extend far while others remain local, why factors like the size of an active population or the strong synchronicity of its neurons may fail to affect FPs, or why the rate of FP decay varies in different directions. These considerations are exemplified in large structures like the cortex and hippocampus, in which the role of geometrical elements and regional activation in shaping well-known FP oscillations generally go unnoticed. Discovering the geometry of the sources in play will decrease the risk of population or pathway misassignments based solely on the FP amplitude or temporal pattern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Field potential (FP) signals from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte (hiPSC-CM) spheroid which are used for drug safety tests in the preclinical stage are different from action potential (AP) signals and require working knowledge of the multi-electrode array (MEA) system. In this study, we developed in silico three-dimensional (3-D) models of hiPSC-CM spheroids for the simulation of field potential measurement. We compared our model simulation results against in vitro experimental data under the effect of drugs E-4031 and nifedipine. Methods: In silico 3-D models of hiPSC-CM spheroids were constructed in spherical and discoidal shapes. Tetrahedral meshes were generated inside the models, and the propagation of the action potential in the model was obtained by numerically solving the monodomain reaction-diffusion equation. An electrical model of electrode was constructed and FPs were calculated using the extracellular potentials from the AP propagations. The effects of drugs were simulated by matching the simulation results with in vitro experimental data. Results: The simulated FPs from the 3-D models of hiPSC-CM spheroids exhibited highly variable shapes depending on the stimulation and measurement locations. The values of the IC50 of E-4031 and nifedipine calculated by matching the simulated FP durations with in vitro experimental data were in line with the experimentally measured ones reported in the literature. Conclusion: The 3-D in silico models of hiPSC-CM spheroids generated highly variable FPs similar to those observed in in vitro experiments. The in silico model has the potential to complement the interpretation of the FP signals obtained from in vitro experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: We had shown that cardiomyocytes (CMs) were more efficiently differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) when the hiPSCs were reprogrammed from cardiac fibroblasts rather than dermal fibroblasts or blood mononuclear cells. Here, we continued to investigate the relationship between somatic-cell lineage and hiPSC-CM production by comparing the yield and functional properties of CMs differentiated from iPSCs reprogrammed from human atrial or ventricular cardiac fibroblasts (AiPSC or ViPSC, respectively). Methods: Atrial and ventricular heart tissues were obtained from the same patient, reprogrammed into AiPSCs or ViPSCs, and then differentiated into CMs (AiPSC-CMs or ViPSC-CMs, respectively) via established protocols. Results: The time-course of expression for pluripotency genes (OCT4, NANOG, and SOX2), the early mesodermal marker Brachyury, the cardiac mesodermal markers MESP1 and Gata4, and the cardiovascular progenitor-cell transcription factor NKX2.5 were broadly similar in AiPSC-CMs and ViPSC-CMs during the differentiation protocol. Flow-cytometry analyses of cardiac troponin T expression also indicated that purity of the two differentiated hiPSC-CM populations (AiPSC-CMs: 88.23% ± 4.69%, ViPSC-CMs: 90.25% ± 4.99%) was equivalent. While the field-potential durations were significantly longer in ViPSC-CMs than in AiPSC-CMs, measurements of action potential duration, beat period, spike amplitude, conduction velocity, and peak calcium-transient amplitude did not differ significantly between the two hiPSC-CM populations. Yet, our cardiac-origin iPSC-CM showed higher ADP and conduction velocity than previously reported iPSC-CM derived from non-cardiac tissues. Transcriptomic data comparing iPSC and iPSC-CMs showed similar gene expression profiles between AiPSC-CMs and ViPSC-CMs with significant differences when compared to iPSC-CM derived from other tissues. This analysis also pointed to several genes involved in electrophysiology processes responsible for the physiological differences observed between cardiac and non-cardiac-derived cardiomyocytes. Conclusion: AiPSC and ViPSC were differentiated into CMs with equal efficiency. Detected differences in electrophysiological properties, calcium handling activity, and transcription profiles between cardiac and non-cardiac derived cardiomyocytes demonstrated that 1) tissue of origin matters to generate a better-featured iPSC-CMs, 2) the sublocation within the cardiac tissue has marginal effects on the differentiation process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug-induced cardiotoxicity is one of the main causes of drug failure, which leads to subsequent withdrawal from pharmaceutical development. Therefore, identifying the potential toxic candidate in the early stages of drug development is important. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) are a useful tool for assessing candidate compounds for arrhythmias. However, a suitable model using hiPSC-CMs to predict the risk of torsade de pointes (TdP) has not been fully established. The present study aimed to establish a predictive TdP model based on hiPSC-CMs. In the current study, 28 compounds recommended by the Comprehensive in vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CiPA) were used as training set and models were established in different risk groups, high- and intermediate-risk versus low-risk groups. Subsequently, six endpoints of electrophysiological responses were used as potential model predictors. Accuracy, sensitivity and area under the curve (AUC) were used as evaluation indices of the models and seven compounds with known TdP risk were used to verify model differentiation and calibration. The results showed that among the seven models, the AUC of logistic regression and AdaBoost model was higher and had little difference in both training and test sets, which indicated that the discriminative ability and model stability was good and excellent, respectively. Therefore, these two models were taken as