data processing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary objective of the research presented in this article is to introduce an artificial neural network that demands less computational power than a conventional deep neural network. The development of this ANN was achieved through the application of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers (OFNs). In the context of Industry 4.0, there are numerous applications where this solution could be utilized for data processing. It allows the deployment of Artificial Intelligence at the network edge on small devices, eliminating the need to transfer large amounts of data to a cloud server for analysis. Such networks will be easier to implement in small-scale solutions, like those for the Internet of Things, in the future. This paper presents test results where a real system was monitored, and anomalies were detected and predicted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As digital phenotyping, the capture of active and passive data from consumer devices such as smartphones, becomes more common, the need to properly process the data and derive replicable features from it has become paramount. Cortex is an open-source data processing pipeline for digital phenotyping data, optimized for use with the mindLAMP apps, which is used by nearly 100 research teams across the world. Cortex is designed to help teams (1) assess digital phenotyping data quality in real time, (2) derive replicable clinical features from the data, and (3) enable easy-to-share data visualizations. Cortex offers many options to work with digital phenotyping data, although some common approaches are likely of value to all teams using it. This paper highlights the reasoning, code, and example steps necessary to fully work with digital phenotyping data in a streamlined manner. Covering how to work with the data, assess its quality, derive features, and visualize findings, this paper is designed to offer the reader the knowledge and skills to apply toward analyzing any digital phenotyping data set. More specifically, the paper will teach the reader the ins and outs of the Cortex Python package. This includes background information on its interaction with the mindLAMP platform, some basic commands to learn what data can be pulled and how, and more advanced use of the package mixed with basic Python with the goal of creating a correlation matrix. After the tutorial, different use cases of Cortex are discussed, along with limitations. Toward highlighting clinical applications, this paper also provides 3 easy ways to implement examples of Cortex use in real-world settings. By understanding how to work with digital phenotyping data and providing ready-to-deploy code with Cortex, the paper aims to show how the new field of digital phenotyping can be both accessible to all and rigorous in methodology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long-term loss of distribution network in the process of distribution network development is caused by the backward management mode of distribution network. The traditional analysis and calculation methods of distribution network loss can not adapt to the current development environment of distribution network. To improve the accuracy of filling missing values in power load data, particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to optimize the clustering center of the clustering algorithm. Furthermore, the original isolated forest anomaly recognition algorithm can be used to detect outliers in the load data, and the coefficient of variation of the load data is used to improve the recognition accuracy of the algorithm. Finally, this paper introduces a breadth-first-based method for calculating line loss in the context of big data. An example is provided using the distribution network system of Yuxi City in Yunnan Province, and a simulation experiment is carried out. And the findings revealed that the error of the enhanced fuzzy C-mean clustering algorithm was on average - 6.35, with a standard deviation of 4.015 in the situation of partially missing data. The area under the characteristic curve of the improved isolated forest algorithm subjects in the case of the abnormal sample fuzzy situation was 0.8586, with the smallest decrease, based on the coefficient of variation, and through the refinement of the analysis, it was discovered that the feeder line loss rate is 7.62%. It is confirmed that the suggested technique can carry out distribution network line loss analysis fast and accurately and can serve as a guide for managing distribution network line loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common challenges in cryogenic electron microscopy, such as orientation bias, conformational diversity, and 3D misclassification, complicate single particle analysis and lead to significant resource expenditure. We previously introduced an in silico method using the maximum Feret diameter distribution, the Feret signature, to characterize sample heterogeneity of disc-shaped samples. Here, we expanded the Feret signature methodology to identify preferred orientations of samples containing arbitrary shapes with only about 1000 particles required. This method enables real-time adjustments of data acquisition parameters for optimizing data collection strategies or aiding in decisions to discontinue ineffective imaging sessions. Beyond detecting preferred orientations, the Feret signature approach can serve as an early-warning system for inconsistencies in classification during initial image processing steps, a capability that allows for strategic adjustments in data processing. These features establish the Feret signature as a valuable auxiliary tool in the context of single particle analysis, significantly accelerating the structure determination process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to measure the differences in commonly used summary acceleration metrics during elite Australian football games under three different data processing protocols (raw, custom-processed, manufacturer-processed). Estimates of distance, speed and acceleration were collected with a 10-Hz GNSS tracking technology device from fourteen matches of 38 elite Australian football players from one team. Raw and manufacturer-processed data were exported from respective proprietary software and two common summary acceleration metrics (number of efforts and distance within medium/high-intensity zone) were calculated for the three processing methods. To estimate the effect of the three different data processing methods on the summary metrics, linear mixed models were used. The main findings demonstrated that there were substantial differences between the three processing methods; the manufacturer-processed acceleration data had the lowest reported distance (up to 184 times lower) and efforts (up to 89 times lower), followed by the custom-processed distance (up to 3.3 times lower) and efforts (up to 4.3 times lower), where raw data had the highest reported distance and efforts. The results indicated that different processing methods changed the metric output and in turn alters the quantification of the demands of a sport (volume, intensity and frequency of the metrics). Coaches, practitioners and researchers need to understand that various processing methods alter the summary metrics of acceleration data. By being informed about how these metrics are affected by processing methods, they can better interpret the data available and effectively tailor their training programs to match the demands of competition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper \"Using Absorption Models for Insulin and Carbohydrates and Deep Leaning to Improve Glucose Level Predictions\" (Sensors2021, 21, 5273) proposes a novel approach to predicting blood glucose levels for people with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). By building exponential models from raw carbohydrate and insulin data to simulate the absorption in the body, the authors reported a reduction in their model\'s root-mean-square error (RMSE) from 15.5 mg/dL (raw) to 9.2 mg/dL (exponential) when predicting blood glucose levels one hour into the future. In this comment, we demonstrate that the experimental techniques used in that paper are flawed, which invalidates its results and conclusions. Specifically, after reviewing the authors\' code, we found that the model validation scheme was malformed, namely, the training and test data from the same time intervals were mixed. This means that the reported RMSE numbers in the referenced paper did not accurately measure the predictive capabilities of the approaches that were presented. We repaired the measurement technique by appropriately isolating the training and test data, and we discovered that their models actually performed dramatically worse than was reported in the paper. In fact, the models presented in the that paper do not appear to perform any better than a naive model that predicts future glucose levels to be the same as the current ones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current work presents the generation of a comprehensive spatial dataset of a lightweight beam element composed of four twisted plywood strips, achieved through the application of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) - Multi-view Stereo (MVS) photogrammetry techniques in controlled laboratory conditions. The data collection process was meticulously conducted to ensure accuracy and precision, employing scale bars of varying lengths. The captured images were then processed using photogrammetric software, leading to the creation of point clouds, meshes, and texture files. These data files represent the 3D model of the beam at different mesh sizes (raw, high-poly, medium-poly, and low-poly), adding a high level of detail to the 3D visualization. The dataset holds significant reuse potential and offers essential resources for further studies in numerical modeling, simulations of complex structures, and training machine learning algorithms. This data can also serve as validation sets for emerging photogrammetry methods and form-finding techniques, especially ones involving large deformations and geometric nonlinearities, particularly within the structural engineering field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid and dynamic implementation of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based assays has revolutionized genetic testing, and in the near future, nearly all molecular alterations of the human genome will be diagnosable via massive parallel sequencing. While this progress will further corroborate the central role of human genetics in the multidisciplinary management of patients with genetic disorders, it must be accompanied by quality assurance measures in order to allow the safe and optimal use of knowledge ascertained from genome diagnostics. To achieve this, several valuable tools and guidelines have been developed to support the quality of genome diagnostics. In this paper, authors with experience in diverse aspects of genomic analysis summarize the current status of quality assurance in genome diagnostics, with the aim of facilitating further standardization and quality improvement in one of the core competencies of the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deflectometric profilometers are used to precisely measure the form of beam shaping optics of synchrotrons and X-ray free-electron lasers. They often utilize autocollimators which measure slope by evaluating the displacement of a reticle image on a detector. Based on our privileged access to the raw image data of an autocollimator, novel strategies to reduce the systematic measurement errors by using a set of overlapping images of the reticle obtained at different positions on the detector are discussed. It is demonstrated that imaging properties such as, for example, geometrical distortions and vignetting, can be extracted from this redundant set of images without recourse to external calibration facilities. This approach is based on the fact that the properties of the reticle itself do not change - all changes in the reticle image are due to the imaging process. Firstly, by combining interpolation and correlation, it is possible to determine the shift of a reticle image relative to a reference image with minimal error propagation. Secondly, the intensity of the reticle image is analysed as a function of its position on the CCD and a vignetting correction is calculated. Thirdly, the size of the reticle image is analysed as a function of its position and an imaging distortion correction is derived. It is demonstrated that, for different measurement ranges and aperture diameters of the autocollimator, reductions in the systematic errors of up to a factor of four to five can be achieved without recourse to external measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: At the intersection of neural monitoring and decoding, event-related potential (ERP) based on electroencephalography (EEG) has opened a window into intrinsic brain function. The stability of ERP makes it frequently employed in the field of neuroscience. However, project-specific custom code, tracking of user-defined parameters, and the large diversity of commercial tools have limited clinical application.
    UNASSIGNED: We introduce an open-source, user-friendly, and reproducible MATLAB toolbox named EPAT that includes a variety of algorithms for EEG data preprocessing. It provides EEGLAB-based template pipelines for advanced multi-processing of EEG, magnetoencephalography, and polysomnogram data. Participants evaluated EEGLAB and EPAT across 14 indicators, with satisfaction ratings analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test or paired t-test based on distribution normality.
    UNASSIGNED: EPAT eases EEG signal browsing and preprocessing, EEG power spectrum analysis, independent component analysis, time-frequency analysis, ERP waveform drawing, and topological analysis of scalp voltage. A user-friendly graphical user interface allows clinicians and researchers with no programming background to use EPAT.
    UNASSIGNED: This article describes the architecture, functionalities, and workflow of the toolbox. The release of EPAT will help advance EEG methodology and its application to clinical translational studies.





