dual pathology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Maternal mental health and substance use, referred to as dual pathology, represent significant concerns associated with adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, a prevalence higher than commonly anticipated. Nonetheless, a notable dearth exists ofevidence-based treatment protocols tailored for pregnant women with dual pathology.
    METHODS: A systematic review, adhering to the PRISMA methodology, was conducted.
    RESULTS: Out of the 57 identified papers deemed potentially relevant, only 2were ultimately included. Given the limited number of studies assessing the efficacy of psychological interventions utilizing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for both mental health and substance misuse, and considering the diverse objectives and measures employed, definitive conclusions regarding the effectiveness of psychological interventions in this domain prove challenging.
    CONCLUSIONS: Maternal mental health appears to be the proverbial \"elephant in the room\". The development of specialized and integrated interventions stands as an imperative to effectively address this pressing issue. As elucidated in the present review, these interventions ought to be grounded in empirical evidence. Furthermore, it is essential that such interventions undergo rigorous evaluation through RCTs to ascertain their efficacy levels. Ultimately, the provision of these interventions by psychology/psychiatric professionals, both within clinical practice and the RCTs themselves, is recommended to facilitate the generalizability of the results to specialized settings.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diagnosis of chronic Q fever is often difficult for clinicians, particularly in the presence of a second pathology. In addition to the chronic constitutional symptoms, the most common manifestations of chronic Q fever include infective endocarditis and endovascular infection. We describe a case of prosthetic valve infective endocarditis caused by both Streptococcus sanguinis and Coxiella burnetti on a background of a previous aortic graft and bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement 2 years earlier. The diagnosis of chronic Q fever infective endocarditis was delayed because the significance of the abnormal valve histology from the patient\'s previous surgery was initially overlooked. It was only after the patient had relapsed on appropriate therapy for the S. sanguinis prosthetic valve endocarditis that a subsequent review of the operative valve histology, along with the patient\'s epidemiological risk factors, led to consideration of an additional culture-negative cause for infective endocarditis. Histological examination of the valve tissue had shown exophytic fibrin vegetations and acute inflammation. Further clinical assessment revealed previous exposure to Q fever and C. burnetti DNA was detected via polymerase chain reaction on the valve tissue. Q fever infective endocarditis must be considered if valves are inflamed or have vegetations with a subsequent negative culture. It should also still be considered in the presence of an alternative bacteraemia if the patient has risk factors for exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Health care provision during the COVID-19 pandemic and confinement has led to significant changes in the activity of addiction centers. These changes in healthcare activity may have had a greater impact on patients with dual pathology. The aim of this study is to compare the treatment indicators of patients with dual pathology in addiction centers during the pre-confinement, confinement, and post-confinement periods.
    METHODS: A retrospective observational study was conducted for the period between 1 February 2019 and 30 June 2021. A total of 2785 patients treated in specialized addiction services were divided into three periods according to their time of admission: pre-confinement, confinement, and post-confinement.
    RESULTS: During the pre-pandemic period, the addiction centers attended to an average of 121.3 (SD = 23.58) patients, decreasing to 53 patients during confinement (SD = 19.47), and 80.69 during the post-confinement period (SD = 15.33). The number of appointments scheduled monthly for each patient decreased during the confinement period, although this number increased after confinement. There was a reduction in the number of toxicological tests carried out both during and after confinement (except for alcohol).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results show a reduction in the number of patients seen and the care activity delivered to dual diagnosis patients. These results, which were caused by the COVID-preventive measures, may affect the progress and recovery of dual patients. A greater investment is needed to bring the care activity up to the standards of the years prior to confinement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Among the causes of acute surgical abdomen intestinal perforation and mesenteric ischemia are some of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Gastric perforation has a mortality rate of 20-30% and mesenteric ischemia has a mortality of 60%. The presence of both pathologies in the same patient at the same time is a rare association and very few cases have been reported till now. This association has been described in cases of polyarteritis nodosa. Here we are presenting our case in which no such vascular pathology was identified. We have tried to hypothesize the reason behind this rare association.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: We have recently demonstrated that gamma oscillation (30-70 Hz) regularity (GOR) analysis accurately localized epileptogenic focus using intraoperative electrocorticographic data. In this report, we assessed whether GOR correlation analysis could depict epileptogenic networks intraoperatively. Dual foci in temporal lobe epilepsy without hippocampal structural abnormalities are difficult to diagnose. Using our GOR correlation analysis, we aimed to intraoperatively visualize such dual foci and epileptogenic networks.