submodels, similar weight was configured and a new TdP risk prediction model was constructed using a soft voting strategy. The classification accuracy, sensitivity and AUC of the new model were 0.93, 0.95 and 0.92 on the training set, respectively and all 1.00 on the test set, which indicated good discrimination ability on both training and test sets. The risk threshold was defined as 0.50 and the consistency between the predicted and observed results were 92.8 and 100% on the training and test sets, respectively. Overall, the present study established a risk prediction model for TdP based on hiPSC-CMs which could be an effective predictive tool for compound-induced arrhythmias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent connectome analyses of the entire synaptic circuit in the nervous system have provided tremendous insights into how neural processing occurs through the synaptic relay of neural information. Conversely, the extent to which ephaptic transmission which does not depend on the synapses contributes to the relay of neural information, especially beyond a distance between adjacent neurons and to neural processing remains unclear. We show that ephaptic transmission mediated by extracellular potential changes in female Drosophila melanogaster can reach >200 µm, equivalent to the depth of its brain. Furthermore, ephaptic transmission driven by retinal photoreceptor cells mediates light-evoked firing rate increases in olfactory sensory neurons. These results indicate that ephaptic transmission contributes to sensory responses that can change momentarily in a context-dependent manner.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Although extracellular field potential activities are commonly observed in many nervous systems, this activity has been generally considered as a side effect of synchronized spiking of neurons. This study, however, shows that field potential changes in retinae evoked by a sensory stimulus can control the excitability of distant neurons in vivo and mediates multimodal sensory integration in Drosophila melanogaster As such ephaptic transmission is more effective at a short distance, the ephaptic transmission from the retinae may contribute significantly to firing rate changes in downstream neurons of the photoreceptor cells in the optic lobe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taurine plays an important role in neural growth and function from early to adult life, particularly in learning and memory via BDNF action. This study tested the hypothesis that BDNF differentially potentiates entorhinal-hippocampal synaptic transmission in vivo in adult rats. In anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats, a stainless steel recording electrode with an attached microinjector was placed into CA1 and the dentate gyrus to record fEPSP, and a paired stainless steel electrode was inserted into entorhinal cortex for continuous paired-pulse stimulation of that brain region. In the dentate gyrus, microinjection of BDNF resulted in a gradual increase in the peak slope of the fEPSP. Following the infusion, the peak fEPSP began to rise in about 8 min, reached a maximum of 120 ± 2% (from baseline) by about 20 min, and remained near peak elevation (~115%) for more than 30 min. In contrast, the same dose of BDNF when injected into CA1 had no consistent effect on fEPSP slopes in the CA1. Further, an equimolar cytochrome C (horse heart) infusion had no significant effect on fEPSP slopes in either the dentate gyrus or CA1. The potentiation effect of BDNF in the dentate gyrus is consistent with a significant increase in power spectral density of dentate gyrus field potentials at 70-200 Hz, but not at frequencies below 70 Hz. In addition, the CA1 power spectral density was not affected by BDNF (compared to cytochrome C). These data indicate that in vivo BDNF potentiates entorhinal-hippocampal synaptic transmission in dentate gyrus, but not in CA1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zearalenone (ZEA) is a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium species, detectable in various cereals and processed food products worldwide. ZEA displays a significant estrogenic activity, thus its main health risk is the interference with sexual maturation and reproduction processes. However, in addition to being key hormonal regulators of reproductive function, estrogenic compounds have a widespread role in brain, as neurotrophic and neuroprotective factors, and they may influence the activity of several brain areas not directly linked to reproduction, as well. Therefore, in the present study, acute effects of ZEA were studied on certain neuronal functions in rats. Experiments were performed on rat brain slices or live rats. Slices were incubated in ZEA-containing (10-100 μM) solution for 30 min. Electrically evoked and spontaneous field potentials were studied in the neocortex and in the hippocampus. At higher concentrations, ZEA incubation of the slices altered excitability and the pattern of epileptiform activity in neocortex and inhibited the development of LTP in hippocampus. For the verification of these in vitro results, in vivo electrophysiological and immunohistochemical investigations were also performed. ZEA was administered systemically (5 mg/kg, i.p.) to male rats and somatosensory evoked potentials and neuronal activation studied by c-fos expression were analyzed. No neuronal activation could be demonstrated in the hippocampus within 2 h of the injection. In the somatosensory cortex, ZEA did not change in vivo evoked potential parameters, but the activation of a small neuronal population could be demonstrated with the c-fos technique in this brain area. This result could be associated with the ZEA-induced alteration of epileptiform activity observed in vitro. Altogether, the toxin altered the excitability and plasticity of neuronal networks after direct treatment in slices, but the effects were less prominent on the given brain areas after systemic treatment in vivo. A probable explanation for the partial lack of in vivo effects may be that after a single injection, ZEA did not cross the blood-brain barrier at sufficient rate to allow the build-up of comparable concentrations in the investigated brain areas. However, in case of compromised blood-brain barrier functions or long-term repeated exposure, alterations in cortical and hippocampal functions cannot be ruled out.





