
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A diagnosis of dermatomyositis requires recognition of distinct patterns of skin disease in combination with, and sometimes without, muscle weakness. Often, a striking contrast between involved and uninvolved areas is observed. Familiar patterns include eyelid and midfacial eruptions, Gottron papules/sign, and upper back (shawl sign), central chest (V/open collar sign), and lateral thigh (holster sign) involvement. More recently, new specific antibody/phenotype-associated patterns have been reported. We describe a case series of two distinct patterns of skin involvement in six adult patients with both classical and amyopathic dermatomyositis. Three had paraneoplastic disease. All had intermediate to richly pigmented skin; five were of Afro-Caribbean and one was of Asian-Caribbean descent. Four were men, and two were women. Ages ranged from 41 to 89 years. All patients had concomitant hallmark signs (facial, hand, and/or trunk signs). Three were amyopathic. The first pattern involved a sharply demarcated, horizontally oriented hyperpigmented patch/thin plaque across the shoulders and upper chest, extending up the anterior neck. The second was the combination of the classical upper back shawl distribution with distinct mid-back sparing and diffuse involvement of the lower back. Named patterns help with the recognition of skin rashes in dermatomyositis. Based on the current lexicon describing items of apparel, we liken the first pattern to a \"fur stole and turtleneck\" sign and the latter to a \"halter-back\" or \"reflected-shawl\" sign. Biopsies revealed hyperkeratosis and interface dermatitis, often with epidermal atrophy, compatible with dermatomyositis. These patterns perhaps represent the coalescence of already well-described signs, photo-exacerbation, koebnerization, mechanical stretch, and other currently unclear factors contributing to patterning in dermatomyositis. Pattern distribution recognition is particularly valuable in individuals with richly pigmented skin who may lack typical violaceous erythema. The distinct demarcation led to the initial misdiagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis or other exogenous dermatitis in most of our patients. Further work involves evaluation of antibody phenotype and internal involvement associations. Limitations include lack of specific antibody panels and longitudinal follow-up data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder which occurs as the result of growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) over-secretion; both hormones are related to skin anomalies. The skin acts as a large endocrine organ, hosting GH receptors in every cell while IGF-1 receptors are expressed only in keratinocytes. This review is a literature review of skin anomalies found in acromegaly, either related to the disease itself or associated with related complications such as secondary diabetes mellitus, or involving associated conditions such as genetic syndromes. The following clinical points are mentioned as follows. Excessive skin and enlargement of soft tissue are due to glycosaminoglycan deposits, edema, and hyperhidrosis (mostly facial and acral). Acanthosis nigricans, a body fold dermatosis associated with insulin resistance, involves local or diffuse hyperkeratotic plaques with or without hyperpigmentation, caused by growth factors including GH/IGF-1. Other findings include cherry angiomas (due to the effects of lipid anomalies on small vessels); oily skin features with keratosis, epidermoid cysts, crochordons, pseudo-acanthosis nigricans; a potentially higher prevalence of varicose veins and psoriasis; low level of evidence for basal cell carcinoma, respective hidroadenitis suppurativa has been noted. In addition, complicated uncontrolled secondary diabetes mellitus (DM) may result in necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, diabetic dermopathy, skin bacterial infections, dermatological complications of diabetic neuropathy, and nephropathy. Finally, associated hereditary syndromes may cause collagenomas, fibromas/angiofibromas, lipomas in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome; café-au-lait macules, early onset neurofibromas, juvenile xanthogranuloma (involving non-Langerhans cell histiocytes), and intertriginous freckling in neurofibromatosis type 1. Clinical findings are differentiated from pseudo-acromegaly such as pachydermoperiostosis. Iatrogenic rash, lipodystrophy (lipoatrophy with/without lipohypertrophy) are rarely reported after pegvisomant/somatostatin analogues or after insulin use for DM. Experiments using human cell lines have shown that GH/IGF-1 over-secretion are prone to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in melanoma. In non-acromegalic subjects, the exact role of GH/IGF-1 in skin tumorigenesis is yet to be determined. Skin in acromegaly speaks for itself, either as the first step of disease identification or as a complication or part of a complex syndromic context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Travel medicine practitioners often are confronted with returning travelers with dermatologic disorders that could be of infectious causes or inflammatory or allergic. Some dermatologic processes are the result of exposure to insects or acquired due to environmental exposures. There is a broad range of dermatosis of infectious and non-infectious etiologies that clinicians need to consider in the differential diagnosis of dermatosis in travelers.
    UNASSIGNED: With increasing international travel to tropical destinations, many individuals may be exposed to rickettsia (i.e., African tick bite fever, scrub typhus, or Mediterranean spotted fever), parasitic infections (i.e., cutaneous larva migrans, cutaneous leishmaniasis, African trypanosomiasis, or American trypanosomiasis), viral infections (i.e., measles or Zika virus infection), bacterial (i.e., Buruli ulcer) or ectoparasites (scabies or tungiasis), and myiasis. Cutaneous lesions provide clinical clues to the diagnosis of specific exposures during travel among returned travelers.