    UNASSIGNED: A 56-year-old man suffered from pharmacoresistant focal impaired awareness seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated an 8 × 12-mm cavernoma in the right inferior temporal gyrus without any structural changes in the hippocampus. Since ictal semiology indicated a high probability of epileptogenicity in the right hippocampus, we reached the hippocampus using a transsylvian approach and assessed intraoperative GOR correlation analysis in the lateral temporal lobe where the cavernoma was located and the hippocampus, simultaneously. High GORs suggestive of epileptogenicity were identified in both the lateral temporal lobe and the hippocampus. Furthermore, they were connected using GOR correlation networks. When the high GOR locations in the lateral temporal lobe and the cavernoma were removed, high GORs and those networks were found within the hippocampus only. After additional hippocampal transection, high GORs and these networks were absent. The patient became seizure-free after the surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Our GOR correlation analysis may be a powerful tool for intraoperative evaluation of epileptogenic networks in epilepsy surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The impact of dual pathology on treatment outcomes is unclear, with the literature reporting both favorable and unfavorable evidence. The main aim of this study was to determine how dual pathology affects treatment outcomes using real world data obtained from inpatients that began treatment in therapeutic communities.
    METHODS: The data of 2458 inpatients were used. Clinical information was obtained from electronic medical records. Reliability of diagnosis was checked and revealed a mean kappa value of 0.88.
    RESULTS: Of the sample, 41.8% were discharged after achieving the therapeutic objectives. Patients diagnosed with Cluster B personality disorders were found to have a higher risk of dropping out of treatment (HR = 1.320; z = 2.61; p = 0.009).
    CONCLUSIONS: Personality traits exhibited by Cluster B patients can interfere with treatment in therapeutic communities. There is a need to develop specific interventions for these inpatient groups, which could be implemented in therapeutic communities.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Acute abdominal pain accounts for 5% of all presentations to the emergency department (Stoker et al., 2009). Two of the most common causes are acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis (Ferris et al., 2017).
    METHODS: A 70-year-old man presented with acute calculous cholecystitis. He subsequently deteriorated clinically and re-imaging revealed interval migration of stones from the biliary system to the appendix with resultant acute appendicitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although both acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis are common, dual pathology is rare. There are a small number of case reports of gallstones causing appendicitis (Vicari, 1964; Siegal et al., 1990; Meade, 1960).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case report nicely illustrates. a) The importance of considering dual pathology, especially when there is an unexpected change in the patient\'s clinical status. b) The CT features of two common acute surgical pathologies. c) The value of cholecystostomy- performed in the Interventional Radiology suite- as a temporizing measure to allow the patient to recover from a critical illness.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rationale: Patients with dual pathology have two potentially epileptogenic lesions: One in the hippocampus and one in the neocortex. If epilepsy surgery is considered, stereotactic electroencephalography (SEEG) may reveal which of the lesions is seizure-generating, but frequently, some uncertainty remains. We aimed to investigate whether interictal high-frequency oscillations (HFOs), which are a promising biomarker of epileptogenicity, are associated with the primary focus. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 16 patients with dual pathology. They were grouped according to their seizure-generating lesion, as suggested by ictal SEEG. An automated detector was applied to identify interictal epileptic spikes, ripples (80-250 Hz), ripples co-occurring with spikes (IES-ripples) and fast ripples (250-500 Hz). We computed a ratio R to obtain an indicator of whether rates were higher in the hippocampal lesion (R close to 1), higher in the neocortical lesion (R close to -1), or more or less similar (R close to 0). Results: Spike and HFO rates were higher in the hippocampal than in the neocortical lesion (p < 0.001), particularly in seizure onset zone channels. Seizures originated exclusively in the hippocampus in 5 patients (group 1), in both lesions in 7 patients (group 2), and exclusively in the neocortex in 4 patients (group 3). We found a significant correlation between the patients\' primary focus and the ratio Rfast ripples, i.e., the proportion of interictal fast ripples detected in this lesion (p < 0.05). No such correlation was observed for interictal epileptic spikes (p = 0.69), ripples (p = 0.60), and IES-ripples (p = 0.54). In retrospect, interictal fast ripples would have correctly \"predicted\" the primary focus in 69% of our patients (p < 0.01). Conclusions: We report a correlation between interictal fast ripple rate and the primary focus, which was not found for epileptic spikes. Fast ripple analysis could provide helpful information for generating a hypothesis on seizure-generating networks, especially in cases with few or no recorded seizures.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the evidence for impaired executive functioning in patients diagnosed with a dual pathology of personality disorder (PD) and substance use disorder, and to identify whether differences exist in comparison to those with a single diagnosis. Methods: A systematic search was conducted to identify studies using measures of executive functioning in patients with PD-substance use disorder dual pathology. Sixteen studies were selected. Results: The results indicate that dual pathology patients with Cluster C personality disorder do not differ from controls, and that the presence of dual pathology does not influence the updating domain of executive functioning. The findings were inconclusive with regard to dual pathology patients with Cluster B personality disorders. Whilst the various studies consistently show that these patients show worse performance than the control groups, here are contradictory results with regard to whether Cluster B personality disorders add more alterations in executive functioning to those that already appear in substance use disorder. Conclusions: The results suggest the need for further research that more adequately controls variables such as time in treatment, medication, and sample size, whilst there is also a need to employ longitudinal designs that include more patients from Clusters A and C.





