dimension reduction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The progressive evolution of the spatial and temporal resolutions of Earth observation satellites has brought multiple benefits to scientific research. The increasing volume of data with higher frequencies and spatial resolutions offers precise and timely information, making it an invaluable tool for environmental analysis and enhanced decision-making. However, this presents a formidable challenge for large-scale environmental analyses and socioeconomic applications based on spatial time series, often compelling researchers to resort to lower-resolution imagery, which can introduce uncertainty and impact results. In response to this, our key contribution is a novel machine learning approach for dense geospatial time series rooted in superpixel segmentation, which serves as a preliminary step in mitigating the high dimensionality of data in large-scale applications. This approach, while effectively reducing dimensionality, preserves valuable information to the maximum extent, thereby substantially enhancing data accuracy and subsequent environmental analyses. This method was empirically applied within the context of a comprehensive case study encompassing the 2002-2022 period with 8-d-frequency-normalized difference vegetation index data at 250-m resolution in an area spanning 43,470 km2. The efficacy of this methodology was assessed through a comparative analysis, comparing our results with those derived from 1000-m-resolution satellite data and an existing superpixel algorithm for time series data. An evaluation of the time-series deviations revealed that using coarser-resolution pixels introduced an error that exceeded that of the proposed algorithm by 25 % and that the proposed methodology outperformed other algorithms by more than 9 %. Notably, this methodological innovation concurrently facilitates the aggregation of pixels sharing similar land-cover classifications, thus mitigating subpixel heterogeneity within the dataset. Further, the proposed methodology, which is used as a preprocessing step, improves the clustering of pixels according to their time series and can enhance large-scale environmental analyses across a wide range of applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An increasingly common viewpoint is that protein dynamics datasets reside in a nonlinear subspace of low conformational energy. Ideal data analysis tools should therefore account for such nonlinear geometry. The Riemannian geometry setting can be suitable for a variety of reasons. First, it comes with a rich mathematical structure to account for a wide range of geometries that can be modeled after an energy landscape. Second, many standard data analysis tools developed for data in Euclidean space can be generalized to Riemannian manifolds. In the context of protein dynamics, a conceptual challenge comes from the lack of guidelines for constructing a smooth Riemannian structure based on an energy landscape. In addition, computational feasibility in computing geodesics and related mappings poses a major challenge. This work considers these challenges. The first part of the paper develops a local approximation technique for computing geodesics and related mappings on Riemannian manifolds in a computationally feasible manner. The second part constructs a smooth manifold and a Riemannian structure that is based on an energy landscape for protein conformations. The resulting Riemannian geometry is tested on several data analysis tasks relevant for protein dynamics data. In particular, the geodesics with given start- and end-points approximately recover corresponding molecular dynamics trajectories for proteins that undergo relatively ordered transitions with medium-sized deformations. The Riemannian protein geometry also gives physically realistic summary statistics and retrieves the underlying dimension even for large-sized deformations within seconds on a laptop.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article proposes a distance-based framework incentivized by the paradigm shift towards feature aggregation for high-dimensional data, which does not rely on the sparse-feature assumption or the permutation-based inference. Focusing on distance-based outcomes that preserve information without truncating any features, a class of semiparametric regression has been developed, which encapsulates multiple sources of high-dimensional variables using pairwise outcomes of between-subject attributes. Further, we propose a strategy to address the interlocking correlations among pairs via the U-statistics-based estimating equations (UGEE), which correspond to their unique efficient influence function (EIF). Hence, the resulting semiparametric estimators are robust to distributional misspecification while enjoying root-n consistency and asymptotic optimality to facilitate inference. In essence, the proposed approach not only circumvents information loss due to feature selection but also improves the model\'s interpretability and computational feasibility. Simulation studies and applications to the human microbiome and wearables data are provided, where the feature dimensions are tens of thousands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chemical space embedding methods are widely utilized in various research settings for dimensional reduction, clustering and effective visualization. The maps generated by the embedding process can provide valuable insight to medicinal chemists in terms of the relationships between structural, physicochemical and biological properties of compounds. However, these maps are known to be difficult to interpret, and the \'\'landscape\'\' on the map is prone to \'\'rearrangement\'\' when embedding different sets of compounds.
    RESULTS: In this study we present the Hilbert-Curve Assisted Space Embedding (HCASE) method which was designed to create maps by organizing structures according to a logic familiar to medicinal chemists. First, a chemical space is created with the help of a set of \'\'reference scaffolds\'\'. These scaffolds are sorted according to the medicinal chemistry inspired Scaffold-Key algorithm found in prior art. Next, the ordered scaffolds are mapped to a line which is folded into a higher dimensional (here: 2D) space. The intricately folded line is referred to as a pseudo-Hilbert-Curve. The embedding of a compound happens by locating its most similar reference scaffold in the pseudo-Hilbert-Curve and assuming the respective position. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the properties of the maps generated by the HCASE method. Subjects of embeddings were compounds of the DrugBank and CANVASS libraries, and the chemical spaces were defined by scaffolds extracted from the ChEMBL database.
    UNASSIGNED: The novelty of HCASE method lies in generating robust and intuitive chemical space embeddings that are reflective of a medicinal chemist\'s reasoning, and the precedential use of space filling (Hilbert) curve in the process.
