electron spin resonance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic, and its variability over time and space are key questions in the field of prehistoric archaeology. Many sites have been documented in the south-eastern margins of the Massif central and the middle Rhône valley, a migration path that connects Northern Europe with the Mediterranean. Well-dated, long stratigraphic sequences are essential to understand Neanderthals dynamics and demise, and potential interactions with Homo sapiens in the area, such as the one displayed at the Maras rock shelter (\"Abri du Maras\"). The site is characterised by exceptional preservation of archaeological remains, including bones dated using radiocarbon (14C) and teeth using electron spin resonance combined with uranium series (ESR/U-series). Optically stimulated luminescence was used to date the sedimentary deposits. By combining the new ages with previous ones using Bayesian modelling, we are able to clarify the occupation time over a period spanning 200,000 years. Between ca. 250 and 40 ka, the site has been used as a long-term residence by Neanderthals, specifically during three interglacial periods: first during marine isotopic stage (MIS) 7, between 247 ± 34 and 223 ± 33 ka, and then recurrently during MIS 5 (between 127 ± 17 and 90 ± 9 ka) and MIS 3 (up to 39,280 cal BP).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crystal structures of three mixed-valence copper cyanide alkanolamine polymers are presented, together with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and electron spin resonance (ESR) data. In all three structures, a CuII moiety on a crystallographic center of symmetry is coordinated by two alkanolamines and links two CuICN chains via cyanide bridging groups to form diperiodic sheets. The sheets are linked together by cuprophilic CuI-CuI interactions to form a three-dimensional network. In poly[bis(μ-3-aminopropanolato)tetra-μ-cyanido-dicopper(I)dicopper(II)], [Cu4(CN)4(C3H8NO)2]n, 1, propanolamine bases have lost their hydroxyl H atoms and coordinate as chelates to two CuII atoms to form a dimeric CuII moiety bridged by the O atoms of the bases with CuII atoms in square-planar coordination. The ESR spectrum is very broad, indicating exchange between the two CuII centers. In poly[bis(2-aminopropanol)tetra-μ-cyanido-dicopper(I)copper(II)], [Cu3(CN)4(C3H9NO)2]n, 2, and poly[bis(2-aminoethanol)tetra-μ-cyanido-dicopper(I)copper(II)], [Cu3(CN)4(CH7NO)2]n, 3, a single CuII atom links the CuICN chains together via CN bridges. The chelating alkanolamines are not ionized, and the OH groups form rather long bonds in the axial positions of the octahedrally coordinated CuII atoms. The coordination geometries of CuII in 2 and 3 are almost identical, except that the Cu-O distances are longer in 2 than in 3, which may explain their somewhat different ESR spectra. Thermal decomposition in 2 and 3, but not in 1, begins with the loss of HCN(g), and this can be correlated with the presence of OH protons on the ligands in 2 and 3, which are not present in 1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various studies have demonstrated that employing ESR spin trapping to detect free radicals yields valuable insights into the vulnerability of bulk oils to oxidation. Consequently, this method can be employed to assess and compare the oxidative stability of different samples. This study was conducted to investigate the production and transformation of free radicals and trans isomers in linseed oil when subjected to different temperatures and durations of heating. These analyses revealed that the peak levels of free radicals PBN adducts were evident in linseed oil heated to 120 °C, while these levels decreased within 90 min and were absent at a higher temperature of 180 °C. Free radical PBN adducts were readily degraded at 180 °C. Levels of heat-induced trans isomers rose in linseed oil samples with rising temperatures but began to degrade at temperatures exceeding 240 °C partially. The content examination of these trans isomers revealed that the double bonds located at positions 9 and 15 exhibited a higher susceptibility to isomerization compared to the double bond at position 12. Furthermore, the values of k and Ea indicated that the synthesis of tri-trans-α-linolenic acid (TALAs) was more challenging compared to double-TALAs, and double-TALAs were more challenging than single-TALAs. This was because the tri-TALAs has a higher Ea value than the mono-TALAs and double-TALAs. The study has demonstrated that subjecting linseed oil to high-temperature heating leads to the production of free radicals and trans isomers. And PBN radical adduct is unstable at 180 °C and the double bonds at positions 9 and 15 could be isomerized more easily than that at position 12. These results indicated that controlling the formation of free radicals and single-TALAs isomers may be the key way to reduce the trans isomers of linolenic acid during cooking oil heating. In the follow-up study, we found that VE, VK3, ethyl caffeic acid and resveratrol had significant inhibitory effects on the formation of TALAs of linolenic acid, and the highest inhibitory rate of resveratrol with 5% addition could be reached to 30.86%. The above substances can be applied to the thermal processing of linseed oil to prevent the formation of TALAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Li3V2(PO4)3 cathodes for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) were synthesized using a hydrothermal method with the subsequent annealing in an argon atmosphere to achieve optimal properties. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the material\'s single-phase nature, while the scanning electron microscopy revealed a granular structure, indicating a uniform particle size distribution, beneficial for electrochemical performance. Magnetometry and electron spin resonance studies were conducted to investigate the magnetic properties, confirming the presence of the relatively low concentration and highly uniform distribution of tetravalent vanadium ions (V4+), which indicated low lithium deficiency values in the original structure and a high degree of magnetic homogeneity in the sample, an essential factor for consistent electrochemical behavior. For this pure phase Li3V2(PO4)3 sample, devoid of any impurities such as carbon or salts, extensive electrochemical property testing was performed. These tests resulted in the experimental discovery of a remarkably high lithium diffusion coefficient D = 1.07 × 10-10 cm2/s, indicating excellent ionic conductivity, and demonstrated impressive stability of the material with sustained performance over 1000 charge-discharge cycles. Additionally, relithiated Li3V2(PO4)3 (after multiple electrochemical cycling) samples were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, magnetometry and electron spin resonance methods to determine the extent of degradation. The combination of high lithium diffusion coefficients, a low degradation rate and remarkable cycling stability positions this Li3V2(PO4)3 material as a promising candidate for advanced energy storage applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial organelles (AnOs) are in the spotlight as systems to supplement biochemical pathways in cells. While polymersome-based artificial organelles containing enzymes to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known, applications requiring control of their enzymatic activity and cell-targeting to promote intracellular ROS detoxification are underexplored. Here, we introduce advanced AnOs where the chemical composition of the membrane supports the insertion of pore-forming melittin, enabling molecular exchange between the AnO cavity and the environment, while the encapsulated lactoperoxidase (LPO) maintains its catalytic function. We show that H2O2 outside AnOs penetrates through the melittin pores and is rapidly degraded by the encapsulated enzyme. As surface attachment of cell-penetrating peptides facilitates AnOs uptake by cells, electron spin resonance revealed a remarkable enhancement in intracellular ROS detoxification by these cell-targeted AnOs compared to nontargeted AnOs, thereby opening new avenues for a significant reduction of oxidative stress in cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our previous study showed that nanobubbles (NBs) encapsulating CO2 gas have bactericidal activity due to reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Yamaguchi et al., 2020). Here, we report that bulk NBs encapsulating CO2 can be efficiently generated by ultrasonically irradiating carbonated water using a piezoelectric transducer with a frequency of 1.7 MHz. The generated NBs were less than 100 nm in size and had a lifetime of 500 h. Furthermore, generation of ROS in the NB suspension was investigated using electron spin resonance spectroscopy and fluorescence spectrometry. The main ROS was found to be the hydroxyl radical, which is consistent with our previous observations. The bactericidal activity lasted for at least one week. Furthermore, a mist generated by atomizing the NB suspension with ultrasonic waves was confirmed to have the same bactericidal activity as the suspension itself. We believe that the strong, persistent bactericidal activity and radical generation phenomenon are unique to NBs produced by ultrasonic irradiation of carbonated water. We propose that entrapped CO2 molecules strongly interact with water at the NB interface to weaken the interface, and high-pressure CO2 gas erupts from this weakened interface to generate ROS with bactericidal activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Block copolymers are a class of materials that are particularly interesting with respect to their capability to self-assemble in ordered structures. In this context, the coupling between environment and dynamics is particularly relevant given that movements at the molecular level influence various properties of macromolecules. Mixing the polymer with a second macromolecule appears to be an easy method for studying these relationships. In this work, we studied blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and a block copolymer composed of PMMA as the first block and poly(3-methyl-4-[6-(methylacryloyloxy)-hexyloxy]-4\'-pentyloxy azobenzene) as the second block. The relaxational properties of these blends were investigated via electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, which is sensitive to nanometric length scales. The results of the investigations on the blends were related to the dynamic behavior of the copolymers. At the nanoscale, the study revealed the presence of heterogeneities, with slow and fast dynamics available for molecular reorientation, which are further modulated by the ability of the block copolymers to form supramolecular structures. For blends, the heterogeneities at the nanoscale were still detected. However, it was observed that the presence of the PMMA as a major component of the blends modified their dynamic behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to create new biodegradable nanocomposites for biomedicine, packaging, and environmentally effective adsorbents, ultra-thin composite fibers consisting of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and graphene oxide (GO) were obtained by electrospinning. Comprehensive studies of ultrathin fibers combining thermal characteristics, dynamic electron paramagnetic resonance (ESR) probe measurements, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were carried out. It is shown that at the addition of 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 1% OG, the morphology and geometry of the fibers and their thermal and dynamic characteristics depend on the composite content. The features of the crystalline and amorphous structure of the PHB fibers were investigated by the ESR and DSC methods. For all compositions of PHB/GO, a nonlinear dependence of the correlation time of molecular mobility TEMPO probe (τ) and enthalpy of biopolyether melting (ΔH) is observed. The influence of external factors on the structural-dynamic properties of the composite fiber, such as hydrothermal exposure of samples in aqueous medium at 70 °C and ozonolysis, leads to extreme dependencies of τ and ΔH, which reflect two processes affecting the structure in opposite ways. The plasticizing effect of water leads to thermal destruction of the orientation of the pass-through chains in the amorphous regions of PHB and a subsequent decrease in the crystalline phase, and the aggregation of GO nanoplates into associates, reducing the number of GO-macromolecule contacts, thus increasing segmental mobility, as confirmed by decreasing τ values. The obtained PHB/GO fibrillar composites should find application in the future for the creation of new therapeutic and packaging systems with improved biocompatibility and high-barrier properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In critically ill patients requiring intensive care, increased oxidative stress plays an important role in pathogenesis. Sedatives are widely used for sedation in many of these patients. Some sedatives are known antioxidants. However, no studies have evaluated the direct scavenging activity of various sedative agents on different free radicals. This study aimed to determine whether common sedatives (propofol, thiopental, and dexmedetomidine (DEX)) have direct free radical scavenging activity against various free radicals using in vitro electron spin resonance. Superoxide, hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen, and nitric oxide (NO) direct scavenging activities were measured. All sedatives scavenged different types of free radicals. DEX, a new sedative, also scavenged hydroxyl radicals. Thiopental scavenged all types of free radicals, including NO, whereas propofol did not scavenge superoxide radicals. In this retrospective analysis, we observed changes in oxidative antioxidant markers following the administration of thiopental in patients with severe head trauma. We identified the direct radical-scavenging activity of various sedatives used in clinical settings. Furthermore, we reported a representative case of traumatic brain injury wherein thiopental administration dramatically affected oxidative-stress-related biomarkers. This study suggests that, in the future, sedatives containing thiopental may be redeveloped as an antioxidant therapy through further clinical research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana (LZSM) transitions occur between quantum states when parameters in the system\'s Hamiltonian are varied continuously and rapidly. In magnetic resonance, losses in adiabatic rapid passage can be understood using the physics of LZSM transitions. Most treatments of LZSM transitions ignore the T2 dephasing of coherences, however. Motivated by ongoing work in magnetic resonance force microscopy, we employ the Bloch equations, coordinate transformation, and the Magnus expansion to derive expressions for the final magnetization following a rapid field sweep at fixed irradiation intensity that include T2 losses. Our derivation introduces an inversion-function, Fourier transform method for numerically evaluating highly oscillatory integrals. Expressions for the final magnetization are given for low and high irradiation intensity, valid in the T2≪T1 limit. Analytical results are compared to numerical simulations and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Our relatively straightforward calculation reproduces semiquantitatively the well known LZSM result in the T2→0 limit.