    UNASSIGNED: Dermatologic disorders represent the third most common health problem in returned travelers, after gastrointestinal and respiratory illness. Many of these conditions may pose a risk of severe complications if there is any delay in diagnosis. Therefore, clinicians caring for travelers need to become familiar with the most frequent infectious and non-infectious skin disorders in travelers.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interconnection of scientific studies and art represented by Leonardo Da Vinci\'s (1452-1519) portraiture accentuates his role in documenting and archiving dermatologic conditions. His anatomical dissections, sketches, and paintings, including portraits, were all a means to observe, portray, and understand the nuances of the human body. In two of his most discussed portraits, Ginevra de\' Benci (1474-1478) and Elisabetta del Giocondo, the Mona Lisa (1503-1506), Leonardo\'s execution of the exterior anatomy is so precise that he may have illustrated manifestations of disease that allow contemporary researchers to theorize diagnoses of dermatologic as well as neurologic, endocrine and vascular conditions. These include hypochromic anemia, muscular disorders, xanthelasma, thyroid disease, lipoma, and frontal fibrosing alopecia. Leonardo\'s extraordinary talent in recording his observations of shades and textures of skin and his ability to capture the nuances of subtle variations in the human body have produced a historical record that allows modern dermatology practitioners to make further observations not possible in his time. Here, dermatology and art intersect serving to document and explain the human condition, permanently archived in Leonardo\'s masterpieces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: International and domestic travelers may acquire a wide variety of infectious diseases transmitted by exposure to insects. Exposure to ticks may be associated with systemic infections clinically suspected through skin and soft tissue manifestations along with fever, myalgia, headache, and other related symptoms. Cutaneous lesions may include eschars at the site of initial contact, maculopapular rashes, or others as the result of systemic dissemination of viral, Rickettsial, parasitic, and protozoan infections acquired by exposure to different types of ticks.
    UNASSIGNED: Ticks represent the second most common global vector of transmission of infectious diseases to humans after mosquitoes. In some endemic regions, ticks are the most important vector of transmission of a great variety of infectious pathogens including protozoan (Babesia spp.), viral (Coltivirus), rickettsia, and bacterial infections (Francisella tularensis). With increasing international travel, different tick-borne diseases continue to emerge and being identified.
    UNASSIGNED: Identifying the cutaneous signs associated with tick-borne diseases is crucial to clinically suspect the diagnosis of a specific tick-borne illness. Minimizing the exposure to ticks during domestic or international travel represents the most important intervention to reducing the risk of tick-borne illnesses.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extemporaneous compounding is among the key hospital pharmacy services that promotes pharmaceutical care. It is a long-standing practice in dermatology for patients who need custom-made drug products. The practice of dermatologic compounding practice in Ethiopian public hospitals is found at the beginning and very few hospitals have started the practice so far. This research communication aimed at examining Ethiopian public hospitals\' extemporaneous compounding practice for dermatologicals with emphasis on regulatory requirement and quality control activities. To benefit patients from these products, good compounding practice should be obeyed in line with the expansion of the service. Gaps have been observed in the facilities with regard to quality assurance system and compliance with the country\'s regulatory requirements. This implies a need to take appropriate and timely actions by the responsible stakeholders and expand the service in the country by fulfilling the regulatory requirement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A variety of dermatoses have been reported in the growing number of patients treated with immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), but the current understanding of cutaneous immune-related adverse events (irAEs) is limited.
    To determine the cumulative incidence, distribution, and risk factors of cutaneous irAEs after ICI initiation.
    This was a retrospective cohort study of patients in a national insurance claims database including cancer patients treated with ICIs and matched controls.
    The study included 8637 ICI patients and 8637 matched controls. The overall incidence of cutaneous irAEs was 25.1%, with a median onset time of 113 days. The ICI group had a significantly higher incidence of pruritus, mucositis, erythroderma, maculopapular eruption, vitiligo, lichen planus, bullous pemphigoid, Grover disease, rash, other nonspecific eruptions, and drug eruption or other nonspecific drug reaction. Patients with melanoma and renal cell carcinoma and those receiving combination therapy were at a higher risk of cutaneous irAEs.
    Retrospective design without access to patient chart data.
    This study identifies cutaneous irAEs in a real-world clinical setting and highlights patient groups that are particularly at risk. The results can aid dermatologists at the bedside in the diagnosis of cutaneous irAEs and in formulating management recommendations to referring oncologists regarding the continuation of ICI therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    COVID-19 (coronavirus viral disease 2019), due to the novel SARS-CoV-2, may present with different types of cutaneous manifestations of varying pathophysiology. During the ongoing pandemic, publications reporting dermatologic findings in COVID-19 continue to emerge.
    Cutaneous vasculopathy and microthrombus-related changes including acral and sacral lesions, retiform purpura, livedo reticularis, and cutaneous vasculitis are notable findings in adult patients. Other exanthems include urticaria or angioedema, morbilliform/maculopapular exanthems, erythema multiforme, and vesicular eruptions. Increased recognition of these findings, especially those consistent with cutaneous microthrombi or vasculitis, is of particular importance. Additionally, occupational dermatologic disease related to extended personal protective equipment (PPE) use, such as skin damage and irritant or allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), represents another emerging problem amidst the pandemic. In this review, we highlight the various cutaneous manifestations associated with COVID-19 in adult patients and occupational dermatitis in health care workers (HCWs) caring for this patient population.