    BACKGROUND: https://github.com/ncats/hcase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thyroid cancer incidences endure to increase even though a large number of inspection tools have been developed recently. Since there is no standard and certain procedure to follow for the thyroid cancer diagnoses, clinicians require conducting various tests. This scrutiny process yields multi-dimensional big data and lack of a common approach leads to randomly distributed missing (sparse) data, which are both formidable challenges for the machine learning algorithms. This paper aims to develop an accurate and computationally efficient deep learning algorithm to diagnose the thyroid cancer. In this respect, randomly distributed missing data stemmed singularity in learning problems is treated and dimensionality reduction with inner and target similarity approaches are developed to select the most informative input datasets. In addition, size reduction with the hierarchical clustering algorithm is performed to eliminate the considerably similar data samples. Four machine learning algorithms are trained and also tested with the unseen data to validate their generalization and robustness abilities. The results yield 100% training and 83% testing preciseness for the unseen data. Computational time efficiencies of the algorithms are also examined under the equal conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing complexity of biological data has spurred the development of innovative computational techniques to extract meaningful information and uncover hidden patterns within vast datasets. Biological networks, such as gene regulatory networks and protein-protein interaction networks, hold critical insights into biological features\' connections and functions. Integrating and analyzing high-dimensional data, particularly in gene expression studies, stands prominent among the challenges in deciphering these networks. Clustering methods play a crucial role in addressing these challenges, with spectral clustering emerging as a potent unsupervised technique considering intrinsic geometric structures. However, spectral clustering\'s user-defined cluster number can lead to inconsistent and sometimes orthogonal clustering regimes. We propose the Multi-layer Bundling (MLB) method to address this limitation, combining multiple prominent clustering regimes to offer a comprehensive data view. We call the outcome clusters \"bundles\". This approach refines clustering outcomes, unravels hierarchical organization, and identifies bridge elements mediating communication between network components. By layering clustering results, MLB provides a global-to-local view of biological feature clusters enabling insights into intricate biological systems. Furthermore, the method enhances bundle network predictions by integrating the bundle co-cluster matrix with the affinity matrix. The versatility of MLB extends beyond biological networks, making it applicable to various domains where understanding complex relationships and patterns is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: With the increased reliance on multi-omics data for bulk and single cell analyses, the availability of robust approaches to perform unsupervised analysis for clustering, visualization, and feature selection is imperative. Joint dimensionality reduction methods can be applied to multi-omics datasets to derive a global sample embedding analogous to single-omic techniques such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Multiple co-inertia analysis (MCIA) is a method for joint dimensionality reduction that maximizes the covariance between block- and global-level embeddings. Current implementations for MCIA are not optimized for large datasets such such as those arising from single cell studies, and lack capabilities with respect to embedding new data.
    UNASSIGNED: We introduce nipalsMCIA, an MCIA implementation that solves the objective function using an extension to Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares (NIPALS), and shows significant speed-up over earlier implementations that rely on eigendecompositions for single cell multi-omics data. It also removes the dependence on an eigendecomposition for calculating the variance explained, and allows users to perform out-of-sample embedding for new data. nipalsMCIA provides users with a variety of pre-processing and parameter options, as well as ease of functionality for down-stream analysis of single-omic and global-embedding factors.
    UNASSIGNED: nipalsMCIA is available as a BioConductor package at https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/nipalsMCIA.html, and includes detailed documentation and application vignettes. Supplementary Materials are available online.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, we develop CausalEGM, a deep learning framework for nonlinear dimension reduction and generative modeling of the dependency among covariate features affecting treatment and response. CausalEGM can be used for estimating causal effects in both binary and continuous treatment settings. By learning a bidirectional transformation between the high-dimensional covariate space and a low-dimensional latent space and then modeling the dependencies of different subsets of the latent variables on the treatment and response, CausalEGM can extract the latent covariate features that affect both treatment and response. By conditioning on these features, one can mitigate the confounding effect of the high dimensional covariate on the estimation of the causal relation between treatment and response. In a series of experiments, the proposed method is shown to achieve superior performance over existing methods in both binary and continuous treatment settings. The improvement is substantial when the sample size is large and the covariate is of high dimension. Finally, we established excess risk bounds and consistency results for our method, and discuss how our approach is related to and improves upon other dimension reduction approaches in causal inference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A major challenge of precision oncology is the identification and prioritization of suitable treatment options based on molecular biomarkers of the considered tumor. In pursuit of this goal, large cancer cell line panels have successfully been studied to elucidate the relationship between cellular features and treatment response. Due to the high dimensionality of these datasets, machine learning (ML) is commonly used for their analysis. However, choosing a suitable algorithm and set of input features can be challenging. We performed a comprehensive benchmarking of ML methods and dimension reduction (DR) techniques for predicting drug response metrics. Using the Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer cell line panel, we trained random forests, neural networks, boosting trees and elastic nets for 179 anti-cancer compounds with feature sets derived from nine DR approaches. We compare the results regarding statistical performance, runtime and interpretability. Additionally, we provide strategies for assessing model performance compared with a simple baseline model and measuring the trade-off between models of different complexity. Lastly, we show that complex ML models benefit from using an optimized DR strategy, and that standard models-even when using considerably fewer features-can still be superior in performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrative analysis of multi-omics data has the potential to yield valuable and comprehensive insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying complex diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer\'s disease. However, a number of analytical challenges complicate multi-omics data integration. For instance, -omics data are usually high-dimensional, and sample sizes in multi-omics studies tend to be modest. Furthermore, when genes in an important pathway have relatively weak signal, it can be difficult to detect them individually. There is a growing body of literature on knowledge-guided learning methods that can address these challenges by incorporating biological knowledge such as functional genomics and functional proteomics into multi-omics data analysis. These methods have been shown to outperform their counterparts that do not utilize biological knowledge in tasks including prediction, feature selection, clustering, and dimension reduction. In this review, we survey recently developed methods and applications of knowledge-guided multi-omics data integration methods and discuss future research directions.





